It has begun
Hey! I'm here! Enjoy.
And just like that, everything changed. At that terrible moment, in our hearts, we knew, home was a pen. Humanity, cattle.
Noel's POV
All of us are shocked into silence, I mean, who wouldn't after seeing their mother eaten? After a few minutes of silence, I snapped out of my daze, Eren did too. We started to hit Hannes. "Damn it, stop!" He yelled at us while running. "You son of bi*ch! We could've saved her! We almost had her out!" Eren yells while punching him. "Why did you come?! Why!?" I screamed while hitting his head. Tears rolled down our faces. I took my satchel off and started to beat him on the head.
"I told you to stop!" Hannes growls as he threw Eren and I to the ground. I grab my fallen bag before gripping Eren's hand. "Eren! Noel!" Mikasa yells as she escapes Hannes arms. "Look. There's nothing you could have done for her, you understand. You're a kid. You're weak." He says as he bends down to our level. Anger fills me, so I lunge at Hannes, aiming for his face. He catches Eren's fist, but fails to dodge mine making him fall over. "So what if we're kids?!" I yell. He gets up and starts to speak. "I'm worse. When push came to shove, I was too frightened to hold my ground. Your mother died because I'm a damn coward!" Everyone had tears staining their cheeks at this point. When I saw Hannes's tears, my anger drained away. My anger turned to shock and sorrow.
Hannes stands up and grabs Eren and Mikasa's hand. I then grab onto Eren's. "I'm sorry." He whispers to us. This just makes us cry harder. Mikasa puts her hand to her head and says, "It's the same thing all over again."
Armin's POV
"No personal belongings! We need to make as much room as possible!" A soldier yells. I stand up and start to search through the crowd for Eren, Mikasa, and Noel. "You best have a seat." My grandfather says from beside me. "I am just keeping an eye out for my friends." I say as I resume my search. Not long after I say that, I spot them. "There they are!" I go to wave them over, but then I see Eren and Noel's faces. They look terrified. Like they were scarred for life. "Eren... Noel..." I whisper. "I wouldn't try to call out just now. Give them their space. God only knows what they've just seen." Grandfather says gravely. I gasp.
Noel's POV
"This isn't real. This is a nightmare!" A man says from beside me. Prayers are heard from all around. I've snapped out of my daze and started to plan. I got to keep my bag since it had medical supplies, but it also has food in it. I know soon, the Armored titan will show up and Eren will make his vow. I'm actually going to do it with him. I owe it to mother dearest. Loud thumps bring me out of my thoughts. 'It's here.' I think as I turn my attention to the wall.
The footsteps get louder and louder until finally, the armored titan runs through the wall. It is silent as we all watch the hunched over titan. Then the screaming starts. People around me are saying depressed stuff that I ignore. I think back on my past ten years of life. 'It's.... all gone. Our house, our mom. Everything.' Eren grabs my hand, shocking me out of my thoughts. We stand up and walk to the edge of the ship. Mikasa and Armin are talking to us, but we pay them no attention, as our minds are over come with sorrow and grief. "We're going to put a stop to this. We'll kill them all. Every. Last. One." We hiss as we watch the receding gate.
"Eren! Noel! Stay with me twins! Wake up!" A voice says. I immediately get up just to find Eren on the ground and my father's hand gripping my arm tightly. "Stop it father! You're scaring me!" I yell. He pulls out a needle and I recognize it as the stuff that is given to Eren to make him shift. 'We.... both will be shifters? I can't let that happen! It'll mess up the story line!' I struggle even more. "Stop it father! I don't understand what you're trying to do!" I lied. "You don't have to just stop struggling so I can inject Eren after you!" He yells at me. "NO! I won't let you hurt Eren! You're insane! Mother's death pushed you off the deep end!" I screamed. "Shut up!" He yells. "NO! Let me go!" I yell as he plunges the needle into my arm. "Damn you! This is the only way!" I continue to scream in hope of waking up Eren. "You're not making any sense!" 'Wake up Eren!' "You cannot forget the key! What ever you do you must reach it! It's the way to the truth! One day you'll understand!" My vision starts to fade out. But not before I see the flash of a key and my twin yelling, "NOEL!!"
Suddenly I shoot up. I find Mikasa in front of me and Eren in a similar postion next to me. "It's okay. It's just a bad dream." She says. "It felt so..... so real." Eren says. I can only stare at my lap. 'I'm going to be a titan shifter.' I feel something heavy around my neck. I look to see a silver key. "The basement key?" I say out loud in confusion. "You must have a spare, I have one too. Gah!" Eren flinches in pain as he rubs his hands together. "Let me see your hands. Mikasa, can you get my satchel?" I ask as I examine Eren's hands. They're covered in blood and splinters. I take the bag from Mikasa and pull out tweezers, soothing cream, cleaning alcohol, and bandages. I quickly fix up Eren's hands before turning to Mikasa. "Let me see your hands." She reluctantly gives me her hands. I start to treat them and in minutes, i'm finished.
