Two Forgotten Tags, 55 Questions to Answer!
Hiya to you all!! It's the SECOND DAY of July!!! :) I'm just many seconds are there in a year?
But anyway, while I was going through my phone (because I had to delete some things) and I had come across two tags that I had completely forgotten about! *rubs the back of my neck*
And I was apparently tagged by these last, I forgot who even tagged me to these tags since I guessed that back then that I planned to would do it but that didn't turn out to be!
Anyway, let's get these two tags started to start off the month of July! :)
Tag #1
1. Any Scars?
Despite how much I was daring or how clumsy I am. I only have one tiny scar on my left ear. (Um...let's just that it was because it was an earring incident, it's a story for later)
2. Self-harmed? but I have not cut myself? Th-There are o-o-others ways to h-harm yourself....
Moving on!!!
3. Crush?
*blushes a bit before nodding* Yes, yes, I do....and he's my boyfriend!
4. Kissed anyone?
I haven't had my first kiss yet.
But if you mean if I kissed them anywhere else other the face (their cheek, forehead, the top of their head, or air kisses); then I have....with my boyfriend and my family.
5. Coke or Pepsi?
Um...neither, since I don't drink either of those sodas. But I guess Coke, just because it's from the Coca-Cola Company and that my family just tends to buy from that company. *shrugs*
6. Someone you hate?
Here's the thing about me, I don't hate anyone. Hate is a very strong word that we use too many times, like love, but just filled with negativity.
But that doesn't mean that I like everyone, no, I dislike or strongly disfavor some people but I don't hate them to my core.
7. Best Friends?
In real life: NickiQuirks, kittykatgamerox, NebulosePoet273, Sage, and Lilly (not on Wattpad)
Wattpad: Apollo_And_Levi, Jordyyys-Chaos, GlitzyDiamond, storylover888, Midnight_Kaiulanis, and Dreams_In_A_Book
8. Done alcohol?
*simply frowns as I shake my head* Do I seem to be the kind of person who takes alcohol?
Two things: 1) If I did, it would be illegal for me since I'm too young. 2) Heck no! I'm not drinking now and I'm planning on not being completely wasted!
9. Done drugs?
Other than medications, then no.
10. Dream job?
*shrugs* Unknown or undecided for me. Though I have some ideas for my dream career. (And yes, an author is one of them!)
11. Ever been in love?
*nods shyly as I blush more* Well, to be fair, I am in love right now! ^-^
12. Last time I cried?
Um.....uh...w-w-well, I had teared up yesterday because I missed and loved someone so much. (You know who you are) But the last time I had actually cried, it was on wasn't a pretty day at all that day.... the, pressure, hurting, felt unloved.....let's just stop talking about it and move on!
13. Favorite color?
Hehe...they would have to be silver, copper, red, blue (any hue), purple (darker shades), black and white. What? I can't choose just one color!
14. Height?
I'm 5 feet, right on the nose!
15. Birthday?
It's on December 7th (Fun fact: In American history, December 7th is when Pearl Harbor was attacked in 1941. And also when the Wright Brothers flew their famous plane. What? I know and am fascinated by history)
16. Eye Color?
They would be dark brown, though they are apparently like melted chocolate if you stare closely to actually see the color in my irises. (I don't know if you can say that but a friend told me so...)
17. Hair color?
My hair color is black but in certain lights, it's dark brown.
18. What I love?
*raises my eyebrow* Um...okay? I think I know what they mean. What I love is my family and friends, my boyfriend, my independence. Activity-wise; I love writing, singing, and reading, listening to music, talking to friends (include giving advice).
19. Obsession?
Writing/books, Wattpad, music, photographs, Cake Boss/Say Yes to the Dress (I have my obsessions and you have yours)
20. Do you love someone?
Yes, I do, other than my family and friends. I love NebulosePoet273!!! <3 <3
21. Kiss or hug?
Hi, I'm Rose, and I like warm hugs!
22. Nicknames?
Well...technically Crystal~Rose or Rose are ones but that's my alias.
Actual nicknames of mine are: Princess, bugaboo, beautiful sunshine, sweetie, baby, girly-girl, doofus/weirdo, etc. (More personal ones involve with my actual name so...)
