Thank you guys for all of your support! My brother is doing better and has been discharged yesterday! YAY!!!! Enjoy this episode!
Noel's POV
"Eren! We need to so this fast and with no hesitations! Got it? We'll both go for the nape!" I order, even though I already know the out come of our attack. "Got it!" Eren shouts. We then, shoot our hooks onto one of the titan's arms, and start to run up it. "ARRRGGGG!" We both let out battle cries as we aim for the nape. But just before our blades touch the titan, a wave of piping hot steam makes up retreat. "Noel! Are you okay?" Eren yells as we hook onto the wall. "Yeah. I'm fine, what about you?" I shout as I dangle in the air. "Yeah... damnit! we didn't kill it!" Eren says in frustration. The other soldiers start to question us.
"Noel, Eren! Are you guys okay? Where'd it go? Did you kill 'em!" One guy asks. I let Eren answer. "It's gone! Exactly like five years ago!" I butt in. "It's here one moment and gone the next, just like that!" I say in 'disbelief.' We get up the wall and face everyone with saddened expressions. "We're sorry." We say. "Don't apologize. Everyone else was frozen with fear. We should be the ones apologizing." The same guy argues. "Hey! Wallow on your own time! In case you hadn't noticed, there's a breach. We have to act now! If they start pouring in now, that's it!" Connie shouts at us.
The sound of ODM gear brings everyone's attention to a scout. "Look alive!" The man shouts. "Operation Colossal titan response is in effect! I expect you to take part! Report to HQ if you got close to the damn thing, we need details!" The man finishes. A chores of 'Sir!' is heard as everyone takes in the orders.
3rd POV
"You understand what we're facing! If the titans get through, we'll have repeat of five years ago! Consider this the last line of defense! The titans get held up here, or nowhere!" A man shouts out as citizens run, and soldiers prepare for the on coming battle. "Prepare to intersept!" Soldiers ready the cannons. "FIRE!" The cannons fire at the on coming titans. Once they're distracted a command rings out. "SOLDIERS. CHARGE!!"
Noel's POV
"Out of the frying pan and into the fire, cadets, time to put your training to work!" I sweatdrop at those words and start to go over the plan in my head. 'I'm going to have either save someone by sacraficing myself or get myself eaten. I'll know when Eren is eaten, I've always been able to feel his pain, so that'll distract me enough so it looks passable as an accident.' Someone crashes my train of thought. "Ackerman, Jaeger. You're with me." I look up to see a man looking at us. "You two have been assigned to the rear guard on special orders. Let's get moving." The guy says. Mikasa is about to protest but I give her a look. "Mikasa, don't. We can't get out of this one." I turn to Eren and give him a bear hug. "Don't die Eren. If you do, i'll beat you up." I whisper into his ear. "You too." He replies. I let go and walk off with Mikasa, grabbing her hand as we do so. "Big sis?" I say in a small voice. Mikasa squeezes my hand. "Yes?" "Just so you know, I won't let you die. You have to take care of Eren and Armin. So promise me, if I die, you will take care of them." I say as I face her. "I won't let you die!" She says in a panic. "Just promise me!" I insist. "I-I promise." Mikasa finally says.
I had just took out a titan when I saw Mikasa in danger. "Mikasa!!" I screech. I see her get grabbed by the titan be lifted to it's mouth. I fly to her side and cut the hand that is restraining her, I then grab her hand and throw her to a nearby roof. But then all of the sudden, a seering pain rips through my leg. 'Eren!' I thought, not noticing that I was falling into a titan's mouth until it was too late. "NOEL!!!!" Mikasa screams. 'Accepting' my fate, I manage to face the direction Mikasa's voice came from. "Keep your promise, Big sis!" I yell before I fall down the titan's throat.
I soon find myself in the titan's stomach. I see body parts floating in the yellow liquid, and that fuels my anger. "I WILL NOT LET HUMANITY SUFFER! I WILL KILL ALL OF THE TITANS!!!!" I scream in anger, then I bite my hand. The transformation is instant. I can feel the muscle forming around my body and i'm aware of my surroundings. Taking in everything, I let out a mighty roar.
Mikasa's POV
"Keep your promise, Big sis!" Noel yells before being eaten. "NOEL!" I cry in horror. I lift myself up from the roof and fly away to find Eren and Armin, her last words ringing in my head. 'Keep your promise. Keep your promise' I eventually find everyone on a roof. "Where is Eren and Armin?" I say. No one answers. I repeat the question, this time I get an answer. "Armin, is over there." Connie says. I rush over to Armin. "Where is Eren?" I ask, but then I see his face. 'Nonononono.' I think. "The cadets of squad 34.... Tomas Wagner..... Nac Tias..... Mylius Zeramuski...... Mina Carolina...... and Eren Jaeger! These brave lives upheld their duties, they died bravely in the field of battle."
Sorry this is so short! To be clear, I start 8th grade tomorrow so updates will be slowing down.
Word count: 980
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