-Fire Alarm And A Crush- (implied Scarian + Jizzy)
This is a few months before the actual plot of the fanfic where Grian finally realises he has feelings for Scar <3
-Sapnap's Pov-
I was extremely bored,their was nothing to do and the teachers were pissing me off so I did the only logical thing and pulled the fire alarm. Look before you go scolding me and all that jazz I was REALLY bored okay!? It's not my fault school is so boring!! Anyways I witnessed everyone run out the school,I grinned and cackled as they panicked. I ran out with them cause why the fuck not??
-Grian's Pov-
I was just writing in English when all the sudden the fire alarm went off. I yelped and covered my ears as Mumbo lead me out. When we get out I started crying,I hated the sound of fire alarms and they caused me so much stress. Mumbo comforted me and I eventually calmed down. I noticed it started raining in which I naturally covered myself with my wings. Taurtis and Sam scrambled under my wings like little mice leaving me to get soaked,I didn't mind it though. I love they rain,I love being wet:it feels so nice and gives me a free feeling.
I just stood their in the rain for a few minutes before noticing a certain someone in the corner of my eye.I look over to see Scar,he was having wheelchair troubles and Mrs.Puffy was helping him sort it out. It made me smile to see his little smirk,he looked so adorable-wait what? Come on Grian get a hold of yourself Jesus! Sam noticed and looked at me,
"Do you have a crush on that Scar kid or something? Why you staring at him so much??", he asked,
"Sam! S-Shut up!!",I exclaimed and punch his shoulder. He giggled and I sighed. I didn't have a crush on Scar! I barley knew the kid..! Sure he seemed kind and friendly and a bit hot....but I could never have a crush on him! I'm not gay! At least I don't think I am.... I don't know.. I mean men are VERY hot but women are too. AAAA I'll have to talk to Mumbo about it later... I kept staring at Scar,it was hard not to-I mean who wouldn't? He looked gorgeous! Everything down to his beautiful hair to his adorable face was just perfect-WAIT. GRIAN YOUR STRAIGHT OKAY. YOU LIKE WOMEN. I mean women are hot but Scar is too-AGHHH. SHUT UP.
-Joel's Pov-
I was sat under a tree when I noticed Lizzie dancing in the rain,she looked so beautiful! I mean she's always beautiful but that's not the point-she was so light on her feet and her smile just made my face heat up. She notices and giggles,walking towards me,
"Joel! Come dance with me!!",She exclaimed,
"I-",I went to respond but it was too late,she had already grabbed my hand and now we were both dancing in the rain. I giggled and smiled as I spun her around. It was the best. Once it was safe to go back in I realised Lizzie wasn't moving,
"Are you not gonna go back inside? It's pouring it down with rain-",I slightly snicker whilst shivering from the cold.
"I know. I like it out here,the rain is comforting to me.",Lizzie smiled warmly,looking up at the sky that showered her with thousands soft rain droplets. I look around before sitting next to her,
"Your not cold?",she asked.
"I am but it doesn't matter.",I gave her a small smile,"I dont want you hanging out here all by yourself",I giggled and she smirked,
"Your obsessed with me",she laughed punching my shoulder. I'm not too sure why but the butterfly's in my stomach tapped around my stomach like small tap dancers making the situation even harder to deal with.
"Y-Yeah right",I laughed nervously. She just chuckled and lied her head on my shoulder,watching the rain drip into a near by puddle. I just sat their,enjoying every moment as the minutes passed before we had to move.
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