WandaVision Starring (Y/N) Episode 8
I would like to thank ThatWriterChase for telling me about GIF size reducing because most of the GIFS I used for this chapter were too big before I made them smaller lol. 😅
Agatha's Basement After Her Origin
(Agatha is talking with Señor Scratchy in front of Wanda & Y/N.)
Agatha: Hmm? Hmm? What? No, I know. [chuckles] They do look shocked to meet the real us, don't they?[chuckles]
(Wanda's eyes glow red.)
Agatha: Oh. [laughs] That's adorable. My thoughts are not available to you, toots. They never, ever were.
(Y/N pops his claws.)
Agatha: Oh, (Y/N). Your claws are great but...
(Agatha punches the air.)
Agatha: What good are they if you can't reach me? [laughs] So don't go givin' yourselves a migraine.
(Agatha places Señor Scratchy down.)
Agatha: We've got work to do.
Wanda: Where are my children?
Agatha: [mockingly] "Where are my children?" [scoffs] Oof! That accent really comes and goes, doesn't it? The same goes for you, (Y/N).
(Y/N): [groans]
Wanda: Where are they?
(Wanda attempts to use her powers but nothing comes out of her hands which surprises herself & her brother.)
Agatha: Oh, your magic's no good here. Why do you think I tied up your brother there?
(Agatha, using her powers, binds Wanda's wrists & ankles together, & pulls her closer.)
Wanda: [gasping]
Agatha: Didn't you notice? Basic protection spell, one in each wall?
(Wanda looks around to see each rune.)
Agatha: No? Nothing? These are runes, Wanda. In a given space, only the witch that cast the runes can use her magic. How do you not know the fundamentals?
(Y/N): *struggling to break free* Let her go, you bitch!
Agatha: Geez, (Y/N). The mouth on you. Wanda never could tame the mouth of yours.
(Y/N): Guess not.
Agatha: I thought Natasha could.
(Y/N): Keep her name out of your mouth, you cu-
(Agatha, using her powers, puts a purple muzzle on Y/N's mouth.)
Agatha: [sighs] That's better.
(Y/N): [muffled cursing]
Agatha: I'm honestly surprised you never did that, Wanda.
Wanda: Who are you?
Agatha: Who are you? All those costumes and hairstyles. You even had your brother play along. [sighs] I was so patient, waiting for you to reveal your true self. I got close with fake Pietro. Fietro, if you will, but no dice.
Wanda: That was you.
Agatha: No, it wasn't literally me. Just my eyes and ears. A crystalline possession. Necromancy was a non-starter since you and (Y/N)'s real brother's body is on another continent.
(Y/N): [muffled] That explains it. I guess.
Agatha: What was that, (Y/N)? Did you say something?
(Y/N): [muffled] I'm going to cut your hands off.
Agatha: Not to mention, full of holes. But you're so crippled by your own self-doubt that you believed it. Though, credit to (Y/N). He saw through it.
(Y/N): *rolls his eyes*
Agatha: Oh, Wanda, oh, when I sensed this place, the afterglow of so many spells cast all at once...Oh, I couldn't make heads or tails of it.
(Agatha places a bug in her hand, chants in Latin to it, using her magic, mind controls it.)
Agatha: Mind control. A classic. Quick incantation and a feeble psyche and you're good to go.
(The bug flies onto Wanda's face.)
Agatha: With thousands of people under your thumb, all interacting with each other according to complex storylines. Well, that's something special, baby.
(Agatha takes the bug off Wanda's face.)
Agatha: And of course, there's transmutation.
(Agatha chants in Latin & changes the bug into a bird.)
(Y/N): [muffled] You must be popular with children.
Agatha: Years of study to achieve even the smallest convincing illusion. But Westview through your lens, Wanda...
(Agatha snatches the bird out of the air.)
Agatha: Every little detail in place down to the crown molding. You're even running illusions miles away from the edge of town.
(Agatha looks at Y/N.)
Agatha: You even gave your brother a daughter. Not like an adoptive daughter, but from his own flesh and blood with Natasha.
(The Maximoff siblings look at each other.)
Agatha: Sweet, isn't it? Magic on autopilot. [inhales sharply] What's your secret, sister?
(Agatha throws the bird to Señor Scratchy who catches it in his mouth & eats it.)
