Spring Musical!!
Holá everyone! I'm just going to say this, I'm excited for December! ;D (And its has nothing to do with my birthday! :P )
It has to do with the spring musical at my school! And I'm going to at least audition! If I make it in the musical, then YAY!
Before I can even get ahead of myself, I should probably tell you what the musical is.
Well, here's the thing about musicals at my school, my drama teacher loves to think outside the box and add his own twist to musicals to create a unique musical, there are some connections with the twist he has with the musical.
Last year, the musical was "Alice in Wonderland" a hippie, late 60s that had included with Beatles music. (I was in that musical! I'll write a ramble on that sooner or later. ;) ) In the beginning of the musical, it's black and white to represent the how 'boring' reality can be and once Alice falls through the rabbit hole, she enters this weird, crazy, and colorful world of Wonderland. (That's the main connection, there are others but I'll explain when I actually ramble about "Alice in Wonderland")
Anyway, the musical for this year is "James and the Giant Peach", and the twist that my drama teacher has is Day of the Dead!
The connection my drama teacher had seen between the two was that at first, James is scared and unsure at first because he is in a giant peach and surrounded by huge bugs. But soon, he grows comfortable and acually find this to be an exciting adventure. And some are unsure with Day of the Dead but once you actually understand the hoilday, it's quite enjoyable to celebrate past loved ones.
He also wants everyone to have skull makeup, having the the peach look like an altar, and have marigolds (or cempazuchitl, known in Spain) decorated are the stage.
So...auditions are on December 12th and 13th, and I'm going to at least audition! Again, if I actually make it in the musical, than YAY!!!
But the downside is that I wouldn't be on Wattpad as often because of rehearsals after-school. Don't worry, I'm not giving up on Wattpad! I promise!
This a video my drama teacher showed of what he imagines with James in the giant peach with Day of the Dead. (All rights go to the creator, Ashley Graham & Lindsey St. Pierre, who made this video.)
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Well that's all I have to say! I'm just excited for December to come! ;D
Signing off, Crystal~Rose
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