WandaVision Starring (Y/N) Episode 7
(Light music plays as we see Wanda wake up in a bed without Vision. Now, we see Wanda talking directly to the camera.)
Wanda: Look, we've all been there, right? [chuckles] Letting our fear and anger get the best of us, intentionally expanding the borders of the false world we created.
(A short clip of the borders of Westview expanding and some of Hayward's men are caught into it & we cut back to Wanda in bed as Billy & Tommy enter her room.)
Tommy: Mom, are you coming down soon?
Billy: Mom, our game is freaking out.
(Billy & Tommy are shown playing a game as their controllers continue to change.)
Tommy: Is she asleep?
Wanda: [muffled] Mommy's not sleeping, honey. She's just resting her eyes.
Billy: Mom, my head feels weird. It's, like, really noisy. I don't like it.
Wanda: [softly] Resting her eyes.
(Tommy & Billy slowly exit her room & we see Wanda talking directly to the camera again.)
Wanda: As punishment for my reckless evening, I plan on taking a quarantine-style staycation. A whole day...just to myself. That'll show me.
(Wanda walks down the stairs, pretends not to notice Billy & Tommy fighting over a controller, & pours herself a bowl of cereal. As she's doing this, the milk carton continues to change. We see Wanda talking directly to the camera again.)
Wanda: Yeah, I'm not sure what that's about. It's probably just a case of the Mondays. [chuckles] Am I right?
(Mellow electronic music plays as slides of the show pass by that just say "Wanda." Eventually, the last slide is shown which is a calendar that says Wanda at the top & then "Vision" appears next to Wanda. Finally, "Starring Y/N" slides right under. Cut to Y/N & Natasha in the midst of the circus.)
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
(Y/N): You're pregnant?!
Natasha: (Y/N), babe, I heard you the first time.
(Y/N): Sorry. This is just...
(Natasha walks up Y/N & places her hands on his cheeks.)
Natasha: *smiles* It's a miracle.
(Y/N): [chuckles happily] Yeah. Wait.
(Y/N gets Natasha's hand off him & takes some steps away from her.)
(Y/N): This doesn't make any sense.
Natasha: What doesn't make sense?
(Y/N): You being pregnant! I don't remember the last time we had...
Natasha: [sighs] We've obviously had sex recently if I'm pregnant.
(Y/N): It's not just that. It's also...you know.
Natasha: What?
(Y/N): Your situation.
Natasha: My situation?
(Y/N): You don't remember?
Natasha: Remember what?
(Y/N): You really don't remember. Uh, okay. Wanda! She's why you can't remember!
Natasha: Uh-uh.
(Y/N): It also explains why you're pregnant.
Natasha: You're telling me that your sister got me pregnant?
(Y/N): In a way, yes.
Natasha: [laughs]
(Y/N): I know how this must sound but you have to believe me.
(Y/N's thoughts): How can I convince her? Vision!
(Y/N): Vision!
Natasha: What about him?
(Y/N): We have to find him.
Natasha: Why?
(Y/N): Come on.
(Y/N takes his pregnant wife's hand & the two slowly try to find Vision. Cut to Y/N talking directly to the camera.)
(Y/N): I know what you're asking, "How's (Y/N) going to find Vision in the middle of a circus?" Well, I'll tell you how. With this.
(Y/N taps his nose.)
(Y/N): I can sniff anyone out. Just ask Natasha. [chuckles] Wait, do synthezoids have a scent?
(Cut to Wanda walking in on Billy & Tommy playing a game.)
Wanda: Have you seen your dad? Or (Y/N)?
Tommy: Um, no.
Billy: Do you wanna go look for them?
Wanda: Well, if they don't wanna be here, there's nothing I can do about it.
(Wanda changes the channel to weather.)
Billy: Hey, Mom, last night, Uncle P said that thing about re-killing Dad?
Wanda: Don't believe anything that man said. You two only have one uncle, and that's (Y/N).
Tommy: Who is he?
Wanda: [chuckles dryly] Here's the thing, boys.
Wanda: I'm your mom. And as such, you were counting on me to have all the answers, right? [chuckles]
(Billy & Tommy nod in agreement.)
Wanda: Well, I don't. I have...no answers. [chuckles] Zip. Zero. Zilch. Nada. Niente. [chuckles] I'm starting to believe that everything is...meaningless. You're welcome to draw your own conclusions of course, but that's just where I'm at. [chuckles]
(Billy & Tommy look at each other as we cut to Wanda talking directly to the camera.)
