Chapter One
Chapter One: Long Story Short
There has never been any 'normal' in the life of Annie Harrington. That's a very broad statement but a very true one.
Her parents thought their marriage would be miraculously fixed if they had another kid, so that's how she came to be. But that really didn't work, so her father went on "business trips" to cheat on her mother. After a while, she just started going with him to make sure he'd stop.
Sometimes, divorce is the best option.
Steve, Annie's older brother, became a popular kid right away when he got to the age where there were popular kids in school. By association, Annie ended up becoming pretty popular, too. But she never could reach Steve's levels.
Everyone always associates popularity with having friends, but that was her issue for a while. There were plenty of people to say hello to in the halls, but nobody she'd ever hang out with after school until she met Will Byers, who introduced her to Mike Wheeler, Lucas Sinclair, and Dustin Henderson.
They're pretty chill, albeit a bit nerdy, and they taught her how to play Dungeons and Dragons with them. But they usually don't like it when she plays with them since she's still learning so they do other things together like go to the arcade or go see a movie at the theater. It was super fun and she even made some other friends while at these places and school so the boys can play DnD while she hung out with others.
That was, until the fall of 1983. Will went missing and Annie was devastated. He was the one out of the group she was closest to. Dustin was friendly enough, but Lucas and Mike were a bit more cold.
So when Will went missing, Annie was basically shut out from their group. It was painful but she silently suffered while hanging out with her other friends, specifically a girl she had been friendly with for years.
Holly James became her best friend. Annie told her everything and in turn she told Annie everything. They became some super girly best friends- something past Annie would cringe so hard at. But that was the girl who used to hang out with boys who completely abandoned her, so she doesn't get to say anything.
Her other best friend, Meghan Lopez, was the tomboy of the group now; she was only called that because she plays soccer. That's literally it. She matched Holly and Annie in every other way.
They became her safe space while Will was gone, and they were super helpful in making her feel better. Even after Will came back, they were there for her.
And so she stayed. Will acted so different after he came back, trauma of going missing Annie figured, and it felt like the other three were keeping him away from her and everyone else. It was a whole mess.
So when they started the next year of school, Annie ditched them almost completely and tried to fit in even more. It's like she was finally starting to fill her brother's shadow. He was always there for her, of course, except when he had parties at the pool then he'd ask her to go to a friend's house. Those ended after Barb, his girlfriend Nancy's best friend, disappeared and never came back.
Not everyone can be as lucky as Will Byers.
Annie was walking down the hall in between Holly and Meghan, lost in her head. She wasn't thinking of anything specifically, just lost in random thoughts of home, school, and anything else.
It was so bad, that Holly had to snap her fingers in front of Annie's face to finally get the girl's attention. "Hey, you lost?" Holly asked with a small laugh.
Annie smiled lightly and shook her head. "I'm good, just zoned for a second. What's going on?" she asked, figuring her input was needed and that's how the finger-snapping came to be.
Meghan was the one who popped in next. "We wanted to know what you wanted to do on Halloween. Some of us mature people want to hang out and watch a scary movie while eating snacks."
"And those of us who still want to have fun want to go out and trick-or-treat around the neighborhoods, maybe even get some full-size candy bars," Holly added on.
The two girls glared at each other and Annie laughed. "That was the pressing matter? Movies or candy?" she asked while laughing. "Let's just go trick-or-treating. Holly's right- we're still in middle school, we're still kids. We don't wear costumes to school anymore but we can still go and get candy."
Holly smiled, triumphant, and Meghan sighed. "Yeah, that's true. What's Steve doing for Halloween? Does he watch scary movies with his girlfriend what's-her-face?" Meghan asked.
"Ooh! Are they going to watch that new scary movie? There's this new guy in it and he's so cute," Holly added on. "His name is Johnny something but I have to see that movie just for him."
After an eye roll, Annie said, "That movie isn't coming out until after Halloween, Holly." She then looked over to Meghan. "Nancy and him haven't mentioned any plans yet. They might go out, I don't know. Mom and dad aren't home so it's not like they can say much," she said.
