WandaVision Starring (Y/N) Episode 5
A big thank you to moonkissedgirl for making such a beautiful aesthetic!
(Wanda walks into the living room with Tommy in her arms crying while Y/N sits on the couch.)
Wanda: Sweet, sweet Tommy, don't you wanna sleep? Mommy wants to sleep.
(Y/N gets up from the couch & walks towards his sister.)
(Y/N): Give him to me, Wanda. I'm sure I can get him to stop crying while you catch some z's.
Wanda: No!
(Y/N): Okay...but why?
Wanda: As his mother, I should be able to put him to sleep, don't you think?
(Y/N): I suppose that makes sense. My offer still stands though.
Wanda: [sighs] If you go to sleep, I promise you will be my favorite twin.
(Vision walks down the stairs with Billy in his arms.)
Vision: Oh, come on now, darling. You know we love them both equally.
Wanda: Well, don't tell him that.
(Y/N): You really want to sleep, huh?
Vision: [chuckles]
Wanda: No luck with Billy?
Vision: Tried reading to him, but for some reason, Charles Darwin's The Descent of Man made him cry even harder.
(Y/N): Why would you read that to that baby?
Vision: It's the only book I had.
(Vision notices Wanda swaying back & forth.)
Vision: Oh. Care to dance, darling?
Wanda: Oh! [chuckles]
(Wanda & Vision begin slowly swaying back & forth with their kids in their arms.)
Wanda: It's almost like we're on a date.
Vision: Mm!
Wanda: Except that (Y/N)'s here.
(Y/N): I could leave...?
(Billy & Tommy begin to cry.)
Vision: Keep it down, lads, I was about to get my leg over.
Wanda: [chuckles] Vis?
Vision: Hmm.
Wanda: Would you mind grabbing their binkies?
Vision: Oh. 'Course not. Binkies all around, I think.
(Wanda & Vision place Billy & Tommy in their cribs. Vision goes to get their binkies as they continue to cry.)
(Y/N): Don't worry, Wanda. I'll get them to stop crying.
Wanda: Really? How?
(Y/N): This!
(Y/N begins to make multiple silly faces at Billy & Tommy. But with each silly face Y/N makes, the boys continue to cry. Cry louder even.)
(Y/N): Okay, I've got nothin'.
Wanda: [sighs] Now, I know parents aren't supposed to take shortcuts, but I think this situation calls for one, don't you?
(Y/N): Yes!
(Billy & Tommy continue to cry.)
Wanda: So, go to sleep, my babies.
(Billy & Tommy continue to cry.)
(Y/N): I don't think that worked, Wanda.
Wanda: I can see that, (Y/N). And go to sleep.
Wanda & (Y/N): [sigh]
(Billy & Tommy giggle.)
Wanda: Well, I don't think it's very funny. Why won't you do what I want?
(Y/N): Well, for starters, they're babies, Wanda.
Vision: What's that, dear?
(Vision walks in with their binkies in his ears.)
Wanda: [chuckles]
Wanda: That is not where those go!
(Y/N): Very stylish though.
(Wanda takes the binkies away from Vision.)
Vision: Noise cancelation is not their primary function?
(Wanda cleans off the binkies & puts them in Billy & Tommy's mouths, stopping them from crying.)
Wanda: [sighs]
(Y/N): Finally, some peace.
Vision: Ooh.
Wanda: [whispers] Look, I think it's...
(Billy & Tommy spit out their binkies & go back to crying.)
Wanda, Vision, & (Y/N): [gasps]
Wanda: Vis? (Y/N)?
Vision: Mm?
(Y/N): Yes?
Wanda: What are we doing wrong?
Vision: Oh, don't worry, dear.
(Vision kisses Wanda's forehead.)
Vision: We'll figure it out.
(Y/N): Of course we will.
Vision: Perhaps we all need more time to get to know one another.
(Y/N): Makes sense to me.
Wanda: Maybe. Or maybe we just need some help.
Vision: Oh!
(Agnes opens & walks through their front door.)
Agnes: Hiya, kids!
Wanda: Oh, Agnes!
Vision: Agnes, I was just fluffing this pillow. With my face.
(Y/N): Nice save, Vision.
Agnes: Oh, I was just on my way to Jazzercise...
(Y/N): Jazzercise?
Agnes: ...when I heard your new little bundles of joy were on a sleep strike.
Vision: Oh? Who told you that?
Agnes: Uh, my ears.
(Y/N): You must have really good hearing then.