(Y/N): [muffled] That's not actually a rabbit, is it?
Agatha: Listen, I need you...Hey, Wanda, I need you to tell me how you did this.
Wanda: I didn't do anything. I'm not...
(Agatha tosses Wanda to each side of the basement which enrages Y/N as he continues to try to break free from Agatha's magical restraints.)
(Y/N): [muffled, strained shouting]
Agatha: Oh, poor Wolverine. He doesn't like it when I hurt his sister...Well, what are you going to do about it?!
Wanda: [grunts in pain]
Agatha: I tried to be gentle, to nudge you awake from this ridiculous fantasy, but you would rather fall apart than face your truth. You left me no choice.
(Agatha is now face-to-face with Wanda.)
Agatha: What was it you said to your not-brother? Hmm? All you could recall was the feeling. You felt empty. Alone. Endless nothingness. Let's start there.
(Agatha makes a door light up.)
Agatha: It's been fun playing pretend for a while, hasn't it, Wanda?
(Agatha pulls a hair from Wanda's head & sends it to the door.)
Agatha: But it's time to look at some real reruns.
(Agatha releases Wanda & walks over to Y/N.)
Agatha: I'm assuming you'd like to accompany your sister, right?
(Y/N): *glares*
Agatha: Your eyes aren't telling me "yes."
(Y/N looks over at his sister who's on the ground. Once he sees this, his glare disappears & a look of care & concern takes over.)
Agatha: Ah, there's the "yes."
(Agatha pulls a hair from Y/N's head & sends it to the door as she releases Y/N, who runs to his sister.)
(Y/N): Wanda, are you okay?
Wanda: [breathing heavily] (Y/N)...
Agatha: All right, let's go.
Wanda: No.
(Y/N pops his claws.)
Agatha: Oh, I'm sorry. Did you forget who's got your children stashed away in her bewitched basement?
Tommy: Mom! Mom! Help, please, Mom!
Billy: Mom, help us!
(Wanda & Y/N stand up.)
Agatha: [coughs] Claws! [coughs]
(Y/N begrudgingly retracts his claws.)
Agatha: That's right.
(The Maximoff siblings walk towards the door as it opens.)
Agatha: After you, superstars.
(Wanda & Y/N walk into a room that looks familiar to them as Agatha follows them.)
Agatha: Oh. Charming. Love the Cold War aesthetic. Why are we here?
Wanda: Mama...
Olek: Iryna?
(Iryna says something in Sokovian & greets her husband.)
(Y/N): Papa...
(Iryna opens the briefcase Olek brought, revealing dvds of old sitcoms.)
Iryna: Olek...
Olek: Hey.
(He walks up to & kneels down to Iryna.)
Olek: *translated from Sokovian* Don't worry, I'll sell them all tomorrow. More for TV night!
(A young Pietro runs out & greets his parents.)
Young Pietro: In English, Papa!
Wanda: Pietro...
(Y/N): Brother...
Agatha: Oh, he's loud, isn't he?
(Wanda & Y/N smile as they continue to watch the conversation.)
Young Pietro: You said the only rule of TV night is we try to practice our English.
Iryna: Yeah. Yes, he is right. We were just making rid of last little bit of Sokovian.
Olek: Where is your sister and your brother?
Young Pietro: [shouting] Wanda? (Y/N)?
Agatha: I mean, we're right here.
Young Pietro: Wanda?
(Agatha looks at Wanda.)
Agatha: That's your cue, lady. You're on.
(Agatha nudges Wanda forward and she turns into the younger version of herself.)
Olek: Hey.
(Olek hugs his daughter.)
Olek: We can't begin just yet. Where is your brother?
Young Wanda: [shouting] (Y/N)?
Agatha: What are you waiting for, killer? Get out there.
(Y/N): Do not call me tha-
(Agatha pushes Y/N into his younger self. Who is in the bathroom & sitting on the floor.)
Young (Y/N): [whispers] You have to do this, (Y/N)!
(Y/N slowly pops his bone claws.)
Young (Y/N): [winces] I've got to get used to this eventually, right?
Young Wanda: [shouting] (Y/N)?
Young (Y/N): Coming!
