A strange happening...(Owen&Scott PSMP)
(Hello to the two people that are here because of OwengeJuice's steam!!)
TW:mentions of fainting, mentions of past hospital visits, mentions of blood&illness
Category: Hurt/comfort
Smajor Angst, Owen angst??, partial acho angst
copper duo lore. (NOT CANNON)
Characters used: [Most of All Factions]
[Owens POV]
It seemed like a normal day, running around with other herons, annoying kites, cheerful nightingales, and begging kestrels but something seemed off to me. I couldnt quite put my finger on it as i got lost in my thoughts i ran into Eret and Kuervo "Oh gosh sorry i-! wait.. Kuervo? your a kite." My voice got more stern and commanding. "Yes and?" He asked sternly glaring at me "what are you doing in the HERONS base." I questioned, keeping my stern tone, Eret was holding an axe, i didnt question it.
Moments flew by of explanations and conversation that didn't make sense. *Insert eret trying to kill owen* "WOAH WOAH-!!" "you cant kill someone of your own faction!! especially on faction grounds!!!" I yelled drawing my pistol out from a loop in my belt {after epic lore scene and more conversation of owen mostly yelling at kuervo for not teaching eret the rules and being a bad influence}
We had started to walk and talk, we approached Christian after awhile "Hey christian how ya doing?" I asked "Im in a bad mood." was Christians emotionless reply glaring at the three of us, i backed up off the stage where Christian was. "H-how about you go talk to him kuervo.." I said backing up behind Kuervo and Eret "Hola, How you doing?" i heard Kuervo ask Christian
{Kuervo/Krows POV}
I asked how Christian, co. leader of the herons was doing "Your not a heron, what are you doing here." He said blankly, standing up and starring at me. "Just visiting with 2.. acquaintances.." I didnt wanna call herons my friends, ide be betraying my faction.
"Leave before i do something bad." He continued our conversation "Like whatt bad thingssss?" I asked curious "Murder." He replied "what.. what would you do to me???" I questioned looking at Christian playfully batting my eyes attempting to look innocent.
"Like.. singlehandedly throw you into a volcano, how does that sound?" He said with a subtle grin "Ooookayyyy..." "What would it take for you to do that?" i asked, continuing my innocnet act
"If you guys do not leave.. right now. i will. I WILL. singlehandedly throw you into a volcano.. Kite." He hissed " we all backed away owen darted out as fast as possible "3," hed started counting, i grabbed erets hand and we started running "2.." he continued, i attempted to run faster "3.. good their gone." I heard christians voice say from a distance, owen had stopped to catch his breath sitting on the stone stairs leading out of the herons base.
"He- hes scary.." eret blurted out as we joined owen on the steps "Hah- ya think-" i blurted out, we all went on in a laugh about the situation.
{After Kuervo convinced eret to join the kites and blah blah (happened on stream, if ykyk)}
{Owens POV}
I finally was able to out my finger on what was wrong about this day, i dont know how i didnt think of it sooner, I hadnt seen scott, anywhere, all day. I began to worry. I pulled out my communicator
OwengeJuiceTV: Cleo??
ZombieCleo: Yeah owen?
OwengeJuiceTV: Have you or any herons seen scott today?
ZombieCleo: I havent, no
OwengeJuiceTV: Alright, any other herons seen him??
SoupForEloise: I havnt, sorry
Watermunch: I havnt either, sorry owen
OliveSleepy: Sorry, i havnt saw him either owen
Snifferish: Me neither sorry :-(
I began to worry more, no herons had heard from his and he didn't reply to his messages. At this point, i was hopeless, i had to search more areas, I needed to find him. "Theres 3 people i can go too.. maybe 4 if im lucky.." i mumbled to myself "Owen?" I heard a distant voice say
I swiftly turned around "Oh uh- hi cleo" i responded "Hey, still looking for him?" she shot back "Yeah im thinking about going to the kestrels, hes close with sausage, scar, kyle, olly and martyn, and if we are lucky, we will be able to get acho in on this search." i replied.. that makes 6 people we can go to, total. i thought to myself "Ill shoot my shot with acho, ive had some.. run ins with him." I said with a straight face which was very poorly forced "Ill shoot a chance with the kestrels then!" she said as we parted ways
"ACHO!!" i yelled walking through the nightingale faction base "Owen?" I heard him say standing on the path infront of me "Acho! there you are" i said with a smile "Mhm!! Need something?" he asked confused "Oh i- uhm- yes- i do." i said with a slight stutter "what is it then!" he asked with a smile "Its about your brother." I stated with a straight face watching panic drape over his own
"I-is he alright?!" he quickly asked with panic in his voice knowing deep down how much he still cared about him. "uhm.. well we actually arnt sure.. thats the reason im here, to.. to ask if youve seen him.." I said getting a little quieter near the end of my sentence "WAIT HES MISSING?!?!" he yelled catching a few other nightingales attention.
