-Two Phyco's Bonding- (Mumbo & Sam)
This chapter contains: implied Smut,akward situations and Mumbo and Sam having a go at the tellie.
-Mumbo's Pov-
It was a Tuesday night and me and Sam decided to watch a movie whilst Taurtis and Grian did their 'Tuesday Buisness'. I don't know what that meant but Sam said I'd hear it once they began. We were discussing about what movie we should watch when I froze as the muffled sound of moaning came from the bathroom,
"A-Are they-"
"Yep. You get used to it after a few years.",Sam said in an oddly casual way,
"I-",I just sigh deciding not to question it. So this is why Grian always came back from Taurtisis house being unable to walk. Good to know. We settled on watching Friday the 13th and it was really good. We had to turn it up a few times because the sounds of moaning just kept getting louder and louder,
"Oh my god YOU FUCKING IDIOT! I SWEAR TO GOD THEY ALWAYS DO THIS IN HORROR MOVIES,SOME DING BAT WILL BE RUNNING AWAY FROM THE KILLER,TRIP AND DIE! FOR FUCK SAKE ITS ACTUALLY PAINFUL TO WATCH AT THIS POINT!!",I exclaimed angrily and Sam burst out laughing. We just started screaming at the tellie,lecturing the characters and discussing how retarded they were.
"AH~",I heard from the bathroom for the seventh time that night
"I'm going to have a long chat with Grian about these Tuesday nights when he gets home.", I say.
"OI GAY BOYS! KEEP IT DOWN IN THEIR WERE TRYING TO WATCH A FILM!", Sam yelled throwing a knife at the door. I pause before bursting out laughing.
"You know,your not as bad as I thought Sam.",I smirk,
"I should say the same for you",Sam grinned,"FYI I was totally not planing on stabbing you for beating me up a few months back.",Sam explained,
"Fair I mean I was going to shoot you so-",We both grinned and snickered. "Want some popcorn?",I asked offering some popcorn to him.
"Yeah sure",I smiled and we both munched on the popcorn,continuing are ranting and scolding of the movie. Once the movie ended we were both pretty tired.
"Their still going at it?!",I exclaimed.
"Yeah but it's 8:27pm now so they should be finishing up soon.",Sam explained.
"I am totally having a talk with Grian when we get home.I cannot belive my little brother lost his virginity already, AND HE DIDNT EVEN TELL ME! No you know what I am actually right pissed about that.",I exclaimed and Sam started weezing. I started laughing my guts out,I laughed so hard I fell off the sofa making me and Sam laugh even more. We were in the middle of giggling when the bathroom door opened,both of us shooting up like meerkats and staring at the door. Taurtis and Grian just stared back at us.
"Never in my life did I ever think I would hear my little brother have sex,yet here we are.", I say
"OH SHIT YOUR HIS BROTHER?? UHHHHHHHHH",Taurtis was clearly panicking.
"No he's no-"
"Yeah I am his brother and if you touch him again I'll kick your ass!!",I said jokingly,giggling as he began to panic even more. Sam death stared me in which I rolled my eyes and stuck my tongue out at him. Both Grian and Taurtis sat their completely shocked. Sam just screwed his face up,
"Best be carful what your doing Vampire or I'll cut your fingers off.",he scowled. I just snickered,
"Yeah yeah sure bunny boy.",I giggle,soon to be followed by Sam giggling as well. Taurtis and Grian looked at each other before looming at us,their jaws completely dropped and their mouths wide open. Me and Sam just started laughing even more
-Taurtis's Pov-
Me and Grian just sat their dumbfounded. Sam just got disrespected and he-took. It...???? I think I need to lie down... I don't know what happened whilst me and Grian were in the bathroom but something happened. And last time I checked Sam had a girlfriend and Mumbo was ace sooooo- wtf happened here?????
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