ABC...123...the Alphabet Tag!!
Hi, everyone! How are you all doing? Guess what? It's the first day of June! (Which also, today is the first day of winter in the Southern Hemisphere. Fun fact that my calendar gave me since I have no other plans today! ^_~
Anyway, I remember a long while ago that I was either tagged or wanted to do this alphabet tag! Plus, I thought, since school ended for me (on May 26th) and I'm now on my summer break; I can start off my weekend/summer with a little irony!
Get it? Since during summer, that you are having too much fun that you forget some school material? And that ABCs is part of school material...? Okay, yes, even I realize that it was a failed and lame joke to start off with but oh well, I had at least tried! ^_~
But since I can't remember whether I was tagged or just wanted to do this tag, and when I remembered I had to search it up on Google and apparently there two types of this tag.
As in, some letter questions were different than the other. So, I would be altering them together and just choose which letter question sounds better or a question that I don't answer often. (Don't judge me there! There are questions that are the same letter question and I promised myself that I will be completely honest with these tags!)
But anyway, let's get this tag started! (Hopefully, it's not too bad!)
A - Age?
Well...I'm not going to say my actual age. But I'm in my adolescent (teenager) years and the law says that I'm a minor. (Please don't try to guess my age, because I'll just say, "That is classified information")
B - Biggest Fear?
That I would hurt/harming/abuse the people that I love, watching my loved one being murdered or dying in my arms.... Also murders or watching gory horror movies (I can handle some violence and gore, I just can't handle it when it becomes a bloodshed or when someone is dying in the most disgusting way. *cringes a bit*), the idea of drowning, and lions...
C - Current Time?
7:30 p.m. on June 1st
D - Drink you last had?
Fanta, the orange flavor
(I'm just curious, but who can taste the difference between tasting the regular soda and a diet soda? Just wondering because I had a conversation with my dad about this!)
E - Easiest person to talk to?
I would have to say that they are NebulosePoet273 and NickiQuirks and my mom.
F - Favorite Song(s)?
Again, WHY?!?!!?!! Why do have me choose?! But I guess that I will have to say that some of them are, "Silent Scream" by Anna Blue, "Everybody Cries Sometimes" by Damien Dawn, "Cinderella" by Play, "Down" by Jay Sean, "Every Time the Rain Comes Down" by Anna Blue (What? I love her songs!), "Endlessly" by The Cab, "What Are Words" by Chris Medina, "Issues" by Julia Michaels, "Radioactive" covered by Madilyn Bailey, "Irreplaceable" by Madilyn Paige.
Hey! Don't make me just choose just one song or that won't turn out well.
G - Ghosts?
Um...well.... I don't believe in ghosts haunting us. But I do believe that the souls/spirits of our ancestors/deceased loved ones are around us during those moments where you just feel them with you. (Hopefully, that makes sense with what I'm trying to say)
H - Hometown?
Hmmm...sorry to tell you this, but I'll have to skip this question because it's classified information. (Except for the three people who knows where I live)
I - In Love? If you are, then who?
*blushes red* Hehe...isn't the answer obvious by now? But I guess I still have to answer the question. I-I-I lo-love NebulosePoet273, there is no denial there! <3
J - Jealous of anyone?
Talented people, only a bit! Though I try my best not to compare myself with other, though it's hard sometimes. (Especially when they constantly brag about it and try to outshine others... never mind about that
K - Killed anyone? games, I killed my sister and I killed myself! (Haha, I'm not a good gamer at all! ^_~ ) But in reality, HECK NO!!! Let's see, I'm the person who can't stand too much gore and I feel dizzy when I watch a murder. So, I'm obviously the type of person you can see as a cereal killer. (Haha, though I might've killed some cereal themselves! What? I'm trying to make this light-hearted!)
L - Longest car ride?
Two years ago, during summer, my family had decided to have a road trip and it was a two-week long trip. (It sucks being motion sick because I basically had to keep the window open and sit next to it or I can't think straight and that I just feel sick. But the bright side, I was able to see amazing views! :) ) So, I'm counting that as my longest car ride.
My second longest ride was when I was 10 and that I had taken an overnight and half a day trip to Texas to see my dad's side of the family.
M - Middle name?
In a way, I have two middle names but it depends on how you want to think of it. But my actual middle name is Michelle.
N - Number of siblings?
ONE younger sister!
O - One wish?
Hmm...I would say that everyone and I lives a life that is worthwhile and that in the end, they are content and happy with how their life is.
P - Person you had last called?
*blushes redder while shyly look down at the ground* would be.... um...NebulosePoet (I swear that I had asked him before answering this question!)
Q - Questions you're always asked?
Um.....well...since I'm very shy and awkward and not noticeable by many people, so... I don't get asked many questions. Because I'm usually the one asking the questions and I tend to ask more interesting questions. (Literally ask anyone who I private message, sorry if I don't or haven't PM you at all or in a while. Just know that you can always talk to me if you want!)
But I guess that the most question I'm asked is, "Are you okay?" or "How are you?"
(So, I guess that I'm just asked generic questions)
R - Reason to smile?
For many reasons; to have a weird family, wonderful friends,
a certain someone that I truly love, Wattpad, when I'm reading/writing, when I sing/perform, just living life! :)
S - Song you last sang?
Just letting you know that I listen to music while I'm doing anything when I'm on my laptop and that includes Wattpad. And I love singing, so I basically sing along with every song I'm listening to! But the song that I last sang was: "Angel With A Shotgun"
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
(Fun fact, I first listened to this song today and I've been addicted to listening to this song!)
T - Time you woke up?
I think around 5:46 am, that I had stayed awake. I know that I had woken up-ish at around 12:34 am but went back to sleep.
U - Underwear color?
*mouth opens before shutting it* Um....WHAT THE FREAK?!?!?!! Excuse me, but did you expect a direct! Just, just No!
V - Vacation destination?
That's such a hard question! Um....can I count traveling around the world and seeing the world count? *muttering to myself* Though I should answer this question still. Hmmm...I guess that it would be Venice, Paris, Greece, or Singapore. (What? I still want to travel around the world, you didn't expect me to choose one destination, did you?)
W - Worst habit(s)?
Oh, that's easy! Let's see; I tend to either bite my nails (and the skin around my nails) or bite my pencils/pens (it's a good thing that I use mechanical pencils), tend to bite my bottom lip and bite the skin my lips sometimes bleed. (I swear that I'm not a vampire! ^~^)
The last one is, I often find myself talking to myself....and that I talk to myself in public.
Y - Yoyo's are?
A toy that I can make it move up and down. Haha, even then, I can't do it like a master! ;P
Z - Zodiac sign?
Um...well, I just looked up on the Internet...and I'm apparently a Sagittarius. (I swear that I am the opposite of what a Sagittarius "supposely" is. I mean, I vaule my independence but that's literally it.)
But since I know Chinese zodiac more, I'm just going to say that I am a horse.
Now it's time for the lucky tagging! ^-^
I shall tag:
And any of you who wants to do this tag!! :) Hopefully no one hates me because I had tagged them!
This was a longer tag than I had planned but I hope that you liked this tag!
But yes, since I'm in my summer break, expect some more rambles and hopefully, I will be able to publish my fantasy story, "Silver Lining Secrets", soon!!
Plus, if you haven't noticed, I had changed the theme of my profile to be more colorful for my first summer being on Wattpad!!! :D
I hope that you all of have a happy, wonderful, and creative time!
Write for you all later, Crystal~Rose :)
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