Wanda: So maybe I went a little too dark there. Why does (Y/N) get to be the "dark" sibling? But they'll be fine. Vision is made out of vibranium. They literally inherited tough skin. Not as tough as (Y/N)'s adamantium skeleton but still tough.
(Cut to Agnes walking in.)
Wanda: Hi, Agnes. Come on in. I'd get up, but I just don't want to. [laughs, sighs]
(Cut to Agnes talking directly to the camera.)
Agnes: But I think I got there in the nick of time 'cause she was one split end away from cutting her own bangs.
(Cut back to the WandaVision living room.)
Agnes: Hey, boys, why don't we give your mom some me time?
Wanda: [gasps, softly] Agnes, are you sure?
Agnes: Oh, abso-positively. Come on, let's go, guys.
Tommy: Do we have to, Mom?
Wanda: Mm-hmm.
Billy: Someone needs to be here to care of you.
Agnes: Aw!
Wanda: Boys, I'll be fine. Just go with Agnes.
Agnes: [chuckles] I promise I won't bite.
Wanda: Mm.
(Cut to Agnes talking directly to the camera.)
Agnes: I actually did bite a kid once.
(Cut back to the WandaVision living room.)
Wanda: Agnes, you are a life-saver.
Agnes: Aw.
Wanda: Is there anything I can do for you?
Agnes: You know what? I do have a suspicious mole on my back that I just can't see. Ah. Boundaries. I get it. Say no more. [chuckles] All right, gentlemen, let's keep it moving.
(Agnes leads Billy & Tommy to the door.)
Agnes: You know what? If one of you two could take a quick look, I'd appreciate it. It's right here above my...
(The door closes & Wanda begins to unwind. But, as she does, the furniture around her begins to change & she changes it back. She talks directly to the camera.)
Wanda: [chuckling] I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine.
(Wanda slowly nods her head.)
Wanda: I'm fine. I'm fine.
(Cut to Jimmy & Monica in a S.W.O.R.D. vehicle.)
Jimmy: [scoffs] Darcy made it through that last firewall, all right.
Monica: Oh, what'd she find?
Jimmy: R and D reports. All on the same two projects. The first one, code name, Cataract.
(Jimmy scrolls on his phone to see a scan of Vision's body.)
Jimmy: [scoffs] Hayward wasn't decommissioning Vision. He was trying to bring him back online. Nothing worked until...
Monica: Wanda stole Vision's body.
Jimmy: That's why he was so focused on tracking Vision inside the Hex.
Monica: Hayward wants his sentient weapon back.
Jimmy: Someone has to tell Wanda.
Monica: Yeah. What's the other
Jimmy: Right!
(Jimmy scrolls on his phone & finds the other project.)
Jimmy: What Hayward was doing to Vision's body was bad, but this may be worse.
Monica: What?
Jimmy: If I'm reading these reports right, Hayward's been trying to clone (Y/N) with the help from a company called Alkali-Transigen.
Monica: So let me get this straight. Not only is Hayward trying to make a weapon out of Wanda's dead boyfriend, he's also trying to clone her brother into a weapon?
Jimmy: Crazy, I know. Looks like the original files on this project came from HYDRA but they could never get it started.
Monica: Figures. At least Hayward hasn't been able to get it started as well.
Jimmy: That's some good news. Looks like all 23 attempts failed.
Monica: [sighs] We have to tell (Y/N) and Natasha.
(Jimmy & Monica meet up with the group of S.W.O.R.D. agents that are going to help Monica get back into the Hex. Cut to Vision & Darcy in the circus.)
Vision: Well, you're in it.
Darcy: [sighs] Fine. I'll go out with you, but I'm ordering the lobster.
(Darcy walks past Vision.)
Vision: [sighs] Oh, no. Look, that mime...His tray is getting too heavy.
Darcy: Oh, your bad back.
(Vision places his hands on Darcy's temples & breaks the mind control.)
Darcy: Ooh. Whoa! Okay. Ooh. Whew.
Vision: Awake?
Darcy: Ooh, uh, yeah.
Vision: All right.
Darcy: Ooh. Oh, hello, self. You know, part of me secretly wanted a guest spot on the show, but seriously, that sucked.
Vision: Look, uh, what is your name? Your real name?
Darcy: Darcy Lewis.
