WandaVision Starring (Y/N) Episode 9
(Agatha is still holding Billy & Tommy by purple leashes as she floats down to the ground.)
Tommy: Get off me! Let go of my brother!
Wanda: My powers work out here, or did you forget?
Agatha: No, dear. I'm counting on it.
(Billy & Tommy try to run from Agatha but she pulls back on their leashes.)
Billy & Tommy: [grunting]
Wanda: No!
(Wanda shoots some of her magic at Agatha & hits her in the chest.)
Agatha: [yelps]
Wanda: Go to your room.
Billy: No way, we're staying with you.
Tommy: Come on, Mom, we can help.
(Y/N runs in between them & jumps towards Agatha. As he's about to stab her, she catches him with her magic as she picks herself up.)
Agatha: You've got to be faster than that, (Y/N).
(Y/N): [growls]
Agatha: Listen to your mother, boys.
Wanda: Now!
(Tommy takes Billy & zooms away. Wanda shoots more of her powers at Agatha who takes it & holds it in her hand which shocks Wanda & Y/N.)
Agatha: I take power from the undeserving. It's kind of my thing.
(Wanda's left hand turns black. As she's looking at her hand, Agatha tosses Y/N into his sister.)
(Y/N) & Wanda: [grunts]
(Agatha walks towards them.)
Agatha: You're both clearly in over your little heads. Especially you, (Y/N). So why don't you sit down like a good boy and watch your sister surrender her magic to someone who knows what to do with it?
(Agatha lifts herself back into the air.)
Agatha: And I'll let you keep this pathetic little corner of the world all to yourselves. What do you say?
(Y/N pops his claws.)
(Y/N): There's my answer.
(Wanda, using her powers, lifts her car, & sends it crashing into Agatha & into a house.)
Wanda: [breathes heavily]
(Y/N): Good job, Wanda.
Wanda: Are you okay?
(Y/N): I should be asking you that.
(Wanda helps her brother up & they both walk towards the car to see Agatha under it with only her shoes remaining. As they're looking at her shoes, white Vision appears behind them.)
Wanda: [gasps]
(Y/N): Whoa.
Wanda: Vision?
(Wanda walks up to white Vision.)
Wanda: Is it really you?
(Y/N): Nice suit.
(White Vision places a hand on one of the sides of Wanda's face.)
White Vision: Wanda...
(White Vision places both of hands on the sides of Wanda's head &...)
Wanda: [gasping, grunting]
White Vision: And I was told you were powerful.
(Y/N pops his claws.)
(Y/N): Let her go!
(White Vision looks at Y/N.)
White Vision: I was told the same thing about your brother. But, if he's anything like you, he won't last long.
(Y/N): Let's find out!
(Y/N begins running towards White Vision. As he's about to reach him, someone runs into him...)
(...stabs all six of their claws into his stomach, & lifts him up.)
(Y/N): [shouts, gurgles blood] Who...?
(Y/N looks up at the person stabbing him & sees...)
(Y/N): Myself...?
White Vision: Looks like I was right. Pity.
(White Vision squeezes Wanda's head as X-24's claws continue to slice into Y/N's organs.)
Wanda & (Y/N): [screaming]
(Suddenly, Vision swoopes in, grabs White Vision & X-24, & throws them into an RV causing it to explode.)
Vision: Where are the boys?
Wanda: [panting] They're in the house. Safe. Vision...
(Y/N touches his stab wounds that are healing slower than usual.)
(Y/N): [winces] That can't be good.
Wanda: I should've told you everything. The moment I realized what I had done.
Vision: It's all right, Wanda. I know why you made this world, but this...
Wanda: I can fix it.
Vision: Can you?
(Y/N): I'm sure she can.
(As they're talking, white Vision comes out of the fire & is walking towards them.)
(Agatha also makes her reappearance.)
Agatha: Oh, this is awkward. Your ex and your boyfriend together at the same party. Who are you gonna choose, Wanda?