23. Favorite Song(s)?
Stop making me have to choose favorite songs! Fine, fine....hmm... I will have to say that my favorite songs now are: "Silent Scream" by Anna Blue, "Angel" by Anna Blue and Damien Dawn (What? I love their songs), "Symphony" by Clean Bandit, "Gone, Gone, Gone" by Phillip Phillips, and "Reset" which is an Okami arrangement (plus it covered by annapantsu)
24. Favorite Band?
*rubs the back of my neck* be honest, I don't have a favorite band, and I just pay attention to the song. But let me see which bands I've listened to for a while. *looks through my history* Okay; I've been listening to Penatonix, The Cab, Daughtery, Clean Bandit, and Lady Antebellum.
25. Worst thing ever?
Wars, inequality, a loss of creativity (or writer's block), living a life with regret, losing yourself or forgetting who you are.
26. Best thing ever?
Love, finding where you belong, knowing you are loved, writing/singing/fine arts, taking journeys/adventures, those moments of self-worth. (I swear that I'm not pretending any of this, this is my honest answer)
27. Near death experience?
Um...uh.....yes, let's just say that I almost drowned. When I was about 10 (or around that age), I was at a beach with my grandparents, my aunt, my uncles, and my sister was there. I don't know what I did to be in that, but next thing that I remember, I was underwater and that I was losing oxygen. (I was trying to get to the surface, but back then, I didn't know how to swim...)
Hehe...well since I'm still here and breathing, I was saved by my aunt! (Thank you again, Aunt *name* for rescuing me!)
28. Ever dated?
*raises my eyebrow* I'm dating right now and he's my first boyfriend!
29. Worst mistake? sometime last year (2016) and that in March (2017)....that I almost lost myself and I had almost changed who I already was and the person I loved being.....all because I was trying to please and fulfill everyone else's expectations but mine and had neglected and hurt everyone that actually cared and loved me......
*breathes deeply* Those times were miserable and hurtful...
30. Special Talents?
Hmmm...I have talents but they aren't unique. Does have double-jointed fingers count? No, okay, then I can't think of "special talents" that I have.
31. Someone that you can tell everything to?
That's easy, they are; NebulosePoet273 and NickiQuirks (What? They are trustworthy people and that I feel safe and comfortable to let my all of my craziness out to them! Hopefully, neither of them is tired of this weird girl! ^_~)
32. Ever lost a loved one?
*nods sadly* Yes...last year I lost my grandfather Papaw (and his birthday is coming at the end of this month), I lost my uncle when I was a child, and to be honest....I'm scared to know w-who w-will p-pass aw-away ne-n-next....
33. Do you believe in love?
Of course, I do! I've always believed in the power of love since I was a child and I know that I won't loose faith in love! Love will always prevail! <3
34. Someone you hate?
-_- Um..this is the same question as #6. But again, I only disfavor or strongly dislike someone for good reasons.
35. Are you okay?
Of course, I am okay! I actually feel wonderful and a bit energetic! :)
Tag #2
1. Post a selfie
Um....well, I'm still not going to show my face. Originally, I had planned on actually taking a mirror reflection picture of myself...but I'm not brave enough to do it.
So, instead, I decided to gave you the actual picture of my profile picture. Here we go:
(It's beautiful up close and with no pixelation! :) )
2. Age?
I'm still not saying my exact age, but I'm going to be in high school this coming school year and I'm a minor. (Again, please don't guess my age)
3. Middle name?
It's Michelle since that's my actual (and only) middle name.
4. Birthdate?
Well...that's the same as birthday, which I already answered with the other tag in this ramble. But it's on December 7th. (Before anyone asks, I have my reason why there isn't an actual reason why I didn't celebrate my birthday here)
5. Where are you from?
If you didn't know already, I'm an Asian-American. I was born in Guangzhou, China but I was adopted and came here to America.
6. Favorite accounts?
Hmmm...that's so hard for me to choose from all of my friends/authors! AHHHHH! *mumbles a little to myself* Fine, but please don't be offended if I don't say yours! (No one better scream at me for this and there is no specific order!)
SouthernGal01, Dreams_In_A_Book, NickiQuirks katherinepowell,
Jordyyys-Chaos, Artistic_Rogue,
AnxietyAtItsBest, Nerounin,
MagicalWishes12, HijabiPotato,
lovetoread_12, Avalyn1584, and SophiaMission... Again, please don't hate me for saying this! I have my reasons why
7. Favorite Song(s)?
Again, I already answered this question with the other tag here. Scroll up if you want my answers.
8. Favorite Movie? I don't particularly have a favorite movie, though I will say that "Wonder Woman" was just amazing! (I'm just curious of how many of you have watched it already?)