"I'm really glad I have my bag. I have some food in here but we're going to have to ration it out." I say as I put away the medical stuff and pull out some cheese. I take my pocket knife and slice out four chunks. "Who gets the fourth piece?" Eren asks. I point to the crowd. "I saw Armin just a minute ago trying to get through the crowd to get to us." The said person appears right next to me with for pieces of bread in his arms. "Hey guys! Grandpa scrounged us a little extra since he said he had kids." He says as he hands out the bread. Eren just stares at it. We see a guard behind Armin who just clucks his tongue in distaste before walking away. "What's his problem?" I ask as I cut my cheese and bread into thirds, taking one of each before putting the rest away. "Just ignore it. There was a food shortage before we got here, now even more so." Armin replies grimly.
"Nothing more gratifying than seeing our rations going to animals." We over hear a guard say. We all look up in shock. " I guess we gotta beef up the herd though. Eat up! The titans like a little meat on their bones." Another one says. That passes the line of okay, apparently Eren agrees. We stalk up to them with angry faces. Eren kicks one in then shin. The guard was about to punch him in the face, but I stopped his fist and glared at him. "You don't know what it's like. How about I go get your mother, make a house fall on her legs, and make you watch her get eaten! You don't know what it's like to watch the titans eat!" I'm yelling by now, and everyone's attention is on us. "You little pieces of-" The guard is cut off. "They're sorry!They didn't mean it! They're just hungry! We all get that way, speak our minds out of turn sometimes. Forgive them, I beg you." Armin bows down as I let go of the man's fist and walk away, not staying to hear the end of the conversation. I sit against a pillar and start to eat my bread and cheese.
Soon enough, I hear Eren speaking. "I'm going back to Wall Maria-" I stand up and cut him off. "No you're not~ If I don't go: You don't go. Twin's honor." I say stopping in front of him. "Stop it Noel. I'm serious!" He says. "Wake up! The guys standing between us and them are just a load of talk! To hell with all of them! Here! Take this bread back!" Eren says as he throws the bread at Armin. 'I love you bro but, don't be mean to my cinnamon roll.' I think as Armin speaks. "When are you going to get sick of their charity!? Too much is handed to us! We have to stand on our own two feet." Eren argues. I ignore what they say until Mikasa punches Eren in the face. I take the bread from Armin and walk over to Eren. I shove it in his mouth. "Eat. Mikasa promised mother that she'd take care of us. And mother didn't say to be brave. She said to survive. So eat."
Eren's POV
When Noel says that, I start to cry as I look at my younger twin sister. Her waist long white hair is blowing gently in the breeze and her metallic gold eyes are sharp with determination. 'I have to protect her. I'm her big brother, even if it is by five minutes.'
3rd POV
Days later, throngs of starved refugees were put to plow in the waste lands as a last ditch effort to raise food. But the cold hard ground yielded nothing and the following year 846, the remaining refugees old enough to serve in the military were tasked with reclaiming Wall Maria. Of the 250,000 sent, nearly 20% of the surviving population, not even 200 made it back. WHile it did nothing to drive back the titans, their sacrafice did at least lessen the effects of famine within the interior.
Noel's POV
"We have to find a way to stop them. Our lives will never be our own anymore until we do. This world will never feel like home." Eren says to a crying Armin. "That's it. Next year i'll be applying to join the cadets. To become strong enough to fight back!" I observe Eren quietly. "I'm with you." Armin says. "You don't have to-" "I do!" Armin interrupts. "So do I." Mikasa says. "Damnit. I'm not trying to drag you in. Look, there's no point to following me to my death." Eren argues. "It won't be your death if Mikasa and I are there." I say. "You too?" He asks. I smirk. "I made a vow to kill all the titans right next to you." I reply. Eren sighs. "All right. Together then." He stands up as we watch him.
"Straighten those spines pissheads! 104th cadet boot camp starts now! Allow me to introduce myself! I'm former commander Keith Shadis and you will grow to hate me. Training is going to be a white knuckle ride through hell! If I've done my job, then you'll be waking up in a cold sweat from memories of this place every night for the rest of you miserable lives! RIght now you're nothing! Livestock! But over the next three soul crushing years, you'll learn to take down your own goliath! Remember this moment when you come face to face with him, because here's where you ask yourselves; am I a fighter? Or am I feet? Am I going to be ground up to pulpy human breast wean father sized incisors! Or am I going to be the one to bite!?" Keith yelled.
It isn't easy
Hard truth passions
Guarantee he will stick the landing
Unless you can transmute it to skill
When you're floored by fundamentals
All the heart in the world means nothing.
Word count: 2080
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