We are twins.
Noel 'discovered' the broken clasp on Eren's belt, making him eligible to be a soldier.
3rd POV
"Pick up the pace you lead heeled lagers!" Instructor Shadis yelled at the cadets who were running through the rain. "Boots water lagged, Arlert? Let's see some muscles! Too heavy for you son? Hell, drop it! Leave it in the mud! The titans will have easier work digesting you without the excess fat!" Shadis yelled before speeding up on his horse. (A/N I'm just following subtitles!) "Damn *Pant* it!" Armin huffed before his bag was taken by a buff, blonde dude by the name of Reiner Braun. While they are speaking, Shadis starts his mini evaluation.
Reiner Braun. He's strong as an ox and has a will to match. But more than anything, he's earned the trust of his comrades.
"I'm no ones burden, you hear me!" Armin mutters fiercely while speeding up, and taking back his bag.
Armin Arlert. When it comes to physical strength, he doesn't measure up to soldier standards. But I hear that in the classroom lectures, he's shown extraordinary imagination.
*People zooming by with their ODM's*
Annie Leonheart. The angle of approach of her slashing attack is impeccable...She carves deeply into the target. Personality wise, she tends to be a loner and has trouble cooperating.
Bertolt Hoover. He's mastered every single skill that's been taught...And I believe he has a lot of potential...But he lacks drive and tends to leave decisions to others.
Jean Kirstein. He has a deep understanding of the vertical maneuvering equipment and excels at exploiting that skill...He can also take in a situation at a moment's glance, but his personality is like a drawn sword, which tends to create conflict.
"Think they'll show off lightly, slicing and dicing? Best hope you see a titan before I do!" Jean growled. Not too far away, someone is coming in at very high speeds. "You don't care if I snatch your thunder, right!?" Connie says right as he steals the titan Jean was aiming for. "YAAAAHHOOOOO! WAHHHHAAAA!" Sasha yells in joy as she zooms around.
Sasha Blouse. She moves quickly and has remarkable instincts...But she has issues with structure, making her ill-suited for organized activity.
Connie Springer. He has a fine sense of balance and is effective at vertical maneuvering. However, he's got a slow mind and often makes strategic mistakes.
"Get ready." A dude with a clip board says as three cadets start to head their way. Mikasa readies her blades before becoming a blur, while cutting the 'titans' neck's. Eren soon follows, not quite cutting as deep as Mikasa. "Still not deep enough!" He growled. Noel appeared beside him. "Don't compare yourself to Mikasa, Dear Brother!" She says before giggling. "She becomes a monster when it comes to these things!" She says before speeding off and encountering seven 'titans.' She prepares her blades before becoming a blur of silver. In seconds, deep cuts are found on all of the 'titans.'
Mikasa Ackerman. She's mastered every single difficult subject perfectly. Her talent is historically unprecedented, making her one of the most valuable of them all.
Eren Jaeger. Though proficient at barehanded fighting, he doesn't seem to have any other skills...But he possesses a sense of purpose that's twice as strong as anyone else's. Through constant effort, his grades have improved steadily.
Noel Jaeger. Eren Jaeger's twin sister. Total opposite of her brother. If Mikasa is a genius, I don't know where to begin to describe Noel. She masters everything in a few tries, and even spends most of her time helping the other cadets. Her skills could rival Levi's. The main problem is her laziness. She shares the same sense of purpose as her brother and always seems to have a knowing glint in her eyes.
Timeskip Noel's POV
I watch as Eren takes down Reiner and then helps him up. Once they finish talking, I skip over to my older twin's side. "Eren~" I coo. Reiner recognizes my tone of voice, and immediately scoots back and waves everyone over. "Why don't we have a friendly spar!? Just me. And you." I suggest, wrapping my arm around his neck. "No. No way in hell will I spar with you." He says as he starts to tremble. I can hear whispers from around us. "Poor Eren." Is the main thing I hear. "Then if you won't spar with me, then spar with Annie!!!" I say with a shit eating grin. Eren hesitates for a moment before running to Annie. I gasp and pretend to be hurt. "I can't believe you Eren! Well then, if Eren won't spar with me," I move my sharp eyes to the crowd. " Then, I don't know, Mikasa will!!" I finish with with a slightly sadistic smile.
The crowd parted to reveal a pale Mikasa. She sighed in remorse before turning to the person closest to her. "If I die, bury me with my scarf." I start to laugh at that as Mikasa stand across from me and gets in a fighting position. "Reiner count us down!" I shout as I throw the wooden knife to Mikasa and crouch down with mine. "3...... 2....... 1..... GO!"
(A/N Watch this and imagine the swords as daggers Asuna is Mikasa and all those power up thingys didn't happen!)
It was silent for a little bit before someone spoke up. "No way in hell will anyone get me to fight her!" Everyone nodded in agreement while I played my part as a confused girl. Eren came up to me, covered in dirt. "Noel. At this very moment, I hate you." Then he walked away with a limp. An invisible arrow went through my chest. I stretch my arm out to Eren while falling backwards. I fell into a crumbled pile of depression, sorrow, and shock. Making up the person named Noel. "Noel. Eren's just mad he got his butt kicked by Annie. He doesn't hate you." Mikasa said to comfort me. When I didn't show signs of moving, Mikasa picked me up and cradled me like the baby I am and took me to Eren, where he apologized.
But what I didn't notice during that brawl, was two burning stares directed at me.