Nobody commented on the part about her parents being out of town. It would be more surprising if they were in town for once.
"Then we should meet at your house," Holly suggested. "We can get ready and everything together and then start in your neighborhood, get the good candy before the other kids in town flood it."
Annie and Meghan nodded in agreement. "What are you guys going to dress up as? Or do we need to do some emergency costume planning?" Annie asked as they got to her locker. She gave a pointed look at Meghan as she turned the lock.
"I wanted to be Princess Leia from that new Star Wars movie but my dad saw the costume in my room and made me return it," Holly mentioned. The other two laughed. "Anyway, I ended up having to go with Annie from that movie last year. It's the only one my dad would buy for me."
Meghan patter her on the back before answering. "Well, because I went shopping without my parents and hid my costume like the experienced child I am, I'm going as a zombie. Thought it would be kind of fun to scare people all night," she said, prideful in her answer.
"I'm surprised you have a costume considering the fact you wanted to watch a movie instead," Annie commented as she shut her locker. "Also, I think the costume choice is great for both of you. Little weirded out you chose a character named after me, Holly, but I'll go with it."
The girls laughed and started their walk to Annie's first class, science with Mr. Clarke. It was one of the few classes they didn't have together, but it was the worst because Annie had neither of them and all of her old friends. It was rough.
"Wait, Annie, who are you going as?" Meghan asked.
"Something super simple but easy: Barbie. My mom has the makeup and a credit card, so I bought a pink dress, heels, and a blonde wig," she answered with a shrug.
Part of her thought the costume choice was to completely throw out who she used to be when she was friends with the boys. Last year, they were going to go as Star Wars episode V characters because they all genuinely loved that movie. Holly's main goal with wanting to be Leia from episode VI was to be pretty and older than she was.
The plan didn't happen because something came up. Annie can't even remember what it was, because all she could remember from that time was Will disappearing. So this year was going to be different. Annie was going to be a cute girl who was friends with girls. She didn't want any part of her or the night to remind her of how happy she had been.
Holly smiled. "That sounds great, we can't wait to see it!" Meghan nodded in agreement.
They arrived at Mr. Clarke's class and gave Annie a small smile before she walked in and hurried to her seat. There was no one to have small talk with, so why should she pretend it was an option?
As she twiddled her thumbs, waiting for the bell, the others came and sat. Annie was lucky, being able to switch seats with someone that sat near the back. It got her away from where she used to sit, with the Party.
When the bell finally rang, Mr. Clarke jumped right into that class.
Annie felt bored quickly. She used to love the class, and she's still super interested in science, but that was something she enjoyed with the others, specifically Will and Dustin. With her whole purge on any and all things related to the Party, science has quickly become her least favorite class.
It didn't help that the Party was Mr. Clarke's favorite students and so they talk a lot during the class, answering questions and sharing random facts. It all annoyed Annie. She spent the class doodling stuff in her notebook.
That was something she'd never be able to get rid of: drawing and doodling. All she did was change what she drew. It went from Dungeons and Dragons characters to random little things like tiny flowers and gardens. She loved drawing since it gave her something to do, especially in classes like this.
Annie figured she'd add a small galaxy to the top of her page, thinking it would be a great addition to her little flower garden.
"Ms. Harrington?" someone called. Annie looked up and set her pencil down. Mr. Clarke was looking at her. As was everyone else. She looked at the chalkboard and saw plants and photosynthesis on the board.
She cleared her throat and sat up straighter. "Can you repeat the question?" she asked.
Mr. Clarke smiled. "Or course. I was just wondering if you could explain to us why plant leaves look green?" he asked. There was no malice, something most kids like Annie appreciated about him.
She mentally breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh, because the chlorophyll in leaves absorbs red and blue light and reflects green light," she answered.
