Tommy is adopted and has wings. Nobody knows because he always ties them tight to his back and wears oversized clothes so nobody notices
I woke up to the same old back pain I've been having for years. As I'm becoming more awake I groan annoyed and sit up only to notice that the bandages around my chest and back have gotten loose. I sigh annoyed as I walk over to my door and lock it. I'm a bird hybrid, always have been. I never knew my parents but I was raised at a very unfriendly place for hybrids. So I've always been hiding my wings. It was the only way I could survive back there. Since I never knew my real bird hybrid parents none of them could even teach me how to fly. And now it's too late. Bird hybrids learn to fly at the ages of 11-14. I'm 16 now. So the only good thing that would've come out from having wings is gone. But I'm okay with that though. Besides, everyone seems to like human Tommy more so why risk any of that. Even though I doubt my family would care if I was a hybrid. Hell Philza's even a bird hybrid himself. Unlike me his wings are actually cool and majestic...and everyone respects him. Meanwhile, mine's messy and a lot of feathers have fallen off and all they give me was pain. Technoblade's a piglin hybrid and the most skilled fighter I've ever seen. Nobody messes with him. Wilbur may not be a hybrid but he's got the voice of an angel. His songs are literally unmatched by anyone. After binding my wings to my back I put on a hoodie. I've been with Phil and the others for about a year now. They're the nicest people ever and won't push me to do anything I don't want to except boring chores. When we went to the beach during the summer and I refused to go swimming or take off my hoodie Phil didn't force me. Instead, he made sure I sat in the shade and kept myself cool. Wil was a bit of an arse who threw me into the water but not where it was too deep. A sudden knock on the door wakes me up from my daydreaming.
"Tommy are you up!?" Wilbur's voice half yells.
"Yeah, I'm getting changed!" I yelled back.
"Alright. Breakfast is served downstairs prick" Wilbur says and I hear him walk off.
I can't help but laugh. Wilbur and I may never actually say out loud that we love and respect each other. But we both know it. The same goes with Technoblade. I'm about to leave when I realize I almost forgot my pills. Quickly I hurry over and reach under my bed where I have my hybrid suppression pills. They suppress normal hybrid behavior. Since I'm a bird hybrid it means that the pills help me not have to steal my family's things every so often, I don't have the urge to make a nest either-or sort out my feathers. They do also take away the small feathers behind the ears that young bird hybrids tend to have. Thank god for that. After swallowing two pills I hurry down to breakfast with the rest of my family.
"Morning Tommy. Did you have a good sleep?" Phil asked.
"Yeah. Morning to you t...oh pancakes!" I say as I spot what's for breakfast.
Phil and the others laugh at my reaction as I start eating my favorite meal ever.
"Hey Tommy I'm going into town later to get a new guitar pick. Wanna tag along?" Wilbur asks.
I smile and nod with my mouth full of delicious pancakes. The guitar pick was a secret code me and Wilbur had. In reality we were most likely to go and do our monthly egging of my old house. Apparently Wilbur had been staying there when I was very young. He hated it just as much even if he wasn't even a hybrid. So every now and then we go and buy some eggs and throw them at the place to distract the staff of the orphanage from the little food basket me and Wilbur leave for the kids. It's a nice tradition.
Tommy and Wilbur left to do something they won't tell me about. I know that they're not getting Wilbur a new guitar pick since Wilbur already has tons of 'em. As long as they don't get arrested or hurt anyone I don't ask questions. Besides, this was a perfect time to finally get all of Tommy's laundry out of his room. Tommy always insists on doing it himself but it takes him forever. So for once I'm collecting it for him. I walk into Tommy's messy room with clothes all over the room. Mostly on his armchair though. I smile as I remember how I used to sit by his bed every night when he first got here because he thought I'd lock him in his room if I left. Sometimes I even fell asleep there. I shake my head as I needed to get all of Tommy's laundry. I sit down and start tossing all his dirty clothes in the basket. They're all over the place even under the fucking bed. As I'm reaching for laundry under Tommy's bed I grab something that's definitely not clothes. I pull it out and my eyes widen as I see a jar with the text hybrid earumque oppres. Hybrid suppression pills. Why would Tommy have those? He's not a hybrid....or is he? I look at the jar...these are very dangerous drugs. Yes they do suppress hybrids' normal behavior but they can also do serious damage to your hybrid parts. If I took these my wings could start to lose feathers and also make my wing bones hurt really bad. In the worst case, it could even kill me. I hear how someone walks by the open door and stops.
