MCU Interview #3
(The camera is on Tom Holland's face.)
Reporter: Before we get started I just want to say that you had a personal bodyguard. That must be one of the benefits of being Spider-Man.
Tom: He's not actually my bodyguard. [chuckles]
Reporter: Then who is he?
Tom: This is my friend and costar, (Y/N) (L/N).
(The camera moves onto Y/N's face.)
(Y/N): Afternoon.
Tom: I think you can stop for now, (Y/N).
(Y/N): No can do. Just focus on the interview and I'll focus on doing my job.
Tom: It's just an interview. I'm sure she wouldn't mind if you were included in the interview?
Reporter: I don't mind at all.
Tom: There we have it. Pull up a chair, mate.
(Y/N): Okay, okay.
(He gets a chair, places it next to Tom, takes off his sunglasses, & sits down.)
Reporter: This is a welcomed surprise. So, (Y/N), please explain how you came to be Tom's bodyguard.
Tom: He's not.
(Y/N): I am. Well, as you know Wolverine will be Peter's bodyguard in the movie. All I'm doing is getting better acquainted with the role.
Reporter: You're method acting?
(Y/N): Precisely. I even got my PPO license and everything.
Tom: He's not kidding. It's laminated.
(Y/N): [chuckles]
Reporter: And how has it been having him around?
Tom: Took some getting used to. I never had a bodyguard before. But since working alongside (Y/N) in Civil War and now Homecoming, we've gotten to know each other. He's pretty much an overprotective older brother. I'm the oldest out of my siblings so I know.
(Y/N): It's my job to be.
Reporter: Has (Y/N) done anything a regular bodyguard would do?
Tom: He hasn't had to take a bullet for me or anything like that. But as we were walking in, we were swarmed by fans and (Y/N) had them make a line for autographs and pictures.
(Y/N): And we got to everyone in said line.
Tom: [chuckles] We did.
Reporter: What came through your mind when you got the call that you got the part in the jumping and down section?
Tom: First, I didn't get a call. I found out on Instagram, they just posted it one day.
(Y/N): I got a call.
Reporter: They never told you?
Tom: They never told me. Well, no it was a was amazing. I've been working so hard to get this movie. I've been training and auditioning for close to six months. And the day it came true was just the most rewarding day ever.
Reporter: It requires a lot of dexterity to become Spider-Man but your stage training and Billy Elliot training must've helped a lot with the bending everywhere.
(Y/N): You have no idea.
Tom: I've never been very flexible but it definitely did help with the stunt side of things.
Reporter: So you start more as Peter Parker in this one than you do as Spider-Man. Same goes for you, (Y/N). From the trailers, we see more (Y/N) Maximoff than Wolverine. Tell us a little bit more about the details.
Tom: Uh, you know I'd probably say it's about half and half between Peter Parker and Spider-Man in this movie. I love sequences where you see Peter Parker being Spider-Man without the suit on. I think it is really cool. And you get to see me do it so it's an exciting thing and I think people are really going to love both characters.
(Y/N): You'll definitely see a softer side of (Y/N) in this movie. I think people are really going to enjoy seeing that the Wolverine is more than just claws and yelling.
Reporter: The humor in it as well seems to be quite heightened in this one.
Tom: I hope so. I really hope fans find it funny. I think it's funny. I watched it the other day with my family and friends and they all laughed. They were laughing all the way through the movie.
(Y/N): Same here. It's actually now my girlfriend's favorite MCU movie.
Tom: Jacob Batalon is hilarious in the movie.
(Y/N): Arguably the funniest part of the movie.
Reporter: And Robert Downey Jr?
Tom: He's the man. He's like the nicest guy. He's so hard-working. He's just brilliant, he came to set and brought Tony Stark to life and it was amazing.
(Y/N): I have more screen time with him so it was a pleasure being able to see and act beside him. A real master of the game.
Reporter: The fans had some questions they sent to me. Feel free to answer them as well, (Y/N). First one from Isabella; if Peter were to move into the Avengers headquarters, how would he coexist with the other Avengers?
Tom: I think Peter is very messy so he'd either have to have a cleaner...
(Y/N): I. E. Me. Wolverine.
Tom: [chuckles] Yes, (Y/N) or he's just gonna live in a tip and I don't think the Avengers would appreciate that.
Reporter: Thor wouldn't be happy.
Tom: I don't know if Thor lives with the Avengers. I think he lives in space.
(Y/N): Asgard is in space so it qualifies.
Reporter: Big fan of yours, Anne. Just wanted to ask if you were actually Spider-Man, would you really keep it a secret?
Tom: That's a tricky one. It depends. It really does depend. I don't know. I don't know what I would do. Ask me when I have superpowers.
Reporter: Next one, Paula would like to know, you've said before that you want to become a film director in the future. If you could direct a movie today, what would it be about and who would be your inspiration?
Tom: Well, um, if I were to direct a movie today...I would probably...I really want to direct a World War II movie about English soldiers but we'll have to wait and see. I'm not sure what it could be about. I'd like to make a true story.
Reporter: And finally, every young child has a Spider-Man memory I think, what was yours?
Tom: Just happiness. Everything I just loved it. Everything about Spider-Man was just amazing to me.
Reporter: You had a backpack? Or a...?
Tom: I had duvet covers, I had costumes, I have figures, I had a lunchbox. I had everything. Everything Spider-Man.
(Y/N): Adorable.
Tom: It is adorable, isn't it?
(We see Y/N driving with Tom in the backseat.)
Tom: You don't have to drive me around. I do know how to drive.
(Y/N): It's all part of the job, Mr. Holland.
Tom: Right, ri--Did you just call me "Mr. Holland?"
(Y/N): [chuckles] Just wanted to see if I could get that past you.
Tom: Don't call me. Makes me feel old.
(Y/N): I've been meaning to ask you something if you don't mind?
Tom: Shoot.
(Y/N): It's about your GQ shoot-
Tom: You're going to ask why I chose penis sized nipples over a little sized penis, aren't you?
(Y/N): What? [laughs] No!
Tom: Sorry. Had a lot of questions about that since I did it. What's your question?
(Y/N): So, when you chose Scarlet Witch to be Spider-Man's love interest and you said that Elizabeth is hot, are you interested in her? Because I could, you know, put in the good word for ya.
Tom: [chuckles] I appreciate the offer but no. I'm not interested in her.
(Y/N): [sighs] Thank goodness. I was just being a good friend when I said all that. But it's good that you're not interested in Elizabeth. You dating my sister would've been weird.
Tom: She's not your sister though.
(Y/N): Not by blood.
Tom: Ah, I understand.
(Y/N): Good. Plus, I'd have to kill you.
Tom: (Y/N), the actor or Wolverine would kill me?
(Y/N): Hmm, both.
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