He smiled and said, "That is correct. So..." He started teaching again so Annie went to finish her doodle. By the time the bell rang, her galaxy was beautiful and looked wonderful next to her garden. She'd have to figure out what else to doodle later.
As she walked out of the class, Will and her made eye contact. He smiled at her first, and so Annie smiled back at him. No need to be mean to him, he wasn't the problem. Who she made eye contact with next was the problem.
Mike just looked at her and then quickly hurried in front of Will. Annie didn't really know what to make of it, so she continued on and left the classroom.
As per usual, Meghan and Holly were waiting at one of the hallway branches and they started walking to their next class together. "Mr. Hawthorn is going to love my analysis of Take a Chance on Me," Holly said, immediately jumping into a conversation.
"Well, I doubt anything will top my analysis of Only Time Will Tell," Annie added, having presented the day before. Her head turned from Holly to the girl on her left. "What song did you do, Meghan?"
"Dancing With Myself per my sister's request," she responded. "Her new roommate is obsessed with Billy Idol and now, so is she. When we talked on the phone last Sunday she said that might be a fun one to do that my teacher would know."
The girls nodded. "Sounds like Elise was helpful for once," Holly remarked causing Meghan to snort a laugh. "The other day, Adam raided my bedroom and sold me out to my mom for having a snack stash in one of my dresser drawers."
This caused both Annie and Meghan to burst out laughing. After calming down enough a bit, Annie sighed. "Oh, I love having a good relationship with my sibling who is still home."
The girls entered the classroom as Holly said, "Do you wanna trade?" Annie laughed and shook her head, then sat down at her desk. Meghan sat to her right and Holly right behind her. There was an empty seat to Annie's left, where this guy Malachi Rich used to sit, before his parents divorced and his mom moved him out to South Carolina. Word is he's much happier.
Annie looked at the empty seat with a twinge of jealousy. It would be so nice if her parents divorced and she and Steve moved away to somewhere amazing like New York and she was happier. In all honesty, she thought either parent would be a great option- they'd both be happier apart.
The bell rang and Annie finally looked away from the seat. She pulled her notebook out of her bag; a new one, with different doodles she got to add to. Next to her, Holly and Meghan got their presentation materials out. For Meghan, that included her Walkman to try and play her tape.
Their English teacher was one of those people who loved to stand in a circle in the hallway with the other English teachers and just talk until a couple minutes into class when he'd come back in and start class.
"You ready to present?" Annie asked, leaning over to Holly. Meghan leaned in from behind to join. She looked at the two, her question directed at both of them.
Holly shook her head lightly while Meghan nodded. "I'm ready to get this done and over with," Holly said. She had always been an anxious public speaker.
On the other hand, Meghan said, "I am gonna do great. If no one volunteers, I'll go." She had a lot more confidence, mostly due to the fact that she was a soccer player and needed confidence on the field. Some of it just seeps out to off the field, too.
Annie smiled at both of their answers. They all leaned back upright when Mr. Hawthorn walked in. "Good morning class! More presentations today, can't wait to see more of your personalities shine through in these presentations. Who'd like to go first?"
During the first few people, Annie doodle in her notebook. When Meghan volunteered, she paid attention the entire time and applauded loudly when she was all done. Then more went until Holly was finally called up. Annie did the same, doodled when people she didn't know were at the front and paid close attention when Holly went up there.
Her notes were shaking lightly in her hand, something Mr. Hawthorne noticed, because he gently helped her get over the nerves by guiding her with questions. Holly looked much calmer and more confident by the end of the presentation, and again, Annie was one of the loudest clappers.
For the last few presentations, Annie doodled more. This time it was a little ocean scene, with seaweed and an octopus. That page in the notebook was starting to become quite the hodgepodge of things.
By the time the bell rang, she had finished her little scene and was packing up to go to her next class. This was her least favorite, and always has been.
It wasn't that she was bad at it, in fact she had an A- in the class, she just didn't like it. Her way of understanding was not the same way the school taught it. But she made it work, despite how awful it was.
