Wolverine: Begin Anew World Premiere
(A bunch of paparazzi are seen taking pictures of some of the actors & actresses who are either in the movie or have been invited. We also see a big group of fans against the rails hoping to see some famous people & hopefully get their autograph or get a picture with them. To name a few of the actors, there is Tom Holland, Liev Schreiber, & the former Wolverine himself, Hugh Jackman. And to name some of the actresses, there is Scarlett Johansson, Elisabeth Olsen, & Cobie Smulders. Now, you may be wondering, where's Y/N? Well, the man of the hour has just arrived.)
(Y/N): [softly] I hope I don't throw up.
(He opens the car door & walks out of the limo.)
(Y/N): *adjusts his bow tie*
(After adjusting his tie, Y/N starts walking among the people at the premiere. He waves back at people who wave at him.)
(Y/N): Pretty standard movie premiere. Some quick chats with friends and my costars, interact with the fans who showed up. I'd like to interact with every single one of them but that would take up too much time obviously. Do some interviews, I quite enjoy doing interviews if I'm being honest. And finally let the photographers take some photos of me before heading into the theater.
(He takes a look around the premiere.)
(Y/N): Hm, I don't see her. I'm sure she's on her way. Honestly surprised I beat her here.
Tom: Talking to yourself as always, (Y/N).
(He turns around to his friend & costar, Tom Holland.)
(Y/N): Tom!
(The two shake hands & hug.)
Tom: Feeling a bit overwhelmed?
(Y/N): Yeah. How'd you know?
Tom: It's the world premiere of your movie! It's normal to feel overwhelmed. I was for mine.
(Y/N): That's right. I remember.
Tom: But, hey. At least you don't have to watch over me, right?
(Y/N): I kinda wish I was.
Tom: [laughs]
(Y/N): I'm not joking.
Tom: [laughs] I know.
(We see Y/N taking some pictures with fans who showed up at the premiere.)
(Y/N): Big smile!
(He even takes a Hot Toy version of his Wolverine that a fan hands him & looks at it.)
(Y/N): I've always thought how crazy it is that the people that make these can make it so detailed, you know? My eyes and everything. [chuckles]
(He holds the Hot Toy up near his face & matches the look it has. The fans watching this take pictures with their phones.)
(Y/N): Be sure to tag me on your various social media sites, okay? Yes, even Facebook.
Fans: [laughs]
(Y/N): I'd like to save that picture. Ha.
Fan: Say the line!
(Y/N): What was that?
Fan: Say it!
(Y/N): Say wha--ah, gotcha. Bub.
Fans: [cheers]
(Y/N): [chuckles] You guys are the best.
(We see Y/N walking towards some various interviewers. However, before he can reach them & conduct some interviews, he'll be stopped by two people. The first person being...)
Hugh: Well isn't it the star of the movie himself.
(Y/N): Very funny, Hugh.
(The two Wolverines hug.)
(Y/N): I'm so glad you could make it.
Hugh: I wouldn't have missed it for the world. Especially after you personally invited me yourself. Made me feel so special.
(Y/N): It's the least I could do after you've helped me so much since getting the role. Also, I've said this in interviews before but I'm happy to finally say this to your face. It meant the absolute world to me when you were the first person to reach out to me after it was announced that I was going to be Wolverine. So, thank you.
Hugh: You're gonna make me cry. [chuckles]
(Y/N): Don't want that. [chuckles]
Hugh: Oh! You have to meet my wife. She's a big fan of your Wolverine.
(Y/N): Second only to yours of course.
Hugh: I didn't even have to tell you that.
(He looks around.)
Hugh: She's around here somewhere. Anyway, (Y/N), are you married?
(Y/N): Not yet. In a relationship though. My girlfriend is on her way here.
Hugh: Do I know who she is? You know what? Don't tell me. Introduce her as I introduce my wife. I'm gonna go find her. Talk after the movie?
(Y/N): You got it. You still have to tell me how great Australia is.
Hugh: I may hold you to that.
(The second person he's stopped by is a dear friend of his.)
Elizabeth: (Y/N)? (Y/N).
(Y/N): Huh?
(He turns around to see another one of his friends, Elizabeth Olsen.)
(Y/N): *smiles*
Elizabeth: Howdy.
(Y/N): You're saying howdy now?
Elizabeth: What can I say? You rubbed off on me.
(Y/N): [chuckles] You look great as always. Pretty sure you get that a lot.
Elizabeth: Thank you. I like your bow tie.
(Y/N): You're the first person to say anything about it so thank you.
Elizabeth: In that case, it's adorable.
(Y/N): Very.
Elizabeth: I didn't think I'd see you without her. Don't tell me you left her to wander all alone?
(Y/N): Who do you take me for? She's not here yet. Trust me, once she gets here, I'm not letting her out of my sight. It might be the other way around if I'm being honest.
Elizabeth: You two are something else. I'll see you inside.
(Y/N): Definitely.
(Now, we see him doing an interview.)
Interviewer: The big day is finally here. How are you feeling?
(Y/N): Really excited. Seeing all these people here for my movie, it's all gotten me really hyped. Almost threw up on the way here though.
Interviewer: I'm sure that's normal. Did you ever think your Wolverine would get his own movie?
(Y/N): No. I never did. I never saw it in the cards, you know? Plus, there are already three great Wolverine movies with High Jackman.
Interviewer: He's here by the way.
(Y/N): Oh, I know.
Interviewer: He said some very nice things about your Wolverine.
(Y/N): Tell me! Wait, I'll just ask him myself. Back to the interview.
Interviewer: [chuckles] Right. How's it feel to be a part of Phase Four?
(Y/N): Well, I've been a part of the MCU since Phase...
Interviewer: Two.
(Y/N): Two! Wow, a long time. I don't know if I can put how I feel about that into words. But I will say this; with every movie and show I was in, it brought me here. To this moment. It's all surreal.
Interviewer: And we're done! Thanks for taking the time.
(Y/N): The pleasure was all mi--Oh! There she is!
Interviewer: Who?
(Y/N): My beautiful girlfriend.
(The interviewer turns around to see her.)
(Y/N walks away from the interviewer & starts walking towards her.)
(Y/N): Florence!
(She hears him call her name.)
Florence: Hey, not so loud.
(Y/N): Sorry, I'm just happy that you're finally here.
Florence: You missed me that much, huh?
(Y/N): Is it not that obvious?
Florence: No.
(Y/N): I can change that. I missed you so much!
(People start looking at them.)
(Y/N): So--
(She covers his mouth with her hand.)
Florence: [laughs] What am I going to do with you?
(Y/N): [muffled] You look amazing by the way.
Florence: So do you. Now, come on.
(She takes his hand & leads him to the photographers where they take a bunch of photos of the couple. Y/N puts his arm around her waist as the two smile.)
Photographer: How about a kiss?
(They look at each other.)
Florence: I'm game if you are.
(Y/N): Always.
Photographers: Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!
(They two kiss for a couple seconds as cameras flash around them. After doing everything at the premiere, the cast & some movie reviewers are inside a theater, waiting for the movie to start.)
(Y/N): *looks back at the director*
RayTheRipper: *thumbs up*
(Y/N's thoughts): Of course Ray's positive. Oh, man. Why the hell am I so nervous?
(The lights slowly turn off.)
(Y/N's thoughts): I need to step outside.
(As he's about to stand up from his seat, Florence places her hand over his & looks at him.)
Florence: It'll be okay.
(Y/N): [sighs] You're right.
Florence: *kisses the back of his hand*
(Y/N): Wish I had some popcorn.
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