A Dangerous Rescue Expedition II
"Jesse, huh?" Petra whispered, glad to have something to call the person she was trying to save.
The survivor whimpered again, shaking her head. Her name seemed to be the first thing that got through to her. Slipping the ID into her pocket, Petra edged over to Jesse. She hesitantly rested a hand on one of Jesse's, trying to reassure her.
Finally able to get a decent look at survivor in the dim light of the fire, Petra took in exactly what Jesse looked like. Her skin, despite appearing a pale grey from the cold, was definitely a few shades darker than Petra's, presumably a tan colour. She had long dark brown hair, that Petra had formerly mistaken for black out in the dark. Despite being somebody who looked like they were knocking on death's door, she was beautiful.
"Don't worry, Jesse." Petra said seriously, her voice quivering slightly. "I'm going to take you somewhere safe."
Jesse was quiet for a moment, before turning her head towards Petra. Much to the redhead's surprise, her eyes opened for the first time, barely slits.
"Who..." Jesse murmured, only sounding half awake. "...Olivia?"
"N-no." Petra said awkwardly. "I, uh, my name's Petra."
"Where..." Jesse mumbled, her eyes beginning to close again. "Don't... leave me..."
"You don't have to worry, I'm not leaving you." Petra insisted, although she didn't know if Jesse had actually registered that she wasn't this so called Olivia. "We're just taking shelter for the night, tomorrow I'll take you to my camp, okay? It gets too cold here at night to travel now."
Jesse didn't respond, although her whimpering had started again. Petra couldn't help but feel really bad for Jesse, only able to imagine how horrible it had to be, being so confused of where you are and what's going on around you. She prayed she never had to experience that.
There wasn't much more Petra could do after that, besides keep Jesse warm and watch over her. She's checked over Jesse for any more injuries, only finding surface cuts and scrapes and some really nasty bruises. Jesse remained completely out of it, drifting in and out of consciousness. Much to Petra's concern, she couldn't even get her as far as accepting water.
Hours were beginning to pass, as it got colder outside. Petra kept the fire going, although she was beginning to find it hard to stay awake as she sat beside the sleeping Jesse. She already functioned on little rest as it is – Lukas was always lecturing her about it – which meant she didn't have much energy reserved for suddenly staying up a whole night.
Tiredly looking between Jesse and the fire, Petra tried to keep herself awake. But even though her eyes were still open, Petra's wasn't paying much attention to anything any more. It was only a matter of time before she lost the fight, falling into a restless sleep.
Petra didn't know for how long she slept, not having known how late it was to begin with. When she woke up the fire had shrunk, but hadn't gone out. Outside the cave, the sun had only just started rising.
It only took Petra a moment to remember what had happened the previous evening, bolting up into a sitting position and immediately turning to Jesse. She felt relief washing through her system, still able to see the gentle rise and fall of Jesse's chest. Her brown eyes were slightly open, but unfocused as she gazed up at the roof of the cave.
"You made it through the night." Petra breathed in relief, pulling a hand through her red hair. "Thank god."
"Falling." Jesse whispered, not appearing any less delirious than the day before. "Just... falling."
"Hey, listen to me." Petra said, turning Jesse's head so she was looking her in the eye. "It's over, okay? You're safe now."
"They're dead." Jesse's voice was barely a whisper. "All dead."
"I know, a lot of people died, but you're okay and we have to focus on that." Petra insisted, trying to keep her voice sympathetic yet stern. "You have to work with me here, okay Jesse? There are people back at the base who has a lot more medical experience than me, and I need to get you back to them before anything else. It's the best chance you've got."
Jesse didn't respond, her eyes closing again. She took a shaky breath, tears brimming her closed eyelids.
"Just end it." She whispered. "Please."
"No! I've not gone through all this just to- no!" Petra shook her head firmly. "I'm getting you to safety."
She wasn't sure if Jesse was conscious enough to understand, if she was she didn't show it. So Petra took her whimpering silence as a go ahead, beginning to stuff most of the her supplies back into her bag.
Jesse was dressed warmly, but Petra knew she couldn't afford Jesse to become hypothermic again. Taking out the clothes she took from some of the backpacks, Petra pulled the wool sweater on over everything Jesse already wore, before putting the waterproof ski jacket over that. She even put the hat she wanted so badly, onto Jesse, deciding that she needed it more at that moment.
"You ready for this?" Petra asked, not expecting an answer as she looked Jesse in the eye.
Jesse was looking at Petra with a frightened expression, her large brown eyes properly open for the first time. Some colour was just beginning to seep back into her face, although she was still as pale as a ghost. She didn't look like she was going to respond to the redhead's question.
"Come on." Petra said, stiffly lifting Jesse up from the ground.
