Flowering Lungs (Smajor & Jimmy ESMP s2)
(Might be short, its 1:12 AM currently, i am tired but not and blasting lovejoy and beach bunny in a corner of my bed :D)
A flower husbands/p Hanahaki Disease au where Scott is in a one sided love with jimmy, whom has his girlfriend Kristy and they are happy together, Scott is very aware of jimmy's relations but this doesn't dull his crush on him whatsoever, in which he starts slowly dying by a rare floral disease called Hanahaki. He doesn't know what to do about it so tells nobody, keeping it all quiet until he can barely move, as the fuzzy thorned poppies turn into Red tipped yellow thorned roses, a flower of a true symbol of love, though the most painful and serious case of the disease. [This will NOT be in multiple chapters as i have a book of this now :D]
{Scotts Pov}
I had woken up that morning, i had a splitting headache and my throat was so sore it felt like ide been stabbed "whelp- todays gonna go splendid-" was the first thought that came to my head thinking it was just a cold. I had gotten up and dressed, I wasn't gonna let something so small affect my whole day. Plus, I had a long day of building ahead of me. Ide headed out of my house adjusting my hat before kicking the door shut with my brown, gold rimmed heeled boots.
Ide headed along the path over to the storage system, ide grabbed out some stripped birch, stripped oak, and some crimson and warped wood, as well as some extras in a shulker just in case. I began to build up, a tower soon formed and i was happy with the walls but it was missing something I went over to the shulker of extra supplies and grabbed out some stone bricks, mossy and normal, i built a simple doorframe and base that trailed up the tower and wrapped around to the windows. I was pleased with my work when ide heard something.
"Scott!!" Someone said. i turned around and saw joel flying towards me "Oh hey joel! do you need something??" I asked trying to sound normal "Your voice sounds like s***" He said "wowwww thanks-" I replied rolling my eyes "anyways ima just not ask more questions about that- uhmm anyways! for one theres a meeting in 2 hours, just a reminder, and secondly do you have extra cyan and green dye??" He asked kinda rambling "Yes, yes i do! I just got in a new stock so your in luck!" I said trying to sound cheerful ignoring the pain shooting through my throat and head "Oh perfect! do you have 5 stacks?" He asked "Yessir! thatll be 20 diamonds! 2 per stack!" I replied with a forced smile
"Perfect!" He said "Follow me then!" I said attempting to sound cheerful still. He followed behind me. We reached my colorful wagon where ide stored my dyes and grabbed the 5 small bags of cyan dye then handed those to joel as i walked down the line again and grabbed out the 5 small bags of green dye he needed "There ya go!" I said with another forced smile "Thank youu! and here you go!" He reached into his bag and grabbed out 20 diamonds and gently put them in my hands "Thanks joel!" i said "No probs scott, thanks again for the dyes!" he said before flying off
Ide went back to my building, everything was going fine until i fell down from the roof landing on the inside corridor right by the steps "oh- s*** that hurt-" i exclaimed wincing in pain as ide landed on my foot "ughhh-" i sighed "welp luck is just not on my side today-" I said using the wall to help me stand up trying not to put pressure on my newly injured foot.
I attempted to let out another sigh, but it felt like i couldnt breathe, ide broke out into a coughing fit, this went on for atleast 5 minutes, ide let my body go and fall back onto the floor. Once it had finally subsided my throat hurt worse than ever, i opened my eyes and felt a drop down my chin, ide looked onto the floor..
Poppy petals.. and.. blood?! "I- wa-wait.. what-..? " I stumbled over my slurred words, blood still dripping from my mouth "SCOTTTTTT!!" I heard a females voice say in the distance "s***" i felt my mind say before using my sleeve to wipe my mouth, before the females voice could reach me i quickly used a spell, the same spell ide normally use to hide scars after the life series to hide the blood and petals on the floor, i was relieved when it worked.
