I Belong With You (Lacy)
Stacy was having trouble sleeping again. For the past few weeks she's been staying up later and later not able to get some rest. Ever since the old gang was back together it became harder to express how you felt to the others. It's worse when you all live in the same house.
She rolled over in bed, tossed and turned. But she still couldn't sleep. What's wrong with me? Stacy thought. I can't even get a good night's sleep anymore. Dan, this is his fault I know it is.
From first glance you wouldn't expect for Stacy and Dan to talk that much. But in reality they had fights that lasted for hours. It's unclear why they hate each other so much but they clearly dislike each other, whatever reason that may be.
Grunting it off Stacy rolled over again, staying up for another three hours before drifting off to sleep.
The next morning Stacy started to think about her other friends. Sparklez and Anthony were the first to come to mind because she saw them leave for work. They almost felt like complete strangers to her considering how they live in the same house. But they never spend time together anyways.
Walking into the kitchen the next friend stood there, making breakfast for everyone. It was Stampy, humming a delightful tune to himself. Stacy couldn't help but smirk at his goofy-ness and leaned against the wall. So childish, yet so funny. She thought.
Stampy was one, if not her closest friend. She was there to comfort him multiple times. She gave him advice and guidance when he needed it. And he gave her fun times and more cakes than you could ever imagine. But with all good memories there are bad ones, a specific one hit Stacy twice as hard unlike the other memories. But she chose to not think about it, she could never think about it.
Stacy almost fell forward when Stampy said, "Good Morning Stacy!"
"Oh, good morning Stampy." Stacy replied.
Stampy smiled at her which she returned with a smile of her own and the two separated to do whatever tasks they needed to do. Stampy baking his breakfast cake and Stacy needed her own motivation for the day.
Into the storage room was Dan looking through some chests. Stacy thought that she could take some sugarcane to make paper but turned away when she saw Dan rummaging around. Like a rat looking for some trash, she thought.
As if her luck couldn't get any worse she heard Dan walk up behind her. "Morning, Stacy."
Stacy didn't respond, she didn't even stop to acknowledge him, she just kept walking away.
"Fine be that way!" Dan shouted before heading into the basement.
About to head up the stairs, Stacy stopped in her tracks as she saw Lizzie jumping down from each step like a little kid. Hair brushed, already dressed, smiling all the way. She looked like something big and important was about to happen.
Jumping onto the floor she looked at Stacy with a smile. "Good morning! Did you get enough sleep?" Lizzie asked.
Stacy yawned. "Sure did. What's with you? You look like you're about to get engaged."
"I'm just glad to be back with everyone. Sure we're all fine by ourselves, but we work well together. I'm sure you and Dan can work together to if you put your differences aside!" Lizzie explained.
"I guess. Whatever Lizzie, you be you, and I'll be me." Stacy said running up the stairs and into her room.
Locking the door behind her, Stacy fell onto her bed. Everytime, she thought. Everytime I'm with her. I haven't felt this way since... no! Stacy you promised yourself not to think about it!
Getting up she walked over to get desk and pulled out a notebook where she kept all her short writings. It was supposed to be for reminders but it ended up being full of poems or made up mini stories. Picking up her pencil she started to write.
It was almost dusk now and everyone was back inside. Sparklez and Anthony came home early because it started to rain outside, they can't build safely in the rain. So everyone decided it was best to hang out, well... everyone except Stacy who was still in her room.
The whole dynamic of the room changes when Stacy is around. From her mere presence she can make a situation funny or depressing. But when she was locked in her room everyone assumed she was reading and didn't want to be disturbed.
So as the group played Monopoly (Stacy still in her room) Lizzie got up and said, "I'm going to see if Stacy's okay."
"Okay, but don't be surprised when she tells you to leave her alone." Dan warned.
Rolling her eyes Lizzie walked in the stairs and went around the railing, making her way to her friends door. She knocked and asked, "Stacy? Are you alright?"
But there was no answer. So Lizzie knocked and asked again. "Stacy? I know you're in there. Don't try to ignore me."
When there was no answer again Lizzie said, "Alright. I'm coming in. I don't care if you locked yourself in!"
There's a certain trick to Stacy's room that only Lizzie was ever able to master. There was something wrong with her door; if it was locked you could unlock it from the outside by jiggling it a certain way. Doing her technique Lizzie unlocked the door and walked inside.
