TW: Mentions of possible death, Panic attack
(slightly cannon chapter??)
{Scotts POV}
I had just watched my best friend get swooped into the bottom of a whirlpool. no trace of where he is now.. My brother almost went with him.. but he was saved. saved by a single branch.
I found myself crying, not just normal crying, i was curled up on a ball in my bed, hugging my knees to my chest lying on my side, sobbing. It had been 3 days.. i haven't left my room. not to eat, not to drink, not to talk. nothing.
*knock knock knock*
"Scott..?" i heard a voice say, it was cleo. i couldnt reply, i just continued crying. i couldnt speak, nothing. I heard the door creak open "Oh darling.." cleo said before sitting down on the foot of my bed "come here.." she said more of a demand. I sat up slightly and crawled over to cleo, whom pulled me into a tight hug "shhh.. its okay darling.." she spoke, her words comforting as i sobbed into her shoulder
I could feel her hand on my back, rubbing in a circular motion as she continued to speak her comforting words for around 45 minutes before i could feel myself drift into a light, well needed sleep.
{Cleos POV}
Ide been comforting scott for nearly an hour when i felt his body go limp, hed fallen asleep. I had us stay like this for a few more minutes. I continued to rub his back but ide stopped speaking in order to not wake him up, i eventually laid him down on his bed but stayed by his side, i didnt want him alone in this state.
~1.5 hours later~
"cl..eo.?" I heard a soft scottish voice say from beside me "hey scott, you doin any better?" i asked cautiously "i..dunno. what if hes g..gone cleo.. what if we lost a heron?! what if-" i cut him off "its owen, hes been through so much, he can pull through this..!" i said trying to force a smile
"He got sucked INTO A WH-WHIRLPOOL CL..eo..!!" He had raised his voice at the end, but his voice broke as he broke down crying once more, i pulled him into a tight hug "shhh.. i know darling.. i know.." (NOT A SHIP, MOTHER, SON BESTIE BEHAVIOUR)
{Achos POV}
"oh no.. nono.. no.. no nononono... NO..!!!" screamed in my house falling to the floor "ACHO?!" i heard a voice yell, it was Apo. "f*ck!ng.. sh!t apo.. i.. " i stuttered and broke down crying, he hugged me "whats wrong Acho..?" he asked gently "O..wen.. he.. he might be- be.. gone.." i stuttered, crying into his shoulder
"wh..what?" i heard him mumble "he.. got s..ucked into a whirlpool apo.. i- we have no trace of where he is and its my fault!! i shouldve listened to scott he told us this was a bad idea!!! but i couldnt save him apo.. i failed.." i rambled as i started crying harder, uncontrollably
"I couldnt save him apo.. this is my fault.. my own goddamn failure." i mumbled into his shoulder "its not your fault.. you didnt fail, you tried as hard as humanly possible.. he knows you tried.." he mumbled as gentle tears began to form on his cheeks.
"What if hes not okay..? what if he blames me forever apo?! " i yelled "he doesnt.. its owen, hes one of the sweetest on the isle." apo said, trying to lift my spirits "but that sweetness.. C-COULD BE DEAD!!!" i scream standing up and taking a wary step back in pure anger. "acho.. calm down.. please..?" He mumbled looking at me, with hurt eyes. "S..orry.." i mumbled and sat back down
"its okay acho.. i understand.." he mumbled as i buried my head into his chest.
my eyes blinked open. I wasnt on the isles thats for sure. i sat up being interrupted by coughing out water, alot of water. "oh god.. goddamnit.." i mumbled to myself wiping the excess water off my chin, which was useless as i was soaked.
Memories started flooding back to me "Oh, the whirlpool. right..." i thought to myself b..ut where am i? my head was spinning and thoughts were racing through my mind.
I found the strength to stand up and look around, i heard a branch break. "HELLO?!" i yelled "is someone there..?" i muttered "W..ait.. O-OWEN?!" a familiar voice yelled
"Wait.. el.?" i questioned "yes!! yes owen its me!" she yelled stepping out into the area i was at "Oh god you scared the living hell out of us!!!" She yelled pulling me into a hug "Scott and Acho have been a mess!! we need to get you back to the faction isles now! for yours and everyone else's sake.. besides the kites." she muttered that last part, her voice snarky but i laughed at it "maybe one kite, Kuervo" i replied with a smile
"Oh yeah! i forgot you and Kuervo are close!" she said "well come on! my boats this way, we arnt too far from the isle." She said with a smile
~2 hours later~
We had made it back to the isle and el had jumped off her boat onto the docks, grabbing my hand and helping me off "Oh! i shouldve asked this sooner, are you injured? does anything hurt?" she asked frantically "No, im fine just a little shook still." i said with a smile
"Thats good! lets get you dried off and ready okay?" she said smiling "Okay, okay works for me!" is said smiling when i heard my name "o..w..owen.?" a familier scottish voice said from behind me "SCOTT!" i yelled running up to him, the shorter ginger haired male was a mess, tear stains down his face as he jumped on me hugging me tight
"YOU SCARED THE HELL OUT OF ME DONT EVER DO THAT AGAIN PLEASE FOR F*CKS SAKE BE MORE CAREFUL I TOLD YOU GUYS IT WASNT A GOOD IDEA!! JUST DONT.. d..dont.. lea..leave me again..." he had yelled then his voice broke and became raspy "dont worry scott, im not going anywhere.. for a very very long time..." I mumbled back to him with a smile
he smiled weakly back.
{Achos POV}
I was leaning on my bed, sitting on the floor when my communicator started blowing up buzzing i opened it
Acho: Scott whats going on?!
Smajor1995: Please, just get here, fast okay?
Acho: scott are you okay?
MythicalJsausage: yeah you alright darling?
Smajor1995: im fine, i promise, just please come to the herons base okay?
Acho: okay?
Is he actually okay..? i thought to myself, brushing my hair and throwing on my coat
I made it to the base after a bit of running and i saw Scott, Cleo, Eloise standing in the enterance all unharmed, my attention then focused on a fourth person "O..wen.." i mumbled "OWEN!!" i screamed running upto him sobbing "hi bud!" he said smiling pulling me into a hug.
We had our reunion, and all had a picnic together, peaceful, and nice. No deaths, nothing, no yelling no screaming and no aggressive currents. I was where i belong, with my brother and friends, on the faction isles, they were my family. And i knew, deep down this is where i was meant to be.
And i wouldnt have had it.. any other way.
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