I used the wall to stand myself up once again before limping down the newly placed stairs "Scott!! i thought this looked new!" I heard gems voice say "Are you alright?? your limping.." She said worried "O-oh! yeah im fine hah- little mishap while building-" I said trying to blow it off, but it hurt like hell. "lets atleast head back to your house and i can look at it? I have experience in stuff like this!" She said cheerfully but still worried "Oh uh yeah sure. What did you come here for though?" I asked limping over to her "Just dyes! need more orange, ye-" i cut her off "orange yellow and red?" I said before feeling her put her arm around me so i could use her as stability "You remembered!" she said smiling
"I remember most everyones orders, even if their custom!" I said trying to blow off all the pain "You have an oddly good memory there scott-" she said laughing before helping me back to my house. We'd sat down on the couch and she looked at my ankle which had started to bruise "yeah thats uh- gonna be a bad bruise-" she said wincing at the sight "Meh, ive had worse-" I replied kind of insinuating to the state of my throat at the moment but mostly getting chased down on the limited life server twice by everyone, being stabbed and having lava poured over me by my own partner.
"That looks to be sprained to me- please actually take care of it-? we dont need you being injured for 2 months- AGAIN." she laughed "Fineeeeee" i said in a fake bratty tone followed by a chuckle which i unnoticeably winced at.
~Magic time skip: The Meeting~
{Jimmys POV}
"Ughhh where the heck are they?!" I yelled slamming my fists on the table "Its gem she wont miss, im sure theyll be here soon!" Fwhip said smiling "yeah sure, 'soon'" i said rolling my eyes "Its gem and scott jim- theyll be here" Joel said looking my direction. I stayed quiet and leaned back in my chair.
~5 minutes pass~
"Oh gosh!! Sorry sorry we're late!!!" Gem yelled helping scott stand, most of his weight seemed to be on her "Did something happen?" Shelby asked "I uh- may or may not have been supid while building- again" Scott said followed by a chuckle
"Soo you were stupid-" I said rolling my eyes "Still cant control gravity jimmy." Scott said bitterly with a playful roll of his eyes. "Just sit so we can start my meeting." My sister lizzie stated sternly as gem helped scott to his seat and went to her own.
'Somethings off.. i dont think he just hurt himself.. hes acting weird.. is it because i rolled my eyes at him.. did i do something wrong.? crap does he hate me..? nonono.. he wouldnt, hes my best friend..' "jimmmmmmy"
"I- wha-what?" I asked snapping back to reality "Your opinion on the trade routs between empires??" My sister asked "Oh, yes! I think the trade routs are a lovely idea, less flying for us if theyre through the nether aswell." I said quickly
"Seems like we are all in favor of the trade routs!" She said cheerfully
{Scotts Pov}
God i feel awful still- shouldve stayed home- meeting seems to almost be over though.. I feel like i should leave.. but i cant just in the middle of the meeting.
My thoughts were racing one million miles a minute
I didnt know what was happening
I was hopeless
i was stupid
i felt disgusting
i probably looked disgusting
i couldnt do anything about this.
any of it
i was helpless
all i was able to do was deal with the pain.
ever so silently
and just sit here
and attempt to not act weird infront of my friends
i hated every bit of this
every word i thought
i could feel tears well in my eyes
i was picking my nails anxiously
staring at them
the chipped colorful array of polish that sat on my nails
i held back the tears and took a discreet breath
i closed my eyes for a brief moment before opening them and looking up, diverting my attention back to the meeting.
the meeting finished..
i was holding back coughs as the petals and red liquid sat in the back of my throat
i waited so i wasnt the first to leave, i took off after a few others
i was dizzy
my mind was racing
it was giving me a headache
Ide flown into the base of a tree, using my already injured foot to break my landing
bad idea-
My legs buckled beneath me as i fell to my knees.
I felt a tear run down my cheek
Crying only made the pain worsen.
But i couldnt stop.
my throat burned and stung|
like a fire was flaming in my throat
"scott?" shelby questioned
"i- shelb-" i was cut off by my own painful coughing
"hey hey are you alright?" she asked, running to my side
"..im fine.!" i said trying to sound cheerful as i felt blood fill my mouth
"no your no..AGH! is that blood?!" shelby yelled
i wiped my finger under my mouth, a pool of blood in my hand
tears welled in my eyes as shelby pulled me into a hug
i couldnt make out what she was saying
but she was speaking
"..shelb.." i mumbled out
"yeah whats wrong?" she asked
"..i just wanna go home.." i sobbed and grasped her tightly
"ill get you home scott.. i promise.."
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