Party? Party.
This chapter was inspired by DJJordanne and their book Wrists Rubbed Raw. It may also be the closest to smut I'm ever going to write.. Idk m8. This is before anyone knows of Jim and Scott's relationship(the person who does in this story figures it out.) It's basically right after they were done with school. Jimmy has also made a small city, where he is the sheriff, in the Meza close to Joel, without his parents knowing; the other rulers know, and that's why they call him Sheriff or the Law. Anyways, hope you enjoy!
I hereby invite you to join the annual Empire Party!
I, Joel SmallishBeans, will hold the party in the Mezalean palace at 4 pm;
you may bring a speciality of your empire.
There are bedrooms & bathrooms for all of us,
but if you wish to sleep with your fellow ruler, you may do so.
Just don't be loud & clean up, please.
It's not a formal party; I expect some of you to get drunk.
It is not a ball; it's a party, a dancing and drinking party.
I hope you'll have a fantastic time and that I will see you this Friday!
King Joel SmallishBeans of Mezalea.
(yes, Lizzie yelled at me to write it formally... Is this abuse?)
That was the letter all the rulers had been sent. It was now Friday at 2 pm, and Scott was trying to look good. It had been a long while since he had been able to go to one of these parties, and he was excited. It had also been a long time since seeing any of his ruler friends. He was also just excited to flirt with Jim. He loved seeing his sheriff get flustered. So, the cyanette walked towards his closet and opened it.
Scott had finally found the outfit after many trials and errors. It was raining slightly outside, but he didn't care as long as he looked good for the Law. And anything on Scott looked good in the Laws' eyes. So Scott didn't have to make an effort, but he liked doing small things for the Sheriff.
He looked up and down in the mirror when his earrings were in place. He looked good. (Imagine what he looks like, I dont wanna explain.) He turned around, took the flower crown, and placed it on his head, and then he was off to the party!
All the rulers were now at the Mezalean palace, and most were already two drinks in. Joel had been nervous that people would have it too awkward and not socialise with each other, but it was nothing like that.
Music was blasting out of the jukeboxes; the food was being eaten, drinks drank, 3-4 per ruler, and some rulers even busting some dance moves.
Jimmy was leaning against a wall, exhausted after having danced for a few minutes, when Scott approached him and began his usual flirting. The Scottish man definitely had a lot of drink as he didn't get drunk easily, though Tim had much more to drink. The next happened fast. Scott was getting closer to Jimmy's face, so he took the chance and kissed Scott; in the next second, getting pinned to the wall, he once was leaning against, his arms around the cyanettes neck. The kiss soon turned into a make-out as both the rulers were getting more and more turned on,
Scott then picked Tim up and carried him towards the stairs before having to place him down, just for Jim to take his hand and drag him up the stairs. Scott was still sober enough to get them to the room the farthest away from everybody else.
When Scott awoke, he almost fell out the bed. Jim was lying next to him, naked. Scott's memory slowly started to clear up as he remembered last night. His cheeks heating up, Scott laid down again, scooting closer to his partner, who wasn't awake yet. Scott pestered his face with light kisses while playing with his hair,
Jimmy soon woke up, yawning, trying to move, to no appeal. He opened his eyes and saw Scott lying beside him, his arms around him. He tried to move his hand to touch his partner's hair but couldn't. That was when he slowly remembered last night. He looked down, and sure enough, they were both naked.
Scott slowly stirred and opened his eyes to see Jimmy staring at a wall, face red.
"Remembering yesterday, Flower?" Scott asked as the blonde snapped back to reality, turning towards Scott, his blush out of control.
"I- ye-yes. Yes, I was..." Jimmy muttered, embarrassed.
"Nothing to be embarrassed about, Sunflower. If you enjoyed it, then there's nothing wrong-" Scott said as he looked at Jim.
"Wait, your wrists! Oh, God. I'm so, so sorry I forgot about the handcuffs! Two seconds, Flower!" The cyanette exclaimed as he shot up from the bed towards his clothes at the other end of the room.
He picked up his pants, looked through the pockets to find the key, and hurried back to Jim.
Once his hands were free, Tim tried to sit up, but his arms were too wobbly to hold him up, so he fell back onto the mattress, but with Scott's help, he ended up sitting his back against the pillows with Scott in front of him.
"Are you sure you're fine?" Scott asked for the fifth time as he took Jim's hands in his own, careful not to touch his wrists.
"I'm fine, Petal. If I didn't like it, I would have said something last night, wouldn't I?" Jimmy said, looking into the youngers cyan eyes.
"Next time, I'll remember my fuzzy handcuffs..."
"Wait, WHAT?"
"Assuming you want to do this again."
"Of course I will. That wasn't what I was talking about-"
The clock was striking 3 pm, as the rulers all were at the table eating, some trying to recover from their hangovers. Gem looked around, checking if everybody was okay and if no one was hurt or anything. Despite the mess left behind in the ballroom, no one got hurt-
"JIMMY!" Gem exclaimed as she caught a glimpse of his red and raw wrists, shaking slightly as he held his cup of tea, "WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR WRISTS!?"
All talking immediately came to a halt. All attention now on the Wizard of the Crystal Cliffs and the Sheriff of Tumble Town/Crown prince of the Cod Empire. All worried they hurt the Sheriff, as not everybody remembered last night. For all they knew, they might have been the ones to hurt him or aided in it while under the influence. Well, all except two. Scott, knowing what happened, just cracked a smile while looking at his pancakes while holding back laughter. While the other amused looked at Jim, head tilted and a smile prominent on her face.
Jim placed his cup down, hands still shaking, putting his hands up to hide his very red face. Scott began shaking with silent laughter as he made eye contact with the other who knew. The other just shook their head at Scott's antics and looked at the rest, Lizzie now trying to get an answer out of Jim.
Scott finally decided Jimmy had gotten embarrassed enough and came to the 'rescue' if you could call it that.
"I fucked the Law." Scott somehow managed to say in a monotone voice.
Everybody let go of a breath they didn't know they had held before they realised what he had said.
Scott didn't even look up as he continued to eat his pancakes. Shubble looked over to Jim to see him almost go under the table.
"Scott.. You've made him more embarrassed. Good job. Also, next time, try to keep him down. He was very loud. Or the walls are just very thin." Shelby threw a pointed look at Joel, who just whistled and looked away.
"So that's why you came into my room!" Kathrine exclaimed as she remembered waking up by Shrub coming into her at 2 am.
Small talk began again as the rulers slowly accepted that two people in the room had sex.
While this was happening, Scott just smiled as he continued eating his pancakes unbothered. He felt no shame.
1366 words in total! I'm pretty proud of this one. I also just realised that this is probably mostly kinda aftercare. Also, if anybody got secondhand embarrassment, I'm sorry. But I think this is long enough, bye!
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