What If...(Y/N) Was Sabretooth?
Watcher: Time. Space. Reality. It's more than a linear path. It's a prism of endless possibility, where a single choice can branch out into infinite realities, creating alternate worlds from the ones you know. I am the Watcher. I am your guide through these vast new realities. Follow me and ponder the question...
Watcher: I've seen many versions of (Y/N) Maximoff, better known as the Wolverine. One where he's one of the last surviving heroes during a zombie apocalypse. One where he's a vampire. There's even one version of him that was actually able to smell me. But the (Y/N) we're going to follow today isn't a Wolverine at all. In this universe, (Y/N) Maximoff is...
Avenger's Base
(Wanda places a hand on Y/N's face.)
Wanda: Oh, (Y/N). My Sabretooth.
Watcher: You heard correctly. Sabretooth. This is a much cruder, violent, and wild version of the hero we know today. Some things stayed the same like (Y/N) Maximoff ending up with the Black Widow, Natasha Romanoff.
(Y/N wipes the blood off his nails & retracts them back to normal length.)
Black Widow: Thanks, (Y/N).
Sabretooth: No need. I scratch your back, you scratch mine.
Black Widow: I've got something else you scratch, killer.
(Y/N walks up to Natasha.)
(Y/N): That being?
Black Widow: Oh, you know, killer.
Sabretooth: Love the nickname.
Black Widow: Great.
Watcher: He was on Team Iron Man.
Clint: You're going to bite my shoulder again, aren't you?
(Y/N grows his canines.)
(Y/N): You bet your ass!
(Clint fires arrows at Y/N but he easily dodges them. Once he's close enough to Clint, Y/N slashes his face, though just slightly.)
Clint: [winces]
(Y/N): Ha!
Clint: Really? My face? Are you trying to kill me?
(Y/N): Maybe.
Clint: [sighs]
(Y/N charges at Clint as he fires an electric arrow at Y/N that hits him & shocks him.)
(Y/N): [strained growling]
(Clint runs over to Natasha & the two begin fighting as Clint takes her down.)
Natasha: We're still friends, right?
Clint: Depends on how hard you hit me.
(Natasha gets Clint off her & is about to kick him in the face before Wanda sends her into a crate.)
Natasha: [groans]
(Clint looks at Wanda.)
Wanda: You were pulling your punches.
(Y/N sees this.)
(Y/N): [growls angrily]
(He pulls the arrow out of him & charges straight for his sister. Wanda sees her brother with rage in his eyes coming towards her. Before she can even think of sending crates at him...)
(Y/N closes the distance & punches her in the face that sends rolling her across the concrete.)
Wanda: [groans]
(Y/N): Wanda!
(She barely gets the chance to look up when her brother picks her up by her throat.)
Wanda: [gasps]
(Y/N): I was hoping it wouldn't come to this.
(Y/N grows his nails.)
(Y/N): It was silly of me to think that you'd come with us...with me willingly. Granted, if we switched teams; I wouldn't come with you willingly.
Wanda: [strained] Right.
(Y/N): Plus, you hurt my girl. How else am I supposed to react?
(Y/N arches his free hand back with the intent of stabbing his sister. Before he can, Y/N notices a crate headed towards him.)
(Y/N): [chuckles] You bit-
(The crate crashes into Y/N, resulting in him dropping his sister.)
Wanda: [coughs] Brothers.
Watcher: Still the bodyguard of Peter Parker. Better known as Spider-Man.
(Peter & Y/N are about to enter Midtown High until a car honks at them.)
Flash: What's up, Penis Parker?
(Y/N): The fuck's his problem?
Peter: Oh, that's Flash. He doesn't care for me much. Or at all.
(Y/N): Want me to rip him in half?
Peter: Of course not!
(Y/N): Hmm, if not him, how about his car?
Peter: No!
(Y/N): [sighs] You're really hindering me here.
Peter: Just don't do anything to Flash or his car, okay?
(Y/N): No promises.
(Cut to Y/N in the school's parking lot, looking for Flash's car.)
(Y/N): I know the kid doesn't want to do anything to his car but Flash has to learn that being an asshole has its consequences. There you are.
(Y/N finds Flash's car, walks up to it, grows his nails, &...)
(Y/N would slash into Flash's car many more times until the school day was over. Cut to everyone looking at Flash and his completely slashed car.)
Flash: My car...
Peter: (Y/N)?
(Y/N grows a nail & scratches the side of his face.)
(Y/N): What?
Peter: Thanks.
(Y/N): Don't mention it.
Seven Years Later
(Y/N & Natasha are on a Quinjet.)