(Y/N slowly retracts his claws, gets some paper towels, wipes away his tears, & the blood from his fists. Y/N finally exits the bathroom & joins his family as he hugs his dad.)
Olek: Now we can begin. Wanda, you pick.
(Olek shows her the DVD's.)
Young Wanda: My pick isn't here.
Olek: I have forgot. I put it in the special place for extra safekeeping.
(Olek, Pietro, & Y/N get Wanda's pick from a hole in the wall as Iryna looks out the window to see the daily fighting of Sokovian.)
Olek: This is your pick, yes?
(Olek holds a "The Dick Van Dyke Show" box set.)
Young Wanda: Season 2, Episode 21.
Young Pietro: Dick Van Dyke again? Always "sitcom, sitcom, sitcom..."
Young (Y/N): I don't know why I always get my hopes up that she'll pick Malcolm in the Middle.
(Iryna walks up to Y/N & ruffles his hair.)
Iryna: We'll all watch Malcolm in the Middle when it's your turn to pick.
Olek: The Walnut episode!
Iryna: Yes, Rob and Laura have for the most fun shenanigans.
(Olek puts in the DVD.)
Young Pietro: What is "shenanigan" again?
Young (Y/N): Shenanigan is like problem...
Young Wanda: But more silly than scary...
Young Wanda & Young (Y/N): But can sometimes be a little scary.
(Iryna & Olek sit on the couch behind their kids.)
Iryna: Yeah, like mischief.
Olek: But a silly mischief that always becomes fine.
Iryna: Okay, Papa start it for us.
(The Maximoff family are all enjoying the Dick Van Dyke show until something hits their apartment causing an explosion. We see the young Y/N waking up amongst the rubble.)
Young (Y/N): [groans]
(Y/N looks over at his left arm & sees that it's just bone.)
Young (Y/N): [screams]
(Young Y/N then realizes that his left arm is slowly growing back the muscle & skin. Eventually, fully reforming.)
Young (Y/N): Okay...
(Young Pietro runs by Y/N pulls him beside him as they run to Wanda.)
Young Pietro & Young (Y/N): Wanda!
(The trio hides under a bed as a second shell hits but it doesn't go off. It has the words, "Stark Industries" on the side.)
Young Pietro: *translated from Sokovian* Wanda. Are you okay? How about you, (Y/N)?
(Y/N stares at his left arm.)
Young (Y/N): *translated from Sokovian* Yeah, I'm okay.
Young Pietro: *translated from Sokovian* We have to get out of here.
Young Wanda: *translated from Sokovian* We can't.
Young Pietro: *translated from Sokovian* Shh. Do you hear that?
Young (Y/N): *translated from Sokovian* Maybe they're here to help.
Young Wanda: *translated from Sokovian* Maybe they're the ones who sent it.
(Young Wanda looks over at an episode of the Dick Van Dyke show.)
Young Wanda: [exhales sharply] At the end of the episode, you realize it was all a bad dream. None of it was real.
(Young Wanda looks like she's about to use her powers, but before she can, Agatha pulls adult her & Y/N from under the bed.)
Wanda: [gasps]
(Y/N): [groans]
Agatha: Did you stop that bomb?
Wanda: What? [breathing shakily] (Y/N)...your claws...?
(Y/N): Wanda, I...
Agatha: This isn't about him, Wanda. Not yet. You used a probability hex.
Wanda: No, I...[panting] It just never went off. It was...It was defective. We didn't know that. We were...
(Y/N): We were trapped.
Agatha: For how long?
Wanda: Two days.
Agatha: Huh. So much trauma...and yet you were safe as kittens the whole time. You know, (Y/N), I can just see how you now would handle the bomb. You'd just jump right on it, thinking your healing factor would do the rest for ya, huh?
(Y/N): I-
Agatha: Don't say anything. I know. Too bad your younger self wasn't so brave. So what I see here is a baby witch, her soldier-to-be brother, one obsessed with sitcoms, and years of therapy ahead of her. Doesn't explain your recent hijinks. Where'd you get the big guns, Wanda? We're gonna find out how (Y/N) got his.
(Y/N): How I got mine is pretty simple.
Agatha: It wasn't just HYDRA.
(Y/N): What are you talking about?
(Another door opens, one oh so familiar to Wanda & Y/N.)
Wanda: I don't want to go back there.
