Sorry for the hold up! School has been crazy and I now have a few after school events along with chores I have to do afterwords! So let's get this show on da road!!!!
"The cadets of squad 34.... are dead."
Mikasa's POV
The world slowed to a stop.
A loud ringing was all I could hear as I attempted to process the information. As I tried to process the fact that Eren is dead. Noel's last words come back to me.
'Keep your promise!'
I'm sorry Noel. I couldn't protect Eren, but i'll protect Armin.
"Mikasa? W-where's Noel?" Armin asks shakily, gaining the attention of the other cadets. I see Jean stomping up to me with a terrified expression. "Mikasa! Where. Is. Noel." He says.
A strangled sob makes it's way out of my throat. "Noel...." I sob. "Noel's gone.... She saved me." The air went still as everyone processed the information. Noel, our precious sunshine, our adorable little sister, is dead. Eaten by the very things she wanted to destroy.
Sobs echoed through the air for a couple minutes before someone finally speaks up. "We have to make it.... Noel.... Eren..... Everyone who died, would've wanted us to make it." It was Krista. She had tear stains on her cheeks, but her eyes were filled with determination. Ymir took her place next to her and nodded, her face in a similar fashion.
I gather up my strength, and stand up. "Does anyone have any gas left?" I question. There are quite groans of despair as they rumble a response. "No... is this how it's going to end?" Someone asks. "The supply depot was suppose to already be here!" Connie said angrily. "They all lost their will to fight and I can understand why. But they abandoned their duty to supply us, barricading themselves inside HQ and of course titans have swarmed the place which means we can't get the gas ourselves." Jean replied somberly.
They continued to talk, but I ignored it and tried to think of a plan. 'What would she do?..... What would Noel do in a situation like this?' I asked myself. Then an idea popped into my head. I straightened myself up and spoke in a soft voice, but loud enough for everyone to hear. "Calm yourselves. We haven't got time for everyone to get emotional right now." I raise my sword and speak evern louder, keeping Eren and Noel's smiles in mind as I spoke. "On your feet. Marco, if we eliminate or bypass the titans of HQ we can there refuel our gear, allowing us to get back over the wall. Is that assessment correct?" I said in a dull, monotone voice. "Well I guess so, sure." He said.
"Then come on. It doesn't matter how many titans are surrounding HQ. We will take out every single one that stands in our paths in order to survive. We will do it for all the people who have laid down their lives today for the sake of humanity." With that, I turned around and shot towards HQ.
After a few seconds, I heard the comforting sound of other wires join mine, with watery eyes I think, 'Noel, Eren. I will protect everyone like you guys did. I may not do it with a smile, but I will protect them.' But then, I lurch forward. I look behind me to see the soft white gas fumes spluttering out, singnaling that I was now out of gas. So therefore, I began my descent to the ground.
I slammed into a nearby roof, before falling to the ground. The wind whips around my stunned body as I finally fall onto the ground. The air is knocked out of me, so I just stay on my back, starring listlessly at the sky. 'Eren, Noel. Come back.' I thought in a depressed state. I finally get up, just to fall onto my knees. 'Why? I, my, my last piece of family! Gone just like that!' I cried out in my head, not letting the tears that so desperately wanted to be let out, fall.
'Wasn't the first time enough? It's all over. There's nothing left for them to take from me.' I thought as loud, heavy footsteps started in my direction. From the corner of my eye, I could see a fat, tall titan approaching me. 'This world is cruel. But it's also beautiful.' I thought as a memory of Eren, Noel, and I are playing around. I raise my head to meet the eyes of the incoming titan who is grinning without a care in the world. 'It was a good life.' I think while closing my eyes, resigning myself to my fate.
But as the titan reached down to grab me, my body spurred into action. Taking a blade, I slashed the titan's hands and jumped onto my feet. I avoided each and every attempt the giant made to catch me, and while I did that, a single question rang through my head.
A answer came to me straight away. Noel's promise to me, and my promise to her. She said she would protect me with her life, so I must protect the others with mine. I turn away in order to run, but i'm stopped by two other titans. 'I'm sorry Eren, Noel. I won't die. Because if I die, then the memories I have of you guys will die with me!' I resolve as I pick up my broken blade and brandish it at the fat titan while letting out a battle cry. Footsteps behind me make me falter in my cry, as two large fists become acquainted with the fat titan's face. All I see is short brown hair that reminds me so much of my dear Eren, and flowing silver hair that squeezes my heart just looking at it. Noel's hair.