Jesse clung onto Petra desperately, quickly beginning to whimper again. Petra felt bad for her, realising how absolutely terrified Jesse had to be. But she'd thank her one day.
She hoped.
Outside, Petra carefully picked up the bag with all the frozen food. She had left it in the snow so it wouldn't thaw out, praying a wolf didn't come for it. Fortunately all the packages were still closed and untouched.
"So are you a vegetarian or do you like chicken?" Petra asked, thinking that was all the survivors were going to eat for a while.
Jesse didn't respond, continuing to cling to Petra. Giving up on trying to make conversation, Petra looked down at the map. There was no way she was carrying Jesse down the hill she came up, she'd have to take a different route. The only clear path she could see was much longer, probably what the others took when they returned with the first survivors. She had to hope it was right.
"The sky..." Jesse whispered dizzily as Petra began walking away from the cave where they spent the night. "Where did it go?"
Petra sceptically looked up at the greyish sky above them. "There it is." She mumbled, not receiving a response.
It was cold, much colder than the previous day. Snow was softly falling around Petra as she walked through the snowy forest with Jesse still clinging to her, already beginning to shiver. Petra could see the first signs of the coming blizzard, thick, dark grey clouds collecting in the distance. She's seen enough of those to know it'd be upon them twenty-four hours later, and probably stay for two to three days. Petra prayed that what she brought back would be enough to last them and the survivors until it was over.
It felt like Petra's usual stamina was cut in half, her arms and back aching by the time the sun had risen a few more inches into the sky. She stopped behind a large rock that would block the icy breeze that had kicked up, before carefully lowering the survivor to the ground. Jesse was trembling from head to toe despite all the clothes Petra had put on her, shivering as she wrapped her arms around herself. Despite the fact that she was finally sitting up by herself, her eyelids had started to droop again.
"We're not far now." Petra said, looking at the map and beginning to smile breathlessly. "We just have to make it down this last slope and cross the frozen river, then it's a clear stretch back to base camp."
A sudden, sharp inhale from Jesse alerted Petra immediately. She had scrambled back against the stone, her back pressed to her. Her brown eyes were back to being wide open, fear written across her face.
Swinging around, Petra followed Jesse's gaze right into the trees. She felt her heart skip a beat, immediately reaching for her revolver at the sight of the wolves. There were three of them, or at least three that Petra could see, lurking between the trees. Unlike the wolves from the previous day, these were slowly circling, surrounding.
Of course! Petra felt her blood run cold. The smell of blood was probably radiating off of Jesse! The wolves could clearly tell she was weak and injured, and they were desperate enough to take that chance.
Suddenly, with a nearly unnoticeable signal from the alpha, the wolves began to charge straight at them. Thinking quickly, Petra raised her revolver to the sky and shot. The wolves all dug in their feet, one of them yelping in surprise as it pulled back it's ears. Jesse cried behind Petra, not having expected the shot.
Petra's heart was racing as she faced the wolves who all still stood their ground. The alpha's teeth were bared, snarling aggressively. That was official the first time she's encountered such determined predators.
Suddenly the pack's alpha shot forward, right at Petra. Whether there truly wasn't time to get her finger on the trigger or whether she was the one who hesitated, Petra didn't know, but she didn't have a chance to act. It felt like everything went into slow motion as the wolf leapt up, clasping her strong jaw around Petra's right shoulder.
Jesse shrieked as the wolf brought a screaming Petra down with her, the two of them crashing into the snow. Somehow Petra got herself into the right position in time, kicking the wolf in the ribs with her boot. Yelping, the alpha let go of Petra, right as another warning shot sent her retreating.
Petra scrambled back up onto her feet, running on adrenaline as she looked for the other wolves. The more skittish of the bunch had retreated with the alpha, both of them watching from the trees with their lips pulled back. But the third wolf wasn't in sight.
It only took Petra a split second to register that she had been distracted, swinging around on the spot to see the wolf closing in on Jesse. The survivor's eyes were wide and fearful as she pressed back against the rock, trembling with cold and fear. The wolf got ready to pounce, it's yellow eyes locked on Jesse.
Instinct took over Petra and she shot – she hadn't aimed to hit the wolf, the bullet barely grazing it's hind leg. Howling in pain, the predator abandoned it's prey instantly. Blood painted the white snow as the wolves fled, one of them still wailing pitifully. Jesse was crying, but her sobs fell on deaf ears as Petra breathlessly watched the animals flea. Her heart was racing and her ears were ringing. She felt incredibly dizzy all of a sudden.
Petra's legs gave way beneath her and she collapsed into the snow. Her breaths were coming out in large, laboured white puffs, while her blue eyes were wide and filled with shock. Her face contracted in pain as she reached her left hand up to her right shoulder, letting out a weak cry of pain as she did. Pulling her hand away, she stared down at the dark red stain covering most of her glove. The sight only added to how light-headed she already felt.