(Y/N): Neither do I.
Agatha: I know you don't, but it's good medicine, angel. And, (Y/N)? Try to enjoy the ride. The only way forward is back.
(Wanda, Y/N, & Agatha enter a HYDRA testing lab.)
Agatha: Ah, Wanda. The rebellious years. This is where (Y/N) really became himself. Quick question, your reaction to the bombing of your civilian apartment and the murder of your parents was to join an anti-freedom terrorist organization.
Wanda: We wanted to change the world.
(Y/N): We wanted to make it a better place.
(Wanda walks up to the glass.)
Agatha: Don't be scared. You already lived it once.
(Wanda walks into a room as Loki's scepter hums.)
Hydra Scientist: For our notes, Miss Maximoff, can you please state your name and confirm your status?
Wanda: Wanda Maximoff. Volunteer.
Hydra Scientist: Begin experimentation.
Hydra Tech: Doctor, with respect, not one subject has survived direct...
(The Hydra scientist turns off the mic before the tech can finish his sentence.)
Hydra Scientist: Touch the sample.
Wanda: So I...I just...
(The scepter rattles & the gem floats towards Wanda. The blue dissipates revealing the Mind Stone which releases a bright light in front of Wanda.)
(The scientist & the tech run out to check on Wanda.)
Scientist: She's still alive. Get her to isolation now.
(The scientist is confused as to what happened with Wanda because the camera feed cuts to her on the ground. Cut to Agatha & Wanda in the isolation room.)
Agatha: So, little orphan Wanda got up close and personal with an Infinity Stone that amplified what, otherwise, would've died on the vine. The broken pieces of you are adding up, buttercup. I have a theory, but I need more. This is where (Y/N) comes in.
(Wanda realizes Y/N isn't with them.)
Wanda: Where is (Y/N)?
(Agatha makes another door appear, Wanda goes through it, sees Y/N in a Hydra lab, & is strapped onto a lab table over some water.)
Wanda: What is this?
Agatha: (Y/N) never told you how he got those fancy claws of his?
Wanda: No...
Agatha: Just be patient, Wanda. Your part's coming up anyway.
(Cut down to Y/N strapped onto the lab table over some water while being checked up on by a nurse.)
Hydra Nurse: When it starts, whatever the reason is that you're doing this...focus on that. Maybe it will help.
(Y/N): Trust me, I've been through worse.
Hydra Nurse: No, you haven't.
(The nurse walks past Strucker.)
Hydra Nurse: We're ready.
Strucker: We're going to make you indestructible, but first, we're going to have to destroy you.
(Y/N): Is it too late for me to back out?
Strucker: You're funny.
(Y/N): I try.
(Strucker walks around Y/N.)
Strucker: We found something in Africa. It helped us create a metal compound so strong that you will be able to withstand virtually anything. It's called adamantium.
(Y/N): Who came up with the name?
Strucker: I actually don't know. You'd have to ask one of our scientists.
(Y/N): Figured.
(Y/N tries to prepare himself for what's to come.)
Strucker: I'm going to promise you two things. You will suffer more pain than any other man can endure, but you will have more than enough power to protect your siblings.
(Y/N): Okay, let's do this.
(Cut to Strucker on the second level of the lab & addresses everyone.)
Strucker: Today, you're going to witness medical history. Today, we're going to create Weapon X.
List: "X"?
Strucker: Roman numeral ten. We're about to begin bonding adamantium to Weapon X's skeleton. Let's begin.
(Y/N gets submerged into the water as biles begin to fill with adamantium, heated up needles follow him into the water & pierce his body. The nurse looks at Strucker for the go ahead & he gives it to her.)
(Y/N's body temperature begins to rise as he thrashes because he's feeling everything due to anesthesia not being able to work on him. His heart rate & blood pressure rises as well. His blood pressure gets as high as 260/180 & it's still rising.)
Strucker: He can make it...he can make it.
(Y/N flatlines.)
Hydra Soldier T9: Well, I guess he can die.
Hydra Soldier R1: Good riddance.
List: Herr Strucker?
(Strucker lifts his head up in frustration then he thinks of something.)
Strucker: His sister.
Hydra Soldier R1: Sir?
Strucker: Bring me his sister.