Vision: Dr. Darcy Lewis, I intercepted a communication regarding your work.
Darcy: Is (Y/N) with you?
Vision: No. But I think he's around here some-
(Y/N & Natasha appear out of a tent.)
(Y/N): Vision! [sighs] Finally.
Vision: Oh, (Y/N), there you are. Who is that pregnant woman behind you?
(Y/N): Natasha Roman--Maximoff. My wife.
Natasha: It's good to see you again, Vision. It's been too long.
Vision: So you are married.
(Y/N): I know, right?
(Y/N & Darcy lock eyes.)
(Y/N): You are?
Darcy: Oh! Darcy Lewis. Big fan.
(Y/N): Cool...Vision, if you could do your thing on Natasha, that'd be great.
(Vision walks to Natasha.)
Natasha: Uh. What's he going to do to me, (Y/N)?
(Y/N): Just get you back to normal.
Natasha: Norm-
(Vision places his hands on Natasha's temples & breaks the mind control.)
Natasha: [groans]
(Y/N): Nat?
Natasha: Ugh, what is up with your sister and mind control?
(Y/N): [chuckles] I don't know. Now, Natasha, there's something you should know.
Natasha: And what's that?
(Y/N): Well...
(Y/N looks down at Natasha's stomach & back up at her.)
Natasha: Huh?
(Natasha looks down at her stomach.)
Natasha: I'm...I'm pregnant?
(Y/N): *slight smile* Yeah.
(Natasha places her hands on her stomach.)
Natasha: [sniffles] This isn't--can't be real.
Darcy: I don't know about that. I mean, you're huge!
(Natasha & Y/N look at Darcy.)
Natasha: And you are?
Vision: Darcy Lewis.
Darcy: Sorry about that. I'm also a big fan of yours.
(Natasha looks at Vision.)
Natasha: Vision, you're...
Vision: Alive. I know.
Natasha: *breathing slowly increases* (Y/N)...you have...some explaining to do...
(Y/N places an arm over his wife.)
(Y/N): I know. And I will explain everything once we're better situated.
Agent Monti: Hey, the lions just got off stage. You're up.
Vision: Dr. Lewis, I have questions.
(Y/N): So do my wife and I.
Darcy: I have answers. Uh...
(They notice a funnel cake truck.)
Darcy: Ooh, should we take this convo on the road?
Vision: Excellent.
Agent Monti: You two are up. And sword swallower, you need to keep practicing for your act.
Vision: No, I'm sorry. We have a prior engagement.
Agent Monti: She's not going anywhere.
(Darcy punches Agent Monti & drops him.)
Agent Monti: My nose!
Natasha & (Y/N): Good punch.
(The four of them get onto the funnel cake truck.)
Darcy: To your house, I assume?
Vision: Dr. Lewis, my questions, are my children safe?
Darcy: That I don't know.
Natasha: Vision and Wanda have...kids?
(Y/N): Yeah...I have a lot to explain to you.
Natasha: We have nephews?
(Y/N): [chuckles] Yup!
Vision: Who is that imposter, Pietro?
Darcy: Beats me.
Natasha: Your brother's back?
(Y/N): Not exactly.
(Darcy begins to drive away from the circus and after everything begins to change in the living room around Wanda, she talks directly to the camera.)
Wanda: I don't understand what's happening. Why it's...Why it's all falling apart and why...I can't fix it.
Interviewer: Do you think that maybe this is what you deserve?
Wanda: What? You're not supposed to talk.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
(Cut to Billy, Tommy, & Agnes in her living room.)
Agnes: Okay, who's thirsty? Some bevs.
(Agnes places two bevs on a table & sits between the boys.)
Agnes: [sighs]
(Agnes leans close to Billy.)
Agnes: Penny for your thoughts.
Billy: I like it here.
Agnes: Oh, good. Is it because Señor Scratchy is such a good listener?
Billy: No. It's because it's quiet.
(Billy looks at Agnes.)
Billy: You're quiet, Agnes. On the inside.
Tommy: Do you think our mom is okay?
Agnes: Oh, for sure!
(Agnes places her arms over the boys.)
Agnes: Oh, you don't have to worry about your mom. Your mom can do anything. She's supermom. [chuckles]
(Cut to Agnes talking directly to the camera.)
Agnes: Ralph says I sugarcoat things. But you try telling a 10-year-old that his mother is cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.