Wanda: Vision, this is our home.
Vision: Then let's fight for it.
(Vision & white Vision clash & fly up into the air.)
Wanda: (Y/N), help Vision.
(Y/N): I really wish I could, Wanda. But...
(X-24 is shown walking away from the fire & is making his way towards them. He's burnt, but unfortunately, as he's walking, his burns heal.)
(Y/N): It looks like I'm going to have my hands full.
Agatha: Look, Wanda. You and (Y/N) can be triplets again.
(Agatha appears far away from Wanda, prompting her to lift herself into the air & go after her.)
(Y/N & X-24 pop their claws simultaneously.)
(Y/N): Let's do this!
(Y/N charges at X-24 & X-24 charges at Y/N.)
(Y/N) & X-24: [snarling at each other]
(As the two meet, X-24 gets the upper hand by lifting Y/N & ramming him into some houses.)
(Y/N): [grunting]
(As this is happening, Monica is being held by Pietro. We see Vision & white Vision fighting. Though, Vision suggests resolving this peacefully, white Vision wasn't having any of it. Jimmy & Hayward have a brief conversation that ends with Jimmy being out in a makeshift storage bin. Luckly, Jimmy's able to get a phone & get out of his handcuffs.)
Jimmy: Oh. "Flourish."
(Jimmy makes a call.)
Man: Hello?
Jimmy: Cliff. Uh, James Woo. Hey, I've got a situation and I was hoping you could get here inside the hour?
(Cut to Wanda looking for Agatha somewhere in town when suddenly Agatha blasts Wanda in the back with her magic.)
Agatha: Wanda, you've never been up against another witch before. Did you know there's an entire chapter devoted to you and your brother in the Darkhold? That's the book of the damned.
(Agatha makes the Darkhold appear.)
Agatha: "The Scarlet Witch is not born, she is forged. She has no coven, no need for incantation. But, her monster. The Savage Wolverine, is always by her side."
Wanda: I'm not a witch. I don't cast spells. My brother is not a monster. No one taught me magic!
Agatha: Your power exceeds that of the Sorcerer Supreme.
Agatha: It's your destiny to destroy the world.
Wanda: I'm not what you say I am.
Agatha: Oh, really?
(Agatha breaks the mind control on Dottie.)
Dottie: Wanda?
Wanda: Dottie?
Dottie: My name is Sarah. I have a daughter. She's eight. Maybe she could be friends with your boys or your niece. If you like that storyline. Or, uh, the school bully, even. Really, anything. If you could just let her out of her room. If I could just hold her, please.
(Wanda looks at Agatha.)
Wanda: What are you doing to her? You're making her say this.
Agatha: She's your meat puppet, I just cut the strings.
(Agatha breaks the mind control of the other civilians & they begin to surround Wanda.)
Agatha: I wonder which Savage Wolverine will win. Your brother or [chuckles] your brother.
(Cut to Y/N still being slammed into houses by X-24.)
X-24: [yelling]
(Y/N gets his bearings enough to raise his right arm & stab three of his claws into X-24's back.)
X-24: [yelps]
(This causes X-24 to roll over onto Y/N & then over him.)
(Y/N): [exhales] I don't understand how there can be another me. Wanda? No. This me arrived with that white Vision.
(Y/N realizes that X-24 is standing right over him. X-24 is about to stab Y/N in the face but he's able to block it with his own claws.)
(Y/N pushes X-24 away from him & is able to stab him in the leg.)
X-24: [yells in pain]
(X-24 tries to stab Y/N in the head but Y/N dodges resulting in X-24 stabbing the ground. Y/N takes this opportunity to continuously stab 24 in the chest.)
X-24: [grunts]
(Y/N, with his claws still stabbed into 24's chest, pulls him towards him. The two Wolverines are now face to face.)
(Y/N): What are you?