This wasn't her first time in Stacy's room, and it all looked the same. Blue bed, blue walls, a blue and white rug that covered most of the floor, a closet, a desk, a... Lizzie stopped looking around a looked at the desk. But as she looked over towards the bed she saw Stacy sleeping. So that's why she's so quiet, she thought. However, looking back at the desk Lizzie saw a notebook open and unprotected.
Now Lizzie wasn't a big snooper but she thought that if it was important Stacy would've tucked it away. Besides she was nicknamed LDShadowLady, she was really sneaky. So Lizzie sat down at the desk and looked at the page... "Empty?" She asked herself. But instantly covered her mouth remembering Stacy was sleeping.
So Lizzie turned to the first page and read what looked like to be a poem.
Why did you say no?
I never asked for much,
All I wanted was your love.
All you wanted was cake.
All I wanted was someone to hold my hand.
All you wanted was a friend.
All I wanted was someone to make my days a little bit brighter.
All you wanted was someone who could keep up.
All I wanted was someone to love.
All while you saw me as a friend.
Please don't cry, I didn't mean to yell.
Please don't cry, I didn't mean to hurt you.
Please don't cry, I never wanted to harm you.
Please don't hate me, I just wanted to love you.
Just don't cry, he doesn't want you.
Just don't feel, he'll never want you.
Just don't show, he still cares about you.
Just don't get mad, or he'll never forgive you.
That's all I ask of you Stampy, why?
I gave you my heart and you put it in a cake.
Why do you only care about cake?
"Well that was weird... did some happen between Stacy and Stampy that I don't know about?" Lizzie whispered to herself. She flipped through a few pages and started on another poem.
I hate you,
I hate you,
I hate you Diamond Minecart.
You always get in my way when I'm at home.
You always get in my way when I'm alone.
You always get in my way in my head.
Leave me alone before I consider you dead.
I never understood why we hated each other,
It never makes sense.
I wish we could be friends but that can never be.
Maybe you just seem too chaotic for me.
Or maybe I'm too linguistic for you.
Or maybe we're halfway.
Maybe I'm still healing and I needed someone to blame.
Maybe I'm still broken and I needed someone to hate.
Maybe I'm still gone and I needed someone to bring me back.
Maybe you're my life boat and we don't even know it.
How funny is that right?
How we actually need each other to keep ourselves sane.
How I need you to help me find help.
How you need me to help you grow up.
How we need each other to move on.
I hate you,
I dislike you,
Why do I hate you?
Dan, why do I hate you?
Trying to keep quiet, Lizzie flipped through more pages until she got to the most recent poem dated to today. "The bedroom down the hall?" Lizzie whispered to herself as she started to read.
There's a special person in the bedroom down the hall,
A special person indeed.
A special person she is,
She is special to me.
Whenever she walks by I start to sweat.
Whenever she walks by my heart starts beating out of my chest.
Whenever she walks by I'm entranced by her looks.
Whenever she walks by I feel weird inside.
We both want her, but none of us can have her.
An angel in disguise,
I'm sure she fell from the sky.
We all want her but none of us can have her.
She lives down the hall, she's straight as a ramp.
She lives down the hall, she's going to pick Dan.
She lives down the hall, no one wants me.
She lives down the hall, Stampy already broke me.
A special woman she is indeed,
Whenever we're together I feel a lot better,
An angel in disguise,
She lives down the hall.
A special woman she may be, but she will never choose me.
Whenever I see her with Dan my heart's breaks a little more.
A demon in disguise, everything she tells me are lies.
I was broken once, but I won't be broken again.
The spirit woman lives in the bedroom down the hall...
"A poem about me? This is getting really creepy." Lizzie admitted. But as she turned the page a piece of paper fell out, it was a small piece of art.
Lizzie remembered the little art piece. She and Stacy were at the docks one day when an artist asked if he could sketch them. Lizzie never really had a good long look at this picture until now. Even noticing how the artist put his watermark on the art.
"Stacy's... blushing? How didn't I notice until now? And these poems... is she okay? Or is she just being over dramatic? I don't know anything anymore..." Lizzie said.
Just as she got up another thing fell out of the notebook, this time it was a piece of paper. Sighing Lizzie sat back down and opened the paper and read the poem inside.
There's a boy that I know.
Bittersweet years are what we have.
I never let it show, but he never knew that I really cared.
Goofy and young, it's hard not to fall.
I know how I feel and I don't know that it's real but I know,
I'm where I belong.