Holly was in that class with her; Meghan had her history class during this period.
"See you at lunch?" she asked before splitting off. Holly and Annie nodded their answer and they went their separate ways.
Holly and Annie entered the classroom giggling about something they saw in the hallway. Annie looked up from the ground and saw Mike sitting with Dustin. They were also in this class, how could she forget. None of them made eye contact as she and Holly went to their seats where Holly sat to Annie's right.
There were a few empty seats today, which wasn't a surprise to Annie or anyone else. Lots of kids liked to skip the class because they either a) knew everything to pass the tests or b) hated the class enough to let their grade suffer.
Many times Annie thought about skipping that period with Holly and Meghan and go hang out at the soccer fields, but her goody-goody side got the best of her every time and she walked through the doorway and sat in her seat.
She still ended up doodling. The teacher, Mrs. Duncan, took her sweet time explaining everything. In her defense, there were kids in that class who did need the step-by-step instructions. It's just that, well, Annie didn't. So she was able to draw quite the garden in class today.
"Did you finish taking down the notes, Ms. Harrington?" the teacher asked as she walked over to the desk. Annie didn't even move as Mrs. Duncan looked at the notes written down in the right paper and then glanced at the garden on the left. "Very well..."
At the end of class, Holly and Annie hurried out so they could get through the lunch line and to their table quickly. Meghan was already there- she brings her healthy stuff from home. Her coach had said the school food was terrible to have sitting in a player's stomach before going to practice.
It wasn't like she was suffering, though. Meghan was half Latina and her mom was maybe the best cook in the town. Holly and Annie were lucky that Mrs. Lopez would make them little snacks, too.
"Mrs. Duncan really didn't have to call you out like that. She knows your grade in the class, does she not?" Holly brought up as they dragged their trays down the line.
Annie sighed. "She does and yet she still doesn't like me or believe me when I've got the stuff down and I'm just bored. It's annoying, honestly," she said.
They stopped and let some mashed potatoes get smacked onto their plates. Annie started to drag her tray again, Holly right behind. "She'll never stop, you know. One day she's going to insist you have no idea what you're doing and will get you in trouble for it."
The two girls got the rest of the food and started to pull out lunch money. "Can't wait for her to retire. Then maybe a nicer, more competent teacher with become the new algebra teacher," Annie suggested. She paid for her lunch.
Holly came up right behind and paid. "It won't matter for us, we'll have a different teacher next year no matter what."
They sat down at the table with Meghan. Holly and Meghan sat next to each other while Annie sat across in between the two. "So, how was history?" Annie asked as she started getting a bit onto her plastic fork.
Meghan pulled a couple plastic containers out of her bag and handed them to Annie and Holly. "It was okay, even though we are still talking about the Revolution. Nobody cares about that stuff, let's move on to some stuff that actually matters," she said and stabbed something onto her fork.
Holly quickly opened and started snacking on the snack from Mrs. Lopez. "That's totally fair. Can't wait to hear the same boring stuff after this," she added on before taking a bite. "Mmm, what are these? Definitely one of my favorites."
Annie took a bite and agreed quickly. "Tell Mrs. Lopez this one of our favorites," she added on.
Meghan smiled and laughed a bit. "They're empanadas, one of my favorites too. I'll let her know about the positive reviews," she said. "I wanna skip practice today, you guys want to hang out?"
The other two sighed. "Meg, you've skipped three practices already this year and you know your Coach isn't going to let you play if you keep skipping," Holly brought up. "And if your mom finds out then she's going to kill you."
Meghan sighed and dropped her head on the table. "I know, I know. Just thought about it... but you guys should definitely come by and hang out. Then we can get milkshakes or something after."
"Sounds good," Annie said. Holly nodded as well. The bell rang a few minutes later and the girls went on their way. Like they always did.
A/n: here we go! This has been a favorite project of mine, and I'll be posting a new chapter everyday. Hopefully all before the deadline for the Wattys! So, stay tuned 😊
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