This or That or Symbols?! (^_~)
Hi, everyone! I'm so so very sorry to you all again that I haven't been updating and not been exactly "present" on here, but I have always been here, I just decided to message and read books more here for a little while, plus I've been focusing more on school since end of the school is coming for me and that I've been working on a special project for Wattpad that I wanted to do for a little while actually. (Only two people know about, but you two better be quiet about it!)
But you all don't know how much I have wanted to be active again here on Wattpad and that I had missed you all so much!!!
And I thought, what's a better way to present myself and start becoming active than with another short tag that I was tagged to do a long ago! Well, actually it's two short tags that were also tagged by the same two people.
(I think by now, that most of you are just used to my odd and different chapter titles by now)
Anyway, I guess that we should go ahead and start with these two tags! ^_^ Which both of these tags, I was tagged by both ArendellesBeauty and FearlessXAstrid (Sooner or later, I'm going to get back at you! *runs away to hide before anyone catches me*)
(*sneaks back in* Okay, no one is here to get suspicious. Though there's nothing to get suspicious about. Anyway, let's get started with this!)
The first tag is a this-or-that tag, and I'm excited to do this one since this is a new kind of tag to me!
Here's the lovely screenshot that we all love:
(Sorry if some of the words on the right are hard to read, I can't do much with that.) So, I'm going to with this list and not restating them like I usually do but I will mostly give my reasoning or rambling for choosing that! ^_~
1. Blue (Considering that blue is one of my favorite colors!)
2. Pizza
3. Apple (Since my phone is an Apple product and I admire what Steven Jobs did.)
4. Guitar!! (I want to learn how to play both but I find the guitar more interesting. Also, considering that I have a few friends who play it! Gears, I desperately want to learn the guitar!)
5. Rain! (Don't get me wrong, I get excited when it snows during winter but the rain is soothing to listen to and to feel on your skin)
6. Cats
7. Er...uh...Girly, I guess? (I'm not athletic but I'm not a shopaholic either. What about the word "nerdy"? That would most definitely fit me better!)
8. Football! (What? My parents watch football more, especially with Super Bowl time, and I've learned more about it. Plus, my dad used to play runner back in high school and had coached it before he settled into his career. Plus, I can throw a football and catch one more easily than throwing a shot to a basket.)
9. SINGING!!!! (You should know already that I love singing and music! Acting is only a hobby, while singing is a passion of mine!)
This next tag is just a random one but here is the screenshot for this tag (Sorry if it's hard to read it!):
(This one I will restate the questions, just in case)
1. Tag 15 people
Alright, the lucky people who would be tagged to do either one or the other tags are: (You don't have to do both tags if you don't want to!)
Hopefully, no one hates or is annoyed by me because I tagged you! I'm completely innocent! 😇
2. How is your status for today?
Well, today was a good day for me. I was active on Wattpad, thinking, typing, and listening to music. Nothing much for me honestly.
3. How did you find Wattpad?
A year before I officially joined Wattpad, I was looking for online stories to read in the mornings then it turned to reading stories from Wattpad when I woke up. (Before I was just a silent reader here) And that's how I had found Wattpad! ^_^ (It was one of the best things that have happened to me during that summer)
4. What is your favorite color?
That would be silver, copper, rust, red, blue, purple, black and white. (I can't choose just one color!)
5. Where do you live?
Um...well, I live in the United States of America. But the only hint I'm willing to give out it for which state I live in is that I live in the Mountain Timezone.
6. What is your life? Anime or Cartoon?
Um....I don't know how to answer to that. If you mean which I watch more than I would say that I watch cartoons more because I've only watched one anime and it didn't end well.
7. Give 5 Things that Symbols your Life?
Er...symbols that represents my life? Oh lock heart (not a locket), the treble music note, books/journals, friends/family, and a pair of thick square-shaped black pair of glasses (particularly, my glasses! 🤓 )
8. Give 3 Facts about Yourself
Alright, this might be weird facts about me or facts that you already know about me, but oh well.
• Many things happened to my eye. Particularly, my left eye. Like, when I was little, my mom used to comb my hair and that the comb poked my left eye, I was punched on my left eye (but didn't get a black eye), and I had squeezed some toothpaste on my left eye. (Alpaca had pushed me while I was squeezing toothpaste out) Sorry if that fact was too weird for you.
• I'm not allowed to have any candles or any open fires at my house. (There are reasons that shall stay unknown to you)
9. Tag 5 people that you are friends with on Wattpad?
Oh okay...well these would be my closest friends on Wattpad, please don't be offended if I don't tag you here!
NickiQuirks (Hey, it can be new experience for you to try a tag, I'm just implying!)
NebulosePoet273 (You had this coming you know! But I bet that you still love me! ^_^ )
Apollo_And_Levi (Hopefully you four don't hate me for tagging you!)
(P.S. If you don't know any of these people that I have tagged so far, then I suggest that you go and meet them because they are all amazing, wonderful, interesting people to be friends with! :D )
10. Did you hurt my feelings?, no one has hurt my feelings today! I am actually the opposite of hurt, I am actually very happy and excited to be (officially) back on Wattpad!!! :D
Okay, well, that's it for the tags for now and I just want to say that I'm very happy and excited to be active on Wattpad again! And I promise that this time, I will try my best to stay active here! But this time, I'm planning to do more here, but for're going to have to wait for my surprises!! ;D
Write for you all later, and thank you to those friends that didn't forget about me!!
I'll see you all later, Crystal~Rose
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