"I know okay. I'm not saying it's right, but it's just the way things are. Before Wall Maria was compromised, ODM experts were rare. Only Scouts ever risked proximity to a titan...." Armin's quite voice buzzed through my ears as I ate my food, saving my bread for the event that I knew was coming up. Not wanting to listen to the chatter around me, I started to think over the last three years. 'It's been pretty easy for me, because I have been training in secret since, well. My whole life! So it's nothing new really.' A door slamming open made me lose my train of thought. "What's all the ruckess!!?" Shadis yelled. Without missing a beat, Mikasa and I replied in monotone voices, "Sasha farted, sir." It was quiet before Shadis responded. "Learn some self control Blouse." He said before leaving. Everyone burst out laughing while Sasha crawled over to Mikasa and I. "Why?! Why would you-" I cut her off by shoving my bread into her mouth while Mikasa put hers in Sasha's hand.
Timeskip Watch the video cause Author-Chan is being lazy also, Krista didn't make it, bump everyone down one spot because Noel was #1
Noel's POV
Mugs of beer are everywhere and people are enjoying theirselves. But not me. I am preparing for tomorrow. 'Tomorrow, Eren will turn into the founding titan. And I will most likely shift too. But I still don't get how that's possible! Eren has the founding titan shifter power and the founding shifter power. Annie is the female titan, Reiner is the Armored titan and Bertolt is the Colossal titan. And I know who everyone else is..... Unless... No. That's impossible! Me being here.... Changed the plot!? From nine titan powers to..... Ten? This isn't good.' I'm brought out of my thoughts once again by Eren running out of the mess hall. I immediately stood up and ran after him, pushing my discoveries to the back of my mind.
Timeskip Because once again, Author-Chan is being lazy.
"Eren hurry up or i'm leaving you behind! The Scouts are coming!" I shout with excitement as I pull my twin around. "Yeah, yeah." He shouted back. We find a good place to stand and watch the Scouts ride in. As they pass us, I set my arms on Mikasa and Eren's shoulders while managing to grab Armin's hand. "Soon, we'll be over there! Believe it!" (A/N Hehehe! Where is that last part from!!??) But then I noticed Commander Erwin and Captin Levi staring at me.
Erwin's POV
We were riding through the town when Levi asked me a question. "Eyebrows, do you know who that white haired girl is?" I look over to where Levi was looking. When I saw her, my breath caught and I'm sure my heart missed a beat. A white haired girl was standing on the sidewalk, her arms around two boys and a girl. She was laughing with them. All in all, she was breath taking. "No.... I don't. Remind me to look in the cadet files when we get back to HQ." I replied and I noticed that the girl had caught us staring. I nodded, and carried on down the cobblestone road, pretending that I had not just ogled a cadet with my co-worker.
Noel's POV
'Why were those two staring at us?' I thought. "Mr. Hannes!"Armin yelled from beside me. I looked over to find Hannes making his way to us. "Hey hey, looky here!" The familiar man said. "Word on the street's they let you two graduate yesterday. Either you've grown up or standards have gone down!" The man said. I was growing irritated so I sucker punched him in the gut. "Oof!! You really pack a punch, Noel." Hannes wheezed. I just smiled innocently while everyone else sweatdrops. "Whoops! I thought I say a bug on you!" I say with a closed eye smile. He stood up and started to talk. "I'm sorry if this is out of the blue, but I want you to know your mom's death still haunts me." Hannes says with a guilty expression.
Eren and I share a look. "It does for us too. But it wasn't your fault." We say together. Hannes looks at us with surprise written all over his face. "We were shooting in the dark then. But nothing like that's gonna happen again." Eren says. "We know what we're dealing with now." I finish, taking on a determined expression. Then, Eren pulls me away and runs down the street.
I hear Eren talking to other people faintly, but I don't pay attention, for I am cleaning a canon and there is this one place that I can't reach. I see Sasha out of the corner of my eye and grow irritated. "WHY ARE MY ARMS SO FUCKING SHORT!?" I scream. No pays me any attention, for which i'm glad for. I head over to where Sasha is standing and whisper in her ear, "I'll take some of that meat!" Sasha yelps and turns around to find me walking to Eren's side.
"Eren~ Isn't it beautiful?!" I say as we look at the houses that are behind Wall Rose. He hums in agreement as he takes my hand and squeezes it. "Has it really been five years?" Eren asks me quietly. I smile sadly while nodding. "But look at us. Ready to stand tall again!" I say in comfort. "We can do it." He replies confidently. "Man kind didn't start this fight. but we're going to finish it!" Eren says, with a huge grin on his face. I giggle, knowing just how true those words were. But then, a flash of lightning and a wave of steam turned this beautiful moment, into another nightmare.
"Get off the wall!" I screech while pulling Eren with me. Everyone snaps out of their daze and follows my orders. And not a moment too soon. Streaming hot breath could be seen from where I was hanging next to Eren. Rumbling comes from beneath us. "Oh dear god no. Not again." One person said. I take a deep breath and start to yell with Eren. "THIS IS IT PEOPLE!!!" I yell as I take out my swords and start to run up the wall. "DO OR DIE!" Eren finishes for me, and he follows me up the wall. "WE HAVE TO TAKE OUT THE COLOSSAL TITAN! THIS IS OUR CHANCE!!!" We scream together. We both land on the wall and come face to face with the Colossal Titan. "You.... It's been awhile!" I growl along with Eren in a deep, deep voice.
-To be continued!!!
The jaws of hell
reopen before
you can even
catch your breath
you're between it's
teeth sometimes
saving the people
dearest to you is
really the ultimate
I hope you enjoyed! Sorry it was so late, that was due to me getting distracted with other things and procrastinating! See ya next time!
Words count: 2218
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