Drama Queen
The last thing I thought before succumbing to the darkness was, '0.'
3rd POV
Once Noel's titan form collapsed, chaos reigned. Eren's titan form started to slowly but surely lose energy, until he too collapsed. Orders were shouted to defend the twins once the hole was plugged up. Soldiers snapped into action once their tears of joy stopped falling. Yet the danger had not passed yet.
Mikasa's POV
'They did it!' Tears were running down my face as I watched my two adopted siblings. "This day belongs to Humanity!" Someone said as they set off a yellow flare. I took some time to admire how beautiful that yellow color was before turning my attention back to the titan shifters. As I watched Noel, she seemed dazed. But then, all of the sudden, Noel's titan form started to tilt, before it completely fell. "NOEL!!!" I screamed. I could see stray titans coming towards Noel and Eren since they had made so much noise. The elite squad commander that was already here started to spout out orders. "Ackerman! Pull back!" "With all due respect, I'm not withdrawing until I recover Eren and Mikasa!" I immediately said before running to the two titan shifter corpses.
Seeing Armin already at Eren's side I started to question him as I sprinted to get to Noel. "Armin! How is he?" I shouted while climbing Noel's body. "Unconscious and scorching to the touch!" He replied while trying to pull Eren out of the nape. Nodding, I finally made it to where Noel's body was emerging. I started to pull her up, but the pink flesh had a good grip on her, plus she was too scorching to touch. "Same with Noel!" I yelled back after a few seconds. "We have to get them up the wall or we will all die!!" Armin yelled frantically. My eyes widened then narrowed as I doubled my efforts. "Damn it! She's fused to the carcass!" I yelled in panic. "Eren too!" Armin once again replied.
Squad leader Rico landed next to me and said, "We need to cut them out!" That had me shaking my head. "Are you crazy?! What if they get hurt! We don't know what that might do!" I protested, but Rico ignored me and cut Noel out before moving onto Eren. I fell back with Noel on top of me. But then a shadow covered me. I looked up to see two titans starring down at me. 'Shit!' I swore in my head as I tried to move Noel's body so I could grab my blades. But then I remembered Eren and Armin. "Eren, Armin!" I cried out in horror. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Noel slightly open her eyes, but I was more focused on the two titans that were approaching us. Just as I was about to get up, a flash of green was seen behind the titans as their napes were sliced.
Once the two titans fell lifelessly to the ground, a short figure landed on top of them. I dragged Noel and myself over to Armin and Eren's side as I kept my eyes on the mysterious figure. "Mikasa.... Who is that?" Armin whispered. Now Noel and Eren were awake and they were very confused. But when the short person slightly turned, we all saw the wings on freedom adorning his back. "Pat attention kiddos, this is the part where you explain to me exactly what it is i'm looking at. " The man said. (A/N One of my favorite parts! This is the first time Levi's talked in the anime!! *SQUEALLLLL!!!!*)
3rd POV
Afterward, thanks to the coordinated efforts of the scout regiment and the garrison regiments corps of engineers, wall rose once again stood as a bulwark against the titan hordes. It was a full day's work dispatching the titans who remained corralled within Trost's perimeter, during which, the wall mounted cannons fired ceaselessly. Most of the titans nearest the wall were wiped out by explosive shells. The few that remained once the smoke cleared or summarily cut down by the scout regiment. During the so called clean up, cleanup operation two titans, a four meter and a seven meter were captured alive and successfully restrained. However, all told 207 people were either dead or missing. 897 are counted among the injured. So while the reclamation Trost represented the first true victory for humanity and it's fight against the titans, too many soldiers had fallen for celebration to be in order.
