Epic EMOJI Competition!! :D
Hiya to you all! :) So...lately I noticed that a good chunk of my ramble book is for tags or some announcements about life and all of that jazz, but I realized that it's been a while since I literally ramble craziness!
Well, on Wattpad, that is; but in real life, I ramble nonsense either to those who I am close to (though I suspect that they want me to stop or at least make sense! ^_~ ) and I talk myself aloud many times. (Haha, it's come to a point that my mom doesn't know whether I am talking to her or to myself, though I developed that quirk from my mom...a bit ironic actually!)
But anyway, I thought that I would ramble about something that had happened this week, it's not big but it's just weird you can say!
It had happened on Monday (May 8th) and I didn't have anyone to talk to, both in real life and on Wattpad. And this is what happens when Alpaca (my younger sister) and I text just because we can and not because we want to give each other death glares.
***Take note that in all of these pictures, I had edited out Alpaca's actual name for privacy of her and privacy to my personal life***
(Don't ask who Mr. Mustache is. It's an inside "joke" you can say in my family. Or more between Alpaca and me)
Okay, can anyone honestly tell me what :c) is supposed to be? Is it supposed to be a muppet?
*lightly laughs to myself* So, basically, we just typed emojis to see who knows the most...haha, yes! I can be stupid and weird things sometimes, I'm a doofus after all! :)
Yeah, when it comes to trends, I'm the queen obviously! *flips my hair before laughing harder* Haha, well, that's such a lie! 😂 Nope, when it comes to trends, I'm an idiot there!
But hey! I at least had the last laugh/word, so I won! YAY!!! (-_Moana_- I hope that you don't mind that I might've used your table flip idea! I'm innocent, I swear!)
So, that's the weird random thing I just wanted to ramble about, don't ask me why, I just wanted to!
Write/ramble for you all later, Crystal~Rose :)
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