(Monica tries to drive into the Hex but is unable to due the barrier matching the density of the truck she's in. So she just runs into the Hex herself & makes it in, though, it changed her. Cut to Darcy, Vision, Natasha, & Y/N in the funnel cake truck, driving down a road as whimsical music plays.)
Natasha: [groans]
(Y/N): I'm sorry I can't do more, Nat. Just try to breathe.
Natasha: Killer...
(Y/N): Yes?
Natasha: I'm pretty sure that was the fiftieth time you've told me to breathe.
(Y/N): Really?
Darcy: Yeah, it was. I was counting.
(Y/N): I'll...try to stop saying that.
Natasha: Wow! He--she--our baby just kicked.
(Y/N): Aw, wait, now's not the time for that.
Natasha: Beat...me to it.
Darcy: You two are adorable.
Vision: So, Wanda killed me?
Darcy: Yes, but it's not that simple. You asked her to do it.
Vision: And (Y/N), where were you during this?
(Y/N): Uh, well, Wanda and I weren't on speaking terms back then.
Darcy: Because you fought against her in Saxony.
(Y/N): [growls] Yes, because I fought against her in Saxony.
Natasha: You're not one to skip out on the details, huh?
(Y/N): But I did show up in the end...and didn't do anything.
Vision: Because Thanos twisted your limbs. I thought your skeleton was made out of adamantium?
(Y/N): It is. But Thanos, using the Reality Stone, turned my bones to rubber. Hence, him twisting my limbs.
Vision: Right. Why would I have done that?
Darcy: To save the universe. Well, half of it.
Vision: Did it work?
Darcy: It did. Until the bad guy rewound time and killed you himself.
(Y/N): Yeah.
Natasha: [breathing slowly]
Darcy: There are a few extra steps, but to set up the context...
Vision: I came back and died again.
Darcy: And she had to watch. Oh, man, another red light? It's kinda overkill out in the sticks here, don't you think?
Vision: Yes.
Natasha: [strained breathing] Yeah, overkill. Right, (Y/N)?
(Y/N): Right, Nat.
(Cut to Vision & Y/N talking directly to the camera.)
Vision: I believe...I think that Wanda is creating these impediments to stop us returning home.
(Y/N): Yeah, that'd be my guess.
Natasha: I have to get out.
Darcy: Huh?
(Y/N): What?
Natasha: You heard me, killer. I have to get out. I'm slowly moving side-to-side, making me nauseous.
(Y/N): Ah, of course.
(Y/N looks out of the funnel cake truck.)
(Y/N): Okay, I see a house, it doesn't look that far. I'll take you there.
Vision: Do you think that's a good idea, (Y/N)?
(Y/N): I mean, what husband's not going to make his pregnant wife more comfortable?
Vision: True but-
Natasha: [deep breath] Okay, (Y/N), you sniffed out Vision, right?
(Y/N): Yeah.
Natasha: You can just do it again after I'm settled. That sound good to you, Vision?
Vision: Under the circumstances, yes.
Darcy: For someone that's pregnant, you seem pretty cool.
Natasha: [deep breath] Trust me, I'm not.
(Y/N slowly takes Natasha out of the funnel cake truck, picks her up bridal style, & slowly walks towards the house he saw. Cut to them inside of the house.)
Natasha: Was I heavy? I feel like I was heavy.
(Y/N): You weren't heavy, Natasha.
Natasha: All right. I believe you.
(Y/N stares at Natasha's stomach.)
Natasha: Come on.
(Y/N): Huh?
Natasha: [chuckles] Don't you want to feel our baby kick.
(Y/N): Obviously I do.
(Y/N places a hand on Natasha's stomach & feels the baby kick.)
(Y/N): *smiles happily*
Natasha: [deep breath] I know it's not real but it's still nice.
(Y/N): It really is.
(There's a brief, calming silence between the two.)
Natasha: Do you think there's food in the kitchen?
(Y/N): Hmm, probably. Hungry?
Natasha: Yeah.
(Y/N): I'll be right back then.
(Y/N makes his way towards the kitchen as we cut to him talking directly to the camera.)
(Y/N): We both know this isn't real. We do. But, this is something Natasha said that would never happen. She told me why and I didn't care. I just wanted to be with her. Now, I'm not saying that I never wanted kids. I'm pretty sure everyone wants kids of their own sometime in their lives...[sighs] Yet, I have to remind myself that this isn't real. So does Natasha.
