Hi, everyone! So..with my other ramble, "Am I Suddenly the Queen of Tags?!" And I said that I would be doing 3 parts for all of the 6 tags I commit myself to do.
Now like I said before; there are going to be 2 tags in this ramble. The actual title will make sense soon. ;) So....let's get into them! *Note that you will have to scroll down a lot to read these tags*
This first tag is 30 questions that I answer. And I was tagged by SouthernGal01
1. Can I cook?
Yes, I can. Though I'm the least experienced one in my family, but I'm taking a Foods (cooking) class this semester!
2. Favorite Restaurant?
Um......I have one, it's just a family owned restaurant and there's only one. So....if I tell you the name then I would be kinda giving away which state I'm living in. :P
3. How many siblings do you have?
I have one younger sister whom I'm now referring to as Alpaca. (She wants me to refer her as Alpaca, don't ask why)
4. Do you speak another language?
Wô xuéxí Pûtōnghuà/ Zhōngwén (Translation: I study Mandarin/Chinese) And I also know basic Spanish terms and the sign language alphabet too. (What? I'd like to be bilingual)
5. Favorite Holiday?
Uh...I love Halloween, Christmas, New Year's (Both this one and Chinese). And...that's all really for my favorite holidays.
6. Are you a morning or a night person?
I'm a morning person! I tend to wake up quite early in the mornings and that I usually feel refreshed for the day. ^_^
7. Which do you prefer...sweet, salty, or spicy food?
I prefer sweet and salty food! ^_^ I can't take spicy food too well, unlike my dad and Alpaca.
8. Favorite subject in school?
Hmm....they would have to be English, Science, History. Elective-wise; they would have to be Choir/Musical. (What? I like school. ;P )
9. Are you a collector of anything?
Yes, I am, quite a few things actually. Journals, books, birthday cards/letters, tokens when we travel around for vacation. When I was younger, I used to collect interesting items that I found on the ground; which were mostly bolts and rings. (Again, I have my odd collections and you have yours.)
10. If you could be any animal, what would it be?
That would have to be an owl.
11. What is usually your first thought when you wake up in the morning?
Either "What time is it now and day is today?" Or something that relates to a....um....a certain someone.... Or "Did I drool again?" *looks away* It's the truth!
12. Have any celebrity crushes?
No, I'm not that type of girl. (No offense to those who do)
13. What would your dream job be?
0.o Um.....uh........I still don't know what I want for my future career or what my dream job is...
14. Name one thing not many people know about you?
Um.....hehe...don't laugh at me for this but here it goes. When I was in kindergarten, my friends (back in kindergarten) and I were talking about true love and whom we wanted to marry.
I think one said she wanted to marry a Prince Charming and the other wanted to marry someone rich. And do you want to know whom I said that I was going to marry?
Um....well...I said that I was going to marry Spider-Man. *looks up at the ceiling* (Haha, yup! You can tease me all you want with that. But I was kindergarten, I was being imaginatively hopeful! And I literally just remembered that!)
15. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
No....I'm just this statue that doesn't speak at all. (*note the big sarcastic tone there*) But yes, I use sarcasm, but when I do....it's quite obvious that I'm sarcastic. :P
16. Scary movie or happy endings?
Happy endings!!! I love how that neatly ends a story! :D (Plus the fact that if I see some pretty violent and too much gore.....it doesn't end well for me.)
17. What sports have you/or are playing?
I assume that you know that I'm not much of an athletic person. So...I don't play any sports minus P.E. class. Well, actually, does martial arts count as a sport?
18. Would you rather ride a bike, ride a horse, or drive a car?
Ride a horse!! It would be an interesting thing to learn! ^_^
19. Who makes you laugh the most?
My dad and most of my guy friends. ;P (Don't ask why it's like that, its just is)
20. Would you rather vacation in Hawaii or Alaska?
Uh.....I would say both. But if I had to choose one, it would probably be Alaska. I have a chance to see the Northern Lights!!
21. Have you ever had a secret admirer?
How am I supposed to know? It's in the name SECRET admirer! Plus, I'm 99% sure that in the past, no guy would ever have a crush on me.