Time skip
Noel's POV
My eyes suddenly shot open to reveal bars about five feet in front of me. Behind those bars, stood two people I knew well. Erwin Smith and Levi Rivalle. Looking around, I see Eren beside me, still fast asleep with cuffs on his hands. Looking down I noticed that the same cuffs were n my wrist. I sighed, drawing the two men's attention to me. "Well... How ya doin'?" Was my intelligent words. The two just stared at me. "Any questions?" Levi said. Thinking about it I spoke. "Just how much trouble are we in?" Erwin chuckled but did not answer my question. I quiet groan came from beside me. Looking over, I see my twin waking up slowly. Smacking silly grin on my face I say, "Hey sleeping beauty! Enjoy your beauty sleep? Well anyways, look at our amazing room!" I say with energy, ignoring the amused stares I got from Levi and Erwin.
Eren was looking around until his gaze landed on the two scout regiment soldiers. I could basically see the wheels turning in his head. "Where.... Where are we?" I slapped my palm to my face. "Well as you can see brother dear, we are in a lovely cell. Use your brain for once." I responded dryly. Eren glared at me while blushing before turning back to the two men.
Erwin started to speak. "Well I think it's obvious, as your sister said, let's just call it a dungeon. You two are currently in the custody of the Military Police. We were granted permission to see you two only just now." Pausing, Erwin held up a key while Eren gasped. "Where did you get that?!" I sigh at my brother's stupidity. "Off of you. Your sister has one, but it was left on her. But don't worry, you'll get it back. Let's talk home. Specifically the good doctor's cellar back in Shiganshina. Pretty big secret in there, right?" I cough awkwardly, as I knew what was in there. Both from my previous life and the fact that I may have snuck down there and found the information. Noe everyone's attention was on me. "Miss Noel, do you know anything?" Erwin asked me. I coughed nervously. "Um. Yeah. Um, I used to study with my father a lot when I was training to be a doctor and I often went down to the cellar without permission and I found some.... interesting stuff."
I stopped there. "Well?" I motioned to the guards and Erwin immediately got the message. "Gaurds, please leave us." After a bit of grumbling, they left and I continued. "You guys can't tell anyone this until the time is right but.... we're not the last ones." I paused to let everyone soak the words in. Erwin exploded with questions along with Eren. "Hush, hush! So yeah, we aren't the only ones out here in this world!" Levi interrupts me. "So why haven't they sent aid?" He said. "I was about to get to that! So apparently this land we're on is called 'Paradise Island.' Ironic right? But anywho, This is the only pace in the world with titans!" "What?!" "Yeah! But hush! The other people are much more advanced than us. And more cruel. They..... ah I don't know how to explain it! Um.. Well to put it bluntly, the titan problem is mostly their fault." Just as they were about to ask more questions, the guards came back. We quickly switched conversations.
"It must suck to have your memory and dad to be gone. Unless of course, that's just a cover story." Levi said smoothly. I caught on and started to act with him. "What?! We're telling the truth!" Erwin interveined. "Enough. We've been over this already, we know they have no reason to lie." He said turning back to us. "And that's all we know. How about you guys shed a little light on things by telling us your intentions." He continued. "Our what? W-What do you mean?" Eren asked. "If we want to pay your dad's cellar a visit we'll have to venture back into Shiganshina. Sealing the breach there as we did in Trost would be that smartest way to go about things don't you think. Naturally we'll need your special powers. Any way you slice it, a titan's deciding out fate. It's been conjectured that the colossal and the armored titan are more or less the same as you guys. That's why I ask your intentions. They could be the key to turning the tide forever." Erwin said as he once again held up the key. "You can save us." He finished.
"I don't know-" I cut him off impatiently. "Idiot, don't go off on some kind of speech. Just remember what we said five years ago. We said we'll kill all the titans!" I said with fire in my eyes. "Yeah. What she said. It's an easy question so answer it. What the hell is it you want to do?" Levi asked in a blunt, monotone voice.
"I.... I want to kill all the titans!" Eren said dramatically. I sighed. "Damn drama queen."
The end! I hope you enjoyed this episode!!! See ya next time!!!
Word count: 1641
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