(Y/N): [groans]
(Natasha walks up behind Y/N & wraps her arms around him.)
Natasha: What's wrong, killer?
(Y/N): Nothing really. It's just that I'm not a fan of traveling.
Natasha: I know. You didn't have to come with me.
(Y/N): Yeah, but I wanted to.
(Natasha kisses him on the cheek.)
Natasha: You're sweet.
(Y/N): I have my moments.
Natasha: So you're you didn't come with me so you can apologize to Clint?
(Y/N): Nope.
Natasha: Killer.
(Y/N): I've got your back just in case Clint were to try anything.
Natasha: He won't.
(Y/N): But if he does...
(Cut to Clint after killing all of the yakuza with Y/N standing behind him.)
Clint: Cat.
(Y/N): Bowman.
Clint: Seibāto~ūsu.
(Seibāto~ūsu means "sabretooth" in Japanese.)
(Y/N): Looks like you picked up the language along with a body count.
Clint: You here to knock some sense into me?
(Y/N): Something like that.
(Clint takes a stance with his sword. Y/N looks at his sword.)
(Y/N grows his nails & is about to lunge at Clint but before he can Natasha shows up.)
Natasha: (Y/N) Maximoff!
(Y/N): Sorry, hon.
Clint: You shouldn't be here.
Natasha: Neither should you.
Clint: I've got a job to do.
Natasha: Is that what you're calling this? Killing all these people isn't going to bring your family back.
(Natasha walks up to Clint.)
Natasha: We found something. A chance, maybe.
Clint: [sighs] Don't.
Natasha: Don't what?
Clint: Don't give me hope.
Natasha: I'm sorry I couldn't give it to you sooner.
(Cut to Clint, Natasha, & Y/N looking at Vormir.)
Clint: Wow. Under different circumstances...this would be totally awesome.
(Cut to the trio walking on the sands of Vormir with Natasha out in front as Clint & Y/N hang back a bit.)
Clint: So, (Y/N).
(Y/N): Clint?
Clint: Tell me how you proposed to Nat.
(Y/N): Okay, it's not that interesting. It's just a proposal.
Clint: Somehow I doubt that.
(Y/N): Well, I took her out hunting. I don't know what it was but ever since I was young, I'd always love just running in the forest, rolling in the dirt, snow, leaves, etc. [sighs] Wanda, Pietro, and I used to have so much fun in those forests.
(Clint puts a hand on Y/N's back.)
(Y/N): [clears his throat] In essence, I always felt like myself in a forest. So on our hunt, I pointed out a "buck" to Natasha. She walks over to it and of course there was nothing out there. She was in the middle of reminding me of the likelihood of an actual deer showing up after Thanos' snap when she saw me on a knee and holding a ring out to her. She dropped her rifle and covered her mouth with both of her hands.
Clint: [chuckles]
(Y/N): So I popped the question, she kissed me, and whispered in my ear, "yes."
Clint: You're such a softie.
(Y/N): Don't push your luck, Clint.
(Natasha looks back at them.)
Natasha: We don't have all day, boys.
(Cut to the trio walking up a mountain.)
Natasha: [groans] I bet the raccoon didn't have to climb a mountain.
Clint: Technically, he's not a raccoon, you know?
(Y/N): Technically, Natasha's not actually a black widow and I'm not technically a sabretooth tiger or a smilodon. Just like how you're not technically a hawkeye.
Clint: I am though.
Natasha: Oh, whatever. He eats garbage.
Red Skull: Welcome.
(Clint draws his sword, Natasha pulls her gun, & Y/N grows his nails.)
Red Skull: Natasha. Daughter of Ivan. Clint. Son of Edith. (Y/N). Son of Iryna.
(The trio slowly walk towards the Red Skull.)
Natasha: Who are you?
Red Skull: Consider me a guide...to you...and to all who seek the Soul Stone.
Natasha: Oh, good. You tell us where it is, then we'll be on our way.
Red Skull: Ah, liebchen--If only it was that easy.
(Y/N): [sighs heavily]
(Cut to the Red Skull leading them to a cliff.)
Red Skull: What you seek lies in front of you. As does what you fear.
Natasha: The stone's down there.
Red Skull: For two of you. For the other...
(Clint & Y/N join Natasha in looking down the cliff.)
Red Skull: In order to take the stone...you must lose which you love. An everlasting exchange. A soul for a soul.
(Cut to Y/N & Natasha sitting together while Clint watches the Red Skull.)
Clint: How's it going? [chuckles] Jesus. Maybe he's making this shit up.
(Y/N): I don't think he is, Clint.
Natasha: I don't think so either.