(Cut to Wanda, being escorted by some guards, entering the lab.)
Strucker: Wanda Maximoff.
Wanda: Yes...?
Strucker: Tell me, do you love your brothers?
Wanda: I do.
Strucker: That's good to hear. Because...
(Strucker leads Wanda to Y/N's body, that's still submerged in water.)
Wanda: [gasps]
(Wanda drops to her knees & places a hand on the glass containing Y/N's body.)
Wanda: Is he...is he dead?
Strucker: I'm afraid so.
(Wanda's eyes begin to glow.)
Wanda: What did you do to him?!
(Soldiers aim their guns at Wanda.)
Strucker: Hold your fire! Now, Wanda, I am responsible for your brother's death but I think you'll be able to bring him back?
(Wanda's eyes return to normal.)
Wanda: How?
Strucker: Just touch him.
(Wanda rolls up her sleeve, puts her hand into the water, & touches her brother's chest but nothing happens.)
Wanda: *teary eyed* I'm sorry.
(Wanda barely lifts her hand off her brother's chest & almost instantly, she knows what to do. Something red surrounds her hand & fingers. Wanda sends it into her brother & passes out.)
Hydra Soldier 7H: What did she do?
(Y/N's heart rate returns.)
Nurse: Heart rate rising.
Hydra Scientist 3W: Adamantium reservoir is depleted.
List: No rejection. Procedure complete.
Strucker: We did it.
(Strucker looks down at Wanda.)
Strucker: Too bad your brother won't be able to thank you when he wakes up.
(Strucker looks at the scientists.)
Strucker: Erase his memory.
(Unknowingly to Strucker, Y/N hears this which enrages him & causes him to break free from his restraints & stand right up.)
Hydra Soldier 7H: I think he heard-
(Y/N cuts the Hydra soldier's head off.)
(Y/N): [yells]
(Y/N glares at Strucker.)
Strucker: [gulps] Lockdown!
(The soldiers there all open fire on Y/N. Though, it barely does anything to him as he charges through their bullets & kills them all. Strucker picks up Wanda & makes his way to the exit.)
Strucker: [shouting] What cell is his brother in?
List: Cell B6!
(With that information, Strucker with Wanda in his arms, exits the lab to find Pietro. Y/N is hot on his tail. He does keep getting stopped by soldiers who all unload their clips into Y/N. Once they reload or Y/N gets close enough...)
Hydra Soldiers: [yelping]
(Y/N cuts them down.)
(Y/N): [shouting] Strucker!
(Cut to Strucker reaching Pietro's cell & frantically trying to open it.)
Strucker: Come on, come on!
(Strucker finally opens Pietro's cell.)
Pietro: Who-
(Pietro notices Wanda in his arms.)
Pietro: What did you do to her?!
Strucker: Nothing, but we don't have time for that. I need you to wake your sister up.
Pietro: Why?
Strucker: Because your brother is on his way to kill me.
Pietro: What'd you do to piss him off?
Strucker: As I said before, we don't have time for that. So are you going to wake your sister up or not?
Pietro: Okay, okay.
(Cut to Y/N who is now in the hallway where Pietro's cell is in.)
(Y/N): [breathing heavily] Strucker! [sniffs] Pietro and Wanda?
(More soldiers run out & charge at Y/N.)
(Y/N): [snarls]
(Y/N finally kills all of the soldiers in his way & is now in front of Pietro's cell.)
(Y/N slashes open the cell door to see Pietro & Wanda standing in front of Strucker.)
(Y/N): [growls lightly]
Pietro: (Y/N), brother, you're covered in blood.
(Pietro immediately knows why his brother is covered in blood.)
Pietro: Geez, (Y/N)...
(Y/N): Pietro, Wanda. I'm only going to tell you this once; move!
(Wanda walks up to her brother.)
Wanda: (Y/N), you need to calm down.
(Y/N): Calm down?!
(Wanda places her hands on the sides of Y/N's face.)
(Y/N): You've got blood on her hands.
Wanda: So do you.
(Y/N): [sighs] Do you know what he was going to do to me? He was going to wipe my memories!
Pietro: I'm sure he's not going to now, right?
Strucker: Right! Of course!
(Y/N): [groans]
Wanda: Look at me.
(Y/N & Wanda lock eyes.)