Agnes: [chuckles] I do. Anyway, Auntie Agnes is here and I've got a couple tricks up my sleeve.
Wanda: Oh, Agnes. You're a lifesaver.
Agnes: Aw.
Vision: Very well. But be careful of their belly buttons and remember to support their heads, please don't drop one of them like (Y/N) did.
(Y/N): I've already apologized for that and they're more slippery than they look.
Vision: And when was the last time you washed...
(Vision walks towards Agnes & Wanda.)
Vision: Actually, you know what? It would be...Just...Maybe we better not.
(Billy & Tommy continue to cry as Agnes starts to look confused at Vision, Y/N, & Wanda.)
Agnes: Um...Uh...Do you want me to take that again?
(Agnes' questions confuses the three of them.)
Wanda: Uh...I'm sorry?
Agnes: You want me to hold the babies. Should we just take it from the top?
Vision: [chuckles awkwardly] What?
(Y/N): Agnes?
Wanda: [chuckles dryly] Oh, don't be silly. Vision, let's...Let's give Agnes a try. [chuckles nervously]
Agnes: [laughing] Fussy babies, meet buns of steel. We dare you to stay awake.
(Agnes begins rocking the babies' cribs as Vision calls over Y/N & Wanda.)
Vision: [softly] What was that about?
Wanda: What was what?
(Y/N): Seriously, Wanda? You're telling us you didn't notice that?
Vision: "What was what?" That, that with Agnes just now.
Wanda: Well, I think she just got confused for a moment. She seems fine now.
Vision: But what she said, the way she looked at you...
Wanda: How did she look at me?
(Y/N): Scared.
Wanda: [laughs] (Y/N), please.
Vision: Oh.
(The three of them look at Agnes spraying something over the babies.)
Agnes: Lavender. It's supposed to have a calming effect. Ralph sprays it on me every night. But there's no taming this tiger. What? [chuckles]
Vision: It's so strange.
(Y/N): That's one way of putting it.
Wanda: [whispers] That's not fair. It's not Agnes' fault that she has an unusually high libido.
Vision: Wanda? Did you really not see what we saw?
(Agnes opens a cabinet which gets their attention.)
Agnes: Don't mind me. I'm just looking for your dark liquor. But something tells me that (Y/N) drank it all. [chuckles]
(Y/N): Not yet.
Vision: What?
Agnes: Not for me. For the twins. What kind of babysitter do you think I am? I'm just gonna go and check in there.
Wanda: Vision, (Y/N), the boys haven't slept in days. All three of us need a break and Agnes is just being neighborly, that's all.
(Suddenly, the crying stops.)
Vision: Do you hear that?
Wanda: Hear what?
(Y/N) & Vision: Absolutely nothing.
Wanda: [gasps] They finally fell asleep.
(They walk over the cribs to see that they're...)
Vision: Empty.
Wanda: Then where are the twins?
(Y/N sniffs the air.)
(Y/N): Don't worry, they're still in the house. So they haven't gotten-
Billy & Tommy: Mommy? Daddy? Uncle?
(Wanda, Vision, & Y/N turn around to see Billy & Tommy who are now both 5 years old.)
Wanda: [gasps]
Vision: Huh?
(Y/N): Uh...
Agnes: [sighs] Kids.
(Wanda, Vision, & Y/N look at Agnes.)
Agnes: [chuckles] Can't control 'em. No matter how hard you try. [chuckles softly]
(The three of them look at each other then Billy & Tommy.)
Vision: Well, hi!
Wanda: Hi!
(Y/N): Uh, hello!
(Billy & Tommy run into their parents arms.)
(Y/N's thoughts): Ah, uncle (Y/N) gets it. They are your parents.
Vision: How are you doing, baby?
Wanda: Aw.
Vision: Yeah.
Wanda: Yeah.
You wonder the world with a vision
Of what life could be
But then the years come and teach you
To just wait and see
Forces may try pull us apart
But nothing can phase me
If you're in my heart
Crossing our fingers, singing a song
We're making it up as we go along
Through the highs and the lows
We'll be right, we'll be wrong
We're making it up as we go along
And there will be days
We won't know which way to go
But we'll take it higher
You're all I desire
When the going gets tough
When push comes to shove
We're making it up
'Cause we got love
We got love
We got love
We got love
Baby, we got...
Starring (Y/N)
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Base Outside of Westview
(After Monica had been checked up on by the doctor.)
Hayward: Morning. We are now assessing a clearer picture of this crisis. And thanks to Captain Rambeau, we now have first-person intel from inside the Westview Anomaly. Our initial theory had Wanda Maximoff as one of many victims. We now know she is the principal victimizer. Jimmy.