Pulling her gaze away, Petra looked up with a desperate and pained expression plastered across her pale face, tears beginning to pool in her eyes. She still had so far to go, how was she ever going to make it back?
If only she didn't have somebody else's life beside her own depending on her, somebody else she had to get to safety. Somebody she had to carry with strength she no longer had.
"Blood." Jesse choked out, her eyes locked on Petra's shoulder. "Blood."
"I'll live." Petra said through gritted teeth.
She closed her eyes, taken a few deep breaths. The pain was absolutely blinding, and she felt sick to her stomach. Even the task of bandaging up her arm felt impossible.
It took Petra a few moments to gather herself enough to reach for the backpack she had dropped. She open it with shaky hands, feeling for a bandage. The would would have to go without getting cleaned, as she used the last antiseptic to tend to Jesse's wounds. Petra was more focused on stopping the bleeding than anything else at that moment.
Jesse had covered her head with her arms like she was scared more wolves were going to come barrelling down on her, whimpering softly. Petra realised she had choice but to hold on and continue carrying Jesse, as she definitely couldn't walk by herself. They've come that far, she had to get Jesse back safely.
"I know you're confused about everything right now." Petra said as she shakily got to her feet, walking over to Jesse. "But you're going to have to hold on tightly."
Jesse still didn't seem to pay any attention to Petra as she was picked up, but didn't hesitate in wrapping her arms around the redhead's neck so firmly, she nearly choked her. Petra welcomed the distraction, her shoulder throbbing violently.
The wind was picking up rapidly as Petra made her way own the slide, trying hard not to slip in the fresh white powder. She recognised the surroundings, no longer needing the map to know how to get back to the base.
Petra's eyes desperately scanned the frozen over river, uncertain about crossing with the extra weight in her arms. Luck was on her side, a fallen tree making the perfect bridge across the river not far from where she wanted to cross. They had a clear stretch home.
Gusts of icy wind tugged at their clothes as Petra walked through the thick snow, her teeth chattering violently. Jesse's whimpers had grown silent, her entire body having gone still in Petra's arms. She was still alive, but quickly deteriorating in the sudden cold.
"W-we're not far now." Petra tried to reassuring the survivor, staggering forward into the snow. "Just hold on, just hold on."
It was becoming harder for Petra to see, not because of the wind and snow, but because her vision was drifting in and out of focus. She staggered dizzily a few times as she walked, the combination of cold and shock beginning to catch up to her.
"I see her!"
Petra staggered again, shaking her head. She had to be hallucinating, that couldn't be Jack's voice. She still had too far to go.
"Oh my god, Petra!"
No... was that Lukas?
Petra stopped, her legs quivering beneath her. She could feel herself sinking to the ground, still clutching Jesse, as the wind tugged at their clothes and hair. She felt too dizzy to know which was was up and down, her vision beginning to flicker.
A pair of strong arms caught Petra before she could fall sideways into the snow, somebody else's body heat seeping into her chilled form. Jesse was no longer there, somebody else having taken her from Petra.
"Lukas?" Petra asked weakly, managing to blink her eyes open again.
She could see two worried blue eyes gazing down at her, her friend's face out of focus but there.
"God you scared me." He whispered, hugging her tightly. "We heard the gunshots."
"Lukas, come on!" That was definitely Jack's voice. "We need to get them back!"
Petra tilted her head to the side as Lukas lifted her up, her eyes searching the blurry grey surroundings until they came to rest on Jack. He was easily supporting Jesse's small form in his arms, her eyes closed and her skin pale.
"Jesse..." Petra whispered softly.
"Jesse?" Lukas asked.
"I mean... that's what stood on her ID card." Petra responded dazedly, her voice slurring as she spoke. "I found her... at the crash site."
"She's in good hands now." Petra heard Lukas say as her eyes began to close. "Right now we need to tend to you."
Petra didn't say anything, only managing a faint smile. She couldn't be happier that the awful expedition was over.
Finally posting this!
Sorry for the wait, guys! I meant to edit and get this out sooner, but I was completely distracted by wrapping up my next full story! Look forward to that in the not so distant future-
But anyway, here we have it, the second half of A Dangerous Rescue Expedition! I had SO much fun writing this, you guys have no idea- so much fun that I actually wrote another small sequel for it, because I thought you guys would like to know what happened to Jesse and Petra in the coming days!
I should probably leave most rambles for that one's A/N instead of dumping all my excited opinions here- I'll do that!
Honestly I love this whole concept so much, if I had enough plot for it I would've turned this into an entire book- this idea has so much potential aaa
Enough babbling! I hope you guys enjoyed this one shot - or two shot soon to be three shot - and I'll see you all in the next one! Comments always appreciated!
There's going to be a lot of one shots the next week-
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