Covered Stars(Smajor OSMP)
TW: Panic Attack
Based around, Scott, Kirsten(Mumza), Philza, Tubbo, & Wilbur
The Panic Attack isnt put into much detail for those who were wondering! though if you still arnt comfortable feel free to skip this chapter, its just a oneshot book after all so skip what youd like to! :D
{Philzas Pov}
That whole day me and Kirsten knew the other felt something was off. Neither of us could put our finger on it but we just knew somehow. The whole day was filled with silence, it was a peaceful day besides the occasional tommy screaming which ive learned to cancel out. Our newest member didnt know anything around here. My thoughts were circling inside my head "Should i go show him around or stay home.?" was the main thing i brought my attention to in my thoughts.
"Im gonna go show around the new member." I told Kirsten looking over at her "The starborne?" She questioned "Yes. Yes the starborne." I replied still blankly looking at her "Whats his name again- his hair is magenta isnt it?" She quizzed trying to remember the starbornes appearance. "His name is scott, and his hair is a purpley magenta and it nearly looks like a galaxy, his whole body does actually." I replied looking away from my wife and out the window "Sorry for the questions, you can go dear, be safe alright?" My wife shot back to me and nodded.
"Ill be back in a bit." I said standing up "Alright, like i said be safe dear" she said smiling "I will!" i smiled back at her before jumping off the window cell and opening my wings wide.
{Wilbur's Pov}
I saw phil, he had been flying down to what looked like the new starborne's house, it was just a cave right now though he was starting a foundation and design for a new house to build. I decided to follow him, i phazed through blocked so ide be faster occasionally jumping to get a gust of wind in my wings.
Phil still beat me there, i saw him talking to scott when i arrived "Oh hi Wilbur!!" Phil was confused to hear scott say so excitedly "Hey scott!" I said walking over to the two. "How are you two so close-? you got here 2 days ago-!!" phil half yelled causing me and scott to both chuckle "When you have one person who used to live in space and a phantom , your gonna guess theyll get close." Scott says looking over at me then to phil with a smile "I- but- how- i-" phil stuttered still confused "Scott would make a little star platform right on the edge of the earth just enough so we could see each other on the opposite side! We would do that everyday for years on end until he stopped coming 5 days later I find him here!" I replied smiling at Phil "That's decently interesting-!, do you want to help me show Scott around The primordium?" Phil asked "Of course!" I said cheerfully before heading off with Phil and Scott to start the tour
Primordium- A synonym for origin in Latin. (I thought this would make sense for what to call their little area :D)
{Scotts Pov}
Phil and Wilbur started showing me around the area which they named 'The Primordium' as someone who lived in the stars and has too much freetime, I already knew what 'primordium' meant it was a synonym for origin translated to Latin, I could write and read in Latin, endarian, elvish, roman, Japanese, and of course English. I only had time to learn these because there's not much to do in the stars.
I let my mind trail off into my thoughts of stuff I learned in the stars. When I could reach them of course.. I tried to focus back on the tour, wed kept walking and Phil and Wilbur took turns talking about the areas. I was only half listening my mind was filled with questions though I was scared to speak up. That's when my eyes trailed off into the sky, I wanted to look into the normal bright blue sky with partial white clouds and the occasional flying origin every now and then. I saw a sight that's never pleasant to a starborne..
Clouds, large ones. they were covering the entirety of the sky beyond the trees. I almost stopped in my tracks but forced my body to keep moving my mind flooded with thoughts. "What if they keep moving and cover everything..? what if I cant regain energy.. what if.." my mind trailed off in my thoughts Wilbur knew the look of panic on my face so he stepped in and stopped me and Phil from moving "Hold on Phil, we will be right back alright?" I heard Wilbur say to Phil who just nodded looking partially worried. We hadn't realized he was following us and was planning to listen in.
{Wilbur's Pov}
I saw the panicked look on Scotts face, I knew something was wrong, I stopped both of them and took Scott off to the side when I told Phil to give us a moment. "Scott. Look at me." I said firmly looking down at the shorter starborne who looked up at me a panicked expression in his eyes.
