A Maximoff Family Father's Day
The Maximoff Household
(It's early in the morning where we see Y/N sleeping next to Natasha.)
(Y/N): [snoring]
Natasha: (Y/N).
(Y/N): [snoring]
Natasha: (Y/N)?
(Y/N): [snoring]
(Natasha begins shaking him awake.)
(Y/N): [groans] What...?
Natasha: Happy Father's Day, killer.
(Y/N): *groggy* Woo...
Natasha: That was not the reaction I was expecting.
(Y/N): [yawns]
(He starts falling back asleep.)
Natasha: Well, I do have the day planned out for just and me but if you'd rather sleep...
(Y/N): Okay. I'm getting up.
Natasha: That's what I thought.
(Cut to Y/N in the shower while Natasha's in the bathroom.)
(Y/N): So, what exactly are we doing today?
Natasha: It's a surprise.
(Y/N): *gurgles water* Of course. [spits] Who's gonna be watching Laura and Daken?
Natasha: Yelena. She should be here soon.
(Y/N turns off the water, steps out of the shower, & wraps a towel around himself.)
(Y/N): Yelena. Great.
Natasha: Don't be like that. I thought you and her were on better terms?
(Y/N): She still calls me a dog and makes dog jokes around me. Also, the last time I saw her she impaled me onto a Christmas tree star.
Natasha: Didn't the two of you hug afterwards?
(Y/N): Yes.
(She cups his face.)
Natasha: Progress.
(Y/N): Yeah, progress.
(He notices his Natasha's hair isn't red anymore. It's...)
(Y/N): You're blonde again?
Natasha: Just for today.
(Y/N): Why?
Natasha: Since we were recognized during our honeymoon, I thought, I should try to prevent that from happening today.
(Y/N): You have the right idea.
(He walks over to the bathroom counter & puts shaving cream on face.)
(Y/N pops a claw & starts shaving his face with it.)
(Y/N): How do I look?
Natasha: Very handsome.
(Cut to Y/N making breakfast for Laura & Daken.)
(Y/N): Morning you two.
Daken: [yawns] Morning.
Laura: [yawns] Morning, dad.
(He places plates of bacon & eggs on the table giving his kids the chance to look at his face.)
Laura & Daken: You shaved?
(Y/N): Heh. Yeah. You guys like it?
Daken: You look better with a beard.
(Y/N): Honest. Thanks, son.
Daken: No problem.
(Daken sits at the table.)
(Y/N): And you, Laura?
Laura: *gestures her father to come over to her*
(Y/N walks over to his daughter & kneels down to her where she cups his face with her hands.)
Laura: So smooth.
(Y/N): I take it you like it then?
Laura: *uncups his face while smiling* Yes!
(Y/N): [chuckles] Okay, go eat your breakfast before it gets cold.
(Laura sits at the table as Natasha enters the kitchen.)
Natasha: Your father and I are going to be gone for a couple hours and aunt Yelena is going to watch you while we're away.
Laura: Okay.
Daken: Okay, mom.
(The kids are unfazed by Natasha's blonde hair.)
(Y/N): How come you two instantly noticed my shaved face but say nothing to your mother's blond hair?
Daken: She told us yesterday that she was going to dye it.
Laura: Yeah.
(Y/N): Oh. That's smart.
(Natasha kisses Y/N's cheek.)
Natasha: Isn't it?
Natasha: That must be Yelena. Killer, could you let her in?
(Y/N): Can't you let her in?
Natasha: Please?
(Y/N): [sighs] Okay.
(He walks to the door & opens it.)
Yelena: (Y/N).
(Y/N): Yelena. Good morning.
Yelena: You shaved.
(Y/N): I did--
(She cups his face.)
Yelena: Ha! As smooth as baby's bottom.
(He pulls his face out of her hands.)
(Y/N): Thanks for the comment.
(He lets her in & they are now on their way to the kitchen.)
(Y/N): Anyways, thanks for watching Daken and Laura for us.
Yelena: Don't mention it. Any excuse to spend time with my niece and nephew.
(They enter the kitchen where Yelena sees Natasha's blond hair.)
Yelena: I see that you copied my hair.
Natasha: Not for long.
(She walks to Y/N & is now standing next to him.)
Natasha: Your father and I are leaving.
Daken: *mouth full* Bye!
Laura: *mouth full* Love you, guys!
(Y/N): Please make sure they don't choke anything, Yelena.
Yelena: [scoffs] I will. Now get out of you two. We're going to have so much fun.
