smiles shyly* tail wags lights turn on deflames * hello?)H:So what is someone like you doing all the way out here it's dangerous I...I was trying to get home but because I used alot of my powers I passed out from being too weakH:A mother out here all alone with her children pirates and bounty hunters are usually always around open areas like thissighs* sees someone walk in with my pups tail wags* (a clone) goes and nuzzles pups tail wagging ears up *(Not a Clone these guys your with would not have clones around) *Hondo picks up one of the pups* H:Look at them so small and tiny and quite a few of them mk) *gets a bit protective ears go back as a warning not trusting them yet especially with the runt* P1:Hey boss H:What is it P1:We coming in for a landing H:Ok thank you *turns to you* would you join me for a drink no but i'll sit with youH:You do not trust me no but i'm a mom and i don't drink...H: Ok fair enough I respect that so come with me welcome to florum nods picks up ace first then crystal* H:Just try to ignore everyone they are usually drunk half the time H:So what is your name and why did you come here to begin with
My name is cassie and I was running away from count Dooku trying to go home I'm a commander I went out to go to a walk then this guy came lured me with some...treats got me to trust him and dropped me off to count the I ran trying to get home then passed out...H:ahh count Dooku the Sith Lord and head separatist I captured him once I also once captured Skywalker and Kenobi but I'm friends with Kenobi ya...I'm with them and on the search and rescue because of my wolf abilities and tracking H:Well I guess you're lucky you found me and not someone else I'll help you get back
thank you *tail wags* H:All that's left to do is settle my fee
okH:So how many credits have you got (pretend I have 60) *checks* I have 60 H:60 credits is good enough come on I'll fly you back
ok thx *gives him the credits picks up the pups by neck one by one putting them back on the ship* H;So what play where you on*tells him * H:Anakess ok here we go
thanks *is laying down as my pups nurse* H:So what was your problem with Dooku explains* H:well I'm not sure what to say the force and all that is a mystery to me
ya...*looks up my pups softly smiles as they're nursing their eyes closed* gently licks them grooming them gently while their nursing**Timeskip to when we arrive* *Hondo lands the ship* H:There you go R:Hondo you're under arrest for abducting, theft and whatever else we can arrest a pirate for H: I just returned your person in charge
thank you *picks up my pups goes to rex* R:Commander glad to have you back we've arrested the pirateSighs* he did nothing raring he saved me pls don't arrest himH: I think you should listen to here R:Fine Hondo go before I change my mind Thank you Rex *hugs him* nods to hondo *RpR:Where did you goon a walk...R:I have to keep a eye on youwhyyyyy pouts*mumbles* i'm not a frickin kid i don't need a babysitterR:However you got kidnapped pouts* but i'm not a kid *hits his arm mad*R: Hahaha ouch that really hurt
rolls eyes* pouts* but it's true *hits arm again* R: I just don't wanna see you hurt
rolls eyes* mumbles overprotective stupid butt* cody comes over telling him naughty corner for me* *Rex gets a smile on his face and turns round to you* R:So tell me about this naughty corner
no, I do not need a naughty corner I'M NOT A KID! *1 min later* *arguing with cody over the corner* C:What I thought I it was a good idea hahahaha
whyyyyyyyy *pouts hits him* C:Funny continues to hit him mad* *Cody sits informant of you so you can't go anywhere*
*gets out of corner* I don't think so tackles you down before you get away
squirms* NO! *kicks and screams* :Come on back to where you belong
no *pouts* I AM NOT A KID! he puts me back in the corner and walks away *gets out again as all of them have to work together*
*Rex comes out and grabs you*pouts*q/w hour later gets out for the 10th time but stys ther after echo puts me back knowing u guys are gonna keep putting me back*1/2 I meant) E:Thank good
sniffles* timeskip to after my timeout heas footsteps sees cody and daddy come over* *Cody and Rex come over and sit next to you*
whimpers cuddling into dada crying ears down*
R:Hey what's upcuddles into him* *they get me to apologize* timeskip to a few hours later*
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