The Falcon, The Winter Soldier, And The Wolverine Episode 5
(John runs into an abandoned building after killing one of the Flag Smashers. He plays back what just happened in his head along with some of the words Lemar said to him. John drops to his knees as Sam, Y/N, & Bucky appear in the same abandoned building.)
John: [grunts] Time to get to work.
(John gets up & begins to walk, meeting with the trio.)
Sam: Walker...
John: You guys should go see a medic, you don't look so good.
Sam: Stop, Walker.
John: What? You saw what happened. You know what I had to do. I killed him because I had to! He killed Lemar!
Bucky: He didn't kill Lemar, John.
(Y/N): Karli did.
John: [sighs]
Bucky: Don't go down that road. Believe me, it doesn't end well.
John: I'm not like you. How is what I did any different from what (Y/N) has done in the past?
(Y/N): I've only killed when it was necessary and what you did back there-
(Sam puts a hand up to stop Y/N from finishing his sentence.)
Sam: Listen, it was the heat of the battle. Okay? If you explain what happened, they may consider your record. We don't want anyone else to get hurt. John...You gotta give me the shield, man.
(John looks up at the trio.)
John: Oh, so that's what this is. You almost got me.
Sam: You made a mistake.
John: You don't want to do this.
Bucky: Yeah, we do.
(Y/N pops his claws as Bucky & Sam close on John. John throws his shield at Y/N which hits him on the side of the face & breaks his jaw.)
Wolverine: [muddled yelling]
(Y/N tries to pop his jaw back into place as Sam & Bucky fight John. John kicks Sam away from him.)
Falcon: [grunts]
(Bucky's able to get John's gun off him which gives Sam enough time to rejoin the fight. Y/N on the other hand is still trying to pop his jaw back into place.)
Wolverine: [muddled] Come on. Come on!
(John knocks Sam back down with the shield then Bucky pushes John against a metal pillar. John's able to break from Bucky & duck one of his swings which breaks the metal pillar in half. John kicks Sam back down again & throws the shield at Bucky which sends him into a factory vehicle. Luckily for Sam & Bucky, Y/N...)
(Pops his jaw back into place.)
Wolverine: [snarls]
(Y/N charges right at John with all six of his claws drawn. John & Y/N duck each other's swings though John's able to uppercut Y/N.)
Wolverine: [grunts]
(John attempts to kick Y/N but he side steps it & slashes John across his chest.)
John: [winces]
(Y/N slashes John's chest again & is about to stab him in the stomach but John catches his wrists, one up in the air & the other near his stomach. The two begin pushing against each other, Y/N trying to push his claws into John's stomach & John doing everything in his power to stop that from happening.The tips of Y/N's claws touch John's stomach.)
John: [winces]
(John sweeps Y/N's legs from under him, catches him, & impales him on a forklift.)
Wolverine: [screams]
(After that, John runs to Bucky & the two struggle for the shield.)
John: Why are you making me do this? [yelling] Why are you making me do this?
(Sam faces off with John.)
Falcon: This isn't you, John.
John: [panting] We could've been a team.
(Sam flies in the air, attaches something to the shield, & tries to fly off with it but John pulls Sam to the ground. The two go for the shield but John tackles Sam. Sam tries to fly away but John holds him down. John takes off his mask &...)
Falcon: [grunts]
(Cut to Y/N slowly prying himself off the forklift.)
Wolverine: [groans, coughs blood]
(Y/N watches as John...)
(John picks up the shield & is about to hit Sam with it until Bucky gets up & tackles him. The two start fighting again. As they're fighting, Y/N rips himself free from the forklift.)
Wolverine: [strained growling]
(Y/N runs towards them & assists Bucky. The two double team John. With each of Y/N's slashes...)
John: [yelps]
(Bucky follows it up with a punch & vice versa.)
John: [grunts]
(Y/N, eventually, gets behind John & stabs him in the back of his shoulders.)
John: [screams]
(Sam comes in, grabs the arm that's in the shield's braces, & pushes back on it. Bucky does the same.)
Bucky: [yells]
(Y/N), John, & Bucky: [straining]
(John's arm breaks as Sam takes the shield.)
John: [screaming] No!
(Bucky starts to walk to Sam as John follows him, unaware that Y/N's claws are still in him.)
John: It's mine.
Falcon: It's over, John.
John: It's mine!
Wolverine: Game over, bub!
(Y/N lifts John up, Bucky rips John off his claws, charges towards Sam, holding John, who's coming towards him with the shield, & smashes John with it. Effectively knocking him out.)
