A Handwriting Tag!
Hi, everyone! Well...today I got tagged! (Kinda) So, I was tagged by SnowXPrincess !
So, the rules are to write the questions and answers on a piece of paper. (You can't type them like the usual tag.) Then you ask 10 new questions and tag 7 people.
And just so you know, my hands were cold this whole time while I was writing my answers! Had to run them over warm water and gently whack them against my desk.
And I used permanent markers to write since in pencil, either the lead would rub off on my hand or that it would be hard to read it. (I'm a lefty and many times as rubs off my hand. You get used to it, actually.)
Now here is my handwriting tag!
I know...my handwriting is small and dainty. ;P
My new questions for you to answer!
1. What color are your eyes?
2. Last song you listened to?
3. What season were you born in?
4. One quote that you love?
5. Are you a day person or a night person?
6. Favorite school subject?
7. Favorite fruit?
8. What talents do you have?
9. Hobbies that you have?
10. Which hand is your dominate? As in are you a right or a left handed?
Now...who am I tagging...
And any of you who want to do this tag! Just comment here!
Good luck with this tag! And write (or type) for you later! :D
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