22. Do you love or hate roller coasters?
I don't get on roller coasters too much, since I get motion sick and dizzy. It's in between....so like.
23. Who was your first crush?
Haha, apparently it was Peter Parker (a.k.a. Spider-Man!) But who my first crush was that wasn't a fictional superhero, then it would be a guy named Steven when I was in first grade.
24. On a scale of 1-10 how funny would you say you are?
I would say that I'm probably around 4 to 5. But that's my opinion, tell me in the comments if you think otherwise.
25. What's the most daring thing you've ever done?
Um.....uh.........hmmm..........doing a face reveal here on New Year's Eve....... *gulps and looks down at the ground, having my hair cover my face*
26. How many times have you broken a bone?
NEVER!! (Surprisingly, considering my childhood)
27. Parachuting or Zip-Lining?
Zip-Lining!!! It sure sounds much more fun than "falling with style" through the sky. (I had to say that reference, I couldn't resist!)
28. Which do you prefer? Hot or cold weather?
Cold weather for sure!!! I can't take the heat very well plus that I was raised with cold winters.
29. Wasp or bee sting?
Um....bee sting, I guess? Because when I was in kindergarten, I was stung by a queen bee on my right hand between my ring and pinkie knuckle. (I still have the mark from that bee sting, it's just wearing down since I'm growing older. :P )
30. Where do you go for some peace and quiet?
My room! Literally, my room is my safe and comforting place, though it's not usually quiet. ^_~
Okay, now for the second tag. This one has some interesting questions that are from a screenshot. For this one, I was tagged by storylover888
Here's the screenshot:
1. Why did you join the site you are in?
Why I joined Wattpad was because before I had officially joined, I had read some stories here and I fell in love with the idea of all of these written by writers that are up-and-coming. I decided to join because I wanted to be an official member.
2. How many family members do you have?
There are 4 of us whom I live with. (Including me) My whole family....I have no idea how many relatives I have.
3. Do you prefer friends or family? Why?
Do I have to choose? Because I love both my friends and family dearly! Why....because I can always count on my friends to always support, encourage, and try to understand me and that they can deal with all of my oddness!
Though my family argues and get loud sometimes....I love them; they have done so much for me and they shaped me to who I am today.
4. If you could bring one person from the dead, who and why?
*gulps and looks down at the ground* Ei-Either Pa-Papaw or my de-deceased uncle from my mom's side...... Be-Because I love both of them and that their dear to me....but at least their both in heaven with each other....father and son. (So-Sorry if that had so-sounded a little sad, i-it just wa-washed over me, but I'm alright now)
5. Would you rather do something you love but bad at or do something that you hate but good at?
I would do something that I love but bad at. Because to me, if you hate doing it then it's not worth doing it in the first place. I mean, I'm not a great actor but I still do acting because I love the thrill of it.
6. What are you good at?
Hmmm....uh....singing and maybe writing? I've been told that I'm a good listener and give good advice, but I'm not sure that counts
7. Your nickname?
I have many nicknames, but the most common ones are; Crystal (my alias on here) , Doofus, and Princess. ^_~
8. Many "friends" or a few true friends?
A few true friends because they're the ones that actually would care and love you. And they are the ones that are writhing fighting for.
9. Favorite Fictional Character?
Axelle from "Model Undercover" book series and Ella from "Ella" by Jessilyn Peaslee!!!
10. 10 Hobbies?
Oh okay....I'll try to name them and their going to be in order:
• Reading
• Singing
• Writing
• Wattpad
• Listening to Music
• Acting
• Talking to Friends
• Watch YouTube videos
• Sewing
• Bake treats for my family (If I can)
Yeah....I know that I'm not the most interesting person you've met, but those are my hobbies....I guess?
So...that's part 2 of "Queen of Tags". It was interesting on my half! Anyway, now I have to tag 10 lucky people! You DON'T HAVE to do both tags!! Just saying. Now here are the 10 lucky people that are tagged!
And any of you who happen to want to do this tag too!! :)
Write for you later! Signing off, Crystal~Rose
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