-Mumbo To The Rescuse Once Again- (WAFFLE DUO)
Content may include: Taurian,Scarian and one gay ass Grian getting advice from his big brother
-Mumbo's Pov-
As I walked past Grian's room I heard him groan in thrustration.
"Gri? You okay?",I ask opening his door. I walked in and his room was a mess: his quilt cover was thrown on the floor,his cup of pens was tipped on the floor,all of his books were on the floor and his desk lamp was smashed up. "Grian what happened?!",I ask concerned for my friend. He froze,his eyes widening as he stared at me. "Gri?",I ask. He shook his head and finally responded,
"Y-Yes?",he replied making me let out a small sigh of relief.
"Are you okay? Your rooms a mess...",I ask softly as I began to clean.
"Y-Yeah I-....",Grian looked at me and I gave him that 'tell the truth' glare making him instantly spill,"Look I really need advice...",he sighs. I pause and sit down on the bed,beckoning him to sit besides me. He sat down and rubbed his arm,
"What advice to you need?",I question making him sigh.
"I think I like Scar....",he mutters.
"Okay and...???", I ask.
"I also think I like Taurtis too! But I can't like them both! It would make me seem whoreish....",Grian said trailing off.
"Gri your not a whore. Just because you like two people does not mean your a whore. Okay?",I ask and he hesitently nods in response. "Alright now I'm gonna quiz you.",I explain and he nods again.
"How do you feel about them both?", I ask,
"What do you mean how do I feel about them? I just told you how I-"
"No no no I mean what makes them so attractive to you and who do you think you would be most likely to date if they asked?",I explain making him take a pause to think. I waited patiently for the small parrot to respond.
"Well...",he finally spoke,"Taurtis I find attractive because he's funny! The dumb kind of funny. He's always getting hurt in dumb ways or trying to do dumb things when me and Sam persifically not to. And Scar-I mean it's Scar! He's really hot and I'm sorry but that's just the truth. No one can say to me with a straight face that he's not and if they can their liars. He's extremely kind and friendly and I just-",he paused to see me smirking. "What?!", he scowled making me laugh.
"It seems you have a lot to say about Scar.", I giggle making him go red.
"H-Hey your meant to be giving me advice not tease me!", he exclaimed making me laugh even harder. He pouted and turned his head.
"I-I'm sorry I'm sorry",I giggle, "Alright what I think is that you tend to take a bit more of a liking to Scar then Taurtis. Understandable I mean as you said,Scar does have some good looks.",I grin making him hide his face.
"S-So what do you suggest I do?", Grian murmurs.
"Well I suggest you make sure that their both at least a little bit interested-and if you want,I can get some people to ask for you! Get some intell you know?",I ask making his eyes light up.
"Really? You would do that??",he questioned making me giggle,
"Of course! Your my closest friend why wouldn't I? Anything to help my little brother out-",I froze and blushed in embarrassment. Yet Grian had the exact opisit reaction,he grinned and his eyes filled with excitement and joy.
"Thank you big bro",he giggled and hugged me tightly,burying his face deep into my side.
"I-...your welcome Gri",I smiled warmly as I rubbed the back of his head. I wait a few more minutes for him to fall asleep before going back to cleaning his room.
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