Jimmy: Quick history on our subject. Born in Sokovia in 1989 to Irina and Olek Maximoff, both killed during an air raid when Maximoff and her twin brothers, Pietro and (Y/N), who is also in Westview, were ten.
(Zoom in on a screen showing Wanda & Y/N protesting.)
Hayward: The triplets were subsequently radicalized, volunteering as HYDRA.
Jimmy: It's an oversimplification of events, but, yes. After unspecified experimentation with the Mind Stone, Maximoff gained telekinetic and telepathic abilities.
Hayward: Back up, Jimmy. Does Maximoff have an alias?
Jimmy: No, sir.
Hayward: No funny nickname?
Jimmy: Not a one.
Hayward: How about her brother?
Jimmy: Oh, his alias is Wolverine.
Hayward: Pretty accurate one if I say so myself considering what he's done over the years.
Jimmy: I agree, sir.
Hayward: How'd he come up with it?
JImmy: Apparently, Wanda came up with it.
Hayward: Should have figured. And earliest tracking had her using her powers against the Avengers. Is that correct?
Jimmy: Right before she and her brother earned their trust and became one themselves.
(A screen showing Wanda's powers was done in Lagos and Germany.)
Hayward: Lagos and Germany, we all know how that turned out. Thanks, Jimmy.
(Jimmy walks away from Hayward.)
Hayward: Now that we have a lay of the land, let's talk about strategy. It is the policy...
(Transition to Jimmy & Darcy.)
Jimmy: [softly] I try not to speak ill of people...
Darcy: Then allow me. Hayward's a...
Hayward: ...terrorists.
Monica: Wanda's not a terrorist.
Hayward: By your own account, you described the experience of being under her mind control as "excruciating, terrifying, a violation."
(A clip of Monica as her character in Westview is shown.)
Monica: My point is, I don't believe she has a political agenda or any inclination toward destruction.
Hayward: Monica, she blasted you halfway across New Jersey.
Monica: And I survived because she chose to protect me.
Hayward: She's holding thousands of people hostage.
Monica: And it could have been thousands more if she hadn't put up her own quarantine. Listen, I don't believe this is a premeditated act of aggression.
Hayward: You don't? Bring up the visual. This morning, I received authorization to share this highly-sensitive material from S.W.O.R.D. headquarters. Until very recently, it was the top-secret location of the Vision's corpse.
(Footage is shown of Wanda & Y/N storming into a S.W.O.R.D. facility.)
Monica: When was this?
Hayward: Nine days ago. The Maximoffs stormed our facility, stole the Vision's body, and resurrected him.
(Hayward rubs his neck.)
Hayward: (Y/N) nearly cut my head off in the process. I wouldn't be surprised if he was helping his sister with this.
Monica: I don't think he is.
Hayward: Really?
Monica: Yes. When I was in there it seemed like he was just as confused as I was.
Jimmy: But that's a direct violation of Section 36 B of the Sokovian Accords.
Hayward: And the Vision's own living will.
Jimmy: He didn't want to be anybody's weapon.
Hayward: Maximoff, in her grief, disregarded his wishes. All right, that's it for now. Let's work the problem, people. Dismissed.
(Everyone begins to disperse.)
Jimmy: But how did she even do it? Bring him back without the Mind Stone. And (Y/N). He went against her in Saxony so he has to know that this is wrong, right?
Darcy: Who knows? But she has the world's only vibranium synthezoid, playing Father-Knows-Best-In-Suburbia and her brother playing the Trying-Too-Hard-Uncle. What happens when they learn the truth?
(Cut back to the WandaVision household where Vision & Y/N are walking together to the kitchen.)
Vision: So, (Y/N).
(Y/N): Vision.
Vision: Do they hurt when they come out.
(Y/N): What? My claws?
Vision: No, your tongue. Of course your claws.
(Y/N): Oh. [chuckles] My bad. Well, it hurts...every time.
Vision: Should I haven't asked you that?
(Y/N): No, it's just...I feel like I've been asked that question before.
(Vision & Y/N enter the kitchen.)
Vision: Morning, wife. Morning, boys.
(Y/N): Morning, sister. Morning, nephews.
(They notice Wanda holding a wet dog.)
Vision: Good morning, unfamiliar wet animal.
(Y/N): I knew I smelled a wet dog.
Wanda: [chuckles]
Vision: Who's this?