X-24: [yells]
(24 grabs both of Y/N's wrists & pulls himself off his claws. Still holding onto Y/N's wrists, 24 throws Y/N onto the ground.)
(Y/N): [groans]
(Y/N quickly gets back up & the two begin trying to stab each other. With each attempt, the Wolverines are able to cut the other. Whether it be in the hand...)
(Y/N): [winces]
(The thigh...)
X-24: [yelps]
(Or the kneecaps...)
(Y/N) & X-24: [yelling in pain]
(Wherever the two of them stab into, they barely seemed to be phased by it. Like two wild animals fighting to survive. Knowing whoever falls fast, it will be their death. Now, yes, they are able to heal from each other's respective stab wounds but 24's wounds are healing faster than Y/N's for some reason. Y/N catches on to this.)
(Y/N): [yelps]
(Y/N's thoughts): I can't keep this up. I have to create some distance!
(Y/N smacks away 24's hands & bites right down on his nose.)
X-24: [screams]
(24 kicks Y/N off him but in doing so...)
(Y/N takes 24's nose with him.)
X-24: Ah!
(24 holds the part of his face where his nose used to be as Y/N spits out his nose from his mouth.)
(Y/N): Ugh, I taste awful.
(24 furiously turns & looks at Y/N. As he's looking at Y/N, his nose begins to grow back.)
(Y/N): [sighs] I hate fighting myself.
(24 charges at Y/N as we cut to Monica in Pietro's man-cave. Monica finds out that Pietro is actually someone named Ralph Bohner. She's able to take off the necklace that Agatha was using to control him. Billy & Tommy watch their dad fight white Vision. Billy then sees his mom in trouble prompting the both of them to go to her. Cut to the civilians of Westview overwhelming Wanda.)
Wanda: Stop, I'm sorry.
Mrs. Hart: If you won't let us go, just let us die. Please.
Wanda: I will...I will let you go. I will. I will.
Agatha: What's stopping you? Use your power and do it now. Heroes don't torture people.
(Wanda opens up the hex for the civilians to escape. Hayward sees this as an opportunity to go in. As Wanda's holding open the hex, she looks beside her to see that Vision & her boys are slowly disintegrating.)
Agatha: Now, do you see? You tied your family to this twisted world, and now one can't exist without the other. Save Westview or save your family.
(Wanda closes the hex before Jimmy & the FBI can enter. Also, stopping Vision & her boys from disintegrating any further. Agatha blasts some of her magic at them which Wanda blocks it but Agatha ends up sucking up some of Wanda's magic.)
(After this, Wanda looks down at her arms that are now gray.)
Billy: Mom? Are you okay?
Agatha: How sweet.
(Agatha flies behind them as white Vision reappears.)
Tommy: Um...Dad?
(Hayward & his men roll up in front of Wanda & her family.)
Vision: Listen, boys. Your mother and I never really prepared you for this.
Wanda: But you were born for it.
(Vision & white Vision clash into a library as Wanda lifts herself into the air to face Agatha.)
As This Was Happening...
(Cut to Y/N on the ground with cuts all over him that are slowly healing.)
(Y/N): [coughs] I'm sorry, Wanda.
(Y/N touches one of his slow healing cuts.)
(Y/N): [winces] Looks like I'm...gonna let you down again.
(Y/N looks up to see X-24 walking towards him.)
(Y/N's thoughts): Get up, (Y/N). Get up-
(X-24 pops his claws & stabs three of them into Y/N's left shoulder & lifts him up.)
(Y/N): [yells in pain]
(X-24 stares at Y/N.)
(Y/N): [growls lightly]
(Y/N grabs 24's throat with his right hand & begins to choke him. Unfortunately, due to all of the damage he has taken, he can't put all of his strength into the choke resulting in 24 easily smacking away Y/N's arm.)
