Through Flames (Kuervo, Owen & Scott PSMP)
TW: Fire(s), blood, injuries, panic attacks
Normal text: Normal speaking/ narrating
Italic Text: On the phone/ speaking on a call
Bold Italic: Chat/Speaking via communicator or text
Underlined bold Italic: Quick change between character chats (Or a Tw)
{Eloise's POV}
I sat in the kestrel base, fidgeting with my rings and bracelets "El?" I heard kyle ask from the stairs, i looked back at him from the couch "Oh-! i- uh, hey kyle" I blurted out playing with a ring i had on my finger from a quest. "I- dont know ive ever seen you here.. what brings you here?" He asked with a smile
"Have you uhm.. seen scott or owen.? I-i already asked sausage and he said he hadnt and was going to ask oli but..-" I rambled partially panicked "Im so sorry El, i haven't, have you checked with the Kites?" he asked "Y-yes!! and the nightingales.. acho is uh- kinda panicked.. seeming his brother is missing.. again.." I said looking away and down at my rings
"How about we go an-" he got cut off by the ringing of my phone, i looked to see who it was, Scott. "Its scott!" I said smiling, kyle made his way next to me on the couch "Ello ello there captain how may i-" I got cut off
"EL I- F*CK-!! KUERVO, OWEN GET AWAY FROM THE STAIRS!!! EL I NEE- *coughing* I NEED HELP-!!" Scott never, and i mean N.E.V.E.R swears unless hes panicked or its insanely serious. "Scott. whats going on." Kyle asked sternly "THERES A FI- *coughing* GUYS GET OVER HERE!!! THERES A FIR- *coughing*"
Kyle acted fast "Scott, is there a fire.?" he said concerned and sternly "Y-YES!! WE ALREADY TRIED TO *coughing* P-PUT IT.. it.. O-out..! i.. I DONT KNOW WHA- *coughing* what- E-ELSE TO-TO DO..!!" he sounded panicked, i could hear the strain and panic in his voice. "Scott. Get out a window, NOW!" I heard sausage say as he leaned over the edge of the couch, i hadnt even realized hed come down.
It was silent for awhile "Ku..kuervo a..and owen a-are out.!!" He had said stuttering. I was confused, why had he only mentioned the two.? "Scott, are you out aswell.?" i quizzed him "i.. im getti- *crash*" "Scott!! are you okay?!" sausage asked panicked "I-IM F..FI..FINE..!!*coughing* 'SCOTT!!!'" all this sounded more distant, we heard something else crash
"'SCOTT GET YOURSELF OUT HERE, NOW!!!' "we heard Kuervo yell scott please, get out of the building "i-im out.!!" he blurted out quickly "Make your way to the kestrels base as soon as possible!! Okay?!" sausage said sternly and the panic washed away from his voice a bit
"We are on our way right now, we've got to hang up but i promise we will get there ASAP" Owen said in a calmer yet still panicked tone "Owen, one last question" kyle said "Are any of you hurt?" He asked owen sternly "mmhmm.. i-uhm, have a decent burn on my arm, im fine other than that, kuervo has a few scratches on his face an- -ody.-" the phone has started to cut out "Just come as fast as possible!!" I said "w- w-ll i p-om-se" he said cutting out before the phone died
{Kyles POV}
About 20 minutes have passed and we heard frantic knocking causing oli to come downstairs with scar and martyn, They had been down enough to see me stand up quickly, practically sprinting to open the door "Something going on kyle?" Oli asked "Hold on please oli." I said sternly opening the door seeing Kuervo and Owen, whom had the injuries described by Owen on the phone, but scott was a different story, all three of them were covered in smoke and ash, but scott was covered in soot, char ash and.. blood?!
"My goodness, please come inside. this is uhmm. worse than i had expected..!" I said panicked leaving the people on the stairs confused, After just a couple of moments before they were going to head inside scotts eyes rolled into the back of his head as he fell unconsious into my arms, Owens face switched to pure panic, same as Kuervos. I gently picked scott up, fast though.
I turned around, the injured Heron in my arms and rushed on over to the couch laying him down gently "WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL?!?!" martyn yelled rushing over to the couch. They all looked confused as martyn was blocking their view of what i was holding, they made their way down the rest of the stairs, an audible gasp could be heard from scar as oli set him down into his wheelchair.