Wolverine: [deep breathe]
(Y/N helps Bucky up as he picks up the shield. The two walk over to Sam & Bucky drops the shield next to Sam. They leave Sam alone with the shield as he begins to wipe the blood off the shield. Cut to the trio in the building where the funeral for Donya was.)
Sam: The GRC is conducting raids to try and find Karli, but so far they've only found her followers. They've searched this camp, and just like the last camp, nothing. She's gone. We'll never find her.
(Torres walks in.)
Torres: Hey, you got your sleeve back.
(Bucky walks away.)
Sam: Are you off to take care of Zemo?
(Bucky looks back at Sam & walks away.)
(Y/N): Oh!
(Y/N follows him.)
Sam: Great, now you're following him.
Torres: All right, good to know that you both survived.
(Sam & Torres continue to talk until Sam leaves with the shield & telling Torres to keep the wings. Cut to John in court where his benefits are taken away & he meets a woman that goes by Valentina Allegra de Fontaine. Actually, it's Contessa Allegra de Fontaine. She knows it's hard so just call her Val. But only call her Val in your head. Cut to Karli & the Flag Smashers in a now abandoned resettlement camp.)
(Zemo is looking at the Sokovia Memorial as Bucky & Y/N stand next to him.)
Zemo: I thought you'd be here sooner. Especially you, (Y/N).
(Y/N looks at the memorial.)
(Y/N): [sighs] I'm here now.
Zemo: Don't worry. I've decided I'm not going to kill either of you.
Bucky: Imagine my relief.
(Y/N): Big weight off my shoulders.
(Bucky's gun clicks as Zemo walks up to the duo.)
Zemo: The girl has been radicalized beyond salvation. I warned Sam, but he didn't listen to me. He's as stubborn as Steve Rogers before him. But you...They literally programmed you to kill. James, do what needs to be done. Karli has people everywhere, and there's only one way to make sure she cannot continue her mission.
Bucky: I appreciate the advice. But we're gonna do it our own way.
Zemo: [chuckles softly] Yeah. I was afraid you would say that. (Y/N)?
(Y/N): I'm with them.
Zemo: Was worth a shot.
(Y/N): [chuckles] You didn't see that coming?
(Some Dora Milaje appear behind Zemo.)
Zemo: Ladies...I took the liberty of crossing my name in your book. I hold no grudges for what you thought you had to do. Goodbye, James, (Y/N).
(The Dora Milaje take Zemo to a Quin jet that's on its way to The Raft. Ayo tells Bucky to make himself scarce in Wakanda for the time being.)
Bucky: Fair enough.
(Ayo walks away.)
Bucky: Hey!
(Ayo stops & turns to Bucky.)
Bucky: I may have another favor to ask. (Y/N)?
(Y/N stares at the Sokovia memorial.)
(Y/N): I'm...gonna stay here awhile.
Bucky: Are you sure?
(Y/N): Yeah. I'll find my own way back.
Bucky: All right.
(Bucky starts to walk away but stops & turns to Y/N.)
Bucky: (Y/N), I...
(Y/N): You're sorry about stabbing me with my own claws way back in Berlin?
Bucky: Yeah, how'd you know?
(Y/N): When Zemo said that my name is that book of yours. There's only one reason why my name would be that book.
Bucky: Yeah.
(Y/N): It's okay. I forgave you a long time ago.
Bucky: [sighs] Thanks. If you could-
(Y/N): Tell Nat that you're sorry about shooting through her to kill that nuclear engineer back in Odessa, Ukraine? She already forgave you.
Bucky: Good to know.
(Y/N): Now, get going now.
Bucky: Okay, okay. One more thing.
(Y/N): Yes?
Bucky: You and I do make a good team.
(Bucky finally walks away as Y/N smiles.)
(Y/N): [sighs]
(Y/N walks up the memorial & runs his hand across it.)
(Y/N): [clears throat] I'm sorry I couldn't do more. Especially...
(Y/N pulls out a picture of Pietro.)
(Y/N): For you dear brother. But I know you're in a better place.
(Y/N places the picture of Pietro on the memorial.)
(Y/N): *runs his fingers through his hair* I should definitely try to visit more often.
The Next Morning
(Y/N wakes up in a motel bed.)
(Y/N): [yawns]
(Y/N slides his legs out of bed & is about to stand up, but before he can, he gets a phone call.)
(Y/N): [groans] It's too early...
(He looks at who's calling him.)
(Y/N): Ugh, I don't want to deal with her. Especially without coffee.
(He grabs the bridge of his nose & stands up.)