(Y/N): *spits blood in 24's face*
X-24: [growls angrily]
(24 lifts his free arm up, points three of his claws at Y/N's face, & is about to stab him in the face. Before he can do that though, someone small jumps onto 24's back...)
(...& begins to furiously stab into him.)
Laura: [yells angrily]
X-24: [annoyed growling]
(24 drops Y/N off his claws to deal with Laura.)
(Y/N): Laura...?
(Natasha runs over Y/N.)
Natasha: You've definitely looked better, killer.
(Y/N): [chuckles, winces] Don't make me laugh. It hurts when I laugh.
(Natasha helps Y/N help & places one of his arms over her shoulder.)
(Y/N): How'd...you find me?
Natasha: You can thank your daughter for that.
(Y/N): Huh?
Natasha: We were just in the house where you left us when suddenly, Laura sniffed the air and told me that she smelled you and blood.
(Y/N): So, she sniffed me out?
Natasha: Yup.
(Y/N): Heh. That's my girl.
(Cut to 24 throwing Laura off him.)
X-24: [growls]
Laura: *glares*
(24 charges at Laura & swings wildly at her. Laura is able to duck under his swing &...)
(Pop her right foot claw & slash across 24's stomach.)
X-24: [winces]
(Cut back to Natasha slowly walking with Y/N.)
Natasha: Why haven't you healed already?
(Y/N): I...don't know for sure. My best guess is that being cut by adamantium slows down my healing.
Natasha: Makes sense to me.
(Natasha & Y/N watch as their daughter quickly & seamlessly cuts 24.)
X-24: [yells in pain]
Laura: [screams furiously]
Natasha: I think she's a better fighter than you.
(Y/N): I'm inclined to agree with you.
Natasha: So how do we kill this clone of yours?
(Y/N): Ugh, I don't know. He's just like me. He heals from everything.
Natasha: Who knew you not being able to die would be such a problem.
(Y/N then remembers the time he almost drowned in the Upper New York Bay.)
(Y/N): [whispers] Water...
Natasha: What?
(Y/N): Water!
Natasha: Water?
(Y/N): Sorry, I don't think I can come back if I drowned to death.
Natasha: Do you know that for sure?
(Y/N): No, but it's worth a shot.
Natasha: Okay, well, does this town have a pond or-
(Y/N): There's a pool!
Natasha: All right. We just need to lead him-
(Y/N looks over at his daughter fighting 24 when 24 grabs Laura by her throat & lifts her up. This enrages Y/N.)
(Y/N): [light, angry growling]
Natasha: Killer?
(As soon as he sees his daughter in trouble, all of his cuts instantly heal. He takes his arm off Natasha, runs at X-24, tackles him, lifts him up...)
X-24: [grunts]
(24 lets go of Laura as Y/N, holding onto 24, takes him to Westview's swimming pool.)
Laura: Dad?
(Y/N): Talk to your mother!
(Cut to Y/N, still holding onto 24, running towards the pool. 24 is continuously stabbing Y/N in the back.)
(Y/N): [winces loudly] Almost there. I...can smell the chlorine...and the wat-
(24 elbows Y/N in the back of the head resulting in the two rolling across the ground. Luckily, they roll into the pool area.)
(Y/N): [breathing heavily]
(The two Wolverines gradually stand up & face each other.)
(Y/N): Just so we understand each other; I'm going to kill you. At first it was because kill or be killed and I was worried what you'd do to Wanda but now, the reason I'm going to kill you is because you laid a hand on my daughter. And there's no way in hell I'm letting you live after that!
(Y/N pops his claws.)
X-24: [yells angrily]
(24 pops his claws. As he's doing this, Y/N runs up to 24 & stabs his claws into 24's chest.)
X-24: [groans]
(Y/N, with his claws still in 24's chest, pushes him into the pool along with him.)
(Y/N pushes 24 under the water.)
(Y/N): [softly] Die! Die! Die!
(Pan into the water as we see 24 underwater.)
