Hawkeye & Wolverine Episode 1
The Maximoff Household
(Y/N & Natasha are sitting together on their porch watching the snowfall.)
(Y/N): You cold?
Natasha: I'm never cold when I'm next to you.
(Her response prompts Y/N to place an arm over her.)
(Y/N): How do I keep forgetting that?
Natasha: [chuckles] Beats me.
(Y/N): [sighs] I love winter.
Natasha: Don't go on any further. I'm going to say why exactly you love winter.
(Y/N): All right. Tell me.
Natasha: Well, you've always preferred the cold. Quoting directly from you; "I'd rather freeze than burn."
(Y/N): Heh. I would.
Natasha: Of course, snow and hot chocolate are extra benefits as well.
(Y/N): Yes, ma'am.
Natasha: You know.
(Y/N): What?
Natasha: This is our first Christmas.
(Y/N): We've had a lot of Christmas' together, Natasha.
Natasha: Duh, killer. I meant that this is our first Christmas with-
(A snowball is thrown into Y/N's face.)
(Y/N): *wipes the snow off his face*
Natasha: [chuckles] The twins.
Laura & Daken: [laughing]
(Y/N stands up & makes his way towards his kids.)
(Y/N): You aren't going to be laughing after I'm done with you.
Laura: You aren't going to do anything, dad!
Daken: You're all talk, old man.
(It takes a second for Natasha & Y/N to register what Daken said.)
(Y/N): "Old man?"
Natasha: I believe our son just called you an old man.
(Y/N): I don't know how to feel about that.
Natasha: You can figure out how to feel later but right now, are you going to let our kids disrespect you like that?
(Y/N): No, I'm not.
(He makes two snowballs in his hands & runs at his kids.)
Laura & Daken: [scream]
(Y/N throws what seems like an endless supply of snowballs at his kids who frantically dodge each one of them.)
Natasha: [chuckles]
(A snowball goes across Laura's face, she watches it go by.)
Laura: Whoa...
(Y/N's finally able to corner Daken against a tree.)
(Y/N): You know, son, maybe I'll let you off the hook if you apologize.
Daken: Not a chance!
(Y/N): [whispers] As stubborn as your mother. So be it!
(He throws a snowball aimed directly at his son's face. As soon as the snowball gets close enough to Daken, he...)
(Pops three of claws &...)
(Slashes the snowball in two.)
(Y/N): I...I should've expected that.
(He throws a snowball at Laura who...)
(Does the same as your brother. She pops a claw out of her foot & slashes the snowball in two.)
Daken: Not bad, sis.
Laura: Not too bad yourself, bro.
(Y/N): Okay, using your claws in cheating.
Daken: "Cheating?"
Laura: You're just mad that you didn't think of slashing the snowball before we did.
(Y/N): Yeah, possibly. Natasha, little help?
Natasha: I suppose I could even the odds.
(Natasha stands up, makes some snowballs, & makes her way towards his kids with an extremely determined look on her face.)
Hours Later...
(Natasha & Y/N are sitting on their couch together, watching tv after Y/N put Laura & Daken to sleep.)
Natasha: You made sure that they brushed their teeth, right?
(Y/N): I did.
Natasha: They give you any trouble?
(Y/N): Laura didn't.
Natasha: And Daken?
(Y/N): Uh...
(Y/N): No...
Natasha: Really?
(Y/N): Yup!
Natasha: That's a relief.
(Y/N): Heh, yeah.
Natasha: So, are you looking forward to spending Christmas with Clint's family?
(Y/N): I guess.
Natasha: What's with that response?
(Y/N): I'm pretty sure his kids hate me.
Natasha: Why would they hate you?
(Y/N): Well, I have stabbed their father in the shoulder before.
Natasha: That's it?
(Y/N): I mean, I have more reasons as to why they hate me but-
Natasha: KIller. I promise you that they don't hate you.
(Y/N): [sighs] Okay.
Natasha: Besides, Laura's been looking forward to spending Christmas with them. Though, I'm sure Daken could care less.
(Y/N): Oh, I'm sure he's as excited as Laura. He's just not expressing it.
Natasha: Hmm, probably.
(Y/N turns on their TV & puts it on the news.)
Pat Kiernan: We are following a breaking news story. A high society gala rocked by an explosion when it went off at Park Avenue and 68th Street tonight. The cause of the explosion is still under investigation.
(Y/N): Nothing ever exciting happens in Ohio.
Natasha: Depends on your definition of exciting.
Pat Kiernan: But witnesses captured cell phone footage of a masked assailant fleeing the scene.
(A picture of the assailant is shown.)
Pat Kiernan: Authorities believe the assailant could be the Ronin who terrorized organized crime in New York and elsewhere. This is the first potential sighting of the Ronin in years.
(Y/N): That's not Clint, right?
Natasha: Of course it isn't. That's not his build and I don't see him putting his family in that kind of risk.
(Y/N): Okay, if that's not Clint, then who is it?
New York
(Kate Bishop is currently in a car as the gang chasing her try to break their way in. As one of the gang members stands on the hood of the car, Clint knocks him down, & stands in the middle of the remaining gang members. Just as Clint is about to take them on, he hears an all too familiar sound.)
(Y/N pops all six of his claws, lunges at one of the gang members, & stabs them into each of the gang member's shoulders.)
Man 7: [screams]
(Y/N): Hm. I've still got it.
Clint: (Y/N)?
(Y/N): Hey, Clint. What's-
(Another gang member punch's Y/N across the jaw but he breaks his hand due to Y/N's adamantium skeleton.)
Man 9: Ah!
(Y/N rips his claws out of the man. After doing that, Clint takes out the remaining gang members.)
Clint: [pants] What are you doing here?
(Y/N): Natasha and I were watching the news and she thought that you could use some help cleaning up this mess. Looks like she was right.
Clint: Of course she was. Is she here with you?
(Y/N): Oh, no. Her and the kids are on their way to your place. Christmas and all.
Clint: Right. No suit?
(Y/N): Didn't have time. I did bring it with me though.
(Clint looks at Kate in the car.)
Clint: Shall we?
(Y/N): Following your lead.
(Clint pulls Kate out of the car & into an alley as Y/N follows them.)
Clint: Oh, come on.
(Clint pushes her against a wall & takes off the hood.)
Kate: [panting]
Clint: Come on!
(Y/N): Was not expecting a girl.
Kate: You're...You're Hawkeye! And you're Wolverine!
(Y/N): Hey...
Clint: And who the hell are you?
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