Noel's POV
When I transformed it felt weird, but..... comfy? The ground looked really, really far down. Loud footsteps brought me out of my thoughts. Turning around, I was met with the UGLIEST freaking titan I have EVER seen. Just the sight of it filled me with anger, but I did not lose control. No. Instead, I took that steaming hot anger, and turned it into strength. I bounded towards the grey bearded titan, and was about to punch it when it exploded. Yes, exploded. And emerging from titan guts, was my dear brother.
I felt something in my head, like a link of sorts. So being me, I 'tapped' on the link. 'Hello? Eren, is that you?' A static like sound filled my brain before words started coming through. '.......N.....oel..... s....... you?....... No...e...l.....what's.....going.. on? Can you hear me?' His voice said, getting clearer at the end. 'Yes. We should try and assist our friends while we have the advantage. Whoever kills the most titans get bragging rights~' I mentally cooed. A weird grin formed on his face. 'You're on.' And thus, the game began.
We started killing titans left and right, stopping for nothing. Soon, we came upon a dark ally way that I recognized from the manga. 'Mikasa...' I thought. I started to walk in that direction, telling Eren to follow me. We soon arrived and were met with the sight of Mikasa trying to run away. When it became clear that that wouldn't happen, she picked up a broken blade and let out a battle cry. That sound spurred us into action.
We lunged forward as one and punched the fat, unproportioned titan right in the face! Making said titan fly back. I let Eren take care of that one while I turned back to Mikasa. She loked up at me with tears in her eyes. I cock my head sideways, before I finally notice what she was starring at. My hair.
It was the exact same as before, and i'm willing to bet my eyes were the same. Shaking off that realization, I bent down and picked up Mikasa. I could feel her struggling in my hand but I payed it no mind, instead, placing her on my shoulder. I then call out for Eren in my head. 'Eren! Come with me!' I said. Eren replies with a yes, and seconds later he appears right next to me.
We walk in silence as I locate the cadets. Finally, after a few minutes of looking, I see Armin and Connie. 'Eren grab them. Place them on your shoulders.' He grunts in response and quickly does as I ask. Minutes later, Eren comes back with a sobbing Armin and a angry Connie. "What the hell?!" Connie screamed. "Oh were're going to die oh my gods oh my gods!" Armin cried. "Armin! Connie! It's fine! These ones won't eat us!" Mikasa yelled. 'Thank gods. My ears were starting to hurt.' I joked. Eren let out a small chuckle.
Eren suddenly puts Armin and Connie in my hands then runs up ahead to take out a titan. While he's doing that, I can hear Armin and Connie talking about how they can use us. "Did you see that other titan! He finished it off like it was nothing! He knew where the weak spot was!" Armin says in excitement. "And this one! It's different from everything we've ever known! There has never been a female titan!!! And they both don't want to eat humans! We can use lead them to HQ and have them defeat all the titans!" He finished.
I tuned out as Eren walked over to us. 'We are going to HQ. We have lots of titans to kill.' I said to Eren. He nods and starts to speed walk with me. Soon, we reach the HQ building. I put Armin, Connie, and Mikasa on my head so that my hands are free for the moment. Eren and I split up. I make my way to where a titan is peering into the building. I pull my fist back and smash it into the titan's face. The said titan goes flying, so I take a few seconds to put Armin, Connie, and Mikasa into that room before going on a killing spree.
Jean's POV
"Where are they!" I yelled in frustration. Armin, Connie, and Mikasa were still not back. The sunlight is suddenly blocked from the room. Everyone looks to the hole in the wall to see a huge eye starring at us. But just as suddenly as it was there, it was gone. Punched in the face, in fact, by a silver haired titan that looked so much like Noel. A few seconds later, Armin, Connie, and Mikasa are carefully, but quickly placed in the room.
It was silent, all we could hear was the roars and screams of dying titans. Finally, someone broke the silence. "What..... What was that?" Everyone held their breath as hey looked at the three cadets that had been carried in by.... what ever that thing was. It was Mikasa who answered the question.
"That..... Is humanities manifestation of rage."
I'M DONE!! Sorry it took so long! School is already crazy, so I had to make a steady schedule for everything. See ya next time!!!!
Word count: 1866
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