Wanda: We're not quite sure, actually.
(Wanda places the dog down.)
Wanda: Why so formal, honey?
Vision: Oh, it's just a precaution really. I had a hunch someone might pop over.
Agnes: Hi, kiddos.
(Agnes walks in with a doghouse.)
Vision: With exactly the item we require.
(Y/N): Uncanny...
Agnes: My kitchen window told me someone got a new pooch.
(Agnes places the doghouse on the table.)
Agnes: Did you name him yet?
Billy: How about Sniffy?
(Cut to the dog doing something with an outlet which causes sparks to come out of the outlet.)
Agnes: How about Sparky?
Wanda: [chuckles] Well, should we make it official?
(Wanda makes a dog collar appear using her powers.)
Vision: Wanda.
Wanda: Hmm?
Vision: [softly] Agnes was right there.
Wanda: She didn't notice. She didn't even notice when the boys went from babies to five-year-olds.
Vision: That's not what we agreed upon. You made no effort to conceal your abilities.
(Y/N): That was pretty risky, sis.
Wanda: Well, I'm tired of hiding, Vis.
(Wanda places each of her hands on Vision & Y/N's cheeks.)
Wanda: And maybe you two don't have to either.
Vision: Wanda, we are usually so much of the same mind. But right now...What aren't you telling me?
Billy: So, is Sparky our dog, Daddy?
Vision: What?
Wanda: Boys, your father and I don't think you're ready to properly take care of an animal until you're at least...
Vision: Ten. [coughs] Ten.
Wanda: Ten years old. Besides, taking care of your uncle here is basically like taking care of a wild animal.
(Y/N): Cheap shot, Wanda. Cheap shot.
(Billy & Tommy look at each other.)
Vision: Wait, now, hang on there for a minute...
(Y/N): Don't even think about it.
Wanda: Wait, no, no, no.
(Billy & Tommy age themselves up to 10.)
Vision: ...you young whippersnappers.
(Y/N): Malaperts.
Wanda: No, no, no! [gasps]
Agnes: Let's just hope this dog stays the same size. [chuckles] Woof, woof.
Computational Services Inc.
(Vision & Norm are a computer.)
Norm: Hey, look, we got electronic mail already.
Vision: It's called an e-mail, Norm. What are you looking for?
(Norm pulls out a...)
Norm: Letter opener.
Vision: Ah, we don't need that. We're already cutting edge.
(Vision clicks a button, revealing the e-mail.)
People: "S.W.O.R.D. Top secret communiqué. Authenticate. Doctor Darcy Lewis' findings regarding Maximoff's Anomaly. High levels of radiation present at perimeter. Effect on Westview residents unknown. Please advise."
(The employees begin to laugh.)
Norm: Well, come on, pal. What are we gonna write back? You're the office funny guy. It's a joke.
(Vision shuts the computer down using his powers.)
Norm: Can't you tell? None of it is real.
(Vision stands up, places two fingers on each of Norm's temples, & breaks the mind control.)
Norm: Please. Please help me. What day is it? How long has it been? Where's my phone? I have to call my sister.
Vision: Norm.
Norm: She's taking care of our dad, he's sick. Where is my phone?!
Vision: Calm yourself, Norm. I can't understand what you're trying to tell me.
Norm: You and (Y/N) have to stop her.
Vision: Stop who?
Norm: She's in my head. None of it is my own. It hurts. It hurts so much. Just make her stop. [yells] Just make her stop...
(Vision puts Norm back under the mind control.)
Norm: [cheerily] Now tell me this. If I sent an e-mail, where would I put the stamp?
(Vision slowly walks away from Norm.)
Norm: Technology. Ah.
(Cut back to the WandaVision household.)
Wanda: Look, he just...He needed a distraction.
Tommy: From what?
Billy: From us?
Wanda: No! No way! No!
(Wanda stands up & leads her kids to the couch.)
Wanda: Sometimes your dad and I aren't on the same page, but that's just temporarily. Like the two of you, you might fight over toys, but he's always going to be your brother. And he's always going to be yours. It's the same for (Y/N) and I. We've been through a lot together. But, no matter what, he's always going to be my brother and I'm always going to be his sister. Because family is forever.
Tommy: Is (Y/N) your only brother?
Wanda: No. He's far away from here. And that makes me sad sometimes.
(Sparky barks & runs to the door.)
Billy: Hey, Sparky, what's up, boy?
Billy: Something's scaring him.
Wanda: Stay here.