"Whose missing?" Will asked walking over to us, he couldnt see achos face, though i could. Tears were trembling in his eyes as he was fighting them back "Now youve got me curious" Graecie said in a soft tone walking for us aswell "Its scott." I said bluntly looking up from the blue and gold bracelet scott had made for all the herons on recruitment day
"Isnt it normal for Scott to randomly go missing, hes always on missions without warning?" will says "No.. will, he made a promise to bring a companion most of the time. and if he didnt he had to warn us he was leaving." I said trying to stay strong but Graecie notices the tears starting to slowly creep out of my eyes "Owen, do you need help finding him..?" Graecie replies walking foward and grabbing my hand by my fingertips in her own.
"I came to get acho to help.. but any additional help is greatfully appriciated." I said trying to hold back more tears of pure fear and worry. "Dont worry, nobody on this isle would ever turn down helping another... unless your a kite-" will says trying to lighten the subject, i just nodded
{Cleos POV}
"OI, KESTRELS!!" I yelled "oooohohohoh!! a broke heron enters this divine life of richness?~" Sausage calls out, He saw the serious expression on ym face and got visibly worried. "Need something cleo?" Kyle shot out, looking at me "Yeah you like- never come here." olly chuckles "Seriously like never-" Martyn says "Cleo dont make me do what you know i will do" I knew what scar was insinuating at, i just sighed "Not a time for jokes you rich beggars."
"everything okay?" Kyle asks "Its scott." I said bluntly, they all looked at eachother before back at me "Did.. something happen?" The words slipped out of martyn mouth, i could hear the worry in his voice as he was trying to act strong infront of his faction "Thats the reason i came here.. Is it possible that any of you have seen him..?" I said asking the kestrels warily "No, we have all been here all day, why?" Kyle said
"Hes missing, no track of him, his boat is at the dock, no sighting of him trhoughout the entirety of the herons." I paused as my communicator went off
OwengeJuiceTV: Cleo, Graecie, Will, and Acho are helping with the search, any luck with the kestrels?
ZombieCleo: Im explaining the situation to them, also an update is none of them have seen him, his boat is confirmed at the dock though.
OwengeJuiceTV: Alright, any word from anyone else?
ZombieCleo: Nothing
OwengeJuice: Alright, ill check in, in an hour
ZombieCleo: Alright, sounds good to me.
I showed the kestrels my communicator for them to see the conversation, Kyle nodded in agreement to their whole faction, or everyone who was there, to help.
{Scotts POV}
I had run away.. i had no clue where i was, i was badly injured, all i could make out was the color purple and the pure feeling of pain I thought i saw a transparent figure.. i was probably just seeing stuff, it looked to be coated in purple splotches. I had to stay awake, for aslong as i could, despite not being able to move. I could feel blood dripping from my forehead, i was horrified, but couldnt do anything about it.. even if i tried no movement was made.
"tt..!!" I heard something in the distance "cott-!!!" I could hear someone getting closer "SCOTT?!" I heard a worried sausages voice say, I tried to speak, but my voice didnt work, it just sent shooting pains through my throat and chest "Scott!!!" I heard another voice call out, i couldnt make out who it was
I heard running, dark spots danced around my vision as i tried to fight for my consciousness "Scott!! ohhmygod.. what happened?! howd you end up here..?!" I heard a line of questions followed by a string of curses. I let my body slip into the darkness as it took over my vision, i could hear screams and crying, i was confused but then everything went black, and quiet.
I blinked open my eyes in a bright room, I did what i could to keep them open "Scott, can you hear us..?" I heard a worried owens voice say, all i could do was nod slowly, but even that sent shooting pains through my entire body "Cleo!!! grab a doctor or nurse!!" I heard owen yell "did something happen?!" Cleos voice shot out worried.