[Quick head cannon; Scar has a wheelchair in pirates still, on adventures/quests he brings the 'not a wheelchair' or his crutches. He has a wheelchair he keeps on the upstairs of the main kestrels base and is carried up and down the stairs by kestrels when needed.]
El looked panicked, very panicked, "I.. wasnt expecting this.." she managed to mutter "i.. im gonna call cleo... should we tell acho yet..?" martyn muttered "Call cleo first. i dont want acho to panic even more." i said sternly looking at martyn and nodding
{martyns pov}
I walked into the kitchen quickly typing in cleos number, my thoughts full of panic "Hello hello martyn!" she said cheerfully "i uhm. hey.. cleo." I said softly trying to hide my voices panic, it didnt work. "Martyn, whats wrong? did something happen?" She asked me over the phone "Uhm. Owen, Kuervo and Scott got stuck in a fire.. we need you at the kestrels base, fast. with bandages please.!" I said panicking "My god!! Im on my way!" She blurted out "Thank you, thank you cleo.!!" I blurted out before hanging up and going to the couch next to kyle once again. Scar and Oli were now sitting on another couch with Eloise trying to calm her down.
{Cleos POV}
i had just gotten off the phone with martyn, i wasnt exactly sure what to do. "sh!t.." I mumbled under my breath "Everything okay cleo?" Olive asked me "Scott, Kuervo and Owen got caught in a fire, martyn just called me panicking saying that they need me at the kestrels base, and to bring bandages." I stated mumbling "my gosh.. want some company on the way there.? quite interested to see their state" Olive said picking up cruppy and her bag "Yeah.. yeah sure! " I said trying to sound cheerful as i grabbed the extra bandages and shoved them into my green denim messenger bag.
We started making our way over to the kestrels "Do you think the fire was bad?" Olive said breaking the silence "If martyn was almost crying and told me to bring bandages, it has to be bad." I muttered as we continued on our conversation on the walk through town over to the kestrels base.
~25 minutes later~
We arrived at the kestrels base and i knocked which was soon followed by running as martyn flung open the door "cleo!! thank god your here." He said trying to hold back the tears built up on his watering eyes as he lead us inside. "My god!!" I said the second i saw scott lying on the couch, his ankle was bent in a way it shouldnt have bee, he had blood all over his boots and legs, his coat was deeply stained by ash and char..
Owen was covered in ash, and a few burns and scratches, i set bandages down on the middle table of the kestrels living room and people grabbed them starting to bandage owen and kuervos injuries as i tended to scott. I grabbed a wet towel and gently rubbed off the soot from his face and the blood from his leg sliding off his boots careful of his right leg. About another 30 minutes have passed of tending to the three, scott still showing no signs of waking up. "We need a hospital on the isle.. or atleast to find one nearby! We cant just keep him here in this state!" Sausage yelled directed at kyle "Sausage.. I promise, oli is looking right now, he'll push through! He always does.." Kyle replied
"Sausage, Kyle, i got him as good as ill be able to do, would you like me to stay for when he wakes up or go to find a nearby hospital?" I asked warily of sausages anger and fear
"Please go look.. we will call you when he wakes up.. I promise." Sausage said finally giving a warm smile "Alright, ill inform you two if i find anything" I said
~1 Hour later~
ZombieCleo: Sausage!! kyle!!
MythicalJSausage: Yeah cleo??
ZombieCleo: We found a hospital!!! Its only a 15 minute sail!!
KyleEff: Thats awesome!! Send a photo of your map please!!
ZombieCleo: Will do! Give me just a moment!!
Acho: What exactly do you guys need an active hospital for?
KyleEff: Okay uh- Dont panic when we tell you- please-
Acho: Why would i panic? Is something wrong?!
MythicalJSausage: Its for uhm. Your brother.
{Acho's POV}
I could feel color drain from my face, anxiously awaiting an answer. "You alright acho?" I heard a voice say. My head shot up around me "mmhmm." I hummed in response to will, whom was the voice. "You didnt sound so sure about that." He said, my communicator then buzzed and my head flung around to look at it
ZombieCleo: He, Owen and Kuervo got caught in a fire acho, Owen and Kuervo are barely touched, but scott.. Is quite a different story..
I could feel tears well up in my eyes as i read the message. " no.. n..not again.." I muttered to myself, my shoulders dropped, my communicator falling on the floor, cracking the screen. "A-acho.? whats wrong?" Will asked coming up to my side "w-wait!! why are you crying?!" He blurted out accidentally yelling catching the attention of the other nightingales around us.