(Y/N): Fuck it. [sighs]
(He answers the phone.)
(Y/N): What?
Yelena: "What?" Is that any kind of way to greet your sister-in-law? Don't I get a "good morning"?
(Y/N): Good morning.
Yelena: Good boy.
(Y/N): Still not a dog.
Yelena: Sure you're not.
(Y/N): Ugh, what do you want?
Yelena: What I have to say is more of a face to face thing.
(Y/N): That's too bad because I'm in Sokovia.
Yelena: I know.
(She hangs up.)
(Y/N): She knows?
(There's a knock at Y/N's door. He walks to the door & opens it slightly to see...)
(Y/N): Yelena?
Yelena: Hey. Are you going to let me in or what?
(Y/N): Uh...
(Yelena walks in anyway.)
(Y/N): [groans]
(Yelena looks around his motel room.)
Yelena: This is the best you can afford?
(Y/N): It gets the job done.
Yelena: I guess.
(Y/N): How'd you even know I was here?
Yelena: Well...
(Yelena looks at Y/N.)
(Y/N): What?
Yelena: Put a shirt on.
(Y/N): Ugh.
(Y/N puts a shirt on.)
(Y/N): Now, how'd you know I was here?
Yelena: I just happened to be Sokovia and I heard the Wolverine was in his hometown so I asked around and it led me here.
(Y/N): Okay. And why are you in Sokovia?
Yelena: There are Widows here. And I was wondering if you'd like to tag along.
(Y/N): Really?
Yelena: Yes. Why is that so hard to believe?
(Y/N): Wait, Nat told you to check up on me, didn't she?
Yelena: No.
(Y/N): *raises an eyebrow*
Yelena: Yes.
(Y/N): Knew it. And how is she doing on this "science project"?
Yelena: Well.
(Y/N): Is that all you're going to give me?
Yelena: Yeah, that covers it.
(Y/N): [groans] Do I have to suit up or...?
Yelena: No, just change out of your bed attire.
(Y/N): On it.
(Y/N changes out of his bed attire as we cut to them walking out of the motel.)
(Y/N): At least you didn't bring Alexei.
Yelena: About that-
(Before she finishes her sentence, Y/N is engulfed into a big hug.)
Alexei: (Y/N), my boy!
(Alexei squeezes Y/N.)
(Y/N): I'm...happy to see you too, Alexei.'re breaking my back...
(Yelena smacks Alexei on the back of his head, making him let go of Y/N.)
Alexei: Ow.
Yelena: Sorry, I forgot to mention that I brought them with me.
(Y/N): [groans] No kidding. Wait, them?
(A woman walks up to Y/N.)
Melina: It is good to see you again, (Y/N).
(Y/N): Ah. It's good to see you too, Melina.
(The four begin walking towards a car.)
(Y/N): This is a nice reunion. Even only Nat was here to complete it, huh?
Alexei: She's well by the way.
(Y/N): I know. Yelena told me.
Alexei: Good! Now, (Y/N).
(Alexei puts an arm over Y/N's shoulders.)
(Y/N): Alexei?
Alexei: Would you be up for a spar? I've been wondering who would win between the Wolverine and the Red Guardian.
(Y/N): [chuckles] Maybe next time.
Yelena: I told you he'd say no.
Alexei: Not even if I go easy on you?
(Y/N): Yeah, even if you go easy on me. Besides, I don't think the girls would like to see you in pieces.
Yelena: [chuckles]
Melina: Hard to disagree with him. He would cut you into pieces.
Alexei: I guess we'll have to find out one day.
(Cut to the four of them in a car with Alexei driving.)
(Y/N): So, how many Widows are in Sokovia?
Melina: Two.
Yelena: But they're in separate locations. So you and I are going to take the one up north while Alexei and Melina take the one in the east.
(Y/N): Good plan.
(Cut to Y/N & Yelena walking up to a house where supposedly the Widow is.)
(Y/N): Anything you wanna tell me about this one?
Yelena: Well, she and I fought before. She got away. I tracked her here.
(Y/N): So, she's expecting you?
Yelena: Yes. But not the Wolverine.
(Y/N): [chuckles] All right. You got that red stuff right?
Yelena: Red stuff?
(Y/N): You know what I mean.
Yelena: Yes, I have the "red stuff', (Y/N).
(They walk up to the door & walk inside to see a bunch of clothes on the floor.)
(Y/N): She's...messy.
Yelena: Seems so.
(Y/N takes a step forward.)
(Y/N's right leg is in severe pain. He looks down to see his right leg in a bear trap.)