"What's wrong. please talk to me." I said clearly worried. "C..clouds.." he stuttered trailing off into a mumble "Clouds.?" i questioned. The starborne nodded and pointed off in the distance just to the right of where we were standing "Oh.. now I see. your worried it'll cover the sky tonight?" i questioned him "mmhmm.." he hummed in response
"How about we finish the tour lat- " I got cut off by the sound of bee wings "HI" tubbo screams from above us. I saw Scott very clearly flinch at the sudden loud noise i put my hand on his shoulder moving next to him. Luckily I felt his body relax before tubbo started talking. "Soooooooooooooooooooo what are you two doing!" tubbo said with a sly smirk as he carried out the 'o' way more than necessary.
"Its none of your business tubs." I replied defensively "C-calm down Wilbur.! He's good.." I could hear the stutter in Scotts voice as much as i could hear he was questioning his last statement, I looked over at him and saw him looking up at Toby forcing a smile upon himself. "Fine. but your staying close." I replied the defensiveness stuck to my voice. All he did was nod in response
We all talked for awhile tubbo asking Scott a boat load of questions about what space was like and how it felt to just fly around space though when Scott answered I could hear the sadness in his voice. I patiently waited for the questions to stop before I step in taking Scott else where. I didn't wanna cut off Toby's stream of questions because he seems brutally curious.
(Scott and Tubbo aren't brothers in the origins universe if you were confused.)
{Philzas Pov}
I listened into Wilbur and Scotts conversation but left when Tubbo joined them. My mind was now racing with thoughts as I walked around the edge of The Primordium ide traced it at least twice already just asking myself questions and staring at either the grass, flowers or the large multitude of forests that were surrounding us.
"Do starbornes get scared of not seeing stars?" "What does Wilbur know?" "Should i do my own research?" "Should I question him?" "Is he scared of clouds?" "Does something happen when they don't see stars?" I asked myself these over and over desperately searching my thoughts for an answer.
"Ill just do my own research.. Kirsten probably has a book on starbornes in her library." I thought to myself out loud before spreading my wings and heading towards me and Kirsten's home. "Ah your back!" I heard her soft voice speak from the kitchen as i walked in the door. "Yep! I also have a question." I said looking over at my wife whom was making lunch for the both of us "Ask away!" she replied looking back down to the pan of food.
I lightly sighed before asking her "Do you have a book on starbornes. There's questions i have that need answering." I said sternly walking over to her "Yes I do! I have a book on every one of the origins actually, its the 7th book in row 87 in the fourth set of bookshelves" She said and stated the specific place "I- oh uh thanks! ill go grab it after lunch!" I said "Sounds perfect to me, lunch will be don't in a moment so go sit!" she said cheerfully
{Tubbos Pov}
I asked the new starborne a insane amount of questions, hours flew by like minutes to me. Before i knew it, ide been asking questions sense lunch and now it began sun fall. I asked my final question "Did you ever get to fly over to the moon?!" I asked him excitedly "Yes, yes we did it wasn't that eventful as it gets kind of boring just hopping from star to star and see the moon rotate in the distance every day. Nothing special really." He answered fidgeting with his many bracelets.
"Its getting quite dark, ima go annoy my two favorite end people buh bye!" I yelled before flying away seeing the starborne and phantom wave as i flew towards the Endarian's castle
I still had so many questions but it was already getting dark sooo i was gonna leave them to their own thing now, i flew towards the large castle the endarian twins had built and broke into ranboos room through his window that was partially opened "HI" I screamed from behind the royal endarian sitting on his bed. he screamed "AGH-!!! MYY GODDD- tubbo..-" he sighed at the end followed by a warmhearted chuckle "Hah finally scared you." i replied sitting down on the edge of his bed.
"So.. did you get more information out of the starborne?" he questioned almost falling into a whisper, his sister aimsey quickly teleported into the room to figure out the information ide squeezed out of him. I began to talk, spilling every little detail ide gotten out of the starborne. "Best thing about it, wilbur didnt but in. He let me keep asking questions and the both of them ekpt delivering" i finished with a chuckled smile on my face.
~5 Hours Later. NightFall~
{Philzas Pov}
I was sat at our community center with Wilbur and Kirsten, we were all talking about the events of the day, mostly the tour as that took the longest. At some random point wilburs head shot up from the table before looking at the sky and seeing thick gray clouds had covered most of it, a worried expression soon draped over his face. "Will?" I questioned seeing him turn around towards the hill scott was living under.