{Achos POV}
My head shot over but i saw owen.. smiling.? yet crying? I was so utterly confused as cleo walked up to him "Is he..?" i heard cleo say "Hes alright, i promise" I heard him say, i let out a sigh of relief and leaned against wills arm/shoulder
We saw cleo come back with 2 doctors and a nurse, cleo crying her eyes out with an ear to ear smile on her face my mind raced on what was going on, i couldnt read any social cues, i couldnt even bring myself to talk. Ide been sitting here with everyone else for 6 hours waiting for my brother to wake up, I then heard arguing
"WHAT WERE YOU DOING WITH HIM?! WHY DID YOU DRAG HIM BACK THERE BEKYAMON?!" I heard, so it was bek who took scott back to the island of corruption... of course.. "WE WERE JUST EXPLORING YOU STUPID WANNA BE RICH FOLK!!" Bek yelled back, toby holding both of her arms so she wouldnt punch sausage.
I watched anxiously as a doctor came out and came up to me "Acho Denholm?" He spoke, brining everyones attention over to us "Yes, thats me Sir.." I spoke lightly sitting up in my seat "follow me please, we will clear all your friends to see him soon." the doctor spoke, in a light tone with a subtle smile on his face "Is he.. awake.?" I felt myself crack out a final question, the doctor nodded, his smile becoming more visible, tears had snuck their way in and out of my eyes quickly as i got up and ran towards the room
"Scott!!" I yelled with tears in my eyes He reached out his un-injured arm to hug me "My god you scared us all..!! you idiot why would you go with kites?!" i said choking back tears "In my defence i didnt know theyd abandom me to be attacked." He spoke, his voice still quiet, yet comforting "Attacked..? by who.?" i said pulling back and looking at him "Not by who.. the better question is.. by what..." He said before moving his hair to reveal his eye, his bright blue eye now having a purple spot on it, the surrounding of his eye was heavily bandaged, but there was purple creeping out from under one of them
"Was it.. that corruption..?" i asked warily "need less to say.. martyns right.. theres something brutally wrong with that island.. and cruppy might have something to do with it." I saw a purple streak in his hair going through his short ponytail that was hung high over the rest of his free hair draping down onto his shoulders "Okay enough of this serious talk.. im just glad your alright.." I said before hugging him again "I hate to see you like this.. especially with past experiences.."
His grip tightened on my back pulling me close "I love you acho.. i really do.. but please, lets not talk about this.. right now.." I nodded in agreement "You two are cute when you dont hate eachother" we heard cleo say, all four of us laughed, scotts gentle laugh hadnt changed a bit sense childhood, it was always the same small chuckles, his laugh was always quiet, it was calming
{Scotts POV}
I felt bad i hadnt told acho i new what it was, what if it was related to the watchers..? what if martyns only worried about it because of C.H.E.S.T nobody here new my rep as an admin besides cleo, she knew all about my past and other current lives, deep down she knew how horrified i was, but i kept my grip tight on my brother "I love you.." i heard acho mumble "I love you too acho.." i said with a smile "Do not, dissapear without any of us knowing again.. please. especially if its with kites.. promise?" acho said looking at me sternly "Promise" i said smiling at him
I could barely feel anything but pain, i hid it from the others as they were already worried enough, i could barely move but stayed strong.. For Acho. everyone came in, one by one until it came down to her. Bekyamon. I cursed her name in my head as she came in partially, leaning against the doorframe
"So.. you didnt die" she says glaring at me "You chose the wrong heron to mess with Bekyamon." This was my first time saying her full name to anyones face, she was stunned at how i swore her name glaring bullets into her eyes "I hadnt wished death on you Denholm. None of the kites did. When Kuervo found out he shouted at us for a good 45 minutes. I may not like you.. though seems like youve got some friends in our faction Denholm" She swore my last name twice in her sentence before leaving the room.
She.. hadnt wished death on me..? Thoughts were racing through my head, my main nurse, Naomi was her name, came in and told me to rest and broke the news ide be here for awhile, a week at least. I nodded in response as she lowered the back of my bed, so i could rest properly.
I lied there thoughts racing through my head.. what was gonna happen to me.. i shouldve listened to martyn.. My thoughts were cut off by me falling asleep shortly after the thoughts had started..
[Part 2?]
Requests are open if you have ideas for a part two or a new oneshot! feel free to request on any chapter :D
I really liked writing this one so ill probably make a part two to it of the aftermath on pirates and even some other servers!
Posted: 11:11pm, 9/22/2023
WC: 2597
-Signing Off,
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