9. Random fact about you?
Hmmm...let me think of one...
I had admired my old elementary choir teacher, who is also my current choir teacher now (she transferred schools), so much that I had mimicked how she conducts (or her hand motions) when I was younger and still now, I find myself moving my hand as if I was conducting a choir in random moments, just like how my teacher did it.
10. Weirdest moment of your life so far?
Okay, I told some people about this but it's still so weird it happened!
But it was back earlier of this year, while I was rehearsing for the school's musical. (James in the Giant Peach, day of the dead version)
The night before, I had this clear dream of the rehearsal, I was sitting in the audience and I was watched the main cast learn some choreography for a number and my counselor was sitting in the front row with a friend of mine talking to him. And I think in my dream I thought to myself, "Wait...what?"
So, the next day, after school during rehearsal, the ensemble was given a 10-minute break and I just got some gummy snacks since I was just getting something in my stomach. But when I came back into the auditorium, I sat down and watched what was going on stage. was the same dance that was in my dream the night before. I looked around and saw my counselor and my friend talking to each other! It was a déjà vu moment!!!!
It was so weird and I just thought, "Did that just happen? Is that how déjà vu feels like?" (I was so weirded out by it that I told kittykatgamerox about it and she probably thought I was crazy but I swear that was just the weirdest moment of my life so far!)
11. Best moment of my life so far?
Um....does every time I perform on stage with either choir or with the musical count? No? Oh okay, well... there was that moment wh-when NebulosePoet273 had bo-both c-c-confessed that h-he have f-feelings for me or when h-he a-asked me to h-h-his gir-girlfriend...
Maybe that moment that I sang for an audition for a solo with complete confidence for the first time? (Granted, I didn't get the solo but the adrenaline from the audition had sure boosted me!) Or maybe that one moment that I realized that I loved writing and had a passion for it?
12. Turn on's?
Dang it, I actually know what they mean. But NO, I'm not going to say them!!!
13. Turn off's?
~_~ Being asked what turns me on and what turns me off.
14. Best Friend(s)?
Look/ scroll up into the other tag to know my answer since I've already answered this question.
15. Current mood?
I'm still happy and still feel energetic. That I'm determined to finish this tag today! (Plus, a little cramped from sitting at my desk on my laptop, typing this ramble. And my left wrist feels cramped and tired.)
16. Celebrity girl crush?
Um....none. I don't really have crushes on celebrities.
17. Celebrity guy crush?
Again, none. The only time I think even considers close was saying that I'm going to marry Spider-Man in kindergarten, but he's a fictional character! (Plus, there's another fact accounted for)
18. Biggest fear? have to be to hurt my loved ones, seeing them get tortured (*shivers a bit* Like that one nightmare I had....), and having them die in my arms. That I-I-I also have a huge fear of lions and too gory horror movies.... (It's understandable if you knew the reason, okay?)
N-N-Next question, please!
19. Something that I like that everyone hates?
Um....uh....I swear that I'm trying to think of something. W-Well...I guess when I was little, I liked/loved some movies that many people didn't like. Like "Thumbelina" (the 1994 movie), "The Swan Princess" (1994), and "Quest for Camelot" (1998). And I realized that I watched a lot of fantasy/fairytale movies when I was a child.
20. Something that I hate that everyone likes?
"What Did the Fox Say" (*muttering to myself* Stupidest song ever), the newer Spongebob episodes... (I mean some of them are good but I just like the older Spongebob episodes, okay?), and Don't Hug Me I'm Scared series (it's just creepy for me, and I was forced to watch that).... that's all that I can think of.
I tagged you in either of these tags or here then considered yourself tagged, and you DON'T have to do both tags!! (And I'm sorry if I'm bothering you because you already did one of these tags. Hopefully no one hates me for tagging them!)
Remind me not to do 55 questions in a certain deadline. ;P Also, I mentioned this on my message board, but I'm back into the roleplaying world. (Just wanted to let you know that)
Also, I'm so sorry for this late and long ramble but it's two tags and 55 questions, so it's ought to be lengthy. (I'm just saying!)
Plus, this is my 70th ramble on this book!!!! YAY!!!! :)
Anyway, I hope that you all have a wonderful day/night! :)
Write for you all later, Crystal~Rose
(P.S. The song up top is "Reset" an Okami arrangement, since I mentioned it in this ramble and because I listened to this song while I was typing this ramble.)
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