Interviewer: Don't you and Natasha deserve to be happy?
(Y/N): Of course we do...wait. You can talk?
(Cut to Y/N looking in a refrigerator.)
(Y/N): Man, I don't know what to bring her.
Natasha: (Y/N)!
(Y/N): Sorry I'm taking so long. What do you-
Natasha: [strained scream] (Y/N)!
(Y/N runs back to the living room.)
(Y/N): Nat-
Natasha: The baby's coming!
(Y/N): Really?!
Natasha: [strained screaming] Yes!
(Y/N): Uh, okay. He's--She's--You know, I really wish we knew the gender of our baby.
Natasha: Killer?!
(Y/N): Right, sorry!
(Y/N walks up to Natasha & slowly lays her down on the floor.)
(Y/N): Okay, Nat, I need you to push.
Natasha: [screams]
(Y/N): You're doing great!
Natasha: [exhales] Really?
(Y/N): I think so.
Natasha: (Y/N), I'm scared.
(Y/N): Hey, hey, look at me. There's nothing to be scared of. We have been through so much together. From fighting a robot army to restoring the population. Plus, all the things you've done before meeting me.
Natasha: [strained breathing] You're good at this.
(Y/N): [chuckles] Of course I am. I delivered Billy and Tommy.
Natasha: You delivered our nephews?
(Y/N): Okay, no, I didn't. A neighbor and Vision did.
Natasha: [light chuckle] Billy and Tommy? Beautiful na--[screams]
(Y/N): Keep pushing, Nat!
Natasha: [screams]
(Y/N): The baby hasn't come out yet.
Natasha: Killer...
(Y/N): I don't want to do this but...
(Y/N sends out three of his claws.)
Natasha: You're going to give a C-section? [light chuckle] Good one.
(Y/N retracts his claws.)
(Y/N): Ha, yeah. "Good one."
Natasha: [screams]
(Natasha pushes one last time & thankfully, the baby comes out. Y/N carefully takes the baby in his arms.)
(Y/N): [light chuckle] Hey.
Natasha: [deep breath] Boy or girl?
(Y/N checks the gender of the baby.)
(Y/N): It's a girl!
Natasha: Killer, do you think I could hold her now?
(Y/N): *staring lovingly at his daughter* Huh?
Natasha: [chuckles]
(Y/N): Heh, of course you can hold her.
(Y/N hands Natasha their daughter.)
Natasha: *teary eyed* She's beautiful.
(Y/N): She is.
Natasha: [sniffles] Any thoughts on a name?
(Y/N): Laura?
Natasha: Laura? Yeah, that's perfect.
(Y/N): *smiles*
(Cut to Y/N & Natasha standing over Laura, who's laying in a crib.)
Natasha: She's perfect.
(Y/N): Of course she is. She has...
(Y/N twirls a finger in Natasha's hair.)
(Y/N): Your red hair...
(Y/N taps Natasha's nose.)
(Y/N): Your nose...
Natasha: [chuckles]
(Y/N stares into Natasha's eyes.)
(Y/N): And she has your eyes.
Natasha: Shut up.
(Y/N): Make me.
(Natasha & Y/N kiss passionately.)
(Y/N): I should probably go find Vision or Wanda.
Natasha: [sighs] Yeah. I'll go with you.
(Y/N): No, you stay with Laura.
Natasha: Killer, I know what you're trying to do. You want me to spend as much time with our daughter before...
(Y/N): You've got me figured out.
Natasha: Could you just stay with us for a little bit longer before you go?
(Y/N): Definitely.
(Y/N & Natasha look down at the crib to see that Laura isn't in it.)
Natasha: Where is she?
(Y/N): Huh?
Natasha: What?
(Y/N): This is just like Billy and Tommy.
Natasha: Really? How?
(Y/N): Well, Wanda, Vision, and I looked away from the boys and once we looked back at the cribs, they were gone.
Natasha: How'd you three find them?
(Y/N): They were behind us. [sniffs] Yeah, Laura's behind us.
(Natasha & Y/N turn around to see Laura but she's no longer a baby.)
Natasha: Did Billy and Tommy age up once y'all turned around?
(Y/N): Yes, but as quickly to...
Natasha: Laura, baby, how old are you?
Laura: [laughs] I'm 10, Mom!
(Y/N): 10...
(Y/N looks at his daughter.)
(Y/N): She's a spitting image of you, Natasha.