"Dad...are you alright?" Techno's concern monotone voice asks.
I slowly turn around which seems to worry Techno even more. He walks up to me and I hand him the jar. He looks at it and looks at me confused.
"Where did you find these?" He asks.
"U-under Tommy's bed" I say and Techno's eyes widen as he looks towards Tommy's bed.
"Why would Tommy need these?" Techno asks.
"I don't....these are illegal Techno. Why would he go through so much trouble to get them" I ask seriously and Techno just stares at the jar.
"I suppose we just have to ask him"
I laugh at a joke Wilbur said as we walk through the gate and I notice our mailbox got some mail.
"Oh you go ahead Wilby, I'll just get the mail" I say and he nods before he continues to the house.
I take out the mail and start looking through to see if the new pubg magazine has arrived. But it seems like it's only mail for Phil. I look up and open the door only to see Phil, Techno and Wil all in a circle. They look up and I can tell from Wil's expression that something terrible has happened. I put down the mail on the counter before I walk up to them
" something wrong?" I ask
"Wrong? Yes something is fucking...." Wilbur starts angrily as he starts to walk up to me but Phil stops him placing a hand on Wilbur's shoulder.
"Tommy we need to talk," Phil says seriously and I gulp.
Phil and the others start walking to the living room where we sit down and all eyes are on me. It's silent for a while. Until Techno places something on the small table. My eyes widen as I see my suppression pills.
"W-wh-where did you find these" I stutter as I grab the jar.
"Why do you have them?" Phil asks calmly
I look at him and the pills...can I tell them? No, no one can ever know....but they kinda do they don't. They don't know what I am. I can play this off...I have to...right...there's a bunch of reasons why normal humans would have illegal hybrid suppression pills. It's totally normal.
"Tommy?" Techno says dragging me back to reality.
I look up at them and see their worried faces.
"Uhm....I...I've never seen i..."
"Don't you fucking lie to us Tommy. Why do you have those?" Wilbur says harshly.
"I...I need them" I mumble as I bit my lip nervously.
"You're a hybrid" Techno states.
I nod as I hold back my tears. Don't you fucking cry now big man. Just because they took me into their home because they thought I was a normal human doesn't mean they'll hurt me now. They wouldn't. They're hybrids as well. They wouldn't hurt me. They would never hurt me. They won't hurt me.
"Tommy calm down, you need to breathe buddy" Phil says calmly as he's suddenly beside me.
I just continue to stare at the jar, I can't do this...I can't tell them. I can't. Slowly I look up at Wilbur, Techno and Phil. They all look at me worried and I take a deep breath before I throw myself over the couch and run towards the door.
"Tommy!!" They all yell and start chasing after me.
I run out the door and shut it behind me as I run towards the forest next to the house. The others are short behind me. Tears start running down my face, I can't tell them, nobody can know, I can't tell them, nobody can know. I look behind me and see Wilbur and Technoblade closing in on me. Where's Phil? I then feel my back hit something and I hiss in pain and fall down on my knees. Of course, Phil is a bird hybrid. He can just fly ahead. I'm so fucking stupid. Wil and Techno catch up as Phil kneels down and puts his hands on my shoulders.
"Toms..." He says worriedly.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" I cry
They don't say anything. Instead I feel how all three of them just hug me. They don't yell or hurt me, just hug me while I cry my eyes out. After I've calmed down they let go and I bite my lip nervously. We're all sat on the ground. Phil behind me holding a loose grip on my shoulder and Wil and Techno in front of me.
" there something you wanna tell us?" Wilbur asks calmly, sending me a smile.
"I...I...I can't" I sob struggling to get the words out.
"It's alright mate. We're here for you" Phil says reassuring.
"Do you think you can show us?" Techno asks.
I look at him for a split second before I nod and slowly begin to take off my hoodie. Once it's off I hear Phil gasp and Wilbur and Techno scoots over to see my back.
" it okay if I remove the bandages?" Phil asks carefully and I nod.
I have my back facing them so I can't see their faces. The silence isn't giving me any clues to what they're feeling. Phil starts to slowly remove my bandages, once they're off I feel the pain in my back worsen for a moment as my wings are fully free now. I hiss in pain as I'm not used to having them out in the open.
