Two Very Procrastinated (and Short) Tags :P
Hi everyone, so guess what? It's two tags that I was tagged for a little while ago but since I was busy with my personal life, I've become less active here (that's why I generally publish and become more active on Mondays and weekends, if you haven't known already), along with that I have forgotten about 6 tags.
So...since it's Sunday and that I have free time, I thought why not?
As said in the title, this is going to be two short screenshot tags! So...let's get this started! :)
For this first tag, I was tagged by 4Eaton6Prior10Love And here's the screenshot for this first tag:
(Oh! Maybe the Harry Potter font tag? Yeah, that was terrible. :P Anyway let's actually start!)
1. Your current lock screen?
(It's a cute and true quote. Plus it's a little romantic for Valentines Day! ^_^ )
2. Your Current Home Screen?
I finally found a wallpaper to use that has that quote! I love this quote, it's all about uniqueness and it speaks the truth also! (I still haven't cleaned out my email since my schedule and I'm kinda nervous to now to do that. :P)
3. Your favorite song(s)?
Seriously, WHY?!?! Fine, these songs are the first ones that I can think of now that I love: "Cinderella" by Play, "I Want Crazy" by Hunter Hayes, "Chemicals React" by Aly & Aj, "Open Book" by Jacob Whitesides, "I'll Fight" by Daughtry, and "High Above the Ground" which is also by Daughtry
4. Your Favorite YouTuber?
Um...I haven't been able to watch YouTube videos in a while (that aren't lyric videos) But I'll go with; IHasCupquake, LDShadowlady, Aphmau, Game/Film Theory, annapantsu (she's an anonymous cover artist, her voice is beautiful!), and Tiffany Alvord.
5. Your ringtone?
For texting, it's a typewriter. And for phone calls, it's a tone called 'Noir'.
6. Your reason for joining Wattpad?
Because before I joined Wattpad, I wasn't able to read complete chapters unless I had joined. (I was a "silent reader" on Wattpad before) So, it was originally for reading purposes but then once I joined, I had the sudden urge to write my own story.
7. Device your Wattpad is on?
I use Wattpad on both my phone and laptop. (But lately, I've been using my phone solely for Wattpad since my computer is being glitchy now and they won't let me upgrade it. >_< )
8. Your favorite thing to do on your free time?
Isn't it obvious? It's Wattpad, reading, talking to my friends (if they can), and listening to music!! :D
9. One power you wish you had?
Like mythical or superhero powers? (In my definition, there's a difference)
Oh well...either way, I would go with the ability to possess magic and become a witch! *quietly crackles* Hehehehe!
10. One mythical creature you love?
Hmm....I would have to say a Pegasus! ^_~
11. One thing you received during the holidays?
A pair of JBL headphones, and I honestly love them so much!
12. Your New Year resolution?
To write and my stories more (either on Wattpad or in my journals) and read more!
I'll just tag people at the end
Okay, now it's time for this second screenshot tag. And I'm going to be honest, I have no clue who have tagged me on this one but I know I was tagged. (I'm so sorry I have forgotten the tagger for this one!) But here is the lovely screenshot:
So...let's get this random tag started already!
1. Do I have a crush? I said before, I would say that it's deeper than just a crush. But technically, yes, I do have a crush.
2. Who's your crush?
*blushes red while looking away* Hehe.....isn't it obvious?'s someone with the in-initials J.P
3. What's your eye color?
My eyes are very dark brown, nothing special.
4. What's your shoe size?
*looks down at my shoes before looking back up* Around 6, 6 1/2 , or 7. (It depends on the type of shoe really.)
5. What's your biggest fear?
Let's see...hurting/harming the people who I love, murders/the idea of drowning and lions. (It's a long story.)
6. What's your height?
Well...I haven't had another growth spurt and I was measured on Friday for costumes, so that I'm 5'2. (I wonder how many times I've been asked this question in tags :P)
7. Fave salad dressing?
(Is it me or is that normal to feel like one of those trendy girls that are popular? No, then I guess it's just me)
Anyway, my favorite salad dressing would have to be ranch dressing.
8. Favorite Animal?
That would be an owl, horse, and cats! ^_~ (Also, I'll admit that the Pegasus is beautiful!)
9. Last time you cried? was on Sunday because of Ka-Kayla's pa-passing.... (It s-still h-hurts.. but may you Rest In Peace, Kayla)
10. What's your background?
So, I'm guessing that you mean my home screen? Because I can't think of what else you're meaning.
But to look up at my other tag to see my home screen.
11. Tag ten people
Alright, let's see...who are these lucky people, I tag for:
And if you have done either of them already then you don't have to do these.
Before you say anything, yes, I know that my photos are days older than when I'm publishing this. Right now, I'm just being somewhat lazy and like I said, I've been procrastinating this ramble.
Anyway, you better be aware of more tags coming up! ^_~ And who knows? You might be the one tagged
Signing off for now, Crystal~Rose
(P.S. I'm sorry if I'm seeming off, I'm just frustrated and a little ticked off that's all, no big deal)
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