Survey Corps
Sorry I've kept you waiting! But here it is! Enjoy.
"Good news Jaeger, you're now apart of the scouting Corps."
Noel's POV
"Excuse me, I gotta pee." Eren said to a guard. I stared at him. "Eren, you just went. Chill out." I say to him. Eren glares at me. "Hush short stack!" I huff and ignore him.
"Then can I have some water?" Eren persists. I growl and pinch his arm. "Eren shut up! You're being annoying!" I hiss before settling on my cot. Eren grins before he sits on me. "Eren get off me! I swear to gods I will tear you apart once I get these cuffs off! You better run far far away!" I yell angrily as I hit his back. Eren waves my words away and doesn't move an inch from where he's sitting.
I once again huff and submerge myself in my thoughts. 'Soon, we'll be taken to the court house. Right now there's nothing much I can do. I can't take back the people Eren, Mikasa, and I killed all those years ago. And even if I did have a plan, Eren will do something stupidb therefore messing up the whole plan-' My train of thought crashes as Eren yelps.
I look up to see a very familiar four eyed scientist. "So then you're Eren and Noel! Well, how are things? I'm really sorry you've been waiting so long, but here's your chance to finally get out! One thing. You'll have to put these on foe me, okay?" I nod as Eren gets off me and takes the two pairs of handcuffs. Quickly we put them on.
Seconds later the cell door opens.
"My name is Zoe Hanji. I'm a section commander for the scouts. This is a fellow commander of the scouts, Mike Zack." Said person carefully sniffs Eren and I. Eren leans away but I simply let Mike do his thing.
"Oh! Don't mind him! He makes a habit of giving new people a through sniff..." Hanji's words fade out as I stop paying attention. 'I wonder what I smell like. Can he smell the medicine and herbs on me? What about the titan in Eren and I? So many questions!!!' I think.
"Wecre here!" I start listening to Hanji. "It's probably better if I don't explain what's happening now." Hanji says before leaving us to the guards.
Timeskip after trial 'cause I'm lazy.
"Well that went better than expected. Does it hurt?" Hanji asks as she tends to Eren. He nods. "Yeah? Describe it to me-" Hanji is cut off by Erwin.
"Sorry about all that, but the theatrics did get you placed in our custody." Eren buffs but I nod in understanding. "We understand. Thank you, captain, commanders. Even if you had to knock out a few teeth." I say with a sweet smile. Hanji sweatdrops along with everyone else.
"I assure you the pain is worth it. You two have my utmost respect." Erwin says. Levi sits or between Eren and I. Eren stiffen but I simply lounge back and close my eyes. "So. Do you two despise me?" I crack open an eye. "Captain, that's a silly question. You did what was needed, plus you intentially missed critical spots at the trial. You aimed to make it look worse than it actually was. Without that, Eren and I would be strapped on a metal table just waiting to be cut apart." I mummer. Everyone looks at me in surprise as Mike speaks up.
"Noel, do you happen to have any medical experience?" I go to deny but Eren interrupted me. "Yes, a year before wall Maria fell she became a registered doctor." I glared at Eren.
"Hmm. That wasn't in your file. You could get in a lot of trouble for with holding information." Erwin mused. Already knowing what he was planning, I sighed. "I suppose I will act as a soldier and a medic then?" Erwin grinned. "Precisely."
"Anyways, Levi don't you think what you did was a little harsh? I mean you knocked their teeth out!" Hanji said as she revealed two teeth. Levi and I cringed in disgust. "You picked it up? How disgusting." Levi and I said at the same time. "This is a precious sample I'll have you know!" Hanji protested.
Levi looked at Eren. "Hey, just be glad people like that aren't disecting you." Eren had an expression of horror on his face. "Don't you dare compare me to them! I would never even dream of killing them!" Hanji protested grossly.
"Hey Noel-" I cut her off. "No." Hanji pouted before turning to Eren. "Hey Eren let me take a look inside that mouth of yours." Eren simply opened his mouth. Hanji got close and gasped. Everyonecs attention was on her now.
"Your tooth.... It grew back." I chuckled darkly. "Of course it did. Itcs only logical."
Erwin's POV
"Of course it did. It's only logical." The tiny silver haired girl said darkly. Waves of imitation rolled off Noel. I gulped. "What do you mean?" I asked cautiously. Noel looked up to reveal cold, calculating eyes. "If Eren can regrow a leg and a arm perfectly, then logically a mere tooth should be no problem. Same with me."
It was simple. Her eyes scared me though. No, not scared. More like challenged me. I gave Noel a genuine smile. "I think you and I will get along nicely."
To be continued....
I IS DONE! Sorry for not updating. Everything is kinda settling down in real life.
Word count: 936
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