X-24: [muddled yelling]
(24 stabs his claws into the sides of Y/N's body.)
(Y/N): [yells, coughs blood]
(24 slides his claws upwards, cutting Y/N's insides.)
(Y/N): [coughs blood] Bas...tard.
(24 begins to lift Y/N up & is about to get his head out of the water until...)
(Natasha & Laura dive into the pool & hold 24 back down underwater.)
(Y/N): Great timing, girls.
Natasha: Killer, focus!
(Y/N): Right!
(24 struggles to reach the surface but Y/N, Natasha, & Laura's combined strength are able to keep him underwater.)
X-24: [slow gurgling]
(Eventually, 24 stops moving.)
(Y/N), Natasha, & Laura: [sighs]
(Y/N retracts his claws & pulls 24's claws out of his sides.)
(Y/N): [winces]
Laura: Are you okay, Dad?
(Y/N's stab wounds heal.)
(Y/N): Yeah, sweetheart.
(24's body rises to the surface.)
Natasha: [deep breath] Is he dead?
(Y/N pokes his body & it doesn't move.)
(Y/N): I think so. But just to be safe...
(Y/N stabs three of his claws into 24's head. Y/N wipes the blood off his claws & retracts them.)
Natasha: Gross.
(Y/N): Yeah, sorry about that.
(Cut to Y/N, Natasha, & Laura out of the pool.)
(Y/N): Hey, sweetheart.
Laura: Hmm?
(Y/N): Come here.
(Laura walks over to her father, he picks her up, & holds her in his arms.)
(Y/N): I am so proud of you.
Laura: *smiles*
(Y/N): Not only did you sniff me out. You also immediately jumped into action when I was in trouble. You saved me.
Laura: Dad, stop...
Natasha: Why should he? You're one little badass.
(They share a quick laugh.)
(Y/N): So, Laura.
Laura: Dad.
(Y/N): Do you think you could sniff out your aunt? All I can smell is chlorine and your mother doesn't have a nose like us.
Natasha: I think she already knows that.
Laura: But I don't know what she smells like.
(Y/N): That's true but I know you can do it.
(Y/N places his daughter down.)
(Y/N): Just close your eyes and focus. My sister--your aunt has a distinct scent.
(Laura closes her eyes & is able to catch Wanda's scent. Cut to the trio arriving right after Monica had taken some bullets for Billy & Tommy. Though, one gets through but Billy's able to stop it thanks to his powers.)
(Y/N): Huh. Beat me to do it.
Monica: [chuckles] Nice tricks.
Billy: I like yours, too. Uncle (Y/N), where have you been?
Tommy: Yeah!
(Y/N): I'll tell you two later but first I'd like to introduce you to some very special people-
Billy & Tommy: Auntie Nat!
Natasha: Aw, they already know who I am.
(Y/N): And this is your cousin, Lau-
(Laura pops her claws & runs straight for Hayward.)
Hayward: What the-
(Hayward runs away from Laura but she takes him down to the ground & is about to kill him.)
(Y/N): Laura, no! You can't kill him.
Laura: But he was going to kill Billy and Tommy!
Natasha: Listen to your father.
Laura: [groans] Okay.
(Darcy pulls up to Laura who's standing over Hayward.)
Darcy: Well, aren't you an adorable little monster.
(Darcy looks at Hayward.)
Darcy: Have fun in prison.
(Vision & white Vision are discussing the thought experiment the Ship of Theseus in the field of identity metaphysics. As their conversation continues, Vision eventually gives white Vision his memories.)
(White Vision flies off as Vision rejoins his kids, Monica, Natasha & Y/N. Wanda is currently with Agatha in one of her nightmares. But, Agatha turns the tables on her resulting in Wanda donning some sort of headpiece.)
(Wanda ends up tackling Agatha out of the nightmare & back into Westview where she's hitting Agatha with her magic. Vision flies up to Wanda but she sends him back down.)