Wanda: You're okay. We're okay.
(Y/N places his face into Wanda's shoulder & hugs her as she hugs him back.)
Pietro: You're always able to calm him down, Wanda. I don't know how you do it.
(Cut to Agatha, Wanda, & a returned Y/N.)
Agatha: That was so sweet. Not the parts where you hacked all those guys to pieces, obviously.
(Y/N): Wanda, you...
Wanda: I...
Agatha: She used a form of necromancy spell. Though, now that I got a good look at it, it was more like a revival spell. You gave your brother quite the power up.
Wanda: I did?
(Y/N): She did?
Agatha: Your healing factor was good but thanks to sister's spell, it's infused with magic!
(Y/N): Really?
Agatha: How else would you explain surviving the fall on Vormir? I mean, it's supposed to be an "everlasting exchange."
(Y/N & Wanda are both speechless.)
Agatha: Moving on.
(Agatha makes another door appear & the Maximoff siblings walk through the door to see Wanda on a bed watching Malcolm in the Middle.)
Agatha: Oh, Wanda. Movin' on up. So, where are we now?
Wanda: The Avengers compound.
Agatha: I can only imagine what (Y/N)'s room looked like.
(Y/N): Remind me again why I can't kill you now?
Agatha: Your nephews.
(Y/N): Right...
Wanda: It was the first home Vision and I ever shared. Pietro was dead and I was in a new country. (Y/N) was with Natasha most of the time though he made time for me occasionally.
(Y/N places a hand on Wanda's back.)
Wanda: I was all alone.
(Cut to the Wanda on the bed.)
Wanda: Vision?
(Vision phases through the wall.)
Vision: I apologize. I don't mean to intrude.
Wanda: You don't?
Vision: Well, I suppose, yes, I did intend to come in here.
Wanda: And now?
Vision: And...Well, whatever is your preference.
(Wanda pats the spot of the bed next to her & Vision comes over to sit with her as upbeat music plays.)
Wanda: Don't let (Y/N) catch you doing this.
Vision: Oh, I know. I can only imagine what he'd do if he caught me.
(They watch as the backyard roof collapses onto Hal.)
Vision: It is funny because of the grievous injury the man just suffered?
Wanda: No, he's not really injured.
Vision: Ah. How can you be certain?
Wanda: It's not that kind of show.
Vision: Wanda, I don't presume to know what you're feeling, but I would like to know. Should you wish to tell me. Should that be of some comfort to you.
Wanda: What makes you think that talking about it would bring me comfort?
Vision: Oh, see, I read that the...
Wanda: The only thing that would bring me comfort is seeing him again. [whimpers] Sorry. I'm...I'm so tired. [inhales sharply] It's...It's just like this wave washing over me, again and again. It knocks me down, and when I try to stand up, it just comes for me again. And I...It's just gonna drown me. I...I should be telling (Y/N) this but he's nowhere to be found. You know, the only reason why I'm watching this is because I know it's his favorite and maybe he'll come through my door and watch it with me but...nothing. He tries, he really does. It's just...
Vision: It's not going to drown you.
Wanda: Yeah. [chuckles] How do you know?
Vision: Well, it can't all be sorrow, can it? I've always been alone, so I don't feel the lack. It's all I've ever known. I've never experienced loss because I have never had a loved one to lose. But what is grief, if not love preserving?
(Vision laughs at the episode.)
Vision: Sorry. Pardon.
Wanda: [chuckles] No, it was funny.
Vision: Yes, it was very funny, wasn't it?
Wanda: Mm. [chuckles]
(Wanda walks up to the bed but Vision disappears.)
Agatha: [sighs] So, to recap. Parent's dead, one brother dead, the other brother moving on with his life, Vision dead.
Wanda: [sighs]
Agatha: What happened when he wasn't there to pull you back from the darkness, Wanda?
Wanda: I can't do this anymore.
(Y/N pops his claws.)
(Y/N): You heard her.
Agatha: You're not gonna do anything, (Y/N). Come on, Wanda! You're on the precipice. You are right there! Tell me how you did it.
Wanda: [breathing heavily]
(Agatha walks past Y/N & to Wanda.)
Agatha: Vision was gone. But you wanted him back.
Wanda: I wanted him back.
