Today I Visited the Dark Place
Started out like any other day
Waking up
Trying to get some
Nutrients in me
Then it started
The thoughts
Laying against
My pillows and staring at the wall
I noticed it needed washing
The birds were chirping
The sun was shining
And I realized
At that exact moment
That I had no more hope left
I was hopeless
It was then that I started to cry
Sobs escaped my body
As it shook
I was trying to cry out
The misery
The pain
The exhaustion
All of it
Maybe if I cried hard enough
I could turn my body
Inside out
And I would be cleansed
Then it happened
I thought to myself
While staring at that wall
"Would they wash it if I was gone?"
It was almost like
An out of body experience
I typed that phrase out
As I was talking to my
Froggy sister Lisa
And I wanted to see what it looked like
I felt nothing
Seeing those words written
Today I visited the dark place
And it nearly got me
Almost wrapped its
Vine like limbs
Around my heart
And soul
Taken my light away
From the world
But I'm here
Writing this
Because G-d
Sent me an angel
A woman I've never met
In person
She stayed on messenger
With me for over an hour as
I cried out my sorrow
I wouldn't have harmed myself
Simply because I have no strength
To do so
But if crying could kill
It would have happened
Yet I resisted
She helped me resist
The urge to
Collapsing on the floor
Later crying with my mom
I had to get all of the toxicity
Out of my system
I had to dig
I had to dig
There has to be
Hope in me
I forced myself
Outside to a bright
Star filled sky
Walking first
Then wheelchair
Fresh air is a must...
Then I sang my lungs
And heart out
In a vocalization session
That had me on my knees
In tears yet again
As Celine Dion's
"I'm Alive"
Erupted out of my soul
And as I fought my way
Back to my feet
Gazed around the room
I knew I wasn't giving up
I had willpower
And where there's willpower
There's hope
Today I visited the dark place
It was bad
Real bad
But out of real bad
I fought my way out
With the help of a loving woman
Now I feel
Ready to battle again
In this life
We will always falter
The important thing
Is to be able to ask for help
Lean on people you can trust
Find hope
Dig it out
It's there
But do not ever
Not ever
Give up
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