Empires Season 2 Group Chat
This looked fun, and so I did it. Prepare yourselves.
Oli is online
Oli: hey, guys! Wanna hear my new song?
Gem is online
Lizzie is online
Joey is online
Pix is online
Oli: *voice message*
Scott is online
Pix: I'm scared to click play...
Lizzie: same XD
Oli: I'm offended. My heart is broken. I will never be happy again.
Joey: don't click play. For your own safety, please don't click play. That is awful.
fWhip is online
Scott: he sounds like a screeching cat. Like Lizzie on that rollercoaster that one time
Gem: oh god...
Oli: I'm right here you know!
Lizzie: don't bring that up! There is nothing suspicious about me whatsoever. People scream like that too!
Jimmy is online
Jimmy: sure, Lizzie. Nothing sus about you at all.
Oli: I'm still very sad. I worked hard on that :(
Gem: oh, Oli! I love it! Don't listen to these meanies.
Jimmy: I just listened to it. It's not half bad!
Oli: thank you Gem! Someone appreciates art!
Gem: np :)
Jimmy: D:
Joel is online
Joel: why is my phone blowing up?
Shelby is online
Katherine is online
Katherine: I only go online when Shelby goes online.
Shelby: hey Katherine <3
Katherine: hey :D
Joey: Katherine <3
Katherine: shut up
Joey: oh :(
Joel: this is chaos...
False is online
False: wth guys! I'm at a family dinner!
Scott: omg XD
Lizzie: mute your phone
False: it IS muted. The settings automatically took it off because it thought this was important!
Shelby: sorry, False :(
False: all good <3 my parents are a little mad tho
Gem: oh no! You ok?
False: yeah I'm good
fWhip: I've been here this whole time :)
Katherine: slay
Joey: bit creepy...
fWhip: yes :)
False is offline
Pix: I'm back! I went to get a burrito. Now I shall go eat the burrito.
Pix is offline
Shelby: happy burrito eating!
Shelby: now you've got me hungry...
Shelby is offline
Katherine is offline
Lizzie: Joel, wanna come over?
Joel: sure ;)
Jimmy: WTH
Lizzie: ;)
Jimmy: help...me...
Scott: Jimmy? when did you get here?!
Jimmy: ages ago
Scott: oh
fWhip: I'm still here :)
Gem: cool
Gem is offline
Joey: where did she go?
Lizzie: idk
Lizzie is offline
Joel is offline
Joey: welp, seeya
Joey is offline
Jimmy: is anyone still here?
Scott: no
Jimmy: well obviously you are
Scott is offline
Jimmy: oh
Jimmy: anybody?
fWhip: I'm still here :)
Jimmy is offline
fWhip: oh :(
fWhip: I know where I'm not wanted :(
fWhip is offline
-5 hours later-
Sausage is online
Sausage:...what the actual...
Sausage: okay.
Sausage is offline
-1 hour later-
Oli: I'm still sad...:(
Oli is offline
Wdym? it's beautiful! Poor Oli tho...
Tag yourself. I'm fWhip XD
Gonna make a Hermitcraft one too. And possibly rats and life series.
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