There's this douche that I know.
Prideful and stubborn. That's about it.
I never let it show, but I never knew that he's really nice.
With pride like the sun it's hard not to fall.
Not romantically, I mean he pushed me down the stairs.
But I know how I feel, I'm not sure if it's real
I just know I'm where I belong.
There's a girl that I know.
Sweet and beautiful like a flower in bloom.
I never let it show, but she never knows that I love her so.
Pretty and pink and the way she thinks, it's really hard not to fall.
And I'm being real, because I know how I feel and I she's the one for me.
But there's this girl that they all know.
Deep like the ocean and bright like the stars.
I never let it show,
But they see I'm covered with secret
But also one to many scars.
They don't know what to say, it wouldn't matter anyway.
I've been patiently waiting for far too long.
They know how I feel, and they know it's not real but we know we're where we belong.
Lizzie stopped and flipped the page over and read the back. "Oh god there's a back?"
Lizzie if you're reading this I know you go through my stuff. And I know you're in my room. To be honest I've been lying to you. I've been lying to everyone, I think I'm slowly going insane. I don't get enough sleep anymore, I'm always angry, and I lock myself up for hours on end. And I know why!
It's because of YOU! Not in a bad way, it's good! I never thought I would admit this but I'm a lesbian. Yeah I learned that a little while after Stampy rejected me. I know you don't feel the same way but if you do end up with Dan... He better treat you right. Because the moment he messes up I'm swooping in.
That crazy artist on the dock was right, who knew right? The picture says it all, and I know you've seen it. I love you and even if you don't feel the same way, just know that I'll never stop loving you. My little demon who lives in the bedroom down the hall.
I belong with you.
- S.H.
"Oh my God..." Lizzie muttered. She couldn't do this anymore, she needed some time to think.
She put back the papers in the notebook and closed it, then leaving her room and making sure the door was locked. Lizzie, walked down the hall into her room and stayed there for the rest of the night.
The next morning was normal for the most part. It was a weekend so Sparklez and Anthony stayed home today. Stampy was baking cake for everyone, while Dan tried to help. What shocked everyone was that Stacy was actually being... well Stacy. For awhile she's been so closed off, it's nice to see her being herself again.
But the peace was shattered when Lizzie came down. Dan, trying to tease Stacy a little bit, ran over to Lizzie and gave her a hug. But due to a twist of fate ended up landing face first on the floor. "Lizzie why?" Dan moaned from pain.
"Sorry Dan, have you seen Stacy today?" Lizzie asked.
Stacy walked in the room and coughed. "I'm right here, you okay Dan?"
"Yeah I'm fine..." Dan grumbled as he got up.
"So what do you need to talk to me about Lizzie?" Stacy asked.
"Don't pretend like I don't know. You know I know. And I know, you know, I know!" Lizzie argued.
"Oh the note? You saw that? How'd you get in my room?" Stacy asked surprisingly calm.
Lizzie hissed like she was a cat, "Don't use that kind of stuff on me Stacy! I know everything. I read the poems, saw the picture, and I even re-read some of your stories twice! Yeah, you heard me."
Stacy sighed in defeat, "I know you're probably really confused but let me expla-"
"No! I'm not done! How dare you think that I don't care about you, that none of us a care! We're all best friends, we're a squad! So what if Stampy rejected you? Or if you have no idea why you and Dan! But did you really assume things about me? It's not good to assume you know!" Lizzie shouted.
Lizzie's shouting got everyone's attention in the house. Sparklez and Anthony looked over to see what was happening. Dan looked awfully confused. And Stampy felt bad, he didn't like being reminded of that day he rejected Stacy. It hurt too much, for multiple reasons.
Lizzie continued, "I know you like to handle things on your own and that often you're too stubborn to get help. But I'm here for you, even if no one else seems to be. Get over here you drama queen!"
Confused Stacy was surprised when Lizzie grabbed her shirt and felt a pair of lips smack against hers.
Sparklez gasped, Anthony fainted, Stampy clapped, and a Dan took out his phone and snapped a picture. "This is going to be some good blackmail!" Dan said aloud.
"How can it be blackmail if it's not mail or black? Also I think they're going to become a couple afterwards." Stampy pointed out.
Dan groaned, "Whatever, I'm still posting this on social media Stampy."
After a few solid second Lizzie pulled back and stared into Stacys green eyes. "I belong with you too..."
The End
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