Natasha: She really is.
(Y/N): Did she get anything from me? [chuckles]
Laura: I did, Dad.
(Y/N): And what's that, Laura?
(Laura sends out two of her claws.)
(Y/N): Should've expected she'd get my claws.
Natasha: No kidding.
(Y/N): Laura, where's the third claw?
Laura: Oh, sorry.
(Laura's third claw comes out. Not out of her hands, but a single claw comes out of her feet & through her shoes.)
(Y/N): We're gonna have to get her new shoes.
Natasha: Yeah.
(Laura retracts her claws & begins to get teary eyed, prompting Y/N & Natasha to walk up to their daughter.)
(Y/N): What's wrong?
Laura: It's nothing. [sniffles]
Natasha: You can tell us.
Laura: Every time I pop my claws, it hurts.
Natasha: It's okay, Laura.
(Natasha slowly rubs her daughter's back.)
(Y/N): Hey, Laura.
Laura: Dad?
(Y/N): Wanna know something?
Laura: What?
(Y/N): It hurts when I pop my claws too.
Laura: Really?
(Y/N): Yes, ma'am.
(Y/N pops his claws & shows them to Laura.)
Laura: Liar! You didn't even wince.
(Y/N): [chuckles] That's because I've gotten used to them.
Laura: Ah, that makes sense.
(Y/N): You'll get used to your claws one day.
Laura: That day can't come soon enough.
(Y/N): Do you want to know what your mother does on the days when I can't handle the pain of my claws popping out?
Laura: What does she do?
(Y/N): Natasha?
(Natasha takes Laura's hands & kisses them.)
Natasha: Do your hands feel better?
Laura: Yeah, they do!
(Y/N): Great!
Laura: Are you going to kiss my feet too?
Natasha: If you want me to.
(Natasha begins to take off her daughter's shoes.)
Laura: [giggles] No, it's okay!
(Y/N looks lovingly at Natasha & Laura.)
(Y/N): [sighs]
(Natasha knows what that sigh means.)
Natasha: Listen, Laura. Your father has to leave.
Laura: Why? Where's he going?
(Y/N): I've got to go find your aunt, uncle, and cousins. Who are all dying to meet you.
Laura: Are they?
(Y/N): You bet! Right, Natasha?
Natasha: Yeah, don't you want to meet them?
Laura: Yes.
(Y/N): Don't worry, your mother will be here.
(With that, Y/N walks towards the front door.)
Natasha: Say goodbye to your dad, Laura.
Laura: Goodbye, Dad. I love you.
(Y/N): I love you too, Laura.
(Y/N exits the house as we cut to him talking directly to the camera.)
(Y/N): [sighs] Don't get wrong, I love Laura. She's everything I and Natasha could've imagined a daughter of our own would be like. It's just...
Interviewer: You were hoping that you'd experience something like this weren't you?
(Y/N): [chuckles] Yeah, I was. Who are you?
(Cut to Y/N entering the kitchen where Wanda is as light music plays.)
(Y/N): Wanda!
Wanda: (Y/N)? Where have you been? Where's Vision? How'd you get in here?
(Y/N): Went through the backdoor.
(Wanda looks back at the backdoor.)
Wanda: Right.
(Y/N): That's not important right now.
(Y/N grabs Wanda's shoulders.)
(Y/N): Natasha's here.
Wanda: What?!
(Y/N): And we have a daughter.
Wanda: Aw! Congrats, (Y/N). What's her name?
(Y/N): Laura. She looks exactly like Natasha but she has my claws--No! Wanda, you made Natasha pregnant even though you know why she can't have kids?
Wanda: (Y/N), I...
(Monica barges in.)
Monica: Wanda? Wanda!
(Wanda & Y/N walk up to Monica.)
Wanda: What are you doing?
(Y/N): Talk about someone who can't take a hint.
Monica: Wanda...Oh, (Y/N), you're here too.
(Y/N): Why wouldn't I be?
Wanda: How did you get in here?
Monica: Listen to me. This whole thing is about Vision.
Wanda: Get out of my house.
Monica: Hayward was trying to bring him...
(Wanda picks Monica up using her powers & takes her outside as Y/N follows them.)
Wanda: Don't talk to me about that. I don't wanna hear it.
Monica: [screams]
Wanda: The drones, the missiles, what they did to my brother. Pietro?
(The neighbors are watching the whole thing.)
