Short ago...there was a long tag...
Holá, everyone! Today is my last day in Fall Break, just saying. So...I'm doing the 50 question tag! Yay! (Let's hope that I won't bore you too much. :P ) I promise that I'll answer these questions with my honesty (which I do already.) So..don't judge me too harshly.
Anyway, this time I got tagged by two people, -QueenOfRandomness- and KingOfNyanCats . (Kinda, I saw both of their tags and I did follow them both.) Now...on with the questions!
1. Name?
Sorry to disappoint you all, but I'm not going to reveal my name. Here, I go by an alias, Crystal~Rose.
2. Height?
I'm about 5'1 or 5'2. Around that height.
3. Weight?
Um...why would I tell you this? It's a too personal question, so, I'm not going to answer this.
4. Age?
I'm not going to tell my exact age here. (Though there some people here who know. If you're one of them. Shh..) But I'll tell you this, I'm younger than 16.
5. Girl Bestfriend?
Kolē (who has Wattpad too, though she's not as active as me. It's TheFlameFlower), Lilly, Sage (real-life). And here on Wattpad; its NROliver, CeriseOwl, Writerqueen88, ancestralsword , MiraculouslyLucky, BottledDancer46, and MissAnonymous2287. (I'm so sorry that if didn't mention you! Don't hate me for that!)
6. Guy Bestfriend?
Oh...hehe....NebulosePoet273 (NebulosePoet, there is no doubt that you aren' to me. Don't hate me for saying this! But it's the truth!) and Trevor (from my personal/real life)
7. Last Hug?
Let me try to remember.. oh! It was from my (real/personal life) friend, Katie.
8. Crush?
I have no idea if I like someone or not!'s complicated...
9. Ever Fell in Love?
Nope, not yet. But I hope I do fall in love.
10. Favorite Food?
Hmm...vanilla ice-cream, cookies 'n' creme ice-cream, pretzels, and cookies. ;P
11. Favorite Color?
Silver, copper, rust, red, blue, purple, and black. (I can't choose just one!)
12. Last text?
Let me check...okay. I texted my (real-life) friend, Hope. It said "🎉 HAPPY BIRTHDAY 🎉" (Today, I have 2 friends whose birthday is today! Just saying.)
13. Longest Relationship?
I can't say. Because I've never been a relationship before. ;P
14. Grade?
Not going to tell you my exact grade. It's between 7-9 grade. (Hehe..sorry, inside joke, with myself...)
15. Want kids?
Uh...sure. (Next question!)
16. Battery Percentage?
On my phone, it's on 56%. On my laptop, it's on 93%
17. Eye Color?
My eyes are dark brown. Nothing too special.
18. Addictions?
Hmm...Vanilla ice-cream, pretzels, Kim Possible, and Cake Boss. Also...BOOKS AND MUSIC! AND WATTPAD! *gives a cheer to every Wattpadian* (You have your addictions and I have mine ;P )
19. Favorite Animal?
Owls, horses, cats. Maybe a pegasus.
20. Favorite Singers?
This such a hard question...hmm...Aly & Aj, Maddie & Tae, Tiffany Alvord, Alex Goot, Lady Antebellum, Jacob Whitesides, and Shawn Mendes. The list then goes on...
21. Had a Piercing?
Yup, I have my ears pierced...twice. (It's a long story...)
22. Sing in the Shower?
Uh...I hum in the shower. Does that count?
23. Longest Relationship?
~_~ It's the same question as #13, and my answer is still the same.
24. One Wish?
That I would trade other's suffering and their hell and take the suffering as my own.
25. Best Time of Your Life?
Hmm...there are good moments in my life. I will have to say, performing on stage in front of an audience; whether it's for the school musical or for choir. The feeling is amazing with the jitters of nervousness yet, when I'm on stage, I feel so energized and excited!
26. Country You Live In?
I live in the U.S.A. (On my profile, I stated that I live in America. Just saying)
27. Pets?
Yup, I have one cat and his name is Nacho. Also, he's older than this picture. (I'm just lazy to take another picture of him. :P )
28. Plan on Getting Married?
Um..yes. But first, I need to be in a relationship. ^_^
29. Favorite Class?
Hmm....Choir/Musical Theater, English, History, and Science. (What? I like school, okay. And yes, I know I'm a nerd. I'm proud of that!)
30. First Kiss?
O.0 Never had my first kiss...yet.
31. Insecure?
Um...uh....s-sometimes.... (Move on to the next question!)
32. Ever Self-Harmed?
X_X (Damn it..) Uh...........maybe............ (I'm being honest! Next question, please!)
33. Who You Love?
I love my family and friends. If you mean one specific would have to be Kolē. (Please don't be offended by that!)
34. Miss anyone right now?
My mom (she's currently out of state. Just saying, so you won't assume that she's dead!), my grandparents, and a friend on Wattpad... *gulps* (it's only one person, sorry. Hopefully,they know. Don't get any ideas about that.)
35. Hair Color?
My hair color is just black.
36. Relationship Status?
I'm newbie single. Never been in a relationship, never had my first kiss. And mingling is not on my mind now.
37. Last song I listened to?
Well..I like listening to music while I'm writing and doing homework. So, right now, I'm listening to "Be My Escape", the acoustic version, by Relient K.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
38. Been Drunk?
39. Cried yourself to sleep?
Yes...for me, sleep is probably the best way to stop tears...
40. Biggest Fear?
Death of my loved ones, heights, and lions. (I also have a little stage fright, but only if there's just me on stage!)
41. Believe in Ghosts?
Um...kinda. I mean I don't believe ghosts haunting me, but I sometimes feel like some of my deceased loved ones are there with me. That's weird, isn't it?
42. Have you/do you smoke?
NO, I haven't smoked and I'm not planning on it! (No offense to those who do!) have a small experience with smoking.... *looks away*
43. Been Depressed? Sometimes...
44. Felt Lonely?
Hell yeah, every time I (pathetically) cry. But, I'm used to being lonely. (Please don't make a big deal about this. I'm fine, promise. :} )
45. Cheated?
Never been in a relationship. Even if I was, I wouldn't cheat on him!
46. Something I Hate?
Bullies, people who brag about themselves too much, too much gore and violence. And I kinda hate it when I cry....
47. Changed clothes in the car?
(Sorry, apparently I forgot this question. :P ) Anyway, that's a weird question to ask ,but oh well, no. I've never changed clothes in the car.
48. Something you could change about yourself? change how I react to compliments and my athleticism. And also swear less mentally. (I don't really swear aloud much.) (Some people here know how I react when they try to give me a compliment. What? I grew up hearing insults about me, not compliments, okay?)
49. 5 Turn-ons?
Why would I tell you? I'm not going to say them!
50. 5 Turn-Offs?
Seriously, why these questions? Like before, I'm not telling you!
Okay, that's all 50 questions! So, now, who is tagged for answering ALL 50 questions... These fellow Wattpadians:
CeriseOwl (again, sorry if you're being irritated with me tagging you many times)
And....if you're reading this, then consider yourself tagged too! (Hehe...yeah..I'm being a bit wicked. Hehe....)
Well....that tag was sure long and interesting to me. Not sure if it was that interesting for you to read (I hope I didn't bore you all :P ) I hope you all have a great day/night and seize the day! :D Bye!
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