"Oh my sweet beautiful boy" Phil mumbles and I turn around to see my family's warm smiles.
I smile back but stop as I see how Phil has tears in his eyes.
"I-I'm sorry I lied to you..about my..." I start but get cut off by Phil embracing me once again.
"Tommy...your wings are beautiful. Please don't try and hide them" He says and starts stroking my hair.
"Yeah they're super cool. Why would you wanna hide them?" Wilbur asks as Phil lets go.
"They're not that great" I mumbled loud enough for them to hear me.
"They're a bit messy and unstretched as far as I can see. But we could fix that" Phil says reassuring.
"Is this why you were taking suppression pills?" Techno asks concerned and I nod.
"Tommy...I don't know why you started hiding your wings in the first place. And we're all here for you if you wanna talk about it. But taking those pills are very dangerous. They might even be deadly to you" Phil says and I just look away.
Once again there's silence before Wilbur stands up and we all look at him confused.
"I think I know why...and I'm gonna kill those mother fuckers" Wil says in a dark voice and starts walking off.
Phil clears his throat and Wilbur looks back.
"Whatever you think you're gonna do. It can wait. Your brother needs help sorting out his wings" Phil says seriously as he stands up and reaches out a hand to me.
He then takes off his coat and places it over my shoulders before he leads me back to the house. I can't help but smile at the warm feeling in my chest. Once back at the house Phil sits me down in the middle of the living room floor where him and Techno start sorting out my wings. It's a weird feeling but somehow it's helping my back. Wil left to go upstairs the second we came home he comes back down with one of da-...Phil's shirts.
"We'll fix your other clothes tomorrow. But You can borrow Dad's in the meantime" He says and helps me put the shirt on.
"How long have you been hiding your wings?" Wilbur asks.
"I don't know....ever since I can remember I guess" I said.
"And how long have you been taking those pills?" Techno asks.
"A few years...they help you know...nobody knew about...those" I say and point back at my wings.
"You won't be taking those anymore" Techno says bluntly and I freeze up.
"But I-I need them...otherwise I'll start...acting weird"
"You won't act weird. You'll just act like dad. And he's not weird is he?" Wil asks as he sits down beside me and grabs my hand.
"No! Phil's cool. So are his wings!" I say slightly panicked since I don't want Phil to think I think he's weird.
"And when he steals stuff during stressful or cold times?" Wilbur says
"Well it comforts him. What more is there to say?"
"See. You don't need to hide anymore Tommy. You're safe here" Wilbur smiles and start rubbing circles in my palm with his thumb.
"I know that!" I snap angrily. "But unlike me Phil's wings are actually cool and nobody would even think of making fun of him for those!" I say.
"That's not true Tommy" Phil says and I glance back at him. "People do make fun of me and of Techno"
"Really? But you're like...two of the coolest people I know!"
"Yeah well everyone doesn't think like you do Tommy" Techno says.
"There's always gonna be people that are gonna wanna drag you down. It's fucked up but that's how it is. But if my three wonderful sons think I'm cool then why should I listen to the people that don't even know me?" Phil says
"I...guess you have a point" I say and stare down at the floor. "But it doesn't even matter anymore. I don't even know how to use them" I say.
"No one taught you?" Phil asks to which I just shake my head.
I hear how Wilbur tsks at me before he pulls my head into his chest. Being a bird hybrid who can't even fly is pretty pathetic.
"Do you want to learn to fly?" Phil asks and I nod. "Well you're wings are definitely gonna need some rest, rehab and pre-training. But after that I could probably teach you" Phil says and I just shake my head.
"It's too late for me" I say.
"Pfft what makes you say that?" Phil asks and I pull away from Wilbur and look back at Phil.
"I'm too old to learn it now" I say seriously.
Phil just looks at me like he's about to start laughing his ass off.
"'s never too late to learn how to fly" He says holding back a laugh.
"It's just most common at the ages between 11-14. But You can learn it afterward. I learned to fly at your age"
"Y-you did?" I stutter shocked.
"Yeah I was a real slow learner"
"'ll teach me how to fly?"
"On one condition"
I nod seriously. If there's a chance I can still fly I'll do all the chores in the world to do it.
"You need to stop tieing your wings and taking suppression pills forever" Phil says seriously
"I'll try" I say unsure if I'm actually gonna be able to do that.
"We'll help you" Wilbur smiles.
The ending was a bit rushed but didn't feel like making a part 2
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