Vision: Wanda, what are you doing?
(Wanda & Agatha continue to fight in the sky as Vision floats back down & hugs his kids.)
Laura: Auntie Wanda's going to be okay, right?
(Y/N): Of course she is.
(Y/N looks up at Wanda.)
(Y/N): Man, I wish I could fly.
(Wanda continues to fire her magic at Agatha which she absorbs. Eventually leaving Wanda withered.)
Billy & Tommy: Mom!
(Y/N): Okay, I'm done standing around. Nat, watch Laura.
Natasha: Where are you going?
(Y/N walks over to Vision.)
(Y/N): Hey, Vision.
Vision: (Y/N)?
(Y/N): You got a fastball in you?
Vision: Fastball?
(Y/N): You know, the type of pitch from baseball?
Vision: I know what a fastball is, (Y/N). What does it have to do with this situation?
(Y/N): I want you to throw me at Agnes.
Natasha: You've got to be kidding.
(Y/N): Do you have any better ideas?
Vision: I suppose I don't.
(Y/N pops his claws.)
(Y/N): Then throw me.
(Vision picks Y/N up & is about to throw him.)
(Y/N): Fastball Special comin' at ya!
(Vision throws Y/N at Agatha.)
Laura: Now me!
Natasha: Not happening, young lady.
(Cut to Y/N in the air, on his way to Agatha.)
(Y/N's thoughts): I'm gonna cut her fucking head off.
(As Y/N reaches Agatha, she backs away just in the nick of time just as three of Y/N's claws almost slash across her face.)
(Y/N): Damnit!
(Y/N seamlessly crashes to the ground.)
Agatha: He just can't let you fight your own battles, can he? I'll give this though, that was close. [exhales sharply] About our deal...Once cast, a spell can never be changed. This world you made will always be broken. Just like...you.
(Agatha tries to use her magic but she's unable to.)
Agatha: [grunts, gasps]
(Wanda returns to normal as runes appear around them.)
Agatha: Runes.
Wanda: "In a given space, only the witch who cast them can use her magic." Thanks for the lesson...But I don't need you to tell me who I am.
Agatha: [shuddering] No. No. No. No!
(Wanda begins to reabsorb the magic Agatha took from her.)
Agatha: No! No! [groaning, wailing]
(After reabsorbing her magic, Wanda's shown wearing her Scarlet Witch attire.)
Agatha: Oh, God. You don't know what you've done.
(Wanda motions her hand as if she's lifting something up.)
(It's revealed that she's lifting Y/N.)
(Y/N): Nice catch, Wanda.
(Y/N looks at what his sister's wearing.)
(Y/N): New suit. It's nice.
(Wanda brings her brother next to her.)
Wanda: (Y/N).
(Y/N): Yeah?
Wanda: What was it you said right before Vision threw you?
(Y/N): Oh!
Wanda: Fastball Special?
(Y/N pops his claws.)
(Y/N): Hell yeah!
Agatha: Wait-
(Wanda throws her brother right at Agatha resulting in Y/N stabbing Agatha in both of her shoulders.)
Agatha: [screams]
(The two crash to the ground as Wanda floats back down.)
Agatha: [winces] You sure are relentless.
(Y/N): That I am.
(Y/N violently rips his claws out of Agatha's shoulders.)
Agatha: [yelps]
(Y/N stands up just as Wanda walks over to them.)
Agatha: Good girl. So, what now? You gonna lock me up somewhere? Or are you gonna have the Savage Wolverine here finish me off?
(Y/N): I wouldn't be against that.
Wanda: No. Not "somewhere." Here.
Agatha: [breathes heavily] "Here"?
Wanda: Mmm-hmm. I'll give you the role you chose.
(Wanda walks up to Agatha.)
Wanda: The nosy neighbor.
Agatha: No. Please...
(Y/N): Aw. You're begging.