(They walk towards the door where Y/N opens the door for his wife. He's in the middle of walking out the door himself but Yelena calls out for him.)
Yelena: (Y/N)!
(Y/N): What?
Yelena: Try not to slobber all over my sister, okay?
(Y/N): [growls]
Yelena: [chuckles]
(He closes the door to see Natasha in their car, waiting for him.)
Natasha: She called you dog, didn't you?
(Y/N): In a way.
(Cut to Natasha driving with Y/N in the passenger seat.)
(Y/N): So, where are we going?
Natasha: So impatient.
(Y/N): [laughs] No.
Natasha: Would you like a hint?
(Y/N): Absolutely.
Natasha: Kids love this place.
(Y/N): Hmm. I got nothing.
(Cut to them in their now parked car, in the parking lot.)
Natasha: Still don't know?
(Y/N): Nope.
Natasha: You're adorable.
(She puts on some glasses.)
(Y/N): Since when do you wear glasses?
Natasha: These are fake.
(Y/N): Ah.
Natasha: You don't want me being recognized, right?
(Y/N): Yes, ma'am.
Natasha: Hence, the fake glasses.
(She puts them on.)
Natasha: How do I look?
(Y/N): So fucking cute.
Natasha: Perfect. That was what I was going for. Now, let's go.
(Cut to them walking, holding hands, to the entrance of where they are.)
(Y/N): [sniffs]
Natasha: Know where we are now?
(Y/N): [sniffs] Animals?
(They walk up to the entrance.)
(Y/N): Of course!
Natasha: How'd I do picking the place to spend your Father's Day?
(Y/N): You did great.
Natasha: Really?
(He kisses her forehead.)
(Y/N): Really.
(The two walk into the Columbus Zoo. They see and walk into many animal exhibits. To name a few; the African Lion, Amur Tiger, Asian Elephant, Mandrill, Polar Bear, Western Lowland Gorilla, & Zebra Shark. They even took a picture in front of the Koala exhibit because Natasha wanted to & Y/N was more than willing to oblige. As they continue to walk, Natasha has Y/N close his eyes.)
Natasha: Keep your eyes closed.
(Y/N): They're closed. You just make sure to lead me.
Natasha: *pulls Y/N forward*
(They finally arrive at the exhibit that Natasha had Y/N close his eyes for.)
(Y/N): Wolverines!
Natasha: I had a feeling you'd like this exhibit.
(Y/N): They're me!
Natasha: [laughs] Not really.
(He reads the plaque in front of the Wolverine exhibit.)
(Y/N): Did you know Alaskans view wolverines as a symbol of wilderness?
Natasha: I did not.
(She takes a picture of Y/N in front of the wolverine exhibit. They continue walking around the zoo until a cut showing them sitting on a bench together watching people go past them.)
(Y/N): I'm honestly surprised we haven't been recognized.
Natasha: Well, we did go all out on preventing that.
(Y/N): True...Hey, Natasha?
Natasha: Killer?
(Y/N): This Father's Day has been...ideal'no.
("Ideal'no" is "perfect" in Russian.)
(After hearing him say that, Natasha holds his hand tightly.)
Natasha: (Y/N).
(Y/N): Yeah?
(She kisses him.)
(Y/N): You know? Kissing you never gets old.
Natasha: Be weird if it did.
(Cut to them walking inside their house where Yelena turns a corner & sees them.)
Yelena: You're back. Have fun?
(They look at each other.)
Natasha: Yeah.
(Y/N): We did.
Yelena: Were you a good boy?
(Y/N): You just can't help yourself, can you?
Yelena: Last one for today.
(Y/N): I find that hard to believe.
Yelena: Would you believe me if I told you that Laura and Daken had made some gifts for you?
Natasha: Aw, they did?
Yelena: They did.
(Y/N): Looks like I've got to accept them then. Where are they?
Yelena: The living room.
(He walks over to the living room with Natasha & Yelena following him. He sees his kids finishing up their gifts.)
(Y/N): Your aunt tells me that you two made gifts for me?
Laura: You're back! We did!
(He notices Daken's gift.)
(Y/N): That's a pretty big gift, Daken.
Daken: It's not that big.
(He kneels down to their height & calls them over.)
(Y/N): How about you give me your gifts, sound good?
Laura: Yeah!
Daken: That works.
(Y/N): Okay, so--
(They show their father their gifts.)
Natasha & Yelena: [chuckling]
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