We Met in a Cafe- Nature Wives
Here's that nature wives story I promised you guys. Enjoy!
Katherine was walking down the path on a cold, wet, rainy Saturday, not a person in sight. She stumbled on the pavement, and fell. She sprang back up, unharmed, looking all around for witnesses to her fall. But of course, there was no one there. She continued on her way.
Shelby stepped through the front door of the cafe. It was bright and cheery, a nice contrast to the dreadful weather outside. There were many people here, trying to keep out of the rain. She scanned the room, looking for...aha! There was Lizzie, waving like crazy from a nearby table. Shelby ran to her, and they tightly embraced
"Shelby! I haven't seen you for years!" Exclaimed Lizzie, hugging Shelby as tightly as possible. "I've missed you so, so much."
Shelby broke away. She feared that they might stay there forever if she didn't. "I've missed you too!"
"I hope you don't mind, I've already ordered. Did you want anything?" Asked Lizzie, handing Shelby the menu.
She thought for a while. "Yes please. I didn't bring any money, but I would like some tea."
"Your wish is my command, for I am the bestower of tea!" said Lizzie, in a regal voice.
Shelby laughed. "Thank you, almighty bestower. I praise you!" Shelby sat down at the table, as Lizzie walked over to the counter.
Just then, the bell on the front door of the cafe rang. Katherine walked in, and made her way over to Lizzie. "Hi, Lizzie!"
"Oh, Katherine! How are you? Come meet my old friend Shelby!" Exclaimed Lizzie, already dragging Katherine over to their table.
"Oh...I don't want to intrude..." She broke off. There was no getting out of this one.
"No, it's fine! Shelby, this is Katherine, my colleague and good friend. Katherine, this is Shelby, my best friend from school. I'll let you two make friends, while I go get Shelby some tea. Do you want anything, Katherine? Kath...Katherine?"
Katherine was frozen, a couple of steps away from the table, staring at Shelby. Shelby was staring back intently. It was love at first sight.
"Katherine! What do you want to eat!?" Lizzie was getting impatient. She wasn't very good at reading the room.
"I...I'll have what Shelby's having." Katherine was still looking at Shelby. Shelby was now looking away, embarrassed.
"Ok, I...ohhhhh, I see what's going on here! I'll leave you little lovebirds to it then." Lizzie smirked and walked away.
There was complete silence between the two girls. Neither moved.
"Would...would you like to sit down?!" Shelby asked, in a very high, squeaky voice. She cringed. Why did she sound like that?
Katherine, on the other hand, started blushing like crazy. She found Shelby's embarrassment adorable. How could someone be so cute?
"I...I'd like that." She sat down. Right next to Shelby, who started visibly freaking out.
Meanwhile, Lizzie was watching from the counter, sipping a smoothie, while chatting to the cafe owner.
"Yeah, those girls over there are my two best friends. They just met. I think they love each other." She said, very matter-of-factly.
"Your tea is ready." Said the owner, gesturing to the counter. He had the look of a man who had had their ear talked off. In other words, dead behind the eyes.
"So it is! Thank you, Carl!" Carl, the owner, looked very happy to escape. Lizzie flounced off and grabbed the tea tray. She skipped over to Katherine and Shelby, who were desperately trying not to hold each other's hand.
She slammed the tea tray onto the table, intentionally making the girls jump. "Tea's ready!" She yelled, earning some odd looks from nearby tables. She ignored them. "Are you okay, Shelby?"
She sat down, comforting Shelby, who was visibly shaking. "I'm f...fine."
They sipped their tea in silence. After about 10 minutes of this, Katherine looked out the window. The weather was clear. She stood up. "I'd best be going, I wasn't planning on stopping by here as long as I did."
"Oh, okay, bye Katherine!" Said Lizzie, getting up to hug her. Katherine returned the hug for a few seconds before breaking away. She had one more thing to say.
"Shelby...can I ask you something?"
Shelby looked terrified. "O...okay."
"Are...are you free tomorrow?"
"I...are you asking me out?"
"I...alright, I'm not going to hide it. Yes, I'm asking you out. Will you go out with me?"
"I would love to." Shelby said, holding back tears of happiness. She had found the one. She knew they would be with each other for the rest of their lives.
Who's crying. I know I am. I love nature wives. A bit cheesy tbh, but I'll work on it. You never know, a part two might be coming your way!
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