Clint: Why? 'Cause he knows your daddy's name?
Natasha: I didn't.
(Y/N): Fuck.
Natasha: Thanos left here with the stone...without his daughter. That's not a coincidence.
Clint: Yeah.
Natasha: Whatever it takes.
Clint: Whatever it takes.
(As Natasha & Clint are talking, Y/N's making his way to the cliff.)
(Y/N): [whispers] Whatever it takes.
(Natasha notices him walking towards the edge.)
Natasha: Killer!
(Y/N): Uh...
Natasha: What do you think you're doing?
(Y/N): Gonna jump off the cliff.
Natasha: [sighs] Stay here, Clint.
Clint: Okay.
(Natasha walks up to her husband & holds his hand.)
(Y/N): Natasha, I know what you're going to say. But I have a healing factor!
Natasha: Oh, trust me, I know. But this feels...permanent.
(Y/N): Yeah, it does.
Natasha: If we don't get that stone...billions of people stay dead.
(Y/N): Then let me jump. I'm sure I'll come back.
Natasha: No, because I'm the one who's going to jump.
(Y/N): Absolutely not.
Natasha: (Y/N)...
(Y/N): Do you really think I could go on without you? I'd have no one left.
Natasha: You'd have Wanda.
(Y/N): I don't know if you remember but I haven't been the best brother to her. Actually, a pretty shitty one.
Natasha: Shut up. You know that's not true. *teary eyed* I'm sorry for this but I'm sure you'll forgive me for this again.
(Y/N): What-
(Natasha shocks Y/N.)
(Y/N): [groans]
(Natasha also shocks Clint.)
Clint: Ah!
(Resulting in both of them being paralyzed.)
Natasha: I love you.
Clint: [strained] Don't!
(Y/N watches his wife jump off the cliff.)
(Y/N): [strained growling]
(Using all of his strength he fights through the shock & jumps after Natasha. Eventually, he catches her by the wrist, grows the nails on his free hand, & sinks them into the side of the cliff until they stop.)
(Y/N): [strained growling]
Natasha: Killer...
(Y/N): [strained] I forgive you.
Natasha: Let me go.
(Y/N gives his wife a smile.)
Natasha: Don't!
(Y/N): I love you.
(Y/N throws Natasha back onto the top of the cliff.)
Natasha: [groans] No, no, no.
(Natasha crawls to the end of the cliff & looks down to see Y/N still on the side of the cliff. Cut to Y/N looking up at Natasha.)
(Y/N): [dryly chuckles]
(Y/N rips his hand out of the cliff as a single tear falls from his eye before hitting the bottom. Cut to Clint & Natasha in a pool of water.)
Clint: [groans] What happened? Wait-
(Clint looks beside him to see..)
Natasha: [sobbing]
(Natasha sobbing beside him.)
Clint: Aw, Nat.
Natasha: *while sobbing* It was supposed to be me!
Clint: I'm so sorry.
(Clint is about to place a hand on her back but before he can, they notice a light coming out her hand. Natasha opens her hand to see the Soul Stone resulting in her sobbing even more & Clint hugging her.)
Watcher: Now you may be wondering, "Why didn't (Y/N)'s healing factor save him?" Well, you see HYDRA had made adamantium and were ready to fuse it onto (Y/N)'s skeleton but they were able to test (Y/N)'s healing factor to see if he could survive the transer. It turned out he couldn't so they never went through with it. Meaning, his sister, Wanda never infused her magic with her brother's healing factor. Resulting in the Sabretooth finally becoming extinct.
(Cut to Y/N in the dark.)
(Y/N): [gasps] What the--Where am I? I can't see anything!
???: I'm sorry.
(Y/N): Huh?
???: Lights!
(The lights turn on.)
(Y/N): [winces] Bright.
(Y/N takes a lightbulb in his hand.)
(Y/N): Hmm.
(Y/N looks up to see the person with him.)
(Y/N): Pietro?!
Pietro: *smiles* Hey, brother.
(Y/N): Wait, does that mean...?
Pietro: Unfortunately.
(Y/N): No! Take me back!
PIetro: (Y/N).
(Y/N): Pietro, please...
Pietro: I'm sorry, (Y/N). But you can't ever go back.
(Y/N drops to his knees.)
(Y/N): [yells angrily]
(Pietro walks over to his brother & is now standing over him.)
(Y/N): Did...Did my sacrifice mean anything? Did it bring our sister back?! Was it worth never being able to see my wife again?! Did...we win?
(Pietro kneels down to his brother as Y/N looks up to him.)
Pietro: *smiles* Yes, (Y/N). They won.
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