My Highschool Teachers
Why am I doing this? Because I can... also some of them are really funny.
1st Period: World History Honors with Mr. Carneval
Mr. Carneval: Alright, we're doing a mock trial of Christopher Columbus.
90% of class: He's Guilty!
Me: I mean... You can never tell what will happen when half of your crew are prisoners who would probably rape the native women.
Class: . . .
Me: And the other half of the crew was sick.
Class: . . .
Me: Plus most European powers at the time thought they were better than everyone else. And Columbuses journey was a gamble for the king of Spain. A lot of money was spent on that journey, so Columbus was in debt with the king-
Mr. Carneval: Rebecca, please just be quiet. You're on the jury, not defense.
Me: Damn
2nd Period: Environmental Science (Lab Embedded) with Mr. Fontaine
Mr. Fontaine: Blueshift... It's over. Go smack a grandma. It's over.
Some kid: Redshift... It's on!
Mr. Fontaine: I call copyright!
Some other kid: No exclude-o Pluto!
Mr. Fontaine: No exclude-o Pluto-
Yet another kid: That's f*"king hilarious!
Mr. Fontaine: Hey! Pushups! Right now! No cursing in my class!
Me: Oof.
Mr. Fontaine: Thegirlwhodraws1 what's the fifth stage of the life cycle of small stars?
Thegirlwhodraws1 (aka Katie): Planetary Nebula?
Mr. Fontaine: Are you sure about that?
Katie: Um-
Me: You got this Katie! I believe in you!
Mr. Fontaine picks on Katie too much.
3rd Period: Avid (a college prep class) with Ms. Satterfield.
Monday's and Wednesdays: College prep stuff
Tuesdays and Thursdays: Tutoring
Friday: Fun Friday.
Fun Fact. My boi Katie likes to re-draw art from other artists... I got her into StacyCat...
(Sorry the second one is sideways). But yeah. One more member in the StacyCat army!
4th Period: Lunch
Me: Nom
EthanBrine: *playing Fire Emblem*
Cortney: *Looking up white girl memes on the school laptop for some reason*
Diana: *I don't even know man*
TruePower6 (Aka AJ): *Reading Shrek smut*
Emma: *No idea what she's doing*
Me on Thursdays: *In one-on-one therapy*
5th Period: Gym with Ms. Henderson
Literally, our only exercise is walking around the gym. Then we play made up games all period.
But while we're walking...
Me: So Emily
Emily (some cute girl I like): ?
Me: So Jake the Dog right? He can change his form right?
Emily: Yeah?
Me: Does that mean he can change his dick size?
Emily: . . .
Emily: *Starts laughing*
Leslie and Mi Mi in the background: GET THAT REBECCA!
Though Emily switched classes so now we don't talk anymore.
So before we start doing our 'exercise' my dudes Leslie, Mi Mi, Geode, Dylan, and some other kid just play intense rock paper scissors.
Just rock paper scissors but if you lose you put your hand in the middle of the group (you have two chances since you have two hands) and whoever wins hits all the hands.
Also sometimes Geode does this-
Geode: *holds out his fists for a double fist bump*
Me: Friendship! *does the double fist bump*
6th Period: Creative Writing with Ms. Valente
Ms. Valente: Armani shut up and sit down.
Armani (the really loud girl): MISS-
Ms. Valente: ARMANI-
Ms. Valente: My bladder is more important than all of you.
She also really likes Harry Potter. You have no idea. She lets us play Minecraft if we're done with our work.
Cortney: Stop calling me a white girl!
Ethan: But you are a white girl!
Me: Calm down Pumpkin Spice.
Cortney: I don't even like pumpkin spice!
Ethan: Yet you drink every other coffee-
Me: Alright calm down Cortana.
Ethan: Cortana-
Me: *whispers into Ethan's ear* Give it 30 seconds.
Cortney: I HEARD THAT!
7th Period: English Honors with Ms. Satterfield.
Ms. Satterfield: *Chooses all the boys to play female characters and the girls to play the male characters in Romeo and Juliet*
Me: Wat-
Ms. Satterfield: Romeo and Juliet are implied have sex at the end of the scene. On the same night, they got married. Also, only the second day after they met.
Class: What the fuck!?
Me: Teenagers. Making bad decisions since the 1400s.
8th and 9th Period. Geometry with Mrs. Promyslovskaya (Mrs. P for short). Also Mr. H (I call him Mr. Hooter since his name sounds like Hooter)
Kids in the class: *doing stupid shit*
Me: *actually paying attention and trying not to fail*
Mrs. P: *trying to explain Geometry with her thick Russian Accent.*
Mr. H: *trying to teach the kids how to use a geometry compass*
And now a skit from what happened in that class once.
5 minutes until school got out
Me: *playing with a laser pointer*
Caleb (some kid in the class): *acting like a cat and trying to get the dot*
Mrs. P: Thank you for distracting him, Rebecca.
Dylan: *recording the incident on his phone*
Me: *mildly amused*
Caleb: Meow.
And here are some other teachers... Or other people who work for the school.
Wanda the Security Guard. Always yelling, "Get to class!"
Ms. P (a different one) she's the VP (Vice Principal). Will give anyone detection and will take your phone away.
Mr. Ojeda. The Principal. He's nice, knows almost all the student's names, and banned wearing white laces to school.
The YES program. Therapy basically. They do fun stuff too, like bowling. They also give community service hours to students just by showing up to a meeting and talking to other students.
Some of my friends:
Cortney: White girl 101. Her baby brother was born recently so that's neat. Always getting mad at me for teasing her and brings coffee to school. I call her Pumpkin Spice or Cortona but a lot of people think she's an Emily. And just to fuck with her I bend my knees so I have to look up at her. She hates this because she's shorter than me.
Ethan: You already know him.
Katie: A great artist who loves StacyCat as much as I do! She's nifty.
AJ: Shes really weird. And for some reason wants her character to be a prostitute in D&D. She loves Shrek Smut and we're in Creative Writing Club together.
Diana: Also brings Coffee to school and is a convincing Defense attorney. She always wears a hat (I'm not telling you why) and is really close to AJ. Yet they're not dating.
Emma: She's on Discord which is how we met. I don't know that much about her though. I mean... Does she have nice hair?
Emily: Shy, cute, and asks strange questions. The first text she ever sent me was "How to street lights work?". She laughs at my sex jokes and did I mention she's pretty? At least to me, she's pretty. My friends have been trying to hook us up ever since.
Leslie: The kid who is trying to get Emily and me together. Shes also the one who came up with intense rock paper scissors. And she throws any kind of ball way too hard.
Mi Mi: A short teen who looks shy and innocent but is just like Leslie. She's a lot shorter than Cortney though, I can rest my chin on her head. She's nice though and always says "bye" before I leave.
Geode: I only call him Geode because I cannot remember his name. He's also known as 'The Friendship Guy'.
Dylan: I don't know this guy is fucking strange.
Armani: I don't know what to say about her either. She's just really loud. She also calls Ethan 'Gay Boi'. I mean, everyone calls him that.
Caleb: Not really my friend just some guy in my Geometry class. He distracts everyone. Then again everyone in that class is distracting...
Then again everyone in that school is either Gay, Bisexual, Distracting as frak, or some kind of weirdo.
This is what I get for going to an Arts Academy!
So that's it basically. Nothing else to say unless something really awesome or really stupid happens. I do have more interesting people (whom I call friends) but they didn't make it into this thing. I just added the most interesting experiences I've had so far.
I'll do something soon... I hope...
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