I noticed a silhouette sitting on the hill. I placed a hand on wills shoulder "Ill go check on him alright will?" I said looking over as he nodded before i shot up in the air and fluttered my wings quickly heading over landing softly on the coarse grass. I hadnt even noticed wilbur has followed me, kirsten stayed behind at the pub. "Scott.?" i questioned seeing the starborne staring up into the sky, his normally galaxy colored purple skin looked the slightest bit darker.
"Mate is something wrong?" I questioned sitting next to him waiting for a response. "c..clouds.. s..tars..." He said choking back his tears, his voice quivered. I grabbed the starborne pulling him closer with my wing "Its alright mate.." i said in a hopefully comforting tone. "B..but.. no.. sta..stars...i.." He replied to me his voice slow and shaky as he leaned against my shoulder not finishing his sentence "Itll be alright mate.. theyre just stars right?" I replied looking over at him with a hopeful smile
{Scotts pov}
{TW:PANIC ATTACK} (skip if needed)
I snapped at phil launching myself out of his wing and letting myself fall quickly infront of him. "THEY ARNT JUST STARS!!!" i yelled looking at him as bright white tears streamed from my eyes phil and wilbur visibly flinched at my yell. "THEY ARNT THEY ARNT THEY.. they a..arnt.." i slowed down, my body stiffening as i choked on my own breath trying to hold back more tears. I failed.
I fell to my knees sobbing "Mate.. why.., whats wrong..?" Phil clearly didnt know what to ask as we grabbed me with his wing again, my body leaning limp over his shoulder. "no..nonononononono..." my mind raced as i choked back more tears. I felt exhausted but managed to stand up "I- im sorry.. im sorry imsorryimsorryIMSORRYIMSORRY-...!!!!" I started to scream as i fell to my back, my knees buckling as i pushed myself against a tree, bringing my knees to my chest.
My head fell between my knees, my breathing scattered and uneasy, heavy and loud. I couldnt control it. I could barely even look up. "i...i.." i tried to say another round of im sorrys but my voice didnt work, as i attempted to speak i could feel my mouth, dry as i continued my scattered breathing.
{wilburs Pov}
I saw scott, i felt stunned, stuck in my tracks, i hated seeing him like this. Hes having a panic attack, my first instict was to try and help, but he wouldnt let phil near him. I eventually gathered my thoughts and walked over to scott, kneeling down next to him. "Im sorry.. i-..i..m.. s..s..o..rry... IM SORRY..!! i ddnt mean to ididntmeantoIDIDNTMEANTOISWEAR!!!" He ended up screaming the end, i just pulled him into a hug he tensed at the movement but started sobbing into my shoulder.
I rubbed his back in hopes of providing comfort to the distressed starborne, phil shortly came over to us wrapping each of his wings around either of us. After a couple of minutes of scott sobbing, he melted into the embrace but his distressed crying never stopped "i.. i didnt wanna yell.. i.. promise..." His voice slow and raspy "Its alright mate.. the starts will be back, we promise they wont be gone forever." Phil says hoping to comfort him
The starborne just nodded nuzzling his head into the crook of my neck. "Its okay, i promise." I said, hoping to provide more comfort to him as his color once again faded to a deeper shade of purple, the glow dimming ever so slightly.
All three of us stayed like this for awhile. probably 15 minutes at most. The crying had stopped around the 10 minute mark, but he didnt ever let go.
"You okay now scott?" i questioned looking over at him still leaning all his weight into the crook of my neck "mmmhhmm..." he hummed in response "Lets get you two back to the pub, or your home wilbur, we should all rest its quite late. "But i.." the starborne was cut off "I know you cant sleep, you can still get comfy with me at my house okay??" I said to him with a soft smile "mmhhmm.." he hummed in response once again. I picked scott up and me and phil walked until we departed, he then flew up to the pub and i walked with scott in my arms into my house.
We both settled down in bed, his head nuzzled up against my chest {NOT A SHIP} i let out a soft smile before attempting to sleep with the new found comfortable yet very awake starborne lying with me. Until i finally dozed off to sleep.
[This is running very long so lets stop it there! I plan to make a part two of the aftermath to this oneshot and i hope you guys enjoy the very first chapter of this book if anyone even reads this-]
Its 11:39 pm on 9/21/23, heading off to bed now and hoping everyone has a great morning/evening/night!
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