Innocence-ESMP S2
I had an assessment for English class, and we had to write a story.
So I changed it to Empires, as you do.
It wasn't me.
I tried to tell them that years ago, but feelings mean nothing to those fools. They tied my hands behind my back and shoved me into a dark prison cell like I was nothing.
I might not have been a fan of Joey, but I would never hurt him.
At least, I wouldn't have murdered him.
But the judge didn't care.
And here I am, twenty years later, my life ruined. I'd never get a job, never get married, never have a life.
No one cared for a criminal like me.
I kept on walking down the forest path, quietly chanting spells. I was a witch before...
No. I wouldn't think about that.
My thoughts were interrupted rather loudly by the unmistakable sound of a twig breaking underfoot.
I looked down. My path was clear of loose foliage.
Was I being watched?
I sprinted home as fast as my legs could carry me. Prison had made me paranoid and I didn't feel like dying today.
I slammed the door and leaned against it, breathing heavily.
I caught my breath in seconds, I was used to running. From the police, my inmates, my mind.
I shook my head once again and looked around at my less than average home. It was all I could afford with the pity money that the government was supplying me.
A sharp knock at the door startled me. I quickly ran to the small table in the far corner of the room and dove under it. I faced the wall, my breathing ragged and out of control. I started to sob.
"Knock knock!" The person called. "Shelby, I know you're in there."
I froze. How did this happen? How did this person know my name! My address!
I sobbed harder, now unable to breathe altogether.
I heard the door burst open.
"Shelby?" The person called. "Why are you under a table?"
"W- who are you?" I asked through my panic, turning to face them.
"I'm Lizzie."
"Alright. Ah- how do you know my name?"
The woman chuckled. "I've been sent to watch you."
" what!" I exclaimed.
"Horrible, isn't it? It's protocol. You're a criminal, we need to keep you under surveillance." Lizzie explained, not unkindly.
I choked out another sob. I had been under surveillance?
"Since when?" I yelled.
Lizzie covered her ears. "Jeez, don't yell. Since you were released."
"I don't like this. I don't like this at all." I muttered, shaking my head.
"Oh, you get used to it after a while."
Something still didn't add up. "So...why are you here? Why have you told me all this? I'll assume I'm not meant to know any of it."
Lizzie sighed. "I really didn't plan to. My plan was to pass it off as being a delivery woman. Say something like, 'Would ya like some peas?' and just leave it at that."
"So why didn't you?"
She paused for a moment, looking conflicted. After a while, she spoke.
"I guess...seeing you like that...knowing it was my fault..."
I interrupted her. "It wasn't your fault. I just wish I'd known that someone was watching me."
"No, you're mistaken. This whole situation..." She gestured to the room, which was looking a little worse for wear. "Your's all my fault."
"How is this your fault?"
She started to cry. "It was me. I murdered Joey."
The whole world came crashing down around me.
I roughly dragged Lizzie into the police station.
"Shelby. What are you doing?" The man behind the desk asked. His badge told me that his name was Jimmy. "This is my lunch break."
"And this," I said, "Is a murderer."
Jimmy's eyebrows shot up. "Shelby, Lizzie's one of our most highly paid staff-"
"Just watch this." I said, pulling out my phone and pressing play on a video that I had taken.
"It wasn't your fault. I just wish I'd known."
"No, you're mistaken. This whole situation, it's all my fault."
"How is it your fault?"
"I murdered Joey..."
Everyone stood in place, stunned.
"I had a reason!" Lizzie exclaimed, breaking the silence.
"Save it for the judge," The sherrif said.
Two guards grabbed her by either arm and dragged her off.
It brought back painful memories. Once lost in time, now fresh in my mind.
Jimmy smiled at me, shattering my thoughts. "Thank you, Shelby. I'll make sure your criminal record is cleared after the court case. But for future reference..."
He took a bite of his turkey sandwich.
"Never interrupt a man on his lunch break."
Wise words indeed.
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