Congratulations on Everyone Else!
Okay, the last few days have been quite hectic for me (and sometimes the day had got on my nerves......never mind.) but I do notice things, I'm a observer, okay? And that the last few days, many people that I know (and a few, friends with. :) )
So...I wanted to say congratulations on everyone for their accomplishments! You may ask who are these people? They are!
Congratulations to....
Writerqueen88 for earning 300 followers on October 23rd! You deserved all of them with your spectacular writing! Along with a beautiful and wonderful person and a wonderful friend! :D (Well, now, you have 348 follower but that's still great!) *tries to hug you*
BottledDancer46 for having 250 followers! I know that you're a strong and beautiful person that is just having some unfair hardships in life, I promise you that life will get better for you! *tries to hug you* And every one of your followers must've known that too!
krittikakashyap for both earning 220 followers and having "Lyrical Love" to be nominated for a WATQ award for 'best short story'! (I hope you win! And again, it was no problem for nominating your story! :) )Give a hand to this wonderful writer! *starts clapping for her*
imperfection-ist for having 200 followers yesterday! Even though I don't really know you that much, I can already tell that you're a joyful and happy person to be with! (Plus a spectacular writer!) Good luck on your writing for the future!
KingOfNyanCat , congrats (again) for having 300 people follow you! Yeah, I know that you find it hard to believe or that you don't deserve it, but it's true. And if you think it was a dream, it's not. *tries to pinch you* Anyway, Jack, you do deserve this and hopefully you know that you're weird. (It's a compliment! Honest)
And MagicalWishes12 for almost getting 100 followers! 5 more to go! (Just know that I'm cheering you on!) You're an amazing writer and an understanding friend! And I see great things will happen to you in the future! Thank you so much for supporting me here in Wattpad! You're a beautiful and amazing person! :D
Congratulations to each of you, and any other people that I forgot! I'm so happy snd glad about your accomplishments, you all deserve it! And I'm being totally honest here! (If you know me, I'm a terrible liar. ;P )
Before any of you can ask, nope, I don't have any accomplishments myself lately. (I'm fine, honestly! But I'm still happy for everyone else! :) )
Signing off, put your best foot forward, Crystal~Rose
(P.S. Just know that I'll always support you! Just saying. <3 )
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