🎇 New Year's 2018 TAG! 🎆
IT'S JANUARY 1ST, 2018!!!!!
So, in honor of another year passing, I decided to create a new tag on here! :) Think of this tag as a reflective on how 2017 was for you! And who knows, I might do this as an annually thing with maybe a surprise?
But enough me babbling, time for the tag! :)
1. If you were to look back at one memory within the past year that you would want to relive, which memory would it be?
Ah.....that's a hard question....but I'll just say that the writing process for 'Silver Lining Secrets' was motivating and I loved it! But I would also say that both my Halloween and Christmas concerts were fun and just happy times performing! :)
2. From all the news the past year, which event gave you the biggest reaction? (This can be personal news or global news)
The first one was obviously the total solar eclipse that happened! And I am still proud to have gone out of town to see it rather than attending my first day of school!
But the second event was the death of my 7th grade history teacher....um....let's just say that I had to stay home from school the next day and had to attend his funeral for me to move on.
3. Three words to describe 2017?
Astonishing, emotional, and conquering
4. Name three songs would best describe the past year?
- Undefeated, by Daughtry
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
- Hold On Honey, by Jacob Whitesides
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
- Times Are Hard for Dreamers, from the musical Amelie
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
5. What is an unexpected obstacle the past year?
The sudden change in how school works and how many obstacles that life in general give you. How much you have to balance your life between blisses and burdens.
6. What was an unexpected joy from the past year?
My first stake dance that happened two days ago? I was just surprised because it involved dancing and socializing, but actually, I really enjoyed seeing my friends during this break!
7. What was the best book you read the past year?
Hehe....well...from the limited books I read; I have to say that "Ella's Will" by Jessilyn Stewart Peaslee.
8. What are you hoping more for the year of 2018?
More happiness and more growth as a human. That's all I can generally say. (Sorry if my answer didn't please you all)
9. What are you hoping less for the year of 2018?
Less tragedies and less terrorisms. (To be honest, I think that 2016 and 2017 are even with the amount of tragedies....and deaths....that happened)
10. What is the biggest and most valuable lesson you learned the past year?
That sometimes life will be overwhelming and that it's okay to show your struggle. In the end, you might have to take certain decisions because it's what's best for you.
11. Finish this sentence; 2017 was the year of....?
I would say that 2017 was the year of self discovery and struggle.
12. An addiction you have from the past year?
Listening to musical songs (Like Heathers, Wicked, Dear Evan Hansen, etc). As well as writing until my heart is content.
13. What is your biggest personal growth (or personality arc) from the year 2017?
For me, it's that I have been more open with my emotions, rather than coping with them. That I have been more willing to show my struggle and ask for advice. Also that I know that I shouldn't commit myself into too many things or I will be biting more than I could chew.
14. What is your most worn clothing/accessory the past year?
Hmmmm....I am going to say my gear heart necklace is my most often worn accessory
15. Did you procrastinate more or less the past year?
*stays silent for a moment*
Um.....2017 is the year that I procrastinated the most in my entire life......
16. Name one new year's resolution that you have accomplished in 2017?
I have socialized more! Oh......and I've harmed myself less
17. Two quotes that describes 2017 for you?
18. Name three new resolutions for the new year!
- Earn good grades and maintain a high GPA (though this school year, I've surprisingly stayed on top on majority of things)
- To continue on with my writing (as well as read much more)
- Be more productive rather than procrastinating
Okay! Time to tag 18 people to celebrate the new year! :D
(I hope that no one is mad at me because I tagged them! But also, any of you can do this tag if you want to!)
I know that this is a late happy new year's message, but it's better late than never!
I hope that you all have a wonderful upcoming year that is filled wit happiness and good fortune to you all!
Happy 2018 everyone and I'll write to you all later! :D
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