Oh dear...
Well I was tagged in one of these dreadful things by my love AlixIsMyWorld I'mma gonna get you back for this XD
1.) Post all the rules ((even though I find rules stupid and should be broken))
2.) Tag 13 people
3.) Post 13 facts about yourself
4.) Answer the 13 questions that I gave you.
5.) Add 13 questions for the people you tag.
6.) You can't say "I don't do dares!" Or any excuse.
7.) You have to post this in a book and not a comment.
8.) Tag backs are aloud
9.) You have to finish soon.
10.) Be creative.
Ze Questions I was asked
1.) What is your favorite music?
I have no favorite music. I mean I love metal, emo/screamo, 50's, 60's, country ((yes country SUE ME)), rap and alternative rock.
2.) What would you do if I sang out of tune?
If I knew the song, I would sing along with you ((out of tune as well))and make it a fun time and afterwords laugh making fun of us both being out of tune.
3.) Marvel or DC?
MARVEL *starts singing like I'm singing Fuck The Police* FUCK DC AND ITS STUPID CRAP ((let the hate begin))
4.) If you could be any animal, what would you be?
Oh I would be an Aye-Aye, dreadfully wonderful creatures that have funny legends behind them.
5.) Who is your favorite superhero?
Spider-Man, hehe he was my first crush as a little girl.
6.) Who is your favorite band?
Bayside with forever have my heart, even if they got shitty after their first three albums.
7.) Who is the best roleplayer on Wattpad?
With out a doubt that has to be Thelonewolf55 ((take the damn complement))
8.) If you were told you have 24 hours to live, what would you do with that time?
Instantly book a flight to see my boyfriend and then travel to France with him and go to the top of The Eiffel Tower to watch the last sunset with him at the very top ((hope you aren't afraid of heights darling, it's pretty damn tall))
9.) What's one thing on your bucket list?
Go to Egypt and meet Dr. Zahi Hawass and see all of Egypt. The great pyramids, the valley of the kings, the valley of the queens, the lighthouse in Alexandria and the many temples of the gods and goddesses. Probably with be a little freak and die of excitement.
10.) What is your dream vacation?
To travel all over Europe with just a backpack full of my essentials and look for work and couch surf to pay for my stays.
11.) What do you want as a career?
I want to become a high school history teacher or maybe go into the Air Force and become a mechanic.
12.) What is the meaning behind your username?
Well I'm a little emo child and I love cats and view myself as a little kitten sometimes in the way I act around people. The xx is for hugs I give ((I just thought of that on the spot XD XD))
13.) If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
To travel back in time, only back in time never forward. I'm too afraid of the future to want to bare to see it.
Ze 13 Facts:
Wtf do you guys not know about me?!?!
1.) I hate people but I love persons
2.) I am from a broken home
3.) I am a broken person
4.) I believe marriage is a waist of time and waist of feeling hurt
5.) I have an irrational fear of never being able to produce children.
6.) I want 4 kids
7.) I want to fall in love like Mr Darcy and Elizabeth Bennett.
8.) I can see dead people
9.) I have a boyfriend
10.) I love the rain, the smell of it is what draws me in
11.) My friends call me "The Walking PBS"
12.) I love history and throw random facts at you about anything.
13.) I find the number 13 amusing
Muh Questions:
1.) Craziest thing you have done?
2.) Favorite movie?
3.) Who do you got the hots for?
4.) Johnny Dep or Leonardo DiCaprio?
5.) The Walking Dead or Z Nation?
6.) Will Herondale or Jem Carstair?
7.) Harry Potter or Draco Malfoy?
8.) One Direction or 5 Seconds of Summer?
9.) If you had the chance to be a Death Eater, would you do it?
10.) If you could get away with anything, what would it be?
11.) Jane Eyre or Pride and Prejudice?
12.) Autocorrect, friend or foe?
13.) ((Just because of the number)) What's a superstition you believe in with all your heart?
My darling poor unfortunate souls:
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