(Wanda stands up from the couch, walks to the door, & lets Sparky out. She walks outside herself resulting in her boys following her. Cut to Y/N in his room moments before Wanda, Billy, & Tommy step outside.)
(Y/N): Sure was an...interesting morning. I don't think I've ever seen Vision and Wanda not in sync before. Good thing Agnes showed up when she did or I don't know what would've happened. But still, Wanda used her powers with Agnes in the room. Now, I know, she didn't notice but what if she did?! [sighs] I'm overthinking this whole thing. Perhaps Wanda's right. Maybe I don't have to hide anymore.
(Y/N looks at his reflection in his claws. As he is, he notices something dark gray in the background of the reflection.)
(Y/N): What the-
(Y/N stands up & walks towards his window to see Wanda, Billy, & Tommy standing outside, in front of a drone.)
(Y/N): Okay...
(A missile fires from the drone heading straight for Wanda but it can make impact with her, Y/N jumps from the window in his room & in front of the missile.)
Billy & Tommy: Uncle (Y/N)!
Wanda: Just...give him a second.
(The smoke clears revealing Y/N, who's still healing from the explosion.)
(Y/N): [winces]
Billy & Tommy: Cool!
(Y/N): Heh, yeah.
Wanda: Watch Billy & Tommy for me.
(Y/N): Of course but...
(Wanda walks past Y/N & grabs the drone.)
(Y/N): Where are you going?
(Cut to Wanda stepping out outside of the hex & walking up to the S.W.O.R.D. agents in front of her while dragging the drone.)
Wanda: Is this yours?
(Wanda tosses the drone in front of Hayward as the agents behind him all aim at Wanda.)
Hayward: The missile was just a precaution. I'm sure your brother's just fine. You can hardly blame us, Wanda.
Wanda: Oh, I think I can. This will be your only warning. Stay out of my home. You don't bother me. I won't bother you.
Hayward: I wish it could be that simple. You've taken an entire town hostage.
Wanda: Well, I'm not the one with the guns, Director.
Monica: But you are the one in control.
(Monica slowly walks towards Wanda.)
Wanda: You're still here.
(Wanda readies one of her hands.)
Monica: Wanda, I didn't know the drones were armed. But you know that, don't you? A town full of civilians. And you, a telepath, brought a S.W.O.R.D. Agent into your home. You trusted me to deliver your babies. On some level, Wanda, you know I am an ally. I wanna help you.
Wanda: How? What could you possibly have to offer me?
Monica: What do you want?
Wanda: I have what I want and no one will ever take it from me again.
(Wanda, using her powers, takes control of the other agents & has them aim their guns at Hayward. Her control over them breaks as she walks back into the hex.)
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
(Cut to Wanda, Billy, & Tommy running into Agnes as they were looking for Sparky. Unfortunately, Agnes is holding Sparky's wrapped body.)
Agnes: I didn't wanna come until I'd wrapped him up.
Wanda: What happened to him?
Agnes: Found him in my azalea bushes. Don't know how many leaves he ate. I didn't find him until I was too late. Oh...Tommy, Billy, I'm so sorry.
(Billy & Tommy start sniffling.)
Wanda: Wait. Don't. Don't.
Tommy: Don't what?
Wanda: Don't age yourselves up. The urge to run from this feeling is powerful. I know.
Billy: It's too sad.
Tommy: You can fix anything, Mom. Fix the dead.
Wanda: What? No.
Agnes: You can do that?
Wanda: I am trying to tell you that there are rules in life, okay? We can't rush aging just because it's convenient. [chuckles] And we can't reverse death. No matter how sad it makes us.
Tommy: But Uncle (Y/N) can.
Wanda: That may be true but only his own. Okay? Some things are forever.
Agnes: [sighs]
Billy: You said family is forever.
Tommy: He is family. Bring him back, Mom.
Vision: Bring who back?
(Vision shows up & realizes the situation.)
Vision: Oh, boys. Come here.
(Cut the WandaVision household where Wanda & Y/N are in the kitchen & putting up toys as Vision walks inside.)
(Y/N): I should've kept a better eye on Sparky.
Wanda: It's not your fault, (Y/N). So, please don't blame yourself.
Vision: How are the boys?
Wanda: A little heartbroken, but they'll be all right.
Vision: Well, it's not often you get a dog and bury them the same day.
(Y/N): No. No it is not.
Wanda: Well, life moves pretty fast out here in the suburbs.
Vision: I spoke with Norm.
Wanda: Oh?
Vision: I unearthed the man's suppressed personality and I spoke to him free of your oversight. He was in pain, Wanda.