(Y/N): And I wanted to help you.
(Y/N retracts his claws as a S.W.O.R.D. door appears & the trio walk through it to see Wanda walking towards a reception desk as Y/N walks behind her.)
(Y/N): Wanda, maybe you should let me do the talking.
Wanda: No, (Y/N). I've got this.
(Cut to Wanda & Y/N at the reception desk.)
Wanda: I know you have him.
Male Receptionist: I'm sorry, but like I said...
Wanda: Please...[scoffs] Please. When I came back, he was gone. His body. My brother can smell him.
(Y/N): I can, bub.
Wanda: And I know he's here. He deserves a funeral, at least. I deserve it.
(The receptionist gets a phone call that lets Wanda & Y/N through.)
Male Receptionist: Through the doors. Down the hall. Two lefts and a right.
(Wanda & Y/N walk towards the door.)
Male Receptionist: One moment, I have to buzz you two in.
Wanda: I got it! Thanks.
(Wanda, using her powers, pushes the doors open.)
(Y/N): I was going to kick it open but this works too.
(Cut to Wanda & Y/N entering Director Hayward's office.)
Hayward: Wanda and (Y/N) Maximoff? It's an honor to meet both of you. Truly.
Wanda: Who are you?
Hayward: Director Tyler Hayward. I understand you're here to see the Vision, to recover the body, that is, is that right?
Wanda: Well, I'm his next of kin.
(Y/N): We're family.
Hayward: I understand. I'd like to show you something.
Wanda: And then you'll give him to me?
Hayward: Please, just come with me.
(The Maximoff siblings follow Hayward into a room where they see people & Vision's body parts.)
Wanda: What is this? Why are you showing me this?
Hayward: Because you asked to see it.
(Y/N): I think you need to get your ears checked, bub.
(Wanda watches the people pull Vision's body parts apart.)
Wanda: [shuddering] Stop...Stop...Stop it! What...What are you doing to him?
Hayward: We're dismantling the most sophisticated, sentient weapon ever made.
(Y/N): Weapon?
Wanda: But Vision's not a weapon. You can't do this.
Hayward: In fact, it is our legal and ethical obligation.
Wanda: I just want to bury him. That's all I want.
Hayward: Are you sure?
Wanda: Excuse me?
(Y/N): [softly] This guy's starting to piss me off...
Hayward: Not everyone has the kind of power that could bring their soulmate back online.
(This shocks Wanda.)
Hayward: Forgive me. Back to life. Like your brother here.
(Y/N): I don't think you understand-
Wanda: No, I can't do that. It's...That's not why I'm here.
Hayward: Okay. But I cannot allow you to take three-billion dollars' worth of vibranium just to put in the ground.
(Wanda turns to the glass.)
Hayward: So, the best I can do is, let you say goodbye to him here.
Wanda: He's all that I have.
Hayward: Well, that's just it, Wanda. He isn't yours.
(Wanda breaks the glass & floats down to Vision's body parts as soldiers aim their guns at her.)
(Y/N pops his claws & presses Hayward against a wall with one arm against his throat & three of claws extremely close to Hayward's face.)
(Y/N): Tell your men to fall back.
Hayward: [coughs] Fall back. It's fine. Let her see for herself.
(Wanda walks up to Vision's head & sends her powers through it but there's nothing.)
Wanda: I can't feel you.
(Wanda walks away from Vision's body parts.)
Wanda: (Y/N).
(Y/N): You're so lucky.
(Y/N retracts his claws & jumps down to his sister so they can leave together. Cut to the Maximoff siblings in Wanda's car, in the S.W.O.R.D. parking lot.)
(Y/N): Hey, Wanda?
Wanda: (Y/N)?
(Y/N): About what you said back there, about Vision being all that you have left...
Wanda: Oh, (Y/N)-
(Y/N): I know. But let me just say that's not true. I know I haven't been the best brother but you have me. And you have Natasha.
Wanda: I know that, (Y/N). I do.
(Y/N): [sighs] Good.
Wanda: Speaking of Natasha.
(Y/N): What about her?
Wanda: Is she really okay with you doing this with me so soon after everything?
(Y/N): Believe me, she is.
Wanda: But your honeymoon-
(Y/N): How about this, we forget about Natasha and we focus on just you and me until you're settled.