Wanda: I'm sorry.
Agatha: No, you're not. You're cruel. Both of you.
(Wanda walks closer to Agatha.)
Agatha: You...You have...You have no idea what you've unleashed. You're gonna need me.
Wanda: If I do, I know where to find you.
(Wanda turns Agatha into Agnes.)
Agnes: [cheerfully] Hiya, hon. Say, that's some kinda getup you're wearing. Does your brother have a matching set? Did I leave the oven on, or is that just you, hot stuff? [chuckles]
Wanda: You live here now. No one will ever bother you.
Agnes: Okey dokey, artichokee.
Wanda: I'll be seeing you, Agnes.
Agnes: Not if I see you first, hon. [chuckles]
(Wanda & Y/N walk away from Agnes.)
(Y/N): You should've let me kill her.
Wanda: Hmm, maybe. But wouldn't you say her fate is worse than death?
(Y/N): I guess so.
(The Maximoff siblings rejoin their families.)
(Cut to Y/N, Natasha, & Laura.)
Natasha: I could've told you that you'd miss.
(Y/N): It was worth a shot.
Laura: Yeah. Plus, you looked cool!
(Y/N): You hear that, Natasha? Our daughter thought I looked cool.
(Natasha kisses his cheek.)
Natasha: You did look cool.
(Cut to Wanda with her family.)
Vision: So, it would appear that our dream home has been reduced to a fixer-upper. I know you'll set everything right. Just not for us.
Wanda: No. Not for us.
Vision: Hmm. It's time. Should we head home?
Wanda: Give me a second.
(Wanda walks over to Y/N & Natasha where she & Natasha hug each other.)
Wanda: I'm sorry.
Natasha: It's okay. You seem to have everything under control now. And besides...
(Natasha looks down beside her & looks at Laura.)
Natasha: It wasn't all bad. Want to meet your niece?
Wanda: I'd love to.
(Natasha looks down beside her to see that Laura isn't there.)
Natasha: Laura?
(Natasha looks around to see that she's hiding behind Y/N.)
Natasha: Killer.
(Y/N): What?
(Y/N realizes that his daughter is hiding behind him.)
(Y/N): [chuckles]
(Y/N faces & kneels down to his daughter.)
(Y/N): Laura?
Laura: Yes?
(Y/N): Why were you hiding behind me?
Laura: Because...
(Y/N): Because you're too shy to meet your aunt?
Laura: Yes...
(Y/N): Well, there's no need to be. Your aunt doesn't bite.
Laura: Okay...
(Laura slowly walks up to Wanda.)
Wanda: Hey, Laura.
Laura: Hey, Auntie Wanda.
(Wanda picks Laura up & holds her in her arms.)
Laura: [laughs]
Wanda: You weren't kidding, (Y/N). She looks exactly like Natasha.
Natasha: [chuckles]
(Y/N): She has claws though!
Laura: Wanna see them?
Wanda: Not now because it must hurt when they come out.
Laura: It does!
Wanda: Next time for sure though. You'll even get to properly meet your cousins. Sound good?
Laura: Yes!
(Wanda places Laura down & she runs back to Natasha. As Laura runs back, Y/N walks up to his sister.)
(Y/N): You're going to fix everything?
Wanda: [sighs] Yes.
(Y/N): It's...it's for the best.
Wanda: Does Natasha know that?
(Y/N): She does. I don't have to tell her that.
Wanda: Of course.
(Y/N): We'll find you after.
Wanda: Yeah.
(Wanda starts to walk away from her brother & towards her family. But she stops & turns to her brother.)
Wanda: (Y/N).
(Y/N): Wanda.
Wanda: What are you wearing?
(Y/N): Clothes?
Wanda: You're not in your suit.
(Y/N): Yeah, I don't think I brought it with me.
Wanda: I can't have my Savage Wolverine by my side without his suit.
(Y/N): [chuckles] What?