(Y/N): Argh!
Yelena: Hold on. I'll-
(Before Yelena can say another word, the Widow flies in & kicks her in the face.)
Yelena: [grunts]
(Y/N): Yelena!
(The Widow glares at Y/N & then turns her attention back to Yelena. She barely has time to regain her bearings before the Widow kicks her in the gut.)
Yelena: [coughs]
(Y/N tries to pry the bear trap off his leg but his fingers can't get a grip on it.)
(Y/N): [winces] Damn it!
(The Widow picks Yelena up & tosses out of one of the windows.)
(Cut to Yelena on the ground surrounded by broken glass.)
Yelena: [groans] (Y/N)! Some help!
(Y/N): [winces] Oh, I'm sorry. Are you the one with a fucking bear trap on their leg?!
(The Widow walks outside to meet a now standing Yelena.)
Yelena: *spits blood out of her mouth* Okay, just sit tight then.
(Yelena & the Widow charge at each other as we cut to Y/N still trying to pry open the bear trap.)
(Y/N): [groans] Stupid little bitch...a fucking bear trap...
Yelena: [screams]
(Y/N): [winces] She needs me! No...time to cut the chain...
(Y/N rips his leg free from the bear trap.)
(Y/N): [shouts]
(He falls backwards onto his butt.)
(Y/N): [gulps] That sucked...
(Y/N looks at the lower half of his right leg to see that it's barely flesh, tendons, & some bone.)
(Y/N): Just...gotta wait for it to heal...
(Cut to Yelena on the ground with the Widow on top of her with a kitchen knife, trying to stab her.)
Widow: [strained breathing]
Yelena: [strained] ridiculous...
(Suddenly, the Widow is back by her hair & off of her by Y/N.)
Yelena: About time!
(Y/N): Yeah, yeah.
(Yelena looks at Y/N's right leg to see it's just his leg with no pant sleeve.)
Yelena: What happened to your leg?
(Y/N): Guess.
(Yelena thinks about what could've happened to Y/N's leg & it hits her.)
Yelena: Oh. *shivers* That's disgusting.
(Y/N tosses the Widow in front of him.)
Widow: *glares at Y/N*
(Y/N): Oh, you don't like me. Come get some!
(The Widow charges at Y/N & punches Y/N across the jaw but...)
(Thanks to his adamantium bones, she breaks some of her knuckles.)
Widow: [screams]
(Y/N): Yeah, that tends to happen. Right, Yelena?
Yelena: I don't know what you're talking about.
(Y/N): Sure ya don't.
(Y/N kicks the Widow in the gut & sends her into the house's porch. Y/N runs up to her &...)
(Stabs two of his claws between the Widow's neck.)
(Y/N): I'm sure you can assume where the third claw will come out of-
(The Widow shoves both of her thumbs into Y/N's eyes before he can finish his sentence.)
(Y/N): [painfully shouts]
(Before the Widow can do anything else, Yelena appears next to her & opens a tube full of the red gas into her face that reverts her back to normal.)
Widow: [groans] Oh my...I'm-
Yelena: [deep breath] Sorry? I know, it's-
(Y/N): [angrily growls]
Yelena: Uh...
(Y/N): *with bloodshot eyes* I'm going to gut the bitch.
(Yelena places a hand on Y/N's head.)
Yelena: Hey, relax. It's over.
(Y/N): [groans] Fine.
Yelena: Good boy.
(Y/N): Still not a dog.
(Cut to the three of them in a car with Yelena driving.)
(Y/N): My eyes...
Widow: Sorry...
Yelena: Oh, he'll be fine. He can heal.
(Y/N): It still hurts though.
Yelena: Do you think you and your eyes will be okay long enough for the drive to the jet?
(Y/N): Yes...
Yelena: [chuckles] That's what I thought.
(As Y/N's with his extended family; Sam talks to Isaiah, Bucky gives Sam a briefcase of something, Bucky even helps Sam fix up his & his sister's boat. We see John talk to Lemar's family. Sharon is shown on the phone with Baltroc. Sam practices with the shield & gives Bucky some advice on how to get over being the Winter Soldier. Eventually, practice makes perfect as Sam gets a handle on the shield. Karli meets with Baltroc as their plan to stop the GRC vote on the Patch Act begins to come together.)
New York City
(The GRC discuss the Patch Act as the lights go out & the Flag Smashers enact their plan. Cut to Sam opening the briefcase Sam gave him & looks at what's inside.)
Sam: [sighs]
After The Credits
(John is shown making his own shield.)
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