Wanda: [chuckles] I like that.
(Agatha pauses the scene as we cut to the trio watching the scene.)
Agatha: Oh, Wanda. You really are lucky to have such a caring brother.
(Wanda & Y/N look at each other.)
Wanda: *smiles lightly* Yeah, I am.
(Y/N): *smiles lightly back at his sister*
Agatha: How he drops everything just to make sure you're okay. Even his wife.
(Y/N): [growls]
Agatha: Hey, Wanda. I bet you want to see some of their wedding, don't you?
(Agatha pulls Wanda & Y/N into Y/N & Natasha's wedding. Specifically, where the bride & groom share their first dance.)
Agatha: Shame not everyone could make it.
(The siblings ignore what Agatha says & focus on Y/N & Natasha dancing.)
Wanda: (Y/N)...you and Natasha...look beautiful.
(Y/N): Natasha, yes. And I always told you that I'd clean up well.
Wanda: You two look so happy.
(Y/N): Yeah, we were.
(Agatha gets them back to S.W.O.R.D.'s parking lot as Wanda looks at the letter on her dashboard.)
New Jersey
(Wanda drives along the town.)
(Y/N): This town looks...nice.
(Wanda drives into a neighborhood & pulls into a driveway of a house with just barely its foundations.)
Wanda: Stay in the car.
(Y/N): All right, Wanda.
(Wanda exits the car & walks into the middle of the foundation. She unfolds a property deed.)
(Wanda drops to her knees & begins to cry.)
(Cut to Y/N in the car just before this...)
(Y/N): I...I hope being here is helping her. Good for her. I feel like it is. I should probably call Natasha-
(Y/N sees his sister on her knees.)
(Y/N): Wanda?
(Y/N exits the car.)
(Y/N): Wan-
(As Y/N approaches his sister...)
Wanda: [sobbing]
(Imagine Y/N next to the car & being caught in the blast.)
(He gets caught in the blast. Wanda, using her powers, builds the house & expands her power throughout the neighborhood, turning everything black & white. She even makes Vision.)
Vision: Wanda. Welcome home. Should we stay in tonight?
(Y/N comes down the stairs to see Wanda & Vision kiss.)
(Y/N): Aw.
Wanda & Vision: [chuckle]
(Black & white Vision turns on the tv as we cut to a TV set, the Maximoff siblings standing next to each other, & Agatha slow clapping.)
Agatha: Bravo!
(Agatha disappears as Wanda & Y/N hear Billy & Tommy call out to their mom. The siblings run out of the TV set to see Agatha in the middle of the street, holding Billy & Tommy by purple leashes.)
Agatha: I know what you are. Both of you.
Billy: Mom!
(Agatha pulls on their leashes.)
Billy & Tommy: [grunting]
(Wanda readies her hands.)
Wanda: It's okay, baby. It's okay.
Billy: [choking]
(Y/N pops his claws.)
(Y/N): I'm going to rip this bitch apart.
(The camera begins to zoom in on Agatha.)
Agatha: You two have no idea just how dangerous you are. You're supposed to myths. A being capable of spontaneous creation, and here you are, using it to make breakfast for dinner. And your brother, a being that follows your every order, is capable of taking out entire armies if you said the word. But instead he's just some overprotective loaf.
(Y/N): Just imagine what I'm going to do to you then.
Wanda: Let go of my children.
Agatha: Oh, yes, your children. And Vision, and your niece, and the whole little life you've made, this is Chaos Magic, Wanda. And that makes you the Scarlet Witch. And, (Y/N), that makes you her Savage Wolverine.
After The Credits
(We see Hayward in the makeshift S.W.O.R.D. base, looking at the hex as one his agents comes up to him.)
Agent: Sir, the team is ready for launch.
Hayward: It's about time.
(Hayward walks into a tent.)
Hayward: We took this thing apart and put it back together again a million times. Tried every type of power supply under the sun, when all we needed was a little energy directly from the source.
(Pan to the drone infused with Wanda's power.)
Agent 2: Ready, sir.
(An agent transfers the power from the drone which activates a white Vision.)
Hayward: Is 24 here, yet?
Agent: He just arrived.
Hayward: Perfect, wake him up. He's going to kill the Wolverine.
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