The Green Lettering Tag
Hi there to you all! So, I've seen many of my friends on Wattpad do this tag and here I am, I'm tagged too! But I'm sorry that I was a little late, I was a bit busy and things were happening in my personal life.
I'm just going to try a new format with this tag, just so you know!
So there's that... but anyway let's get into this! :)
For this tag, I was tagged by both Glitzy_Diamond and GhostlyGamer to do this!
Hehe...of course, I have a crush! I mean, he's my boyfriend!! And considering my last ramble, I know that majority of you know who he is! ;)
Again, I have a more "complex" perspective (I guess you can say) of my middle name! It depends on who I'm talking to. But my actual middle name is Michelle!
Hehe...funny story: One day, I was comparing my height to my mom's and my sister's. Then we decided to mark our heights on a wall. And I found out that I'm 5 feet on the nose! (Just a fun little story there)
My eye color is dark brown, though you would have to look closely to see my irises.
5. don't remember actually crying this week, I mean, I teared up a little but that's all. Though last week, I had cried a bit for 5, I'll just say last week. (It was a rough and frustrating week for me, that's all I'm going to say about that)
Um.....that would have to be hurting my loved ones and to wa-watch them d-d-die in my ar-arms....
But also, I have a big fear of lions and gory horror films. (Yeah, I know that they meant one, but I have multiple fears. Also, yes, I know that I have some problems that majority of people don't have)
Anway, next question, please?!
That's easy since I listen to music while I'm working on Wattpad. The song that I'm listening to now is "Over The Rainbow" covered by Pentatonix!!
***Note: I might be singing along this song while you are reading this ramble! ^_^***
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
*looks through my phone for a moment* Okay, the last person that I texted/messaged was Apollo_And_Levi here and that we're just talking about social media.
WATTAD!!!! Wattpad is my favorite app because it's a dream to me because I get to write and publish my stories while being able to socialize with others!!!! ^_~
Tagging time!!! I'll see if I can tag 20 people, but these are the lucky people to be tagged:
And any of you who wants to do this tag also!! :)
Yes, I know that this was a short ramble/tag but I wanted to do this tag! And I just realized that I still have 5 tags left to be caught up, but who knows? I might be tagged more soon! (Not that I'm complaining at all!)
I hope that you all have a wonderful day/night and week!
Carpe diem!!! :)
Write for you all soon,
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