November 1st, and Time For NaNoWriMo!
Hiya there again! :) Hehe....been awhile since I have actually typed into this ramble book.
I have no other excuse except that I had taken an unintentional/unexpected hiatus from Wattpad. Now, I won't go over the reasons why I did take that action, but I promise that I will type a ramble about it. Because I think you all need or deserve to know, though this isn't the ramble.
Today is November 1st, the first day of the month and why better time than to tell you some good news? As said in this ramble's title, I am doing the NaNoWriMo challenge this year!
For those of you who don't know what NaNoWriMo is; it means National Novel Writing Month. You would be challenged to write an entire novel in the month of November.
30 days to write an entire novel.
But as John Green had mentioned, "This is a chance to write your first draft and make those stupid mistakes."
(Quote created by Crystal~Rose with the concept of John Green)
Now, since I'm taking both a Novel Writing class and am taking an Honors English class. Both of my teachers is having students join into this challenge! And I am pumped and as energized about this! Because I get to write without my crazy life getting too much in the way. I am determined to finish my novel by my birthday!
(Which is on December 7th, if you didn't know)
Now, you might be wondering which story am I going to write for this? Well...funny that you wonder that because it's "Silver Lining Secrets".
Which yes, that would mean that I will have to unpublish 'Silver Lining Secrets' from Wattpad until the first semester is over and I would have to edit a bit before I can once again publish it on here.
But since it's not getting much reads and that I haven't been able to solely focus on this story, I think that this is the best decision for the sake of the story and because this is how my classes are having it seem like.
I hope that all of you can respect my decision about this and that I'm excited, alive, and energized about where "Silver Lining Secrets" is heading story-wise. Plus, I get to write for the entire month! :)
How many of you are going to be joining in NaNoWriMo this year as well?
But I hope that all of your lives are doing wonderful with happiness and are feeling alive! :)
Best of luck to writers everywhere, Crystal~Rose
(P.S. Note that I will unpublish "Silver Lining Secrets" either tomorrow or until the weekend arrives)
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