(Some magic appears in Wanda's hand & she sends it to her brother which surrounds him. Eventually, the magic surrounding Y/N disappears & reveals Y/N in his Savage Wolverine attire.)
(Y/N looks down at his new suit.)
(Y/N): Badass.
Wanda: [chuckles] Badass indeed.
(With that, Wanda walks off to rejoin her family. The Maximoff siblings & their respective families walk to their houses. As they're walking, the hex's borders begin to shrink. Cut to Y/N & Natasha tucking in Laura.)
(Y/N): Now, I know I said this before, but I am so proud of you.
Natasha: So am I. *teary eyed* I never thought I'd ever have a kid. But, then I was blessed with you.
Laura: *smiles lightly*
(Natasha kisses her forehead as Y/N places a hand on her back.)
(Y/N): Your mother and I love you very much.
Laura: I love you too!
Natasha: [sniffs] Good night, Laura.
Laura: Good night, Mom.
(Natasha stands up & walks out of Laura's room while holding her mouth.)
Laura: What's wrong with Mom?
(Y/N): Nothing. Mom's okay.
(Y/N slowly pats his daughter's head.)
(Y/N): Good night, Laura.
Laura: Good night, Dad.
(Cut to Natasha & Y/N in their living room.)
Natasha: I know I shouldn't have left like that.
(Y/N): I don't blame you.
Natasha: It's just...
(Y/N holds his wife's hands.)
Natasha: [exhales] We watched people we care about fade away before and I can't watch our daughter fade away knowing we can't bring her back.
(Y/N): I know, Natasha. I know.
Natasha: It was nice being parents for a day.
(Y/N): It really was.
(The hex disappears & everything goes back to normal. Cut to Wanda down the street as civilians of Westview look & glare at her as she reaches Monica, Y/N, & Natasha.)
Monica: Wow, Wanda, they look pretty mad.
(Y/N): What the fuck they gonna do?
(All three women look at Y/N.)
(Y/N): What? They're all just normal people. Wanda's a witch and if any of them did try anything; I'd rip their guts out.
Natasha: Killer.
Wanda: (Y/N).
(Y/N): Okay, geez. I'm sorry.
Monica: Wanda, they'll never know what you sacrificed for them.
Wanda: It wouldn't change how they see me. And you, you don't...You don't hate me?
Monica: Given the chance and given your power, I'd bring my mom back. I know I would.
Wanda: I'm sorry. For all the pain I caused.
Monica: I know.
Wanda: I don't understand this power. But I will.
(Y/N): Do you think you could stall them long enough so I could talk to my sister?
Monica: Of course.
(Monica leaves Wanda with Y/N & Natasha.)
Wanda: (Y/N), I have to go.
(Y/N): I know, I know. It's just...Will I ever see you again?
(Wanda places a hand on her brother's face.)
Wanda: You will. Not only because you're my Savage Wolverine and he's always supposed to stay by my side. But because you're my brother.
(Y/N): *smiles*
Wanda: Besides, I'm pretty sure you could sniff me out if you really wanted to find me.
(Y/N): [chuckles] Yeah.
(Wanda looks at Natasha.)
Wanda: Take care of him.
Natasha: What do you think I've been doing?
Wanda: *smiles lightly*
(With that, Wanda puts her Scarlet Witch attire back on & flies off.)
(Imagine Y/N & Natasha behind Wanda.)
(Wanda looks back at Westview one last time before truly flying off.)
After The Credits
(Monica talks with a skrull about meeting someone after hearing about how she's been grounded. Wanda is shown at a cabin & pouring herself some tea. When in actuality...)
(She's reading the Book of the Damned. Until she hears...)
Billy: Mom, help! Mom, please!
Tommy: Help! Mom, please!
(Wanda's hand goes across the screen, making it go black.)
RayTheRipper: You guys want me to do The Falcon And The Winter Soldier, right?
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