-Wings No More pt.2- (WAFFLE DUO + TAURIAN)
-Grian's Pov-
My eyes flickered open to see a bright light.
'Oh I'm finally dead..' I thought to myself before adjusting.
I sat up and realised I was in a hospital room,a nurse taking notes in the corner.
"H-Hello?",I ask weakly,my throat sore from screaming. She turned to me as if surprised I'm awake.
"Oh your awake! How are you feeling dear?",The nurse asked softly as she slowly cautiously approached me,
"I-I feel fine j-just everything h-hurts....",I mutter.
"Mm...I'll get you some pain killers,do you want me to send in some visitors?",she asked slightly puzzling me
'Visitor's?' I thought to myself.
"O-Okay...", I say in a small voice.The nurse nods and walks out,coming back five minutes later with two familiar faces;Taurtis and Mumbo.
"GRI!",Taurtis shreiks as he ran and hugged me tightly making me cough and wince in pain.
"Carful with him dear! He's still recovering remember!",The Nurse exclaimed moving Taurtis off me. He apologised and blushed out of embarrassment.
"GRIAN OH MY GOD ARE YOU OKAY?!",Mumbo ran to me and put his hand's on my shoulder's,
"I-I'm fine but my wings arn't.", I giggle breathlessly,Mumbo's worried expression instantly changing to a kind and warm one. He sighed,
"Even in serious situations you just can't take anything seriously can you?",Mumbo slightly smiled and I smile back,happy I managed to make him smile in such a situation like this.
"Nope,not one bit",I snicker before turning to Taurtis,"Come er you",I smile as he ran and hugged me.
"I'm so sorry this happened....its all my fault...", Taurtis sniffled.
"Taurtis. It wasn't your fault. Okay? None of if was....",I whisper making him cry.
"I love you...."
I froze,my face heating up. I don't think I was meant to hear that...but it felt nice to hear it..
"I love you too Taurtis"
I smile slightly blushing. Taurtisis head shot up,his eyes widened and his cheeks turned bright red,Mumbo smirked in which I rolled my eyes in response. I pulled them both into a tight hug,all of us crying at this point. I kept having to reassure them both since they kept apologising over and over again.
"Guys it's fine honestly! It was none of you guyses faults!", I say for the fifth time in the past two minutes. Of course they didn't listen.
They discharged me pretty quickly,the one thing I hate about America is the hospital bill's. All I can say is that my wallet was drier then a drought when I walked out those doors. I used Taurtis and Mumbo as walkers as I limped back home. When I arrived back at the apartment Taurtis hugged me tightly,
"I'm so sorry I wasn't their to protect you...",he muttered,
"It wasn't your fault Taurtis...",I whisper as I wrapped my arms around his waist. I felt his face heat up which made me smirk. I pulled away from the hug and kissed him before walking back in,leaving the poor guy to stand their in flustered shock.
"GRIIIIIIIIII YOU KISSED A GUY!!!!OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD I'M SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW YOU GOT NO IDEA",Mumbo shreiked,jumping up and down and flailing his arms about.
"Jeez louis calm down!",I giggle.
"OKAY YOUR RIGHT I SHOULDN'T BE TELLING YOU TO CALM DOWN,AAAAAA I CAN'T BELIVE I JUST DONE THAT!!!! EEEEEKKKKKKK!!!!",I screamed into my hands making both of us burst out into untamed laughter.
The laughter finally died down after a few minutes and we smiled warmly at eachother,the rooms atmosphere mellowing out.
"I'm proud of you dude.",Mumbo ruffled my hair and I chirped. He giggled and walked away,sitting down on the sofa and gesturing to me to sit down. I complied and smiled as he ranted about all the experiences he had with diffrent men. It was gross but funny at the same time to hear him scold his past self for the things they did. I eventually fell asleep to Mumbo going on another tangent and I slept well,Mumbo's body warmth keeping me nice and cozy
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