(Y/N): It's not a good look.
Monica: No, wait, Pietro, no, no, no, that wasn't us.
Wanda: All you do is lie!
Monica: [gasps]
Wanda: [gasps softly]
(Y/N): Superhero landing?
(Monica walks up to the Maximoff siblings.)
Monica: The only lies I've told are the ones you put in my mouth.
Wanda: Careful what you say to me.
(Wanda readies one of her hands.)
(Y/N pops his claws.)
(Y/N): If you take another step, you're not gonna like what happens next, bub.
(Monica stops.)
Monica: Do it, then. Take me out.
Wanda: [breathing heavily]
(Y/N): [growls]
Monica: See, see? That's where you and Hayward differ. He's gonna burn Westview to the ground just to get what he wants. Don't let him make you the villain.
Wanda: Maybe I already am.
Monica: If that were true, then why haven't you told (Y/N) to take me out then?
(Y/N): Hm?
(Y/N retracts his claws as it's revealed that Agnes is watching from a window. Monica walks up to the siblings.)
Monica: I'm not afraid of you, Wanda. I lost the person closest to me, too. The worst thing I can think of has already happened to me and I can't change it. I can't undo it. I can't control this pain anymore. And I don't think I want to, because it's my truth. You even have your brother here to console you.
(Wanda & Y/N take in what Monica just said.)
Monica: Wanda, you have to...
(Agnes arrives before Monica can finish her sentence.)
Agnes: Young lady, I think you've overstayed your welcome. Poor Wanda's been through enough. Hasn't she, (Y/N)?
(Y/N): Yeah...
Monica: This doesn't concern you. Wanda...
Agnes: Run along, dear.
(Agnes leads Wanda away from Monica.)
Agnes: (Y/N), you coming?
(Y/N): Yes...
(Y/N begins to follow Agnes & Wanda.)
Monica: Wanda, you have to take it down.
Wanda: No. Don't make me hurt you.
Agnes: All right.
Monica: (Y/N), you know I'm right.
(Y/N): [sighs] I'll convince her.
(Agnes, Wanda, & Y/N leave Monica but she ends up following them & Vision leaves Darcy in the funnel cake truck. Cut to Agnes, Wanda, & Y/N in Agnes' living room.)
Agnes: Oh, here. Would you like a cup of tea, hon, big guy?
Wanda: Sure. Thank you, Agnes.
(Y/N): I'm not much of a tea guy.
Wanda: (Y/N) will have some as well.
Agnes: Okay.
(Agnes places Wanda on her couch & Y/N sits next to his sister.)
Agnes: Sit down. Be right back with that. Aw. Ay, ay, ay.
(Y/N places a hand on his sister's back.)
(Y/N): Wanda-
Wanda: (Y/N)?
(Y/N): Yes?
(Wanda & Y/N notice sandwich scraps & Yo Gabba Gabba on the tv. Wanda looks over at Señor Scratchy as sinister music plays.)
Wanda: Where are the twins?
(Agnes is making tea.)
Agnes: Oh, they're probably just playing in the basement.
(Y/N): Not eerie at all...
Wanda: (Y/N), would it be too much to ask for you to sniff out your nephews?
(Y/N): Of course not.
(Y/N sniffs the air.)
(Y/N): Yeah, they're in the basement.
(Wanda & Y/N walk over to the basement as Wanda opens the door as it creaks.)
(Y/N): Still not eerie.
Wanda: Boys?
(Wanda & Y/N walk down the stairs into the basement.)
(Y/N): Are these branches? Vines? Roots?
Wanda: Tommy? Billy?
(The Maximoff siblings walk into a strange, bricked hallway that leads them to a room with magical artifacts & specifically this book.)
(A metallic thud is heard as Agnes appears holding Señor Scratchy.)
Agnes: Wanda, Wanda. You didn't think you were the only magical girl in town, did you? The name's Agatha Harkness. Lovely to finally meet you, dear. You too, (Y/N).
(Agatha uses her powers on Wanda which turns her eyes purple.)
(Y/N): Wanda? Wanda?!
(Y/N is about to pop his claws & charge at Agatha but before he can, Agatha, using her powers, pushes Y/N back, ties up against a wall, & turns his eyes purple as well to show the Maximoff siblings something.)
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
After The Credits
(Monica is shown looking around the outside of Agatha's home & opens the basement outside doors revealing purple glowing roots.)
Monica: [gasps]
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