Wanda: Vision...[chuckles lightly] Listen, can we just...
Vision: What? Watch TV? Turn in for the night so that you can change everything over again? No, Wanda. You can't control me the way you do them. Or your brother. But it seems like a part of him is fighting it.
Wanda: I'm not controlling my-
(Y/N): Wanda.
(Wanda turns to her brother.)
(Y/N): He's right.
Wanda: Well, I'll have to fix that, won't I?
(Music plays, there's applause, & credits start to roll as Wanda walks away from Vision & Y/N.)
Wanda: I'm going to bed.
Vision: No, we're not done here.
(Y/N): You're not walking away from this, Wanda.
(Wanda turns back to Vision & Y/N.)
Vision: What is the "Maximoff Anomaly"?
Wanda: The what?
(Vision walks up to Wanda.)
Vision: I have to believe that this, whatever this is, was subconscious at first and that you only recently became aware of it.
Wanda: Aware of what?
(Wanda walks into the living room.)
(Y/N): [growls annoyingly]
Vision: Norm has a family, Wanda!
(Electricity crackles as Y/N & Vision, who's now in his normal form, walks after Wanda.)
Vision: He has a family, and he can't reach them because you won't let him reach them!
Wanda: I don't know what you're talking about!
Vision: Stop lying to me!
(Vision levitates himself in the air as electricity buzzes & Wanda, using her powers, lifts herself up in the air to face Vision.)
Wanda: This, all of this is for us. So let me handle it.
(Y/N): Your "handling" got us here!
Wanda: Shut up, (Y/N).
(Y/N): Do not tell me to shut up.
(Imagine Y/N is between them with his claws out.)
Vision: What is outside of Westview?
Wanda: You don't wanna know, I promise you.
Vision: You don't get to make that choice for me, Wanda!
Wanda: You've never talked to me like this before.
(Wanda lowers herself down to the ground.)
Vision: Before what? [voice rises] Before what? I can't remember my life before Westview. I don't know who I am!
(Y/N retracts his claws.)
(Y/N): Neither can I. I mean, I get flashes, fragments of what seem to be memories. I was...I am married aren't I, Wanda?
Wanda: (Y/N)...
Vision: I'm scared.
(Wanda walks up to Vision.)
Wanda: You are my husband.
(Vision lowers himself to the ground & takes Wanda's hands in his.)
Wanda: You are Billy and Tommy's father.
(Wanda looks at her brother.)
Wanda: (Y/N). You are my brother and the uncle of my children.
(Wanda looks at both Vision & Y/N.)
Wanda: Isn't that enough?
(Vision looks out a window.)
Vision: Wanda, why are there no other children in Westview?
(Y/N): That's a good point...
Wanda: Oh, God! There are! Just stop it!
(Wanda makes her way to the couch & sits.)
Vision: The playground stands empty every morning I walk to work.
(Y/N): And [sniffs the air] the only kids I smell are Billy and Tommy.
Vision: Tell us why?
(Y/N): Tell us!
Wanda: Do you two really think I am controlling everything? That I am somehow in charge of everybody in Westview? I'm walking their dogs, mowing their lawns, getting them to dentist appointments on time? I mean, I...[chuckles dryly] I don't know how any of this started in the first place.
(Vision joins her on the couch.)
Vision: Wanda, what you're doing here, it's wrong.
Wanda: I...[whimpers]
Vision: It is wrong.
(Y/N): You know it is.
Wanda: I didn't do that. I...
(Vision & Y/N give her suspectful looks.)
Wanda: Neither of you believe me.
Vision: Wanda, we want to, but at this point, we're ignoring statistics entirely.
(Y/N): *grabs the bridge of his nose*
(The doorbell rings again as Wanda goes to answer the door.)
Vision: Wanda, who is this?
(Wanda gasps softly & Y/N is left speechless as it's revealed to be...)
(Pietro walks up to Wanda.)
Pietro: Long lost bro get to squeeze his stinkin' sister to death or what?
(Cut to Darcy in the base.)
Darcy: She recast Pietro?
Wanda: [whispers] Pietro? Oh.
(Wanda & Pietro hug.)
Wanda: [gasps softly]
(Pietro notices Y/N staring at him.)
Pietro: (Y/N), mi hermano, bring it in.
(Y/N slowly walks up to Pietro & Wanda, the triplets embrace in a group hug. After a couple of seconds, Pietro lets go of Wanda & Y/N to notice Vision.)
Pietro: Who's the popsicle?
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