"i.. i knew i shouldnt have left them.. I knew it!!" I yelled before turning and sobbing into Wills chest. "Acho.. what happened..?" He asked cautiously "whats going on?" I heard jojo say.
"F..ire.. H...ospi...tal.." Were the only broken words i made out of my mouth, my breaths were now coming out as failed gasps as will pulled me into a tight, comforting hug "I SHOULDNT HAVE LEFT THEM..! I swear to god.. i.. shouldnt have left.. this is my fault will.. Its my fault!!!!" I shouted choking back tears "Its not your fault acho.. It isnt alright..?" His comforting words and my yells clashed, creating more attention towards us, Most of the nightingales were surrounding the scene
"f*ck.. will... f*ck.. Im a terrible brother... I dont deserve this faction.. WE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE F*CK!ING FAMILY ORIENTED!!" I screamed taking a wary step back from wills grip. "Acho.. your not a terrible brother!! And we love to have you here i pro-" i cut him off "N-NO!! I.. i.. " I fell to my knees, sobbing.
My breaths werent full, they were scattered and uneasy, i couldnt seem to catch my breath, my body couldnt calm down, i had entered panic mode.. I was aware but couldnt stop it. whats happening to me..? was a thought that came in my mind before being pulled into a hug "Sh.. its okay.. do you want to go see them..?" Michaela asked in a comforting tone, "mmmhmmm.." I hummed in response "First, follow my breaths Acho."
That went on for 5 minutes until my breathing was steady enough to stand with her "Will, can you take him?" She asked as i clung to her arm "Yeah, come here Acho" He said with a soft smile as i ran over to him, grabbing onto his arm instead
The walk to the docks was calming, our large cherry tree raining over us as we walked to Wills boat.
{Scotts POV}
I slowly blinked my eyes open and was hit with a wave of pain, but i couldnt react, i couldnt feel anything, all i could feel was a throbbing pain in my ankle and head. "Ah, Mr. Denholm! Your awake, how do you feel?" A kind male nurse asked me "Uh.. i-is it normal for me not to be able to feel anything.?" I asked him cautiously putting the tips of my fingers on the side of my head, slowly moving them in a circle "Yes, your on pain medicine currently, Im aware that youll still be able to feel your ankle, am i correct?" He asked turning around "mhhmm.. My head is also killing me." I replied "thats normal after passing out, Though with the amount of medicine we already have you on trough your iv, it would be dangerous for us to give you more" He replied
"O-oh alright, thats fine but uhm.. where.. am i?" i asked the kind nurse cautiously "Ah! Your at the Crystal Hospital right now Mr. Denholm!" He said "Mr. denhom is excessive, call me scott please-" I said with a kind smile "Alright then Scott! You have people here to see you, ill leave you to it." He said before walking out
Soon after Acho ran into the room, crying his eyes out "IM SO SO SO SORRY I SHOULDNT HAVE LEFT YOU GUYS!!!" was the first thing he yelled "Shh.. it alright acho. Its not your fault.." I said pulling him into a hug and wincing in pain at a burn on my hand/wrist/arm "y-your not mad..?" He said pulling back "No, no im not, you didnt cause the fire, you had a task to do and you did it, im sorry for scaring you.." I said before he hugged me again. "dont scare us like that again mate" I heard a voice say from the doorframe, it was cleo
"Hah- no promises-" I laughed as she came up and ruffled my long ginger hair "Your an idiot sometimes." She said smiling "I- wait- i cant control fire!!!" I yelled jokingly "I knowww-" she said, laughing
A new voice chimed in "Seriously, dont scare us like that again compañero" I looked up, concidering the Spanish i had a good guess on who is was, and sure enough, it was Kuervo "i really cannot make any promises about that. im quite prone to stuff like this!" i laughed "Please- do not.. please-" Acho begged "meh no promises, as i said! I crave violence.. and chaos!" i said and smiled "scott we do not need you falling out more trees, off the tops of buildings, off boats, into boats, and you know the rest-" cleo said
"yeahh weellll.........still not gonna promise anything!" i laughed
"your the most chaotic heron i know.." owen mumbled
"i take that as a compliment!" i smiled, they laughed.
Besides being in a hospital room, this was rather.. peaceful
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